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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1920)
A »Shoes for the Family Hear Campbell TONIGHT Big Tent SEVENTH AND E .SSfOÆS TENT WELL HEATED —ON— “OUR DAY IN THE LIGHT OF PROPHECY” For Ladies in Browns and Black- Kid and Calf Skin All sises annd Widths A to E SEATS FREE 7:45 4 A FULL LINE OF BOY’S AND GIRL’S SCHOOL SHOES « “War Between Capitol and Labor WEEDIE IT’S CAUSE, MEANING AND OUTCOME Every suit guaranteed to fit. Quality the very beet. Style up to the minute. 19 SUBJECT SUNDAY EVENING, OCT 10TH SPECIAL MUSICAL L A ‘ fl. Orwgon bouse. a Growers Packing 97 PROGRAM TWEEDIE BOOT G. Ament, owner. P. O. Box «»0. I) INSURANCE—Fire, automobile, life, accilent and health T. M. Stott. FOR RENT A. comfort« Me be. I I- room with bath >6 per month. 398 North Sixth St. «9tf Allan J. Cowan and family, of Ar* Phone S85-R. »7 »dla. Wit., were registered' last COAL—Order now for future de night at the Western Others regis livery. No coal oarried in stock FOR SAI.E—O. A C. cockerels from trap-nested hena «46 'North See- tered at the Weeteru were Mr anJ Get wood in now while weather is 97 Mrs W J. McClellan, of Cottage ond street. phone ph _ 2 145-Y; rood. Williams Wood Yard Phone Grove, and F. L. Dunbar, of Salem 137. . a d '■ 71tf FOR RENT—.Pleasant front ' bed-' room, gentleman preferred In- FOR 9MLE—Modern bungalow with quire at ««0 North Fourth or 1 samnni Patum IHew— furnace, also 3-room house. Mrs Samuel 8 Patton died thia morn 97 phone 165-J. F. D Stricker. 215 West B St. 90tf ing after a short illness at hta home OAK IJ1NI.JV. room set and oil stove CALL WHITE IJNB TAXI at dom at 430 West G street The deceased, for sale. Inquire of Margaret eñe Drug Stere. 46-R. Residence who was 57 years of age, is survived Moor* 96 phone 381. 7-3-Stf by a widow and nine childr<w Ar FOR SALE—Owing U bar roads will rangements have not yet been made JOS. MOSS AGENCY—Fire ins ar* sell Studebaker sedan. Inquire at for the funeral services ance, plate glana liability lnsur- Fashion Garage or of Margaret tf anee. 304 H Sixth street. Moore. 96tf I I«x>klng for Minor*— E. L. GALBRAITH—Real Estate. In BODY FIR WOOD for sale Inquire Some activity la apparently immi surance. and plate glase liability. at 304 West L street. 101 nent in the Old Channel mine as J 609 H G street, phone 28. 40tf TURKEYS for sale—Pure bred mam R. Harvey is looking around today MRS. JAMES M POWERS, instruc moth bronze turkeys, some fine tor placer miners and sawmill men tor on piano; studio over Barnes' toms, a number of hens, some half A San Francisco concern has been jewelry; open 9 to 8 daily, except grown »tock. Wil! sell one or looking the property over and they Monday and Tuesday. Phone 265-J more of bunch Can be seen at will probably start the mine up at ranch on East M street. Mrs. C once. FOR SALE—Cull pears, 3 boxes for --------- Order your suit Today TOPS AND SPATS MEN’S DRESS AND WORK SHOES Underwear, Shirts, Sox- Gloves, Neckwear, Collars, Hats and Cajm in Brown, Eawn and the new Biscut Shade. “THEY FIT” BUCKINGHAM AND HECHT SHOES “ALLIGATORS NEVER LEAK” Alligator Waterproof Clothing Guaranteed not to leak, stick or crack. Coats, pants and hats. «^JL V* A full line of rubbers, rubber boots and shoes for men, women and children. QUALITY THE BEST PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT WOO DWA RDS 103 North Sixth St. T Let Us Place These on Your Farm THE FORDSON TRACTOR To help reduce overhead expense, to get better crops, to make working conditions better. They will keep the boys at home. They take drudgery out of Farm work. ° i ' 1 '------ - “"*■ T û JJ * V / ** * A » • V Z L- 1 THE FORD TRUCK—The most economical ton truck ever offered the Farmer. A truck that can market your crops at a low cost. A car load to arrive in a few days. Place your order NOW THE FORD SEDAN—A car that will fill your needs as a business or pleasure car, one that mother or sister can drive. No matter where you want to go the Ford Sedan will sure take you. Sun shine or rain, the Ford Sedan takes you in comfort. Ask for a demonstration. C. A. WINETROUT AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE 4