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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1920)
MATI IU'AY. (STIMIEH ». IWN) Classified Advertising' WANT») xtH HAXJC Fancy Berkablree doe« WANTED TO BUY Plano, win pay I, related to the 36600 boar and oaah. must be In good condition the 33*00 aow recently sold at and worth the money. Addreaa publie auetlon In tbe east Hiver 212 North Second St W J Teal. Hanke Ferme ddtf HAI* Tenneeee« While Win WANTED -Cheap work horee. light wagon, »mall dl«c harrow, plow. Addreaa with particular«. T. A Bird, Placer. Ore. n Folti* in nr»t rlaae condition for Mln Mee County Agent, eou ri WANTED -Good Hal top offl<« desk ho use •••! C. A Swope, ltd North (th St. »?tt rv»lt RAI* Hlach Jeraey eow and WANTED Young lady want« work, young calf; 3-ton Velio truck and experienced In different work. Ad- equipment for lumber hauling, dre»» Nadia Simmon», ltd 1, Box also hand bolat tor dump body In- •I. »7 quire 71» South Fifth, 7Ilf WANTED -Applepicker» tor River ••HINDER’' lead« aa usual—1»31 Basks Farm« Phone 607-F-3 »8 models on floor Granta I'ae» Hard ware Co. He« them Your term» WANTED Men to work on farm. • re our«. J W Hoott. «ala« man. Permanent position. River Banka ■ger Singer Hewing Machine Co Farm». 76tf WANTED To board and A2.FAI.FA HAY It you want good working man, In comfortable home Term». 140 per month hay see H. N. Parker Phone Phone 285-R. 136-Y »1» rolt HAIJ6--170 acre ranch. »0 WASTE!/ Apple picker» at Vannoy or<-hard*. Phone «08-F- a roe cleared. Brace place near Murphy J- F Klein et Dwmaray'e 12. 91 Drug Store »• AFPLE PICKERS wanted Tre«» loaded R K Ro»» 9« FOB HALE—House. bnrn. calcken bouse. eo«. 180 ehlrken». every FOH IIH\T thing needed on a farm 87 26 acre«, well fenced, part under rnl- Foil RENT Five room cottage on tivatlon. will relinquish at a very Orchard Ave. Inquire at Peerle»« low figure on account of poor Clothing Store »ttf iluto. health 1.3 mile« from U*T <>ro . on highway, Inquire J. W. •« Limback. LX)ST -Suitcase containing child'» olothlng Saturday between Shat tuck place on Crescent City roait Finder please leave at Courier 94 D a YTONIA BICTCi* -Nearly new For aale cheap Ralph Deen. <18 II «treet »« MIMKI.I.AAKOIM P1GH FOR SAI* 6 large and 4 «mall Add rae» A. Griehaber, P. O Box 133. KNIGHTB OF PYTHIAS- Ther mopylae lodge No. 80. meets every ■econd and fourth Tuaaday even ing, Visitor« Invited 09tf <MM»d too paa- Ora Nt IlKERY »lock of all kind«. Orna mental. «bad» and fruit tree» Ge«> 91 I! Parker 70tf‘ 12 ACRE POULTRY RANCH, good house. 3 acre» cleared, wire, per AlaHANT NITUWRY. UMa Of <081- Ity F. E. Jordan, special agent. fect grape land. I«»» than hail Grants Pa«« 83tf value See owner at 701 E street (behind poetoffice), Grant» Pa»». TAX. • Oregon OONER TAXI Phone 262-R Foil MALE Furnished rooming Jitney l.iike or Cutler Cnil» house all full, all light boueekeop- • wered anywhere, anytime. Ing room» 833 J atreet. Phone 369-J II FOR IUIX Marquis recleaned wheat. 32 60 «I ranch. al»o tone alfalfa hay «nd 40 acre* ture W- D Mee. Applegate. PHt HALE—For fall seeding. elf»!- Í fa.'red clover, gray winter oat»'.! HEAL ESTATE «etch «nd rye at Count* Feed Store 96 E T McKINSTRY. 60S O St . phono 13-R; general real estate buslne»» FOR SALE »o-acr* r«llaqui»hment ! Host of «oil» for fruit, hay or gen S mile from railroad. 11 mH«» eral terming from Granta Pa»», 2<>00 cord» of wood, fair bouee. price 1800. 3. R Verdin. 16 Rogue River Ave CIVIL ENGINEER Daniel McFar- »» laud. Civil Engineer and Surveyor Rea. 747 North Tenth St. Phone FOR RAUS- 1 wood «aw. 1 le englne. 1 g' b. p. engine. 1 211-Y. 101 P engin«. All nearly new. DRAY A<iE AM» TRANSFER F «treat. Phone 361-T. FOR 8AUB—St acre* of rich 18 acre» alfalfa, plenty of and waler right; «mall new and barn. Will taka some or lime, at 32NOO Addreaa Bailey, Murphy. Or«. land. enter house trade E. L. »Ntf , THE WORLD MOVES; so do we ! Bunch Broa. Tranafer Co. Phon* - 84». F. G. ISHAM, drayage and tranafer. 8af*«. piano» and furniture moved, packed, «fclppe«! and stored WOOD FOR SALE After October Office phone 124-Y 11th. at 23 2 Weat I street. J. S. Smith. 36 S"ME BARGAIN- ISIS model Ford R. J. BILLICK. A4. D. Phy»ician touring car In flrat clam condition. and «urgeon. office 8challhorn n«iw tlree all around and two ex block, phone 64-J; residence. 1004 tras. Price 3386, 3160 down take» !<nwnridge, phone 54-L. it. balance easy* terms. Call at 209 West H street. W. F. RUTHERFORD Manna' *he- raputlca. It got» your aivment FRMHII YOi'NG COW for «ale. In- Office over Barn«»' jewelry »tore. quire 200 We»t C atre«'t or Arcade Office hour» 9:30-12; 1:39-4. Barber «hop. 90 Some Teai PERCY I.. .«»»»par CROSBY »V Iti» >«cCI», (,n«ll«»t»| Quality Goes ClearThroutfi 4 The Motor Car Price Situation A Message From J. Dallas Dort President Dort Motor Car Company “The price of the Dort car is reason able and fair; tilt1 total net advance in list within a period of 2 years having been but 17 per cent against advances 4-) pel ranging if from 1!) 19 per eent cent to 45 per cent in the list of oth(*r leading makes. i Maxwells Therefore there will lx* no price reduc- tion by tlws company. 1 Carload now on our floor at “There lut8 been as yet no break in ma- terial or lalmr cost that would war- rant any price reduction in the Dort car. New Price, $1185 Old Price $1335 “On the contrary, materials have liecn purchased l»v us, anti by all motor car manufacturers, for 1921 production- at a very considerable advance as a whole o' i-r 1920 material costs. AeCMT* POR.J «F • HUDSON MAXWELL- CHALMERS ANO ESSEX CARS “ riierefoijc, unless those purchase con tracts arc treated by the purchaser as scraps <<f paper or the seller voluntarily revises contract prices downward, there can be no justification for any motor ear manufacturer to reduce prices unless he has been profiteering, which means tli.ït he has been reviving excessive profits. JSSORIES AMO REPAIRING fa1 -r»»- PHONE 317 STREET, I I GRANTS PASS, ORE SÇX IDAS *s* Second-Hand Bargains "If thebe be such manufacturers, this is the most opportune time for them proijprlv to adjust prices to the sound values of their product.” MAXWELL—F1NF SH APE ..-M50 CHEVROLET ............................ FORD DELIVERY . , D„ Practice FOR SALE CHEAP—(lroen pepper», I.. O. CLEMENT, M llmlte«! to dlaea»e» of eye. ear. nose '»hbage. green and ripe tomato««, and throat. Gla«»ea fitted. Hour» carrota and onlona. 31 per hun- 9-12. 2-6, or on appointment. «lred by gatherin«. Bring boxe», Phone«, office 62; residence 359-J Mr». Sanford al Dlmmlck ranch. 100 8. DOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician FOR SAIJ-; -Petite prune» to per and surgeon. City or country call» pound at Adam* orchard. T.ecuat attended day or night. Phon«*. Hill. Bring boxe». »8 R m . 38»; Office. 182; 8th and II Clancy Kids ORT The present prices of current Dort models are guaranteed against reduc tion. AUTO TOPS Replace the shabby top with a light, enny-twhandle weather proof one now. Smart looking, serviceable tope— (»erfect fitting hn«l improving the car's looks—a wide choice In ma terials and colors. OUR PRICES LOWEST A. N. Parsons 208 N. 6th Street G. B. BERRY I Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier