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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1920)
APPLEGATE VALLEY EDITION rants pass Oailn Courier SECTION 1—Page« 1 to S s-— GUANI» I’Aflfi, J OH El *H INE COUNTY, OREGON, »ATI KDAY, IMTOflKH », ÍVM. WHOLE Ml MBER 3OM. wwseit OPENING TALK AGAIN EVENED BÏ CLEVELAND Warsaw, Oct. 9.— A new insurrec LEAGUE ANU TARIFF NOT ONLY tion aga>n it the Russian tor let gov- IRMI KH KX-ADMi MUTUATO» eminent hat broken out in the die- Tina« audience .trict of Nlthini, Novgorod, 336 mllee northeast at Moscow, according to Information reaching here. The In surrection. which was Inaugurated by the social revolutionary party, embraces the great masses of the to be DtanorrwO I M>rv«*r«k»l AM Hal Half peaaants and is ret>orted spreading. at I ailed Matra la Claim Made ta Addreaa Miss < 'ratear Honored— A dispatch from the Oregon Agri Indianapolis, Ort • -The league cultural college, atetas that Mias Jea of nations and ths tariff are only nette Cramer baa been elected with subdivisions of the main issue of the two others as Junior class represen presidential campaign, said Herbert tative on the women's league at the Hoover In an address here on enter college. lag the campaign for the republican ticket "The major Issue today and tor the future of our country is party Cavan Rooster Hem K N Strong, assistant manager of responsibility 1 believe that since the armistice the present administra the Oregon Ufa Insurance company, tion has mads a failure by all the also preaident of the Portland Ad teats we can apply. No man would club, spent the day In the city with Mr. Strong Is an ar bo so narrow as to condemn the pa* A B Cornell trlolism of one half of his country dent booster for a highway to the men " He reviewed the support by cavae and states that just as soon as the republican party to winning the the Pacific highway can ba complet war and added. "Rut with the vic ed. they have assurance from the tory accomplished, the leaders of the etale commlaaion that the road to the democratic party, disregarding this raves will be rushed to completion. cooperation, de-lded to Ignore one- Mr. Strong was also looking over the half of the people of the I'nlted Irrigation project now under con Ktatae and make peaoe alone. Here struction. and while he did not say 1 believe 11 m the beginning of its so. It la understood that the Oregon Ufa la considering the bonds. He failure in statesmanship." was very mneh pleased with the growth and progress In both Grants Tn Mart Itueinres— Pass and surrounding country. Mr. W. 11 Pnttlllo has announced his tatantUn of sot ting th* real estate Strong, tho igh asusll) »•,.> u.v4e»t, business In thia city Mr. Pattino has could not refrain front saying that engaged the suit of rooms in the Oregon Life stands at the top as an place formerly occupied by the water Oregon Industry. PARU RESPONSIBILITY NEEDED Wichita, Kan., Oct 3.—The wheat PART Growers Association of the United OF STRCCrtRF—POUX) WK I) States, with a membership of 70,000 RY IUFI.E FIRE tn Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Ne braska and South Dakota. Issued a proclamation to its members urging them to refrain from selling any wheat after 5 p. m. October 25, un til such a time as the ».rice of good Pierre <4 stireiMWd \b.o Found in wheat is raised to S3 a bushel at the grower’s terminal market Wreckage—Front Windows Are Pierced by Rifle Bullets Winetrout Moves Stock— The C. A. Winetrout company has completed moving tho stock, from the Cork. Oct. 9—A pert of Cork’s old building to the new garage and city hall was destroyed by bombs are now doing business altogether early this morning. The six explo from the new place. The garage Is sions were followed by rifle fire. No one of the most modern in tnls part results were reported. The damage of the state and is finished now was done chiefly to the rooms in with the exception or the laying of the west end of the building. Urge some of the floor. pieces of cast Iron like shell casings and bits of metal like shrapnel were PUBLIC MASS MEETING found in the debris. The theory that WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23TH the bombs were thrown through the Through the efforts of the local windows, has been advanced. Many Chamber of Commerce, a battery of front windows were also pierced by the ableet speakers of the state have bullets. been obtained to appear at the Grants Pass opera house next Wedneeday Nrww I k Omitted— evening. October 13, to speak on var Due to the overcrowded condition ious proposed measures as they will of the paper today on aceount of the affect this community as well as the special Applegate Valloy edition a state tn general. Among tho speak largo amount of local news was held ers who will address the gathering over. The church notices were also will be the Hon. George W. Staple held out. The Presbyterian church ton; Hector MacPherson. bureau of la holding Rally day eervicee, the markets of O. A. C.; <J. E. Spence Baptist church is bolding Harvest master of the state granre. and Ro Rally eervicee and the others are bert E. Smith, president of the Title holding their regular Sunday ser and Trust company of Portland. The vices. Grants Pass band will assist with sev eral selections prior to the opening of the meeting. AICMIE h BATTLING NEAR VILNA SIX EXPLOSION# WRECK ANU FIGHT WILL HR TO THK FINISH BOLSHEVIKI BEGIN OFFENSIVE CASINGS FOUND IN DEBRIS < ampelgn Agnina* Polea 1* Started Effort Made to Reach Agreement for Armistice Riga. Oct. *—The Llthunlans and the Poles were engaged In a heavy battle all yesterday and last night 10 H miles south of Vllna, the Lith uanian capital, with heavy losses on both sides, eays a Lithuanian official statement which adds that the “fight will be to a finish." Riga, Oct. 3.—«Delegates of Poland and soviet Russia resumed their ef fort today to reach an agreement tor an armistice. Ixtndon, Oct. #—-BolshovIkl re ports at Riga indicate a now offensive against the Poles by the bolshavikl. Soviet officials claim to have retaken Minsk and are advancing on the Ga llclan front. Married This Afternoon— Ransom Billy Carter of Tx»ve Sta tion, and Gladys Ixtulse Harmon, al so of Txtve Station, were married shortly after noon by Rev. Joseph ty»otts. al the Methodist pannage HUES OF JOSEPHINE CAVERNS DESCRIBED 8Ï LOCAL JOURNALIST INDIANS TAKE GAME ON OWN GROUNDS WITHOUT ANY DIFFICULTY FOUR PITCHERS ARE USED Brooklyn Plays Four Differeut Hur ters ta Atempt to Stem Slugging of Speaker's Meo League Park, Cleveland, Oct. The Cleveland Indians romped off with the fourth game of the world’s series in easy fashion, trampling over the prostrated Brooklyn Nation als by a 5 to 1 score. Covelaakto'a pitching stopped the Dodgers cold. Brooklyn used four pitchers, Ca- dore, taken from the box In the sec ond after two singles were made off him. Mamaux going in. Marquard. who had been released on his own recc,nlzance following his arrest on a scalping charge, went into the box in the third and stayed until the sixth when Pfeffer went in. Burns was put on first for Cleveland in the fourth and Woods went to right field. In the eighth Graney went to right field for Cleveland. Cleveland made two errors. Cleveland. Oct. 9.—The lineup for Brooklyn as announced is: Olson, u; J. Johnston, 3b.; Griffith, rf.; Wheat, If: Myers, cf.; Konetchy. lb.; KU- dne, >U; Mtller, c.; Pfeffer, p. Cleveland: W. Johnson, lb.; Sew ell. sa.; O’Neill, c.; Covelskte, p. Mrs. Parent, of the high school Cleveland, Ort. 9.—Pitcher Mar teaching staff, is spending the week quard of the Brooklyn Dodgers was A 114.1 1MMIM 1U. H IN I IKNT ! end at her place near Gold Hill. arrested today, charged with ticket NRTTLKMENT—HAI» Civil. W All O. U. Taubenack went to Eugene scalping. It is charged he was offer this morning to spend a few days at ing eight world series boxes costing Married at Oolumbu»- The oldest town on Williams creek tending to business. 352.80 for 3350. News of the marriage of Miss Pearl was the settlement at Williamsburg, By Everett Earle Stanard R. F. (Duncan is spending a few Elisabeth Youngblood to Dr. lloy a mining camp where the population “II was some 'Jant' wasn’t it. ternoon sun waa beginning to lower, days at Myrtle Creek looking after Jackson Bird, at Columbus. Ohio, on Is said to have been over 300 at one boys?’’ hailel the cave guard. R. C. he made the same iquiry and got the Advance Agent Here business interests. October « has been received here time. WfUlamsburg waa located on Rowley, at the top of the flve-mlle same answer: “Country Corners is Grants Pass U to have a musical Mrs. E. 3. Lewman and daughter. They will make their home at Cen the bench acrosa the creek from the canyon which marks the narrow en 10 miles farther on." "Well, I’m Golden, are spending the day visiting comedy next week at the opera present postoffice and nearly due east trance to one of the world's won holding my own at any rate.” opined terburg. Ohio. house The show is to be the 1920 in Ashland. from it. It was at this place that a ders, the Marble Caves of Oregon. the cub. fc* taring Roy Miss Elizabeth Miller returned to Revue of Revuwc, couple of outlaw characters ran up The three of us ti»e old hunter, the And so we seekers for the world’s her home at (Leland this morning to “Hiram” Clair. Holt Cummings, ad the confederate flag when It was fighting parson and myself, had most wonderful caves felt, at least if spend the week end. vance agent for the show, was here known the Civil war had broken out. "hiked it" from a point seven miles we were not gaining, neither were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Seguin are vis yesterday booking the attraction. The flag was up for only about ten below, at the foot of old Grayback. we losing. As we struck the hard iting with relatives in Roseburg for 'minutes however, as the stern hand Our starting point was Grants Pass climb on the foot-wide trail np Gray- a few days, having left for that city Ijanndrymen Paes Through— |of immediate justice. In the form of and we left that city on a Thurs back. another party of Itinerants was this morning. Two trains carrying laundry own a stalwart Yankee patriot announc day, pitching our tents in the moun discovered, coming up from below Miss Mary Fall, who has been In many Instances throughout the ed. “Haul down that there flag or tainous country near the border of us. A titlan haired maiden, bestrode I visiting here with her nephew, Lewis ers from all over the United Statea Applegate, aa In any section, variety HI lay you both on the ground with the Siskiyou national forest Thurs a small buckskin horse, and the oth Fall, for some time, left this morn passed through here this morning on their way to San Francisco, where a er members of the caravan which ing for her home at Merlin. or breed makes little or no differ thia here boulder." The flag came day night. convention is to be held commencing joined and mingled with us on the ence, just plain ordinary corn or down and the Civil War waa over In On Friday morning we were up Earl Grout has been spending a tomorrow and lasting all week. Nevertheless a with the lark and off up the seven trail were a brother of the auburn wheat, hogs or cows being good Josephine connty. short time In the city looking after About 400 owners are on their way enough. On the many progressive detachment of soldiers waa sent Into mil« climb, and a mile In the Jose haired one. and the paternal ances property interests. He left this to the Bay City where they expect Williams creek from the post at places. however, a great care Is given phine oounty mountains is a mile. At tor of the two. The older man prov morning for his home at Eugene. a real time. to aelectlon. In the raising of corn JackonvAlle to prevent any further one place a placard on a tree con ed to be Charles Siekron of San Paul Ander&on arrived yesterday this has resulted In a very wide disorder. tained the namee of a party which Francisco and his son Harry and afternoon from Portland. He came spread planting of a variety known had evidently spent the night under daughter Ada. The party thus con down to attend the meeting of Mellta Raft Taken in— aa Minnesota 18. This was develop an immense tree after a trip to the sisted of six persons, the three nam Commandery held last night. The large float used by the swim ed at the U. 8 experiment station In caves. The poster was Inscribed ed, myself, the Rev. C. M. Cline, of mers at Riverside park this summer Minnesota and after being brought with the following sentiment: “Caves Granta; Pass, known sometimes as has been moved in to shore where it out here was acclimated to the coast are five miles from here, and they “The Fighting Parson,” and J. A. will be safe during the high water Ptttenger, of Grants Pass, already by the O. A. C. station and Is now are d------ d Ion? miles at that." period. Lest year the raft got away adapted better than any other va In view of the fact that a mile be alluded to as the deer slayer of the end lodged on the dam and consider riety being grown to the local condi low this camp the sign board had In cavalcade. able trouble was experienced in get- Something after 11 o’clock on Fri tions. The River Banks Farms have dicated that the caves were only five ing it back to a place where ft could, The whlrt of time so changes the miles away, we felt none too cheerful day ths six of us staggered up the played an Important part tn develop be used. «. ing this corn for this climate, bring current of movement In the affairs over the finding of the placard How last great Incline into Cave camp, ing It In here In 1913, and many of of men that only the “old timers’’ ever. we summoned up what resolu- and sinking to the ground were one Manager Niles of River Banks tho Applogate farmers are getting remember when the direct road to lution wo could command, once more< and all right ready to agree to the claims that his farm is the most Departmcmt President Here— Mrs. Cora McBride, department their aeed from River Banks where Crescent City missed the valley of took off our shoes and socks, and L Cave guard’s dictum about the trip completely equipped in the country, • ■ • being “some jant.” We ate a snack, having a private cemetery right on president of the W. R. C. of Oregon, It Is very carefully selected. Selec the Rogue altogether, joining Jack wading Into the mountain torrent, arrived tn the city this morning on tion has been for development of sonville and Crescent City directly did buffet It. Placing a naked foot presently, and felt better. Then with the place. It has been used since early maturing corn, and 6nly stalks via the Applegate valley. Into this water resembles pulling a lighted candle in each hand, we fol 1880. and Mr. Niles gives assurance, her annual visit to the local poet. In those days 25 and 30 years ago tooth, and three pairs of feet ached lowed the guide to the lower en is well filled and has not changed Mrs. McBride has been visiting the not more than waist high and bear ing two earn havo been taken. The the whole traffic went by that route, most genuinely when the three cave trance of the Marble Halls of Ore since he started farming around it other posts In Southern Oregon, seed wii » then stored In the seed for the choice among the old dirt hunters arrlvod on the logical shore gon. The guide waa equipped with One ultra-modern touch on this coming from Gold Hill this morn a miner’s lamp, the same being affix- place, however, is the fire-protection ing. A meeting of the W. R. C. waa room and germination testa made In roads was so little that ths shortoat for travel. tho wlntor. Tho rosult has been very distance waa the criterion. The sign reminded tho fighting to his hat. system. As the outlet of the pipe of held this afternoon and a banquet Into the bowels of the earth we the 100 foot lift of the pumping given In honor of the guest. satisfactory, there being now 100 per From Jacksonville the road led as parson of a enb reporter who had cent more two-ear stalks than here it does today over the hill to Ruch been assigned to cover a literary went: following, for a time, a corri plant, he made a concrete reservoir ice 'cold of 30,000 gallons capacity as a re tofore. Mr. Niles has thia year 80 and then down the Applegate to evening at Country Corners in the dor through which an Fire Prevention Observed— acres of Minnesota 13 for selected Slate Creek, and then on the route as suburbs. Radiating eoaiiaence the draught was felt. This immediately serve supply. The pipe line is con In keeping with fire prevention now traveled. Even now a consider novice started out. "And where Is blew out several of our candles, but nected with a system of fire hyd seed. day, proclaimed by Governor Ol In tho Williams valley another able traffic goes by that route. It is Country Corners’" he inquired at a we swiftly followed tho guide until rants distributed among the dwell cott, the high school devotea the variety of corn has been developed said, although for auto traffic the passerby. “About 10 miles farther the chamber presently opened out ings and farm buildings and furn last hour of Friday afternoon to the which is giving a high degree of sat better roads are quicker even if long on.” came tho answor. The cub con- into "Watson’s Grotto." Here we re ishes water at high pressure whether discussion of the subject. Very in isfaction Thia la lorally known aa er. tinned the trap a few milea, and lighted our candles from the miner’s the pumps run or not, since the back teresting talks were given by mem "Turvey" corn, being a hybrid de Many times, the pioneers recall, again Inquired his way. “Just about lamp. And strange to say, this grot pressure from the reservoir has bers of the senior class. Those who veloped by J. W. Turvey on his farm, they have made a dash for the stock 10 miles ahead of you Is Country to once reached, the current of air about 100 feet of fall. With hose gave talks were: Unda Gillette, Mal through seed neleolion after croae ade at Gold Hill, via this road, when Corners,'' was the reply, Time went was no longer noticeable. cart. reel of hose and Manager Niles den LeRoy, Bertha Green, Harold On and on we fared, from wonder as Fire Crief. protection Is assured pollination, seeking an early ma the Indians threatened to make as the perspiring newspaper man Lundburg. Maryl Muir, Ellen mint turing variety. trouble. tramped forward, and when the af- (Oontinued on p*»a 3.) and complete. and Emma Alberts. company in the Josephine hotel block. He Interni» to st irt on the lúth of this month. COHN DEVELOPMENT IS' : WK BIG KSIkTS COAST HIGHWAY USED 10 BE IN APPLEGATE NILES SAYS CEMETERY IS FINISHING TOUCH