»M tdWlAHW« A OMAIT1F1 L M»B ’* New Stock Cuff Links ■MM OCR WIUIW’M y UMM. OlwMt BARNES, The Jeweler ♦ ♦ ♦ uad • alar houae trade ■ U mu T m KXI ft -itrf'-ir J»V CONV WANTED—A^ple picker« at Tauoy or-hard« Phon» <«<F- 1*. ST F»*» HEXT-FXve ruota cotta** ou Ore. «rd Ata la,urt at PeerieM Cloth sag Store liti FRH8H TOTNG COW for «al» In taire î»4> Went C «treet or Arcade Barber «bop »« BETTER VALUES TREMO« IH MAXTT'A AMD DIM AGF. M REPORTED Txmdon Oct J- Two rlolaat earth New* «torte» aay a Rnaaiaa named treat er« were felt In Mantua, aortb- Jazalnafri waa arreatod tor plotting em Italy, according to a Rome tele ara nat the go-ersnieat Jwt a eaae gram re'wired here Some property damare wae reported of too ■ "di ")*XZ C ot hae dtoeovered a new one to »prta» on the reputai lean nominee Now ha «ay« he la "reactionary? An- ■ Co-tFor elaantCed adì bring. • alt» Try a elaaalfled Courier fur »ommwrelal printlag -SOME S‘RO.»rX—1»1» mode! Ford • touring I car ta fir*t ciao« condition new ».rea ail aro-xad and two »X- traa Price IJU. » IS» down take« it. haiaaew away tara» Call at 2*» Weat H «reel 100 AFP!.* John Je*ev an Err’iab eettier, owned a very dr- bowed that wu« run over aod frilled by a train For nine the after the JaBar family waa much annoyed by the wild wldstlfag of the paiulng | train«. On ruaaplalning <.f ibu. they were ’old by the enginrrr* that they •fcould keep their dot at t.ome that the whittling waa awrety a warning to the d-< wfrIHi v»i alwray« on the 1 tra/fca The enalneere drwenhed the ; dot with aorta armrwry that ’he fam- I lly wuo greatly tayttlhc-d. ewpeclally | when the eaglnewr« added that the dog would aiwaya refine to leave the track untt. the eoglne waa altuowt upon The Money! WE ABF THE FKJEXD '/» THE WOKMJV, MAX- OX«E IX A WHILE. nOME OF O< E < OMFET1TOK* THBOV OC T kOMETHIXG FOR A DAY OR TWO TRY I MG TO COX VIETE VOI THAT THEY CAM MXd. MERI TI A X DIME JI'ST AM CHEAPLY AJ» THE PARTY AMD WHEX YOC TAKE Q< ALITI’ IXTO (OXMllEKI- TIOX. THEY AKE MMPLV IXMT—VOL CAM HI V 220 WEIGHT OYER IM JI HERE AT »I.OS- New Shipment -Latest Styles Newest Colors, Lower Prices. You will be delighted. TO A mvappfthc and FOoTSIlPÓ QUICKCN- cvcry T ime I think THAT WHEX HOME OVE THROW» Ol T A X OVER ALE OF CHICKEN \ The Time of Your Life! Murphy, Ore., October 9th —AT— THE MAX'IELI^EUEHT COMEDY 'OMPAXF P.V EWERTS «««ORDEOM JAZZ Hl.XD \ Now 10c and 15c * Mr Happy Party baa been in riled to a chicken dinner. Hap” know« that thia poul try waa pur baaed at thia ■bop. ix> you suppoae that "Hap" bi going to attend thia leant? Well, we rather true«« HAU IT HEAT FOR »1.0». MISI» bread prices FOB »1.7», THE Sample Store All Might Under New Management piNNEfc Golden Rule Store Hun-, We'll Moore Bakery C hickc * Rest Assured HOME DA W E Tree« »« Sample Store Ladies’ Sweaters A REAL MIOW AMD PM KER.S wanted R K R om OVERALL« ¿2H> UT. IIIW rovi RALLH, »1.50 VALLE ....... ................... »11.00 WE HAVE VOI 25 TO no PEP. < t XT OX EVERY PI RCHAME Sample Store F. C. Goetz Proprietor yo»f t Wat/ h for Mr. Happy Party CITY VMARK6T ¿¿¿ .*5, 5QÌG Street t1-* .• r——.** Fi ' ÄL»-. |f ' Hu. qua«, ac ting hauery la cHilc kl"' l,l"> *•*’---- *”■ "r Itile uiy correct the trnnldn „I •ênürTnd*1 ,he „ 1 "’M"1 70« on your " hm (;ivn<’x*“"’BM’'rt ,OT 1 1 "**“•' nwatoat 1 n'in.Ky STATION. Al’AMS UK IRK and «Al 11 RY SHOP "‘»•J« H«r»l e 60« Month Hlath Kt reel