FERSSNflL ÌS? LOCAL | THK rue« »OR YOUR MONEY la. first of all. the savings bank. Later, when you have accumulated enough, you can take come of It out and Invest U at a higher rate of Interest, but it is always safe to entruet us first with your spare funds. We allow you interest com pounded every six mouths— and your money to absolutely safe here FIRST NATIONAL-BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON Successful Canning and Preserving ISN’T all knowing how and taking pai ou’ve got to have good equi pment to sure against loss of your time and waste of valuable food. We take great care to obtain the canners. jars, jar holders, and racks, rubbers, etc., that are known to be the most successful. Come in and talk it over with us. Rogue River Hardware Co the ’fffMCHESTlR store Barber Buys Ford ------- Sedan New Coats M O. Wallace, of Roseburg, was a local visitor last night. I» 00 buy* a 9x13 matting rug at Holmans Furniture Store. 9« W M Cheshire is spending a few days in Portland visiting friends Good beds, springs and mattresses at Holmans Furniture Store »« Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Nicholson, of Vancouver. were registered last night at the Josephine l/ota of good rugs in all sites, both large and small can be found at Hol- IC mans Furniture Store. W. G. West and wife were visitors in the city from Portland, leaving this morning for the north. Fancy new crop alfalfa need. at 100 Fardee's Grocery. Mrs H. S Wynant left today for Bray. Cal., where she will spend the next 10 days visiting. Tube free with every Firestone 97 tire at Hobart's. Mrs Nancy Sixemore arrived to day from Ashland for a vielt with Mrs. F B. Wtlmarth See our window tor new and daln- ty pattern in dinner 4 3 and SO plece 0« »eta Holmana Furniture Store. Two J5c cans of cocoa tor Me at the one cent eale. The Retail Store. Mrs. B. S Griffin arrived thia morning from her home at Silverton and will visit here for a few days with Mrs M. IA. Griffin Firestone Tube free with every •7 tire at Hobart's. G. X. Wendling, president ot the Wyre-Bound box company, of Rhn Francisco, spent a (hort time In the city today with I. A- Roble, who runs the local box factory. Gray winter oats for fall seeding at Counts Feed Store. 98 A. G. Church wood. formerly a member of the police force of this city, but now of Portland, le in the city for a few days, stopping while here at the Oxford Mrs. G W Shelter, of the Western Hotel, left this morning for Portland and after a short vielt there will leave for Minnesota where ahe win visit with her daughter for the next three weeks DALTON P. A. DeGenault AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE .clear up title to the lands, some of, Box Factory Again Running— The box factory which has been which are under dispute, the rail closed down was started again this roads declaring some agricultural morning. The present outlook is for lands granted them by the govern a continuous run throughout the ment. The Jewett property in Fruit- [ dale, for instance, was listed by the j winter. railroads as agricultural, while it is — distinctly mineral land. Darn ing Party— _ I At the Waldorf hall Saturday night. 9« 50-50 Dancing Club- Will start promptly at 8:90 Fri day evening. All are urged to be Will Hold MeeUng— preeent. 95 County Agent R. E. Miller is plan ning to attend the meeting of the cattlemen of the Illinois valley to Federal Commlseion I /Baren— The member* of the federal trade morrow. The meeting is to be held at Holland and it is expected that all commission hearing party reft the1 the stock men of the valley will at '■Ry yesterday afternoon and today1 for Salt i/ake City, where the hear tend. ing against the Utah-Idaho Sugar company will be renamed. It Is hoped Survey I* Mad«— J. R. Harvey returned yesterday . to have this hearing completed and I from a mineral survey of the differ the arguments In the case presented 1 ent districts of the county, which waa before the federal trade commission ' being made by the government. Tne j before Christmas. The hearing has survey Included all the territory already been on for six months.— from the mines adjacent to Granta Medford Tribune. Pass to the rough country around the Althouse. It wss made by govern ment experts who are attempting to E R Miller Is spending a few days at Klamath »'alls attending to some j busineas matters Tube tree with every Firestone tire at Hobart's. *■ Mrs W J. Robertson, of Brook j ing*. was a local visitor yesterday, leaving last night for San Francisco Always lot* of range* and heaters at Holman* Furniture Store 9i> Robert Grimmett, of Kerby, waa a buslnem visitor In the city yesterday, stopping at the Oxford last night. Get your alfalfa and red clover seed at Counts Feed Store. 98 M W Baldwin came down from Wolf Creek yeeterday to attend to some buxine*» matter* tn th« city 9x9 matting rugs at 87.50 8x9 matting rugs at 85.50. At Holman* Furniture Store »8 A. M. Lawson. K hop buyer from Portland, la stopping at the Oxford for a few days. Tube free with every Firestone tire at Hobart'S 97 Mrs J P Cyan, O. V Dy an and Mtsa Dy an. or Berkeley, are returning home after an auto trip north They stopped last night at the Josephine Fancy new crop alfalfa seed, at Pardee's Grocery. 100 Mr and Mrs. A. J. Hite were regis tered last night st the Josephine, giving their home address a* Port land mr$. Hellie lka$ i IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS 1 IM,MAR WVH WORTH A LOT AND A MIN W AN WORTH VERY I.ITTLF. YOUR NEW FALL Hl IT TAMARRI» TO lol It MIAMI RE HY Mild. MAKE vol UUltTII MORE I’D YOl HMKIJ- AND TO YOl H FAMILY—YOU WILL HE Hl ItPItlHEI* TO FIND HOW FEW DOLLARS WILL PAY THK BILL Local dealer amrly «litiwi year« GEO. 8 CALHOUN HAVE YOUR Fall Suit and Overcoat MADE TO MEAMITCK IIY Hart, Schaffner & Man AT Peerless Clothing Co. IF YOl' IHD NOT G KT ONK OF THH ‘ WE Bo oToid CJ Al* IIKSTLARN CAM, FOR ONE- Sells Drugs and Books ZAe ^cMccdtC BETTER VALUES The Money! NOW INLY TWO l»AYS C. A. WINETROUT Mr. and Mrs. C. W Woodcock, of Kerby, sprat Thursday in th« city •'Bixby's Shu-White." Sabin has It. | CLEMENS IM» T LET ANOTHER BBT TN'TIL VOI HAVE SFEV I IS A HAPPY MAN. FOR HE RIDES IN A FORI» SEDAN. P. A. MAYS NOTHING LIKE IT, LET IT RAIN OR SNOW. I'M €X»SY IN MY H*RD I8EDAN. YOU WILL NEVER KNOW REM. MOTORING JOY UNTIL YOU HAVE A FORD SEDAN. Just Arrived ARE THE FRIENI* THE WORKING MAN- ONCE IN A WHILE SOME OF OUR COMPETITORS THROW OUT SOMETHING FOR A DAY OR TUO TRYING TO OMVUI i YOl THAT THEY CAN SELL MERCHANDISE JUST CHEAPLY .AM THE Sample Store THE DARK MIRROR LOI IS JOSEPH VANCENI Smanbingly <w-n national AND WHEN YOU TAKE QUALITY INTO (ONMDEItA- TION. THEY ARE SIMPLY I/OST—YOU CAN HI Y ISO WEIGHT OVERA I, IS HERE AT $1 .»*♦• Rest Assured THAT WHEN HOME ONE THROWS OUT AN OVERALL story of a New York society woman who came to be known in the UNDER WORM* as "Red Car nahan's Girl." Unquestionably Mb» Halton's greao*t picture since the "Flame of the Yu kon." FOR $1.75, THE Sample Store HAS IT ¿EAT FOR $1.0». OVERALLS 221» UT il.PH COVERALLS, $1.50 VALUE... _ ALBO— .......... -.......................... Your Financial Thermometer YOl It HANK ACCOt NT IM Vol II FIN ANCIAL THKR.MOMKTKIL KEEP YIM R FINANCHt IN A HKAI/THY. GROWING <N»NDITION IIY Al»- DING REGULAR DEINKITN TO YOl R FUNIM. START AN ACCOUNT WITH THE JOSEPHINE COUNTY HANK. J osephine C ounty B ank G rants 'P ass .O regon Ardencraig Farm For Sale Complete With Stock and Equipment at $50,000.00 Seed Wheat, Barley, Oats and — Rye — Guaranteed Flour at $3.00 per sack For Sale at the JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUH MILL Corner Third and G Street $3.(1» Phene 123 SUNSHINE COMEDY HER LIGHTWEIGHT LOVER OREGON SUNDAY “BELOW THE Hl IO-ACE" WE HAVE YOU 25 TO So PER CENTON EVERY Pl IM H AHE Sample Store R obert bosworth ¡71 “BELOW THE SURFACE” A PIOTI RE UP TO THE HIGH STANDARD OF OREGON HP». CI AIS. THE MOST REMARK MILK UNDER-W ATER HCKNKN EV ER SHOWN. '"'MM' COMING MUNDAY J