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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1920)
HATCH! >4 Y. (HTIMIKH ». PAGE HÌI RTKW ting a "head of water” on the land and letting it force Its way ovsur the uneven ground is impossible. The result is that part of their crop burns up while their neighbor with the same acreage leveled irrigates his fields nicely with water to spare The River Hanks Farms have demon strated through actual bookkeeping on the matter that leveling will pay for itself within two years, not count ing any crop failure» from inability to irrigate uneven lands, and a num ber of other places, notably the Roas place In New Hope and the Imyton place above Williams creek are do ing the same thing. avoided by giving the land 5 irriga tion. one on the first cutting aud two each on th» two following. Individual Tire lU-owd«. There are nearly 3000 apple tree» on th» 39.5 acre tract, and a record card Is kept for each tree, for deter mination of relation between sur rounding conditions and yield Th» Bartlett pears in th» old orchard ar» this year being budded onto the young stock in the new orchard, the combination obtained having been determined aa best suited. Th« pear orchard of 300 acre« la to be block ed out. and lies altogether on the bench land, being irrigated by th» pumping plant. I 1 An OWEN Light and Power Plant All through the .Applegate valley the old-time prejudice against thoroughbred stock has largely dis appeared. although here and there are to be found a few who would pit their common, every-day. ordinary hogs or cows against the world in open competition Kjven they admit these to be exceptions, however, or group« of exception«, and if they car I(*ri’RE in your home the many conveniriit't* the lalMir saving ried their thought to a logical con G«-n«-r*l Fanning I aunt Voice Rotumed In ff «citing Orme that electricity bring*!. Picture a washing machine, a cream Hcpa- clusion would realise that by breed Dumb for three year» as the reenlt All land not In on-hard has been ratoi- a churn, a vacuum cleaner, a toaster, a flat iron all operated ing that herd to a perpetuation of of shell shock In the war. Tro.vper W. placed in crop on a ten year rotation by electricity. Think how many steps and how much time these wonder* itself would merely be developing Hart, of Niagara. Out unexpectedly basis. The first six 'ears it grows fill little machines will save you and your family. Realize that to have another strain of purebreds. Any regain««! the power ««f «peech In (he alfalfa, and the neixt four years in purebred strain has been developed excitement of a bowling game. bright, clear light in every room of vour house, in the bam, in your sheda, grain and corn Oats for horse feed through this process with the differ and a» dairy ration, barley for the if you like, all that you have to do isto push a button and in a jiffy you g ence that some one elee has had all dairy and hogs, and corn for slleage et a flootl of light that brightens upevery corner. the experimentation. Coming back and hogs, makes up the grain. The then to the growing belief in the fact Electricity eliminates the dangers and disagrecabh* features of oil rotation la effected in 100 acre tracts that thoroughbred blood is most con or unit», and there are 10 of lheae lanterns and lamps. ducive to a high percentage of types units, totaling 1000 acres, over 500 (Continued from ***** Nine» desire«! for a given purpose, it Is Electricitv brings von power for running water in your house. Think below the gravity ditch and from gratifying to find the pure blooded In the orchard »as in 1910 when an- 400 to 500 under the high ditch, and of the convenience of this atone. herds rapidly developing, or rather, thracnoae entered it. but by 1913 will amount to 600 acres In alfalfa a growing tendency to cross pure this was eradicated and the orchard All these things which are so common to the people of the city— and 400 in grain at all time» The blooded sires with the grade cows. has since been clean. Last winter's alfalfa will return three crop» each I which eliminate drudgery—which make the home happier, healthier, The beneficial effect of this has freeze lowered the vitality of the year as a certainly, and a fourth with ’ cherrier, the OWEN PLANT furnishes at a trifling cost. been most satisfactorily proven on trees and brought on a blight this labor conditions favorable, This the River Banks Farms, with the year that was troublesome for a time. year there are 376 acres in alfalfa. When we have fully explained it all to you. you will ask yourself, thoroughbred Guernsey bull. Nells Nineteen hives of bees are also un 40 in barley which threshed 56.19 ‘ •Why have I not installed an OWEN before f” Giri's Diamond of Pencord, sired by der the care of the orchardist bushels and 45 in fall oats which Apollo of Rich Neck, who was full Alfalfa in the Orchard went 55.84 bushel» per acre. besides Remember the OWEN has three tqyecial features, which are not to he brother of Mignonette of Rich Neck Alfalfa is planted in the young or 80 acres in corn for seed aa well as had in ordinary plants. The OWEN will give you long and satisfactory with a record of 14.304 pounds of chard to keep the soil producing silage It Is interesting to note that j sendee. It is simple in construction, ordinary in o|>eration. It is efficient ■ilk and 800 pounds of butterfat during the period before bearing and before the new regime on the tract. dependable and [»ays for itself over and over again in time-saving and in Another sister. Pandora's Valentine also as a means of improving the I. «.. before 1913. oats averaged 1 • ' of Rich Neck has a record of 14,341 •oil. It is allowed to run 3 years to 20 bushels and barley 1'2 bushels! creased happiness and efficiency. pounds of milk, and 784 pounds of to inoculate the soil, then is plowed on the same land. butterfat. The OWEN can be installed in any house without any muw you The Dairy under and re-seeded for another 3 The pedigree continues in this year stand. The idea back of this is, The dairy is conducted by a herds don’t have to wait to build. Wiring is simple and it does not take long. strain on both sides, and Includes one that the deep rooting system of the 'man who is an expert dairyman. I The advantages of the OWEN PLANT are that it starts and stops itself, ancestor with a record of 20,709 alfalfa plant will open up the subsoil thoroughly understanding his job furnished 70 per cent more power than most plants and costs less than pounds of milk and 1019 pounds of for the young orchard's better de land in sympathy with it. HU herd is I most smaller plants. This unit consists of a 3 12 h. d . gas engine, genera butterfat. These records are as velopment, the decay of the roots 'a nucleus of 12 pure blooded female tor, set of storage batteries and an automatic switchboard controlling the tounding when it is noted that the or leaving channels for aeration of the 'Guernseys and one pure bred Guern- 1 dinary average cow yields a total of soil . sey bull whose dam holds the world ’ s system. upon the plowing under. Thia 3500 to 4000 pounds of milk and plowing is done in August, putting Guernsey record for milk production I 150 pounds of butterfat. under the third growth after an irri u i 21, year old heifer, and aug Sold and Installed by There has been a marked improve- gation. | the resultant fermentation mented by a herd of 14 Guernsey 1 ment in the herd by crossing the i and decay increasing the humus con grades. Of this herd. 20 cows are grade cows with this pure blood bull tent I of the soli. The alfalfa serves a now milking, including all the pure| whose pedigree assures a heritage of further 1 purpose of determining bred cows Five of the 12 pure breds ) heavy milk and butterfat content, where the drainage system of tile« are on the official teat of the Ameri-; On official tests the herd has aver- needs readjusting, as it will drown can Guernsey Cattle Club, which is aged over 5 S per cent, which is , out where the water table Is too high made through a two-day test each HARRY 8 CLAPP, Electrician very exceptional. ' and indicates the trouble long before month under an O A C. representa- ¡ tlve for butterfat. The cost of the it would be detected through 111 ef- Phone 350 R foots on the orchard. In order to college representative for thia pur-1 Electrical Work of all Kinds avoid the necessity of cultivating the poee la uniform over the state,' Electrical Supplies and Appliances trees, which invariably results in a 310.50 per month. T he cows on large percentage of injured trees tests are stall-fed. each having a I through contact with tillage imple box stall, and being given two hours The other milk ments. the alfalfa is grown solid per day exercise with no cultivation strips. Part of cows are fed in a shed and not pas elation each year, thus paying for the eral farm operations, and the Holt latlng to crops This, combined with the 1st cutting is then piled back tured. all manure being contened. machinery in five years It Is fig for land leveling and clearing. direct Mr Nile»' keen understanding of With the water supply of Oregon around the base of the trees, serv During the final seven year period of ured that the tractors named above ly pulling trees up to 12 Inches In business methods and principles, in and -- 32 _____ bora«. diameter The leveler has an auto sures the I^onard KMtats Compaay more limited as additional land is I ing as a mulch and making the culti development of the farm, now start-1 ™7aee’flve’”men ___ placed under irrigation, the men who vation of the ground unnecessary to Ing. It is planned to expand the dairy whJch )b a considerable Item consld- malic lifting device and a capacity of a farming plant which within a few <he prMen( run of waKea and 3 cub(e y.rda year will return them bigger profits pnt in a little capital to leveling preserve moisture. The alfalfa used herd to 200 pure bred Guernseys a. Fordsons are - method« are need - ... ... than any other farming operation In In all their lands are making handsome re for mulch is that grown on the usual final development Exercise for the Bcarclty scarcity of of lalM)r labor. The The Fordsons are ' S' lentlfl' (a plowing, p,owln< cultivating culttvatln« and gen-1 gen operations whether mechanical or re- this part of the country turns on the investment, ... Most . of . cultivating strips, leaving about 3% ! bull Is provided by 3 hours a day on | used in ■ ' "'■■■ ........ " the older places which are accustom-, tons per acre yield from the orchard | tile treadmill which pumps water for ed to using about four or five times 1 land. This yield pays for the care of I the other cattle Milking la done by the amount of water for irrigation the orchard during the period preced- j machinery, with a IB. U. K. gasoline than their right allows them, are .ing the bearing of crops. The great-; and vacuum type automatic milker, finding that as they are cut closer est danger in such a system as this, and has been found very au> eaatul. 1922 Plan» and closer to their water right al is that the trees may be robbed of now formulated for 1922 Plans lowance. the old-time method of put- their moisture by the alfalfa, but Is call for a new dairy barn to be of concrete and to bouse 100 cows, and also a new horse barn, at least of part con'-rete construction, to ac-1 commodate 25 horses. Silage 'apa-I city Is 300 tons, provided by three silos. 16 by 30 feet in dimensions I I The Hogs This Important branch of the farm | operations will be under the direct I supervision of an expert hog herds- I man. a specialist In his line. Th« I River Banks herd now consists of 87 I head of pure blooded Berkshire», Still hold first place for service, dura headed by "Pacific Epochal" a thou sand dollar boar purchased from the bility and price. They have proved to Goasard Breeding Estates in Indi be the best plows for our soils, whether ana by the Homewood Farm and River Banks Farms. Seven daugh bottom land or upland. ters of I au re 1 Champion, the famous Berkshire boar, said to be the great est living breeding boar, form the nucleus of the herd. This standard may be judged by the fact that their sire holds the record for taking prizes and championships over any other, and was brought here a num for loose and sandy soils ber of years ago by Francis Steele. The rest of the 87 are pure bred, there having been no grades on the place for 4 years. There are Indi vidual runs for each Utter of pigs, now being ten and 30 planned The hog herd will be expanded to 300 pure bred stork and will be develop for heavy soils ed as a breeding herd and for exhi bition purposes as well as pork. Fifty head will be marketed from the herd of 87, and with the 300 head, 3 car loads, or 250 head per season will be turned to tho market. ON YOUR FARM P Grants Pass Electric Co Remember That OLIVER Plows Farm Implements, Stock and Household Goods—at the Nos. 20 and 40 Charles Burkhalter Farm CHILLED PLOWS On Missouri Flat, 7 Miles East of Murphy Saturday, Oct. 16, 1920 Crescent 5 and 7 STEEL PLOWS Commencing at 10 a. m. Sharp Extra Parts for all Oliver Plows Sandwiches and Coffee Served Free at Noon Implement« and Methods CRAMER BROS. ODD FELLOWS BLOC K Alfalfa and Clover Seed at Lower Prices Mr. Niles believe« that modern business methods pay when applied to farm operation and Is putting his belief Into practice on River Banks Farms. Implements used are mo dern throughout, Including one Holt 45 caterpillar, and two Fordsons, a big Holt leveler, gasoline operation of binding on the binder and other such devices. Of these Implements 20 per cent Is charged off for depre- TERMS All sums of $10 and under, cash in hand. On sums of over $10 a bankable note will be accepted, payable one year after date with interest at 8 per cent per annum. Five per cent discount for cash on all sums over $10. W. W. Woo!dridge& G. W. Matney 0. M. KNOX AUCTIONEER Owners SAM H. BAKER, CLERK