MITI IU>AY. <MT,MIKH 9. QIUKW I*. I 1»A1LY VOVKJKR once th* animal a proceeded fa" paces from th* »uiranc*. In order to demonstrate th* utl*r lies* of this cav* darkness. later on when we wer* « maller <»f 1(00 test underground. th* guide ordered all of th* Ughi* «allngulahed It » m iCoalPiued ob Page 1 (Continued from I'M« On*) Ito wond«r. Corridor and causeway, liny wlggle-hol* and immense cham- I bar. th* lower cave* stretched on and i on, every nook and cranny and gal- i l«ry richly and marvelously decorated 1 by fantastic bric-a-ba-- and niarv*- lOtta statuary. Th* walls of these caves arv of marble, solid and beautiful, and the decorations are of limestone, dis solved and crystallivd out of the !>'• cold water which is everywhere drip ping from the walls. These eras- ' meats, odd. quaint, gorgeous, cannot in a word, be described, but It <an here be said that they consist of dome«, pillars, frostwork, flower gardens, elwvery ledges, wonderland cities, remote, unattainable lakes and rivers, ripply beaches, statuary, busts of well known men and wom en, portraits of Old Ni< k. great hatu» and slabs of back, frost encrusted, ¡heads of animals known and un- MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ' known, hanging gardens where enor- j moua cabbages are growing side by side with snowy cal la lllle*. The order of march through the leaves was as follows A narrow I and back oí’ YOU there is arwTiys a Federal Reserve Bank- >causeway led us from Watson's Grot- , to to the petrified gardens, where In I a large chamber, curious limestone ACK of every member bank in the Federal Reserve System is the strength of the organ ized banking resources of the country. Bv dealing with this bank which is a member of the Federal Reserve System the system's fa cilities and resources are available to you— virtually just across the street—. What is thia worth to you in giving confidence as to the sta bility of your banking arrangements? B formations resembling vegetables ¡caused many an exclamation of won- I der on the part of the travelers Fur- ' ther on. high above us, so that we j had to hold our lights and peer into the darkness hung the gigantic Sa- | tan's Cradle. McIntyre Implement House The guide carefully explained that | her* his aatanlc majesty is In the ha bit of rocking to sleep many a llltl* i imp. and eveu crouching therein blm- i self. On hands and knees we craw- i led along and came presently to the Bee Hive Grotto, where nests of i wasps, hornets, mud-daubers of all i i deserlbtions hang from the wall. These are. of course, limestone for-, mations, for no bees ever penetrate I ' Into this 3300 feel of Inky black cav-1 First National Bank of Southern Oregon Cream Separators Van Brunt Seeders John Deere Tractor De Laval Milking Ma Plows chines Walking Plows and Feed Grinders Spring Tooth Harrows Gasoline Engines and Litchfield Manure Drag Saws Spreaders EVERYTHING IN THE IMPLEMENT LINE We carry only implements of the best and abso lutely stand back of everything we sell OUR LINE IS COMPLETE 402 4 South Sixth Granta Paas, Ore. Counts’ Feed Store IL K. '!••«<>». I’ hub . Jem where the darkness Is absolute I It may be added parenthetically that ' Mr. Rowley In all his travels through the marble halls has never corny I across any animal life In his opln- lion the animal eye, like the human eye. la totally Inrapable of pler-'i? that total blackness of thw earth »1 Interior, and a bear or a cougar would be entirely lost In the caves. FEED, FLOUR, GRAIN SEED8 POULTRY SUPPLIES A large stock always on hand THE ROAD TO HEALTH And strength lies largely in what we eat, and among all foods bread is probably thie most important. The better the bread the sturdier the children and grown folks too. Our bread is simply perfect. In flavor, wholesomeness and food value it is nothing short of Ideal. Try it today. Ask your Grocer for Bread baked by the GRANTS PASS BAKERY 503 G Btrect WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach - Kidneys- Heart-Li ver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles— The Ideal Light Six GOLD MEDAL Price at Grants Pass The National Remady of Holland for centuries and endorsed by Queen Wilhel mina. At all druggists, three ekee. $1765 Look for the name Gold Medal on every box • nd accept uo imitation Seed Wheat, barley, Oats and Guaranteed Flour at $3.00 per sack For ¡¿ale at the — JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Phone 123 Corner Third and G Street Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Courier The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARI» Eff«et!.e Nov. 24, 1919. 4 ------------ Trains will run Monthly«, Wadnes days und Fridays I>eave Grants Pass 1 P.M. Arrive Waters Greek.......... .2 P.M. I«ave Waters Creek........... 2:30 P.M Arrive Grants Pass.............. 4 P.M. For information regarding freight and paseenger rates «all at tin office of the company, Lundbtir? iTiilldlng, or telephone 131 If price is reduced before May 1st, 1921, pur chaser will be refunded amount of price reduction C. L. nobart Co t N>«i> nu«»» ri r* kS»’»vnas IX »,®Me .t» Alphys MdUbb :..:LY/:LGUSISbWW¡tt