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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1920)
Crrauii O«4<k A. I Voorhlee. Pub Not a Sale! and Propr Daavinc Party— At the Waldorf night. REDI (TTONM Hl T THE l»ATI ADVERTISING RAT DB Display spat*, per inch.......... .... „25c 1 basal pwrwoaal ewiumn, par Ils e Rendere, per Una.................. Y\*n w ni bro Where? Al the llonbonnlre Friday noon lUux-lng (Tub- l Oc Sc WEEKLY COURT MEMBER OF ASSOCIATE® PRESS The I we dated Prese Is exclusively aatMled to the use for republication at all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub- ALI. BYRUPE B.AT1N CANNED MILK BEJ4 THREAD (■ROI ND CH(MXH,ATK DB LONG SNAPS MARSHM ALLOW* MULOW TURING SWEET POTATOI» ■LMIEKY WALNI TS OUTING FLANNEL SUGAR WARNER'S <X»HSKTS CAMPHOR INI» WITCHA/.KT. HELI* WEAK KA EH Grants Paas people are astonished at the quick results produced by simple wttchhasel, camphor, hydras- tla. etc., as mixed In l«avoptlk eye wash. In one ease of weak and near sighted eyes a few days use brought great improvement. In another case It stopped eye pains and inflamma tion. We guarantee a small bottle of tavoptlk to help ANY CIA8E weak, Aluml ! strained or Inflamed •yea num eye cup FREE. National Drug Adv 8tore. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, M AN WKMENT, < Ilt< I Lt- TION, WIN’. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches heroic are also re- NOVI NEW THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. I OSO- ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ FANCY JAP MoUALLV CHINESE SILK MAGA21NB BASKET* OREGON WEATHER + Tonight and Friday occasion ♦ al rain. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a* 101 and 106 North 6th GRANTS PASS, ORE. BORN FERREN—To Mr. and Wrs. Walter S. Ferren, Thursday. October 7,1 a son. Sales boot» at the Courier. Read the Golden Rule Double Page Ad. Just off the Press on Comparative Prices It Always Pays to Trade at the Golden Rule Store Moore Bakery Under New Management SUGAR TAX» 4NOTH EK DROP IN PORTLAND MART Portland Oct. 6.— Sugar has been cut to *13 per hundred on the local wholesale market. Courier i suits—Try Oourier suits—Try claealtled ad» brin* a classified classified ad» brin« a classified. Sample Store SALE! Prices That convince No Sale Promoters CASH ONLY MEN’* SUITS BREAD PRICES LOT MO. I , i p. WE E PIN 8 IN..50 T j OT NO. 2— F. C. Goetz Proprietor ALL WOOL TWILL SUITS, SAVE «18.00, CLEARANCE PRICE ............................. «24.08 DOT NO. 3— OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN ... -—.................... »32.00 The Time ol Your Life! Murphy, Ore., October 9th —AT— A REAL SHOW AND SOME DANCE ixxr re re- Required by .Act of August 24. 1*13 Of the Granta Pass Dully Courier, publhihed dally at Grants Puss. Ore gon. for October !, 1*20 Publisher. A F Voorhlre Editor. Wiltord Allen. Managing Editor. A E. Voorhlee. llusineiM Manager. A. E. Voorhlee <>wn«»r. A E V<M>rhl«e Bondholder«. mortgagees «n<1 other security holdem, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds None. Average number of >oplas of each Issue of this publication sold or d.M-| tributed through the malls or >ther-. wise, to paid subscribers, during the ! six months preceding the date shown | above. 1183. (Signed 1 A. E. VOORH1E8. Sub«wrtl>ed and sworn to before I me this 1st day of October, 1820. CLARA E. TIIKFIIRN. Notary Public, i i My commission expires September 9, 1923.) VALUE ..................... ADAMS ELECTRIC and BATTERY SHOP KMlde Service Station, 508 So a th Sixth Street 7TH AND E Leonard E. Campbell Boy Lecturer anti Composer OliverH.Shrewsbury Musical Director Friday Evening Subject: What Generation Will See Christ s Coming?” a g"<" IVIXot D^ys worry theman whoworiisina Fish Brand Reflex Slicker OVERALLS, »2.80 He his tie best waterproof ^rmentmode MRN’H MG HT WEIGHT I N- DHRWKAH 07c »LIT BRADFORD SPRING NEE- DLR WOOD UNDERWEAR, SAVE «2, HALE ONLY »3.05 zwwiwwr w The queer acting battery is „he one we like to »«w—tor we quickly correct the trouble at its source at the minimum ex peas« and send you ow yeur way an ad vertlsemewt for THIS STATION, Skilled service and modest charge» make tbl« the POFU- LAR BATTERY STATION BIG TENT Modern inventions as a Sign of Christ Coming THE SANTELL-EWERT COMEDY COMPANY THE SAME BUNCH THAT’S BEEN PLAYING IN THE GOLD HILL PAVILION AT THE Merciful Heavens, how my back hurts in the morning!” It's all due tn any over-abund-l ance of that* poison called uric acid. The kidneyi are not able to get rid of it. Such con ditions you can readily overcome, and prolong life by taking "Anuric” (antl-uric-acid). This can be obtained at almost any drug store, in tablet form. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog, you suffer from back ache, sick-headache, dizzy spells, or twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism or gout; or sleep is disturbed two or three times a night, get Dr. Pierce’s Anuric, it will put new life into your kidneys and’your entire system. Send Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., ten cents for trial package. S an F rancisco , C auf .—"I have used Dr. Pierce’s remedies in my family for fifteen years and have found on every occasion that they Fave satisfactory results. Recently was troubled with my kidneys and I my back constantly pained me. I took three packages of Dr. Pierce’s Anuric Tablets which removed all pain and cleared up conditions. I advis«- every on.- 1» give Dr. Pierce*! remedies a fair trial.”—M rs . E. E ve . 422 Brannon Street. Sure, We’ll Dance All Night Ml SIC BY K WERTS' A< < ORDEON JAZZ BAS'D “Campbell Lecture Course” Subject Tanight: ALL WOOL MEN'S SUITS, REAL BARGAINS *30.50 BLAX1K SOX FOR MEN, SALE AT 13c A PAIR M*O 745 TONIGHT 745 OH, DEAR! MY DACE! no . «AI« Haturday Will start promptly at 1:30 Fri day evening All are urged to be present. *3 Put a Bowl— Of Clam Chowder under your belt Friday noon at the Bonbvnnlre. I - Courier tor commercial priatlaa MINUTE By mall, per year.—----- hall OCR mt The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 24, 1 » 19. will run Mondays, Wedne»- days and Fridays I’M. 1 ¡.eave Grants Pass P..M Arrive Waters Creek.......... 2 1-eave Waters Creek..........2:30 I’M. P.M. Arrive Orante Pass........... 4 For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundbtir; building, or telephone 131. Trains *