Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1920)
DAILY THt lOG'AY, 4M Tl NIER 7, 1S90- Classified Advertising FOR HALK MTKA1 KI» xrn HAJJC Fancy B«rk*hlr*s clo** KirrilA Y- There came to our places If rulattid to the |C500 boar and Sept 11 two young Ayreahire h*tf th* |J»00 aow recently »old at •r* about two years old. no brand publlo auction In tha *aat Hlv*r Owner ran got animal* by paying I'.inks Farm« ««If chargee. J. R Hawaa. D. Wood. 0 H Klsmann. X I tf FOR HAJrE T*nu**s** While Win ter Barley and Gray Winter Oata TAX» for fall •••ding HI »ar Ilan ha Farm» ltd 2. Granta I'as* «Htf Mxy.NlffR TAXI —Phone 363-R for Jltaey Luke or Cutler. Calle an FOIU> in first laaa condition tor swered anywhere, anytime. 66tf aal*. Ho* County Agent, oourt- PALAOB TAXI Phone 33-J. ' Tom bouaa ••tf Wind nntr FOR HAIJO Black Jersey cow and I I ANO IMiTIll CHON young calf; 3 ton Valla truck and equipment for lumber hauling; MIIH JAH M POWBAd. Instructor also hand hoist for dump body In- on piano. 102 H m»tli street quire Till South Fifth_________71 If High *• bool credits given Register now l*hone 2V6-J. 7 lit HINGHIl" lead* aa usual 1821 models on floor Granta I’aae Hard RKAl/WTATK ware Co Hee them. Your terms are oura. J W Scott, sales man. K T. MoKINBTRY. «01 G Bl . phono II- R, general real eState business ager Binger Hewing Machine Co. Ulf Best of soils for fruit, hay or gtm-1 oral farming ALFALFA HAY If you want good hay ae* H. N 1B6-Y. Parker Phone 11> CIVIL KNGINKMI (IIVI NKJBR- Banlel McJ^ar land. Civil Engineer and Surveyor It*» 74 7 North Tenth St Phone III- Y. !•!| FOR 8AIJC 170 acre ranch. »0 a* re* cleared. Brace place near > Murphy. J F Klein at Detnaray'* , Drug Store »6 IHtAYAGK AND TRANNFMt FOR BALK—House, barn, chicken house, cow, 100 chickens. every TIIE WORM» MOVE». so do we thing needed on a tarn». 67.36 Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone acres, well fenced, pert under cul 34» tivation, will relinquish at a very low figure on account of poor F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer ! Safes. pianos and furniture health. 1.2 mile* from Hugo. moved, packed, »hipped and stored Ore . on highway. Inquire J W Office phone 1J4-Y Limback. »6 DAYTO5RA HI<’Yi l£ Nearly new 1*11 YHICIANH k For sale cheap. Ralph Dean. « 16 If street. 9« L O. GLEMENT. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of eye. ear, nose j PIGS FOR HALE 6 large and « and throat. Glasses fitted. Hour» ( small. Address A. Grlahaber, I* 9-12. 2-6, or on appointment O. B om 133. 36 Phom«, office 62, residence 359-J | FOR HALE Marquis recleaned aeod wheat. 12.60 at ranch, also 100 S IXM’GHRIDGE. M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls tons alfalfa bay and 40 acres pas attended day or night. Phone« ture W D Mee, Applegate. Ore Rea 36». Office. 163; 6th and H #7 Physician 12 ACHJ9 POULTRY RANCH, good E, J BILUCK. Al. D and surgeon; office Scballbora bouse. 3 acres cleared, wire, per block, phone 64-J; residence. 1004 fect grape land, leas than halt 1st wn ridge, phone 54-1,. value See owner at 701 E street (behind poatofflrel. Grants Pass, W F RUTHERFORD Manus' 'be Oregon. * raputlcs It gets your arrment Office over Hartles' Jewelry store F<rR SALK- Furnished rooming Office hours 9 30-13; 130-4 house sll full, all light housekeep ing rooms. 838 J street Phone ICALI'ii W. STEARNS. M. u I •*> 309 J »8 sloisu and surgeon X-ray equip ment. dental X-ray. Office. Ms FOR SAld-’ Some second band fur sonic Temple lildg Phones Of- nlture, chairs, tables, refrigerator. ' hew 21-J; residence 21-L and bed Call 234 »3tf III XTIHTb W kXTF.H WANTED TO BUY Plano, will pa> I E C M ACY. D M. D. Firat-elaas cash must be In good condition 1 dentiatrv lit»U 8 6th St ui.d worth the money. Aiddr**»*! 1 I l l III x ARY SURGEON 212 North Second St W. J. Teul H1 tf | Dll. It J II STl'L. Veterinarian. WANTED Cheup for cash one | Realdan* c ■ - * Washington boule- work horse, light wagon, small vard. pbon* *»»-»v. dis harrow, plow. Address with particulars. T. A. Bird, Pincer, Tube free with every Firestone i Oro. 86 tire at Hobart's. 97 IQ1-DDRLY LAJ1Y, very active with wheel chair, would Hke good room with stove In. board and little care for winter. Call or write for par ticular* to W.D.A., 70» Riverside Ave.. city. WANTED- Good flat top office desk. C. A. Swope, 310 North 6th St »3tf WANTED Young lady wants work, experienced In different work. Ad dress Nadia Simmons, Rd. 1, Box 56. _ 97 Maxwells WANTED Applepicker* for River Banks Farm*. Phone 607-F-3. 98 THE ROM» TO HE ll/TH WANTED- Men to work on farm. Permanent position River Banks And strength Ilea largely In what we Farms. 99 eat. and among all foods bread is probably the most lm|»ortant The U \ \ noi> i ■ board and room a better the bread the sturdier the working man, in comfortable children and grown folks too. Our home. Terms, 84 0 per month. bread Is simply perfect. In flavor, Phone 286-R. •• wbolesomeness and food value It Is ONE HORSE WAGON WANTED nothing short of Ideal. Try it today. Aak your Grocer for Bread Phone 149-L »4 I Miked by the MIRGK1.LANEOIH KNIOHTB OF PYTHIAS — Ther mopylae lodge No. 60, meets every second end fourth Tuesday even ing. Visitors Invited "'"f GRANTS PASSI [BAKERY NPItSWRY stock of all kind«. Orna mental. shade and fruit trees. Geo. If Parker. 7(»tf SLOW DEATH - X .x > . > x . . Airplanes An airplane in operation gives the most severe test to the quality of an oil— and Zerolene meets ths test successfully. Carload now on our floor at New Price, $1185 Old Price $1335 Boa G StTCMU ALBANY NURSERY. trees nt qual Ity. F. E. Jordan, special agent, Granta Paas. Mtt Achea, pains, nervousness, dtflv ORDERS taken for winter wood. culty in urinating, often mean Equal parts pine, body flr and oak serious disorders. The world’s , or laurel, 84 a tier. All seasoned standard remedy for kidney, liver, wood. C. W. l/ambrecht, phone I l-J I* I bladder and uric acid troublea— CHALMERS 5NO ESSEX CAR9 COLUNS ÀUTO COMPANY TRACTOPS Th*r* is * correct grad* of Zcrolsn* for each type of tractor. Zerolene is u sed by mors than half the automotive equipment owners of ths Pacific Coast, following the recommendations of our Board of Lubrication En- gineers for the correct grade of Zerolene for auto mobiles, trucks and trac tors. Ask your Zerolene distributor for a Correct Lubrication Booklet for your engine. ESSEX MOTORS COLD MEDAL LOST I21ST Suitcase containing * lilld's clothing Saturday between Shat CAPSUt FS tuck place on Creai ent City roud.' Finder plea** leave nt Courier. 96 bring quick relief and often ward off deadly diseases. Known as the national IXX8T Little black purse containing remedy of Holland for mor* than 200 All druggists, in thre* sires. 35 bill. Finder please return to year* Leeb fee the warn« Gold Ma,lai on ever* boa No. 2345 at Courier office. »5 awd aecopV no imitation I Advertising Pays—Advertise - with the Courier