Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1920)
Price Comparison is one of the many reasons in explanation of the fact that our business has been increasing constantly—each month showing a gain over the corresponding month of the preceding year. — The need of comparison is more necessary at this time than ever before. All merchandise has been higher than at any time since the Civil War To make the case plain, both to our customers and to those who have been trading with us, we submit a list of our everyday prices for comparison with catalog or other store prices. The Prices Quoted Below Will Remain the Same Until Every Article Has Been Sold I < I Unless Market Conditions Justifies Lowering the Price and You Will Find Them Lowered Here as Soon or Before They are Anywhere Else Percales, Ginghams, Outings, Etc. 27 inch Gingham, large assortment plaids- checks, stripes, light and dark colors_____________________________ 35c 36 inch Percales, standard count, lights and darks....... 35c 32 inch Romper Cloth for children’s dresses and wash suite.............................................. 43c J?7 inch Ducklin Fleece, 50c quality________________ 38c :’»6 inch Chailie for comforters_____________________ 35c ..... _ _____ 25c 3t» inch fancy colored Scrim____________________ Plain and fancy Scrim, Marquesette and Filet net....... ..... _____________________________ 38c, 50c, 58c and 65c 25c, 33c and 38c 27 Jnch White Outing_____ .. -__ 29 and 35c 27 inch Light Fancies_____ ..... .................. _ 35c 27 inch Dark Fancies._____ ........................... 45c 36 in eh Ligrht Fancy Outing Turk/sh towels----------------- _18c, 25c, 35c and 50c ........................ 25c Huck towels- 16x32----------- Woolen Dress Goods and Silks Sales of dress goods and silks are today of greater volume than any time in the last several years. You will find Golden Rille prices right. 42 in<-h all wool “Botany” French Serge, tan. brown, grev, navy, copen and covert, per yard S2.65 42 inch all wool “Botany” Fram or Poplin, navy, copen. brown, black- taupe and green, per vard---- --- _ $2-95 50 and 54 inch’ all wool “ Botany” French serge, brown, black, navy and copen--------- —------- —$3.50 and $3.65 50 inch all wool 4‘Botany” tricotine, brown, navy, copen, tan and gray---------------------- ---------- $3.95 12 pieces Renfrew “Nuvogue” cotton Plaids,* all good dark colors, splendid for children’s school wear special per yard ________ —--------------------------------------------------75c 40*inch all silk Georgette and Crepe-de-chine, black, white and all colors, per yard------------------------------------ $1.88 36 inch black Satin in several grades, everv one a good value, priced at------------ $1.98, $2.15, $2.35, $2 65 and $2.85. 36*foch Satins and Taffetas in all colors at the new low prices. AUTUMN EXHIBIT Ready-to-Wear Garments COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, SKIRTS You will save time, money and disappointment if you bin your new fall garments at the Golden Rule Store. You will save money because our prices are positively the lowest possible, due to our buying advantages, to our searchings of the markets and to our cash selling policy. You will save time because you will find here . most plete and interesting representation of the leading N<-w York styles. You’ll find a model here th t u.ll exactly please you. You will save disappointment becaus< every ijainn nt you get here is thoroughly dependable in every way- in style, material and workmanship. ———— Hosiery Department OUR HOSIERY DEPARTMENT DOES MORE TO POPULARIZE THE GOLDEN RULE STORE THAN ANY OTHER DEPARTMENT THERE IS A BIG DEMAND NOW FOR SILK HOISERY AND WE ARE FORTUNATE IN HAVING A WONDERFUL STOCK OF THEM YOU GET THE ADVANTAGE OF THE NEW LOW PRICES ON SILK HOISERY PHOENIX, KAYSER. IRONCLAD AND ONYX SILK HOSE FEATURED HERE 4 $1.35 $1.80 Phoenix, now — 52 35 52.G0 Phoenix. Full Fashioned, now $1.35 $1.65 and $185 Inmolad, now_______ 98c $1.15 Ironclad, now_______________ $2.85 $3.50 Ironclad, now __ _________ New stock of Onyx pointex heel at the new r .ised prices. Ladies cotton and lisle hose, black, white- brown and grey 25c, 35c, 50c, 58c, 63c. 75c and 80c. 50 dozen ladies run of the mill mercerized Rockford fashioned lisle hose, black and brown, regular $1.00 quality, special 58c. Misses ribbed black hose- medium weight, sizes 512 to 7 D, 19c. sizes 8 to 912, 25c. Other grades boy’s and girl’s Ironclad and Burt er Brown light, medium and extra heavy weight at 35c, 39c, 45c, 48c, 58c and 65c. Ladies’ and Misses Underwear Ladies Fleeced Unionisuits with long or short sleeves, high or law neck, regular sizes------- $1 25, extra sizes $1.35 Ladies verv heavy Fleeced Unionsuits, high neck and long sleeves, regular sizes . ......... — $2.25, extra sizes $2.35 Ladies Munsing Unionsuits both medium and heavy weight cotton, high neck and long sleeve or low neck and short sleeves, ankle length- regular sizes $2-35, extra $2.65 Ladies Munsing Unionsuits, medium weight, low neck and sleeveless, ankle length or knee length, regular sizes------- __________ ________________ $1.95, extra sizes $2.15 Ladies part woof Munsing Unionsuits, high neck and long sleeves or low neck and short sleeves.------------------------ _______ ___ __________ $3.45, $3.75, $4.95 and $5.35 Ladies silk and wool Munsing Unionsuits- low neck, short sleeves, ankle length, regular sizes $4.85, extra sizes. $5.35 Same suit sleeveless and knee lenth......... $4.35 and $4.75 Children’s knit waists. Nazarath and Pearl, ages 2-13 50c Children’s knit waists, elastic tape, ages 2 to 13----- 18c Ladies Munsing Vests and Pants, heavy cotton- vests high neck and long sleeves or low neck and short sleeves, pants ankle length, regular sizes....... ....—$1.45, extra sizes $1.50 Misses Fleeced Unionsuits, good quality, ages 2 to 4. $1.15, 6 to 8. $1.25, 10 to 12 $1.38, 14 to 19 $150 Children’s Pearl waist Unionsuit, winter weight, ages 2 to 5. $1.00, 6 to 7, $1.20, 8 to 13......... $1.35 Children’s heavv cotton Munsing Unionsuits, ages 2 to 6 $1.45, 8 to 12, $1.65, 14 to 18—--- ------------- ---- ------- >1.85 Children’s part wool Munsing unionsuits $1.75, $2.25, $2.85 • Men’s, Women’s and Children’s SHOES We feature Utz & Dunn and Peters sh* <-s. I’hcre is '.ion est wear in every pair because the vital parts of the shoes —the soles, heels and counters are solid leather well put together. BUYING GOOD SHOES IS TRUE ECONOMY Come to us for your shoes. You will get the maximum value at the minimum price. One lot ladies extra fine kid lace shoes- brown, grav and buck. $14 to $16 values, special to close .$10 00 One lot ladies fine black kid 8 inch Cub;m or Louis heel $6.50. ...$7 00 Same shoe in dark brown kid Boys’ Blouses Bov’s blouses, light and dark color percales and ginghams, . ,iII ages-6 to 14_________________ __ -............. 75c Boy’s black sateen blouse, good quality, ages 6-14 $1 09 Boy’s Kaynee blouse, light and dark colors, guaranteed fast color, all ages-------------------------------------------- $1.35 Hats and Caps Men’s and boy’s hats and caps, new shape and new colors including warm lined caps for cold weather. Boys’ Short Pant Suits We have just gone through out boy’s suits and marked them down from $2.00 to $5.00 per suit. You will find ex tra good values here in boy’s suits, blue serges, cashmere and corduroy. /Ill ages up to 18 years. Men’s Paris garters, all new stock.................... —........... 35c Men’s new neckwear at much less than former prices, hundreds of new ties at 38c, 50c, 75c, 95c $150 and $2.35 Actual comparison will convince you quickly that our gar ments are several dollars lower in price for the same qual ity than you will I m - asked to pay elsewhere. We price them '‘right” at the beginning of the season. We give you values when you want them—you don’t have to wait ’till the season is over. I-idies suits from $23.50 up. Good all wool serge« and tri cotine at $33.75, $36 50- $37.50, $39 00 and up to $60.00 A well selected line of rain coats at low prices. L-ulies dresses of fine French serge, tricotine, satin ami Georgette. The new all wool pleated plaid wool skirts are one of the best selling garments of the season. <-!<»th top and tan $4.95 One lot ladies low heel black kid gr cloth top $5.85 to $6.50 value, special Girl’s brown calf low heel school shoes $4.95 $4.59 Indies unlined heavy calf shoes Children’s kid, cloth top, bqtton,. 1 ■ ivi sole - < 8'.. $2.50 11__ Children’s gunmetal, doth top, button, heav sole, sizes 8ya to 11 $1.85, llU to 2..... $2.25 Children’s and misses heavy calf school shoes either lined or unlined.................... _ $3.00- $3.25, $3.75 and $4 00 Children’s and misses English last. la«-e shoes, kid or gun metal $2.85, $3.25, $3.85, $4.35 and $4.65 Men’s dress shoes. English, broad toe or medium last, black or brown $4.95 to $10.50 Men’s medium heavy work shoes. Lion brand, solid leather _ ____________________________________ $4.98 Men’s extra heavy unlined crune stock- sold last season for $7.35. now--------------------------- _______________ $6.00 Bov’s heavv imlined croine stock, 9 to 12J ->. $3.35; 13 to 2 $3.85, 2L. to 6 ’ $4.35 Boy’s extra heavy unlined crome “Chippewa” and Peters All-For-Wear, none lietter rwde. sizes 12 to 2. $4.50; 2’ to >5.0G Bov’s unlined brown blucher, wide toe work shoe. 9 to 13. $2.85- 13i£. to 2. $315; 2»A to 5» 2 $3.50 Men’s and Boy’s high top shoes of extra good quality such as Bergmann’s. Chippewa. Lion Brand and Peters All- For-Wear at prices that are right. Large Line of Men’s Clothing Overcoats, Mackinaws and Raincoats For fifteen years this store has sold men’s clothes and for that many years we have maintained a policy of superior value-giving and a strict policy of absolutely one price. Every suit is priced right at the beginning of the seasen. The styles arc right down to the second and the workman ship the best obtainable in moderate priced clothes Suits at $25.00, $27.50, $32.50, $35, $37.50 and $42.50 Overcoats at $18 $23 50, $26.50, $29 50, $35.00 and $37.50 ckinaws $7.75 to $16.50 Men’s raincoats $8.50, $10.00, $12.50, $13 50 and $14.50 Boy’s raincoats, black or tan _ $5.85 and $7.50 Men’s blanket lined duck coats corduroy collar $4.95, $5.50 *s sizes _ ------------------- $3.25 Men’s reversible corduroy and duck coats with special KMCW $11.35 features----------------------------------------- ---------------- >113 5 Men’s mob-skin and corduroy vests, leather lined with leather sleeves, knit wool cuffs and eollor________ $13.95 Men’s and Boys’Overalls and Jumpers Men’s blue and white stripe bib overalls.. $1.95 Jumpers to match —______________________ .—*LM Men's express stripe bib overalls----- _ $2.25 Jumpers to match______________________________ MM Men’s blue bib 220 weight overalls, best mak- $2-25 Boy’s heavy weight blue bib overall Can’t Bust ’Em brand, ages 4 to 7- $1-50. 8 to 12, $1.75,13 to 16. $1.95 Genuine Levi Strauss Koveralls. ages 1 to 8 _ ____ $L50 Play suits same styles as koveralls. blue demin or khaki trimmed in red. ages 1 to 8----------------- — $1M Men’s khaki combination suit good weight, per suit $3.85 Men’s khaki combination suit, nothing better made^per ----- - $5.00 Men’s and Boy’s Underwear Men’s heavy cotton ribbed or fleeced lined sWrts and ¿nwer«. per tmrmenf_____________________ _ ___ Men’s medium weight cotton unionsuits----- —$1.85 Men’s heavy weight cotton ribbed Munsing union suits _____________________________________ ——MM Men's woolen Munsing unionsuit— $3.35. $4.25 and $5 35 Men’s heavy part wool shirts and drawers- natural grey, [»er garment__________________________ _____ MOO Men’s natural Australian wool superior finish. Glaston bury shirts and drawers, per garment, $2.35 aad $2.75 Bov’s heavv cotton Fleeced Unionsuits, ages 2 to 16 - _ $115. $1.35 and $1-50 Bov’s heavv eotton ribbed Munsing union suits ages 2 to IB _____________ $1.45, $1.65 and $1.85 Bov’s woolen Munsing Unionsuits, ages 2 to 18_________ $2.00, $2 75 and $3 35 Men’s Cotton and W oolen Sox Men’s light weight cotton work sox-------- ----- 15c Men’s good weight Roekfoni cotton work sox------- 23c Men’s extra heavy Rockford cotton work sox-------- 25c Men's heavv woolen sox. blue, grev and white------------- - _____ 38c, 50c, 65c, 75c, 95c Men’s Winsted cashmere- two thread, natural color. s|»e- <-ial purchase__________________________________ —Ml 45c Men’s oxford mixed sox. two thread Men’s dress sox. black, naw, navy, brown, brown. grev and white— — _________ 1_____ 25c, 35c, 38c. 50c, 65c Men’s pure thread silk sox. black- green, brown, navy and grey____________________________ ________ —Mt Men’s Phoenix pure thread silk sox. black, white, brown. navy and grey _............... $1 00 Men’s Cotton and Wool Shirts Men’s blue and grey work shirts, full cut---- $1.25 Men’s blue and grey work shirts, extra well made-—$1.50 Men’s double kind extra heavv bullet proof chambray — ..._____ ________________ ___________________ $2 25 Men’s heavy cotton twill work shirt, winter weight, grev and tan _______ __________ _ —................... ... MM Men’s wool shirts, blue, grey and tan. military and flat collar, all sizes up to IS1 •_>____— $3.85, $4.50- $4.85, $5.35 Racine flannel shirts are sold only at the Golden Rule in Grants Pass. Men’s and Boys’ Gloves Men’s canvas gloves, medium weight.........................._ 13c Men’s canvas gloves, extra heavy, 13 ounce. _ _ 25c Men’s and boy’s heavy jersey glove .......... 25c Osborn's and Block’s railroad gloves, short wrist and gauntlets 95c, $1.35, $1.85, $2-00, $2.45 and $2 65 Men’8 leather faced gauntlet gloves ____________ 45c Men’s and box ’s woolen gloves- medium and extra heavv weight . .......... ........ — 65c, 75c, $1.00, $1.15, $1.45 OWEVER remote from Grants Pass your residence may be, you have in Men’s and Boy’s Sweaters our Uncle Sam’s parcel post and nail service a quick and effective means Men’s gray cotton sweater coats, heavy weight, very sjm *- <-ial —---- ---------------------M<5 of availing yourself of Golden pi ices. You are taking no risk, tor if the goods Men ................ ’s all wool. cotton and wool mixed, button and pul! do not fit or are not sat isfacton you m y return them and we will refund over styles from $4.35 to $10.50. Large variety of colors. Boy’s grey heavy cotton sweaters, coat style $1-50 your money. All mail orders have our irompt and careful attention. Same style as above- part wool ________ $2.85 and $3.38 Boy’s pull over style, all colors in cotton and wool mixed. You want to make money, why not SAVE money. You can save money Bradley sweaters are featured here and represent the very by buying at the Golden Rule Store. most in value. H Golden Rule Store Grants Pass 44 The People’s Store”