Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1920)
TWt BHDAY. iSTiSAER T, I THE PLACE FOR YOUR MONEY tint of all. the »arlna* bank later, when you have accumulated enoujb. you can take some of It out and invevt it at a higher rate of inter*«, but It Is alway* safe to entrust ua first with your spare fund*. We allow you lntere*t com pounded every six month* •nd your money is absolutely eate here h UM WI'FMM THE FIRST NATIONAIxBANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON IXm't get cold feet • Inter • hen you can buy two water botila* tor the price of one plus Ic. Retail Store »4 Tube tree with every Firestone tire at Hobart's 97 Bu> soap at the Ic sale. Rexall Store 94 Tube free with every Firestone I tire at Hobart's. »7 Buy ¡wiper and envelope* at the one cent sale. Rexall Store. 94 Get your alfalfa and red clover seed at Counts Feed Store 9« "Pussywillow." Sabin has it. »4 Tube free with every Firestone tire at Hobart's. *7 Two 35c cans of cocoa for 3«c at the one cent sale The Itexall Store Gray winter oats for tall teed In« at Counts Feed Store »« Pure extract vanilla, two bottle* for 41c at the one cent sale. Kexall Store. OREGON YOl R T ISN’T all knowing how and taking pains. You’ve got to have good equipment to in sure against loss of your time and waste of valuable food. I We take great care to obtain the canners, jars, jar holders, and racks, rubbers, etc., that are known to be the most successful E WfMCH£ST£A store HAVE YOUH Fall Suit and Overcoat DID WOT GET ONE OF THE MADH TO MKAM4 IU4 4IY TODAY Hart, Schaffner & Man BRYANT WASHBURN —in— AT Peerless Clothing Co «I» <11441 LABS CAIJ. FOB ONE- Shoes for the Family CLEMENS The Six Best Cellars’ Scan Tomorrow for Two Daye Rogue River Hardware Co the New Coats CHANCE Come in and talk it over with us. Î •* Just Arrived FOR RA1J0 1 wood *aw 1 1« h p engine I 8- h p. engine 1 «h p engine. All nearly new. 408 10« F street. Phone 3«l-Y. I.OHT Tire chain for 8 Inch lire, on Hayea hill. Please leave at Courier office and receive reward IF YOi EAST Successful Canning and Preserving NKW TOI»AT l NS CHA NOB- .Fire, automobile. Ufa. accident *nd health T. M. Stott. 108 North Sixth St Ott COAL Order now for future de livery. No coal carried In «look. Get wood In now while weather I* good William* Wood Yard Phoae 1,7 Tilt FOR AMd-l Modern bungalow with furnace, also 3-room houae Mr» F. D Stricker. 315 Weet B St. 90tf FOR SA1.E For fall »ceding, alfal fa, red clover, gray winter oat*, vetch and rye at Count» Feed Store 9« FOR SAIJO 80-acre relinquishment v, mile from railroad, 11 mile» from Granta Paae. 3000 cord* of wood, fair houae. price 3«00 J K Verdin. 1« Rogue River Ave »9 DOROTHY DALTON Sells Drugs and Books Sample Store SALE! WOODWARD’S IM N. SIXTH HT AUTO TOPS Beplaiw tlu- U*iti. top rauiy-to-haadln wUti ALL STYLES I ' MADE -1 wc**bre- |«»of <»■« now. Kma-rt looking, «revI<salde lope— perfect flUiug and Inq •«*•«!»< l4i>- Your Financial Thermometer YOL K BANK AOOEUNT IS YOLK FINAN« 1.AL THERMOMETER. KEEP YOUR FINANCE« IN A HEALTHY, GROWING CONDITION BY AD DING REGULAR DEPOSITS TO YOUR FUNDS. START AN ACCOUNT WITH THE JOSEPHINE COUNTY BANK. J osephine C ounty B ank G rants ‘P ass ,O regon Meili* Commandery Friday— Regular meeting of Melita mandery will be held Friday even- Ing at Masonic hall. Supper served at «10. 94 Da&í¿ at Hugo— There will be a Grange hall at Hugo, Ore. October 9. Good music and supper 94 for 11.50. The Dark Mirror” Flambi ng with the color, fa»hi<>n and luxury of New York'* “Upper T<wx-" llomawe. thrill' and my«* M***n<*— t«-ry—<M-ene after in thia celebrai««! novel by IXH IS JOSEPH C*f*a look»—a wide rhoiee in Prices That Convince OREGON NASH MOTORS VALUE CARS AT VOLUME PRICES OVR PRICES IXIWKHT G. B. BERRY No Sale Promoter« Ardencraig Farm For Sale CASH ONLY A AN< K I nquewtionably Mi» Dal* t<<n'a great «-M picture *|m-e "The llame of the Yukon" trrlab, an<l cu*orw. MEN'S HI ITS ixrr mo . PRICES DOWN, NOT UP, MEN'S WOOL TWIIJ, SUITS, WE NEED THE CASH. BLUE PIN STBIPE »18.30 i Complete With Stock and Equipment at $50,000.00 Txrr mo . i ALL WOOL TW1LI, SUITS, SAVE «13.00, CLEARANCE PRICE .................. »2il»H ixrr xo. OUR IXYHH IS YOUR GAIN, .......................................... »32.00 Seed Wheat, Barley, Oats and — Rye — Guaranteed Flour at $3.00 per sack — For Sale at the — IX XT NO. ALL WOOL MEN'S SUITS, REAL BARGAINS »3B.3O BLACK SOX FOR MEN, BALE AT 13c A PAIR JOSEPHINE OOUNTY FLOUR MILL Corner Third and G Street Phene 123 * ClOBERT BOSWORTH in »3.30 SALE WE ARE IN RECEIPT OF THE FOLLOWING TELE GRAM FROM MR. C. W. NASH, PRESIDENT OF THE NASH MOTORS CO.: "Our policy has always been to give the consumer the best automobile and truck we could build at the least pos sible cost. We have never asked a dollar more for our pro duct simply because we could get it. In view of the fact that there is no reduction today in the price of materials or labor entering into the Nash products and that there Is no possibility of any reduction for sometime to come that can substantially affect the manufacturing cost the policy of the Nash Motors Co. will be to absolutely maintain its present prices on both passenger cars and trucks to at least July first 1921.” S. Maxwell & Co., Dealers VALUE ....... OVERA LIB »2.30 I “BELOW THE SURFACE” MEM'S EIGHT WEIGHT UN- DERWEAR »7c SUIT BRADFORD SPRING NEE DLE WOOL UNDERWEAR, HAVE »2, BALE ONLY »3.B5 A picture that starts with a big thrill and ends with a bigger thrill. A picture that holds you from the start to the final fade out. The under water ■-------- J I ORMINO SUNDAY OUR PRICES Second-Hand Bargains UNI RII AIK.... »4150 VRoi-n-............ .................... »47s FORD DEUVKRY . C. Lz. Hobart Co. »;»7n