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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1920)
VOI*. XI., Nu. IN. GRANT* FAMI. JtMEPHlNK COUNTY, ORRGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER N, IMO irioli AlUx-k vdiUrr. him I *1rr«l Are Injured in NhiMiUng UIU« li Fol low« Aaaault llefMMlinewt of Agriculture F o re ra«! Is Eocouragtng—Wheel Fall» Below Estimate Overthrow of United States Government Was Planned by Russian Workers; Quantities of Pamphlets Dis covered; Murder Advocated to Gain Ends Cork, Oct 8.--Civilians bombed a BOI Til AIM» GROWN IN HKI'IIK- military lorry and one soldier was » MENTATION IN < ONG RENS killed and three wounded here thia IIY INIltKANK morning. Two soldiers who escaped Injury fired on the attackers, The streets were filled at the time with ■ people on their way to work, Two Chicago, Oct. 8.—Discovery of mon and a woman were shot in I the quantities of radical litsrr.ture in the lacs pOMeaslon of Nicolai John Jazzlnskl RsuHifM.rthmmcwl May Be Made and and Joe Holoeny, declared to be two M ould Give Mate Owe More Rep- of the moat dangerous radicals In riwrnlallvr. in li,»U»r America who were arrested last night j was announced today. Nearly a half j ton of communist articles Including Washington. Oct 8 Th« west samples of a new pamphlet advocat an<l south will gain proportionately ing an armed revolution by foreign more la a political way than the elements in this country were found «•at or middle weal through U m » pop Omaha. Ort. 8 Bearing the stand In Jazxtnskl’s possession. ulation Increase aa shown by the con- A hundred thousand of the#« ard of republicanism along the po sus They will get an Incroaaed litical borderland. Senator Harding pamphlets are said to have been membership In the house of repre Hie shipped by express from Chicago to headed into Missouri today, sentatives, the electoral college and Detectives voice showed the atraía of yeeter- other cities Tuesday. the national conventions. Oregon la day’s 18 speeches entitled to one mo go congressman If the slse of the house Is Increased PORT I .AND MARKETH OREGOH MAÏ GET CONGRESSMAN Washington, Oct. 8. —The corn crop for 1820 was 8,318,000,000 bu shels, or 70,000,000 bushels greater than the record crop of 1012, It was forecast by the department of agri culture from the condition of the said chief among the documenta was crop on October 1. The total wheat a proclamation of a union of Russian crop forecast is 750,848,000 com workers, calling upon all members to pared with a 770,000,000 bushel rise and overthrow the government; forecast a month ago Spring wheat of th» United States by the force of lg forecast at 218,007,000 bushels arms, utilising murder and destruc tion to gain their ends. Thia procla mation was printed In Russian, agents said and revealed the com plete plan of the revolution. Th« arrest ot six other radical« at St. Paul and Milwaukee is pending, the department of justice has an nounced. The alleged plotters planned the Paducah. Ky, Oct. 8.—Governor assassination of the more important Cox in an address here eaid that at officials of the state. least tour vacancies in the supreme Portland. Oct. 8.—Carile steady, hog» are higher, 818.80 118.85. sheep are weak, eggs butter firm. RATHIE Ah'*» OTTENS TO HANG DBlMBEIi THIRD I NWS ACTION TAKEN MINISTER WORKS FOP. MEI Pendleton, Oct. 8.—Elvin D. Ker by, alias Owens and John Laffeabean, alias Rathie, were sentenced to hang on December 3 by Judge Phelpa, tor the murder of Sheriff Til Taylor. The -ase la to be appealed by local women sympathisers who are to raise 8800, said Attorney Bolin, who de court were In prospect, and referring fended Kerby and whose motion for to Senator Harding aa " react ion an,” a now trial of Kerby and Laff ebean Rev. Cox, a Baptist, he said It would follow that be would was denied. is assisting the women, said the at appoint reactionary judges torney. — WiU Ship Ho»— A carload of hoga is to be shipped to Portland tomorrow night by the farmers cooperative association One hundred and twelve head are to be included in the shipment, all being in first class condition. The Portland market for hoga has shown a steady Improvement during the past few days. Baptist Election Heid— The annual businees meeting for the election ot officers for the First Baptist church of this cRy, occurred last night. A large attendance was present at the banquet at 6:30 which preceded the business meeting. Tho banquet was followed by reports at the various branches ot the work un dertaken, the reports showing that I. J. Follette, of Birnamwood. Wls..! all bills had been paid and that a bal is visiting here with his sister-in-law, ance was left In the treasury of every Mrs. W. P. Counts, on South Sixth department. The election followed street Mr Follette will be here for the reading of the reports After all several weeks. the business had been attended to, a social meeting was held. Those at the meeting say it was the best an nual meeting ever held by the church. TWKNTY KI 1,1-ED WHEN IT AM AN TRAINS CRASH Tok io, Ort. 8.—The Bible Is not Sir Isaac Newton, John Adams, Heine only the "best seller" In the United and Queen Victoria. Cleveland. Oct. 8 —The streets The enemies of the Bible, the bi States and England but has now be lx>ndon. Oct. 8 -Twenty persons leading to the Union station were shop said, had "done their worst to come the "best seller ” In Japan, ac lined with crowds who cheered the were killed and 10 Injured In a col- destroy it and when they imagined Cleveland Indians who returned for Halon In which the Venlee and Milan cording to the Rev. Dr. Charles E. they had overturned It they found the fourth game of the world series express train la Involved, aald a Rome I*oeke. Methodist Episcopal bishop, the Bible was a cube and is always after- of Manila. P. I., who. In an address right side up.” He told ot the case dispatch received hers thia tomorrow. noon. here ’s Sun- ot a Japanese scholar of great man- --------- the — World --------------------- ------ today -------- - before day School Congress, declared tho.vigor who had been reared as a j seven-tenths ot the people of the Confuctaniat and who commented HI». Have Big H im «— , world now have Bibles in their own thus upon a translation of ths Bible From reports brought back by lo language. A century ago, he eaid, which had been given him by an cal Elks who attended the big time 1 only one-fifth of the people were so American missionary. at Medford last night, the meeting provided and now each year nearly ”1 read page after page until I was one of lhe beat the lodge has yet 20,000,000 Bibles are published in came to the 13th chapter of St. held. The "Buckhounds” wore all i 500 or more languages and dialects. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinth present and a real entertainment PRESIDENT DIRECTS FLAG Bishop I«ocke declared "The Bible ians, beginning: 'It I speak with the was furnished by 'Elk talent. Sen BE PLACED AT H ALF MAST Waahlnglon, Oct. 8.- Frequent Is the greatest clvlltxing force In the [ tongues of men and of angels but ator McNary gave a talk to the mem .... earthquakes In North and South Am- world's history. It contains a per have not love I am become aa sound bers of the lodge which was greatly Those "making the trip I«He* and Europe during the last few fect standard of faith, morals and Berlin. Oct. 8 — Close observers of Washington. Oct. 8—President ing brass on a tinkling cymbal.' I appreciated. ’--------------------- government character and presents the only cor read the whole chapter. I was fas the Russo-Polish situation say the wilson directed that the flag b» from here were C. H. Corson L p g. months have puzzled Bramwell. F. C. Bramwell. Joes Ever scientists. They regard the disturb rect solution of the mystery of life. cinated. I had never seen or heard Russian Soviet army will not content piacetj af half mast on November 14 ton, Harry Webber. Al Martineau, ance m a geological anomaly for From Caedmon to Kipling,” he said. or dreamed of a morality like that. itself with defeat but will either be- ag a to^en of Memorial services for Blanchard, they say that the greatest seismic "English literature is permeated by I felt that It was above the reach of gin a counter-offensive this winter or the wor;(j war <jea<j. Fred Blackmnn, O. S. Frank Woods. Carl Williams. Sam disturbance la known definitely to be Bible thought and Bible diction.” the human race, that ft must have launch a fresh campaign in the Neaa and Secretary Plltenger of the tn February, March and April. Their Among the famous men and women oome from Heaven, that the man who spring. GREAT BRITAIN THREATENS An American army officer -bo opinion coincides with that of Father who avowed faith in the Bible and wrote that chapter must have re Chamber of INimmeroe BOLBHEVIKI IS REPORT Tondorf, director of the Georgetown admired its worth and beauty be reived light from God from God, toured Poland from Warsaw to Sol- I university seismic observatory. mentioned Shakespeare. Bacon, Mil about whose existence I had been dau and then visited the Russian in Hong 1« < <oni|»MK«l— .London, Oct. 8.—Great Britain The government scientists have no ton. Oarylle, Macaulay, Coleridge. speculating. And then I read the terment camps of East Prussia said A song has been composed by Mrs. particular scientific reason to sug Tennyson. Byron, Sir Walter Scott. Gospel of St. John and the words of he found virtually unanimity of opin- threatened "certain action” against jAmes M Powers and Everett Earle gest for the frequency of lhe recent Ruskin, Napoleon, Andrew Jackson. Christ filled me with wonder. They Ion among Poles. French and Ge i the bolshevik! unless British prison- Stannard which la to be sung at the earth dlsturt»nnces. They are mak Grant, Lee. General Cronje, De Toe-' were not to be resisted. I could not mans that the Russians would not.ers held by them were released by rally day services al the Baptist give up their ambition to conquer October 10th, the Herald reported to- ing no special study of the earth qnerllle. Goethe, Wilberforce. Hugo, refuse Him my faith.” Mrs. Powers com church Bunday, Poland without further fighting. day. quakes. and their opinion la that ge- posed the music while Mr. Stannard.' A French officer serving in Poland . -------------------- Cllne olofr *• to ° 7° “ “ « • science and too who Is a son-in-law of Rev. Cline,i Powers' Iuu,e u known ot u for anyone ,o told the correspondent he believed i|inTfi|j I Ail I I Il furnished the words. Mrs. 1_„ — the Russians would come back in A||\||f|A UU|I I u attempt an explanation of the cause class of girls will sing the song. the spring, and that they would be flvt* I lllii WILL II of the anomaly. Geologists recognize that the better organized for Invasion than i lOOrkiniU Tl W. J. Kanney reiurned thia morn earth's surface is In a state of con they were this eumnier. A Polish of- fiWrlVIKl V LI fleer, graduate of an American uni- nUULIilUL I LI ing from a week epent In Salem and tinual unrest, and they explain that Portland on a vacation. versity and serving with General force whenever the accumulated Joseph Haller’s army, declared he passes the “breaking point" earth Vienna, Oct. 8.—Just three week» believed, and this belief prevailed quakes follow. The disturbances ‘“ 1 ballot in among Polish officers, that the Rus- before the presidential which recently have occurred sla'ns "were badly beaten but would! America, Austria will elect on Oct. regarded three continents are be able to reorganize and prepare for 17 a new national assembly and the | scientists as movements of another campaign within six months, campaign is now at the top of the earth's crust and yet they say A number of Germans, who held the curve. some of the shocks may have extend Beginning with the recess of par opinion that Poland cannot endure | ed to a depth of 200 mile«. as a nation, said they were confident liament the two dominant parties. Fault lines or weak places In the Manila, P. I., Oct. 8.—Japan has earth are well known to the geolo Russia soon would begin a counter- the Christian socialists and the social democrats, went on the stump and no political ambitions In the Philip gists, according to G. P. Merrill, cu offensive. pine Islands, Professor N. Matsunsml rator of the national museum, who The American officer said informs- the contest is waging with all th» of the Imperial university of Toklo explains that because of thia know tlon he had gathered led him to be- bltterneee and reproach, recrimina- declared In •. recent address here be ledge a general prediction regarding lieve the Russians would renew the tlon, chargee and counter chargee fore the students of the University the area of a disturbance can be fighting early this winter. Through that are the natural outome of an en- of the Philippines. an Interpreter he learned the attl- forced coalition government which made by the scientists. But, he adds, Professor Matsunnml spoko on the “no sane man" would attempt to say tude of the Cossacks Interned Tn tailed to satisfy the mass of either subject, "Japanese Expansion” and exactly where or when, for a fault East Prussia. j party. On the one side are grouped “Strangely enough the-«e Cossacks ! the radial elements and on the other, touched on the reported statements may extend for several hundred of Representative Charles H. Randall miles. say they are not bolshev ata and that under the general title ot Christian of California and other members of few other Russians are real bolshe- ‘ socialists, all the conservative fac- tho American congressional party, Dairymen to Organize— vlsts.” he aid "They declare they tions that range from real democracy which was here recently, In which A few changes have been made In are not fighting for bolhevlsm but along moderate western lines to mon- they were quoted as saying that Jap ithe original pinna for tho meetings for Russia against the Poles. They archists. an was one of the chief stumbling of the dairymen of the county. The appear to be in excellent condition In the center stands the Grosse blocks In the way of granting Inde Deer Crock dairymen are asked to and well equipped. Most of them Deutsche party. Broadly it is group- pendence to tho Islands. ! meet at the home of J. C. Smith at were young fellows apparently be- el with the conservatives, but its “Even If tho Japanese desired to 1 Dryden. Friday morning. October 15, tween 25 and 30: branzed, healthy, j course In the present assembly haa occupy tho Philippines, thoy would I at 10 o’clock. That afternoon the strapping. On the whole they show- been to vote this way and that on find the task far greater than that meeting will ha held at Holland. Sat ed to much better advantage than vital measures obviously to preserve which attended American occupation urday, October 18. the meeting Is the Polish soldiers.'* its strong balance ot power In th» 22 yenns ago," ho said. "In fact. It j to be hold In Grants Paas. The dairy The American said he saw many house and to strengthen its hands In would bo Insuperable, for the Fili men will bo organized into the Ore German«, some of them officers, the coming elections by sn appeal tn pinos would never submit to a power gon Dairymon'a Cooperative league, laughing and talking with the Cos both factions. which Is distinctly non-Christ Ian. nor which will he to tbw dairymen the The assembly now stands 79 Chris sacks and that it was evident there would the Christian nations of the eame aa the Growers Cooperative as- was much rood feeling between tian socialists, 81 social democrats world permit the aggrosalon." noctatlQn la to the orchardlst. and 26 Grosse Deutsche deputies. them. Reproduced by permlMlon Now Tork Tribune, Ino.. Copyrighted DIO. Stirring Up a Dangerous Animal !