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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1920)
SATURDAY, ocvobka », 1 DAflT OOUHÍKB FIRST CLASS RANCH THE NEW Live Stock, Farm Equipment CON JI Oí RED By MANY MOTORISTS THt BEST FABRIC TIRÉ 0N THE AMERICAN MARKET AT PUBLIC AUCTION INSPECTION Many ar* th* penta that beset any two while it i* being built. On awry aid* our lynx-eyed inspector* ar* ever »«arching for th* moat minute flaw. Those master-workmen uiho build our "D” Type far* arc ever watchful for defect*; their greateat joy is in the perfect tir*. for on perfection only id their bonus and premium pay baaed. "li«U >W •• • «twsrtw i< *ymbah< o( Th» S pin I m I» "Sava«*" Tir* L»mp*n* B> b.rth h* ia a "S*v***'’, b» sde^tiza, a m*mbo of T)<a Houa* a( S p « o I m I* 0 Wia* lo, hi* peata, aJucatad >n moàetn MMya and ad unth Ih* af Ih* cqtnùMtott h< «*pt«**nle. Ih* Ititi* •'chwf ' i* an «uthou-y «n Ih* wnalnKlian of "Sava**" luta and t ite, < lt ia M- hn« ihat Ih* alwlmj *uahi>a* and Ih* aluri’m«** o( h«, rat* aia chaiaattnaln tv*, of Ila ptaduUa unth udiuh ha ia aaaocialed Perfection only ia worthy of the name of "Savage”, and of the support of The Houae of Spreckels. So only those tirea which are considered per fect by my people can bear our name and »enal number. Much nearer to our goal, th* making of "the beat fabric tire on the American market", have theee many inapection» and close attention to the little thing* brought ua. And many of you raise up your voice* and declare that we have reached our goal. ■ «Ai irre vmi a matadictci LITTLE HEAP HAS SPOKEN. THE FOLLOWING MESSAGES AFFLA* IN THIS SEJUM Wn**d Tr-4. 9 m U C ww Orer-tûe and Extra Pty. Special Breaker Extra Breaker Cover. Teu<b TraU IsMpectMML Buut to Excel A Product of the Hou« of Sprechet*. OUR BEST ASSET IS THE SATISFIED CUSTOMER-^ ^THESPRECKEL^SAVACrm^CO^^^^^^^^AI^^EGO^A^^^^^ WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS SWME TIRES AND TUBES (Naa* *4 l i*,i n<l» lin I* h* a* AGENTS EVERYWHERE Uv.1 For aale at public auction to the hlrbeet bidder, one of the beat and moat beautiful ranches of tbe Rogue River Valley, containing »1 5-7 acre* of fruit and alfalfa land, a fine wooden dwelling houae, three storie* and basement, containing nine large room». sleeping porch, and large bathroom, with acreened-in veranda about 12 feet wide around tbe houae; Equipped with electric lights, au tomatic pump for water, furnace and other modern convenience*; Bungalow, 3-rooms, shower bath and open tire place; Ijarge barn, with packing house facilities, pump house and modern pump, tool house, poultry houses, etc. Foreman's bouse of four rooms; Well bouse, with engine, pump and reservoir tank. Tbe buildings axe insured for *10,- 000. 31 3-7 acres in Bose, Comice and Anjou pears, 18 or 19 years old and in full bearing. The rest of tbe premises, except the garden and the ground. Imme diately around the buildings, and about six acres of choice grain land. Is all in alfalfa. The Medford Irrigation District, a State organization. will supply water to the place for irrigation purposes, not later than May 30, 1922. This is an ax'urrl fact. Con servatively speaking, irrigation doubles the alfalfa crop and adds at least twenty-five per cent to the pear crop. The sale will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. on tioneer will offer the farm equip ment and live stock for sale. Thia includes four horses, cow, poultry, spray rig, mower, hay rake, wagons, etc., and all necessary equipment to run the place. No bids under *1,000 will be re ceived on farm equipment and live stock. A first class foreman can be em ployed. The following opinion of the value of the property is given by the men who are or have been directly Inter ested in the property and its produc tiveness: “I think the above described pro perty is worth very much more than *35,000 now." (Signed) S. P. BECKWITH, Pacific Net A Twine Co.. Seattle, Wn. Ex-manager Rogue River Valley Fruit A Produce Ass’n. E. IB. Thompson, Medford, Ore., pppraiser of the California Land Rank Company. San Francisco, Cal. Refer by permission to the First National Bank of Medford. Ore.. First National Bank of Ashland, Ore. or E. D. Briggs. Esq., Ashland, Ore. Medford is recognized as the best pear producing section in the coun try. Its late pears cannot be equaled. The ranch offered for sale above, and now called the Black Oak ranch. Is perhaps better known aa tbe old Stewart place. Mr. Stewart was the original orrhardist in the valley and this place was chosen by him for himself or his son to own. It was laid out under his personal supervis ion and care, and for this reason the ranch is favorably known through out the valley. The house is admirably suited for a country residence. The land lies on the east side of Jackson Creek on the place. Ross Lane, about four and about four and a half miles from and one-half miles from the Medford the Medford depot, and two miles from Central Point. The roads to , depot. No bids will be received for less either town are In fine condition. Directly in front of the house one i than *35,000. A deposit of *2,500 must accom gets a view of Mt. McLaughlin and pany the accepted bld, the balance to (to the right Mounts Wagner and be paid in one week from date of Ashland, sale. Prospective purchasers are Invited Immediately after the sal* of the to examine the ranch property at above described property, the auc- any time before sale. Saturday Nov. 13, 1920 AGENTS EVERYWHERE (294) H. G. Enders Wholesale Company q DISTIUBI TORN ASHLAND, ORBGON FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS PHONB IAS BRING US YOUB MWHANICAL TROVBLKS OF ANY KIND. WK HAVB THE IIRHT OF TOOIX AMD EQUIP MENT AND OUR MWHANK» ARK THK HEBT TO BB OBTAIN KD. WN MAKB A 8 PM TALTY OF HIJOO- TWCAL TROUBLE MOOTING, O.V BRRAULING LATHE, AMD MAOIIINH WORK OF ALL KINDS. WALDO W. WILLARD Medford, Oregon Moore Bakery ————■—i——»——■— Guaranteed Mileage Under New Management BREAD PRICES 30x3 1-2 $ 14.75 Maxwell Touring Car - - $635 First Class Condition AU, KINDS AtTCTYLBNB WBLDING WK CARRY A FULL LTNB OF A(X'B88OIUK8, TIR», OIIR AND GRHASKH, Aid. GOOD FKMH BTOtK. AT YOUR SERVICE DAY 0*1 NIGHT C. F. BURKE and E. KNOX, Prop*. Now 10c and 15c Williams Garage & Cyclery F. C. Goetz Proprietor .«--------------------- 1--------------- ful and true. The Bottomless Pit is a deep dark hole from whose brink mankind shrinks. One look down i the abyss is enough. We are ready j to go onward through whatsoever ■ (Continued from page 2.) dark passageways nature has pro- then that we literally "felt" the dark vided, shinny over sharp ledges, ness, it weighod upon us, oppressed scoot down grimy alleys, but deliver i us from the terror of that walled up us, made us want to call out, and cavern without bottom. sent a panlcy feeling up and down The guide suggested that at this our spines. This circumstance, how moment a little music would be of ever, did not occur until w* had 1 comfort to shaken nerves, got out his ronhed the upper caves. jack-knife and. leading us forward, After the Beehive in the lower began some xyllophonc melody which caves, old Rain-ln-the-Face was the savored of the »'.iklfng of sweet bells chief feature. This Is a limestone 1 and the mellow cadence of various portrait, carved by the good hand of woods. This harmony wns occasion nature, and those familiar with the ed when the guide tapped limestone look of the Indian chief who killed icicles, down-hanging from the Custer In the memorable laFt fight (Continued on page 7 ) will attest that the picture Is falth- BFWIIIKOF CMS Ardencraig Farm For Sale Complete With Stock and Equipment at $50,000.00 IBB PRINTING NFATIY DONE IF THE COURIER OFFICE The queer acting battery Is th* one we like to s e e A t we quickly correct th* trouble at it* source at the minimum ex- pew,* and sand you m yaur way an advertisement for THIS STATION. Aktiled service and rrKNteet cboeg---. make this the TOPtf- LA It BATTERY STATION. ADAMS ELECTRIC and BATTERY SHOP Bxide Barrie* Statloa. 50< Bo a th Ftetk fftewet