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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1920)
FRIDAY, OtTOHKIl R, 1MM». GRANIVI PAM DAILY OOVRIBh Classified Advertising FOB MA1JC ’V’OU certainly want to save WANTED ’.OR BA1JC Fancy BerksBlres close WANTED TO BUY Plano, will pay ly related to tbe 14600 boar and oasb, must bo In good condition tbe I38OO sow recently sold at and worth the mouey. Address publie auction In tb» »aal River It2 North Second W W. J. Teal. Bank» Farm» ««tf 81tf FOR HALB Tennessee White Win WANTED -Cheap for cash one ter Barley and Gray Winter Oats work horse, light wagon, smalt tor tall seedlag River Banka diac harrow, plow. Addreee with Forma. Rd 3, Grants Pasa «Iti particulars. T. A. Bird, Placer, Ore >« FORD In first < lass condition tor sale. Seo County Agent, court ELDERLY IJLDY, very active with house C8tf wh»«l chair, would like good room with »love In, board and little car» FOR HAIJD Black Jersey co* and for winter Call or write for par young calf; 3-ton Voile truck and ticular» to W.D.A.. 709 Riverside equipment tor lumber hauling, Ave,, city. *« alao band bolat for dump body In quire 718 Booth Fifth. 71tf WANTED Good Hal top office desk. 0. A Swope, HO North 0th St »Itf ’WINGER’’ Lad» as usual—1931 models on floor Grants Pa»» Hard WANTED Young lady wants work, ware Co. Ho« them. Your term» experienced in dlffer-nt work. Ad are ours. J W Scott, sales man. dress Nadia Hlm mon». Rd. 1, Box ■ ger Hlnger Hewing Machine Co. 6». >7 MU WANTED Applepicker» for River A3.FALFA HAY Jt you want good Banka Farms Phone «07-F-3. 88 Parker. Phone bay see H. N WANTED- Men to work on farm. lit 186-Y Permanent position River Banks FOR 8A LE 170 acre ranch. 90 Farms. 88 a, re» cleared lirace place near WANTED To board and room a Murpby. J. F. Klsln at Demaray's In comfortable working maa, 8« Drug 8tore. home. Term», 340 per month 8« Phone 285-R. FOR HALE- House, barn, calckeu house, cow, 100 chickens, every MBU'FJjaNKOl A thing needed on a farm «7.36 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS — Ther scree, well fenced, part under cul mopylae lodge No. 60. meets »very i tivation. «Ill relinquish at a very ■scond and fourth Tuesday even low figure on account of poor ing. Visitors Invited 09tf Hugo, health, l.t miles from Oro., on highway, Inquire J. W. NFRHERY stock ot all kinds Orna 9« Llmback. mental, shade and fruit treoa Geo R Parker. 70tf DAYTON1A BICYCI j E - Nearly new For »ale cheap. Ralph Dwan. «16 ALBANY NURSERY. trees of qual '.H. H st rest ity. F. E. Jordan, special agent. Grants Paas. 83tf P1GH FOR HAIX 6 targe and « small. Address A. Grisha her. P ORDERS taken for winter wood Equal parts pine, body Or and oak •• O. Box 132. or laurel. 84 a tier. All eeaeoned FOB AA1JC- Marquis rec leaned seed wood. C. W. iAmbrecht, phone wheat. *2 60 at ranch, also 100 351-J. 85 tons alfalfa ha> and 40 acres paa- HTIIAYED ture W. D. Mee. A pp le gate. Orv 97 ESÍTRAY—There came to eur places Sept. 21 two young Ayreshire hetf- 13 ACRE POULTRY RANCH, good er» about two years old, no brand house. 3 acre* cleared, wire, per Owner can get animals by paying fect grape land. !•«» than half chargee. J. R Hawes, D Wood. value. Hee owner at 701 E atreet C. >1 Eismann. 81 tf (behind poatofflrel. Grant» Pana, TAA. » Oregon. X money, and you would like to have better bakings. POOR HATCHES IN INCUBATOR Many causes for poor hatches of chicks In Incubators can be traced to the operators nut educating thetnaeives on what la necraeary In the way of fertile eggs, saving eggs for Incuba tion and taking care of them. Eggs for Incubation should be kept In a well ventilated room with medium tern perature. All egg» should bo turned at least once every 24 hours, and no rgga should be over ten daya or two weeks old at the outside. One should be careful to strictly fol lew the directions accompanying the incubator. The dlrectlone for one make of machine do not always do for that of another make, for the ventilation, regulation, etc., may be different. The prludiml reason why young chicks die In the shell about the eighteenth day la a poorly ventilated room. Other causes than poorly ventilated rooms are poorly ventilated Incubators. ■ nd eggs are not pro|wrly fertilised An egg poorly fertilized will »tart to gm» and die for lack of vitality. Opening up the Incubator during the latter part ot the hatch, or about the time the chirk* begin to pip. lets out the moisture and drie* the chicken up In the shell, or. In other word», stops the pores of the shell, and causes a great many to die. Under no con dition should the Incubator l>e opened after the eighteenth day until tbe chicks are entirely hatched. As a rule, beginners with incubators do oot read tbe book of direction» properly. Many ■ person who has seen an Incubator, and probably run a hatch of some other mnke think» he knows all about It. does not read the directions snd makes a flat fail ure every time. Hometltues no consid eration Is given to tbe ventilation of the room Io which the machine Is plseed. Possibly there may be de cayed vegetables therein, or the air Is stale. There are few failures nowadays by poorly regulated incubators, except In the cheaper line of machines where the teni|H-raturv will change 10, 12 14 mile from railroad, 11 miles E T McKINBTKY. 603 G 8t.. phone i from Granta Paas, 3U00 cords of 13-R; general real eetate business wood, fair house, price 1600. J. i)Mt of »olla for fruit, hay or gen E Verdin, 1« Rogue River Ave. eral farming 88 CIVIL ENGINEER FOR HAIX 1 wood saw 1 16-h p. 1 8- h. p. engine. 1 «-h. CIVIL ENOINIOER Daniel McFar engine p. engine. All nearly new. 408 land, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. 10« F atreet. Phone 3«1-Y. Res 747 North Tenth St. Phone 211-T. 101 UNIT Splendid Ha ten rrovn Incubator. HR AVADE AND TRANSFER LOST —Bui tease containing child’s clothing Saturday between Shat and 16 degrees. One point I have no THE WORLD MOVER; so do we. ticed here at home by having a green tuck place on Creacent City road. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone hand set an Incubator, says a writer In Finder please leave at Courier. 8« 848. an exchange. He reads the directions, I/>ST -Little black purse containing maybe thinks he has learned them F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. by heart, sets tils regulator ns soon 85 bill. Finder please return to 8afi>a. pianos and furniture as the thermometer gets to 103. turns No. 2345 at Courier office. 95 moved, packed, skipped and stored. J.(»ST Tire chain for 8-lnch tire, on ATTORNEYS Office phone 124-Y. Hayes hill. Please leave at H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. . Courier office and ricolve reward. Practices in all State and Federal 95 Courts. First National Bank Bldg. L. O. OLEMENT, M. D.. Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear, nose G W OOLVIG, \ttorney-at-law. MICKIE SAYS and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours Granta Pass Banking Co. Bldg. 8-12, 2-5, or on appointment. E 8 VAN DYKE? AUorney" Fra ticea Phones, office 62; residence 859-J. 600Ö MIGHT*. In all courts. First National Bank rtVri ÍUARtMNlW avia \ Building. S. IXIUGIIRIDGE. M. D. Physician W GVUlH’ VAN CKJA5 NH ' and surgeon. City or country calls O 8. BIiANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. OOTTN GOOD HOTiOH X‘ attended day or night. Phonee. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. IO AW OL It IX TH PA»£I» « Rea 368; Office. 182; «th and H. C. A. '-,»LER. Attorney-at-law. Ma I» OVT '. J6S’ SttMA UKt »OCAS FCLV.5 Crii gnate Iwm.pla, Grants Pass, Ore. E. J. BILUCK, M, D. Physician ornea th ' tot«a art we eeV GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law and surgeon; office Sc.hallhora ALL T hs TSPt IH TU' Vb»t« referee In bankruptcy, Masonic block, phoue 54-J; residence, 1004 TU' Lk< V*iO HOUS« bEFORL Temple. Phone 135-J. GOlb»' 5* Lawnrldge, phone 54-L. JAMES T CIIINNOl'K l.o'-r W. F. RUTHERFORD— Manna’ 'he- First National Rank Building. raputica. It gate your atrment. Office over Jewelry store A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg. Practice In all courts Office hours 8:80-12: 1:80-4. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In RALPH W. 8TEARN8, M. D. Phy- state and fedesal courts. Office altri an and aurgeon X-ray eauip- over National Drug Store. Offtco, Ms- ment, dental X-ray. sonic Temple Bldg. Phones: Of- ilea 21-J; residence 21-L. The California and Oregon E. C. MACY. D. M. D First-class dentistry. 108% 8. fitti St ' Then use Calumet. It’s the biggest thing you can do to im- prove the quality of your bakings —and lower baking costs. rt>R SALE Furnished rooming dOONER TAXI—Phone 242-R foi llluey Luke or Cutler. Calls ar. house all full, all light housekeep swered anywhere, anytime. 88tf ing rooms 818 J street. Phone Tom 308-J »» PALACE TAXI Phone 22-J. Wind Ottf FOR HAIJC Some second hand fur niture. chair», table», refrigerator, PIANO ISHTHlCriON and bed Call 324 »31 f MRS JAS. M POWERS. Instructo.- kNJR ham : For 1.1 .... ding, alfal on piano, 10214 Sixth street fa, red clover, gray winter oats, High arhool credits given. Register; vetch »nd rye »i fount» Feed now Phone 285-J. 71tf Store. 86 REAL E m TATK FOR SALE 80-acro relinquishment DENTISTS pagi Coast. Railroad Company TIME < ARD Effective Nov. 24, 1919. ■■■.I»..« ... X Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- VE I ERI N ARY SURGEON days and Fridays PM. DR. II. J. JIEHTUL, Veterinarian Ixiave Grants Pas*................ 9 1 Arrive Waters Creek P.M. Residence S3 8 ^Washington boule 1 stave Wntera Creek......... 2:30 P.M. vard. phone 38H-R Arrive Grants Pass ........ 4 P.M. For Information regurdlng freight Hammerrnlll Bond letter Heart* and passenger rates sail at the office of the company, Lundbiiri building, and Envelope» nt tue Courier office. or telephone 131. Calumet is made in the largest, most sanitary Baking Powder Factories in the World. No Baking Powder is made under better conditions—none can be better in quality. It contains only such ingredients as have been officially endorsed by the U. S. Pure Food Authorities. An abso lute guarantee that it is pure. It received highest Awards,World’s Pure Food Exposition, Chicago—Paris Exposition, Paris, France—positive proof of its superior merit. It is used by more housewives, domestic scientists and chefs than any other brand. That would no . be the case, if it were possible to secure a higher quality leavener. It is sold at a moderate price. All you have to do is to compare costs to determine how much you can save by buying Calumet. A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want It the thumb screw where he supposes Is right, and places the eggs in the machine. Now. the thumb »crew ami regv'**ot Is a very tender affair, and one cjm of the thumb screw will «nu«e a change In the atmosphere Inside the incuba tor of three Io four degrees. It should I be turned slightly, about one-fourth of I th« way round, w the temperature stands Just at 103. A grent mistake Is made hy paying too much attention to an Incubator I never see to my machine more than twice a day. once In the morning and once In the evening. I see that th« regulator 1» set properly and «'very thing running nicely before putting In tbe eggs, and then place the egg» In it and do not touch the regulator At first It wilt lower the temperatur« a little when the eggs are put In but If the regulator Is properly set, the temperature will rise to the prop er degree. TREAT POULTRY FOR VERMIN Bath of Road Duet, Tobacco and Sul phur la Excellent—Dipping la Also Favored. One of the best method« to keej poultry free from lice is to provide a “dust bath.” This may be made of » box large enough to accommodate sev ernl fowls at a time and partly Ailed with road dust, tobacco dust and sul plmr, according to the following pro portlor,: Road dust, six parts; tobae co. one part; sulphur, two handfuls. Dipping chickens In a two per ceil' solution of chlorine Is also recoin mended for the control of lice. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, (TRCVLA- TION, ETC. Required by Act of August 24, 1918. Of the Grants Pass Daily Courier, published dally at Grants Pass. Ore gon, for October 1, 1920. Publisher. A. E. Voorhlea. Editor. WNford Allen. Managing Editor, A. E. Voorhies. IBisIness Mann ger, A. E. Voorhies. Owner, A. E. Voorhies. Bondholders. mortgagees and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds. None. Average number of copies of each Issue of this publication sold or dis tributed through the malls or other wise. to paid attbecrlbers, during the six months preceding the date shown above. 1186. (Signed) A. E. VOORHIES. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day ot October, 1930. CIJARA E, TR0FREN, Notary, Public. (My commission exnlres September 9, 1923.) 1 Recipe —3 cup» pastry flour. 3 level tea spoons Calumet Baking Powder, H cup butter. It. cups granulated sugar. Yolks of 3 eggs, 1$ cup cold water. Whites of 3 egg», 1 teaspoon orange extract. Then mix in tbe regular way. Maxwells Carload now on our floor at New Price, $1185 « t Old Price $1335 *■ AGENTS FOR/ HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS __ COLUNS AUTO COMPANY ACCESiORItO AHO «.F.-MMHING 5// h PHONE 317 grants pax , orl srmr, Second-Hand Bargains MAXWELL—FINK SHAPE ....-B®»O CHEVROLET .......................... FORI» DELIVERY AUTO TOI S Replace the shabby top ".vlth a light, I'asy-to-hanillc weather proof one now. Smart looking, serviceable top»— perfect fitting and improving Stic car’s looks—a wide choice In ma terial* and colors. OCR PRICKS IAIWEBT G. B. BERRY