Dailn wits VOL XI., No. 17. ■ ! . GRAhlX I'AMH. JOMKPIIINK COUNTY. OltHGON. THIItMDAY, IMTOHEK 7, HMM- WHOLE M MBKR 3OM. ...i..— oil < ont.tbK r Al»>*r<l ltrtti«li Vrwarl Blow» up In New York Harbor RIUlc M<-n A re at Work 4 Now York. Oct. 7. Aa oil lank on RATIFICATION OR IlWtXTION CLEVELAND INDIANS DEFEATED HMM 4ONHTKI ITION HEAD St John, New Brunswick. Oct. 7. CONTINENTAL UNITED STATEN i board the steamer O. It Crowo ex- - -Two Canadian Royal Air force av work pho « eeding in KF- IM Al WHITED AN DIREI T IN IN THIRD GAME AND NOW NOW HAS 1OS,UM3,1OS, AN IN- i>lode>| while 100 men wore working iators, Colonel Lockle and Major Fit’I ENT MANNER NI’ K OF CAMPAIGN ONE GAME BEHIND CREANE OF 18.7IO.M8 Four bodies «« ’« re on the ttafl morning CONCRETE POURING WILL STMT i moved in tour after th» ng|.19«i’>n , and four more men arc rep iGd missing I »vs-»oat Hobbs, who started this from Halifax for a flight to Van- couver. crashed near here, The iea- plane was wre ked but the avlstors were apparently uninjured I RESERVATIONS NOT WANTED I Stolon— When Mr and Mrs F. W Streets Ir Pier a Day W ill He « 8>n>plr<«l—Firm . moved here from Medford five years FXmndatloa IswaSnl—Hlrtwi ago to take charge of ths Oxford ho- nl Will He M»»«d Dodger» lilt Hard and Caldwell Is Interest Not Keen— Interest in the world series base- Kn-«k«wt Out of Box tn First In ball games thia year has not been ning—Mail» .»ml I tile Used MOST STATES SHOW GROWTH j tel they stored a large amount of Usually marked as In paat yean, | their personal belonging» in the at-i there is a crowd of high school stu "We have made a thorough and j tie of their bom» there and then D m Moines. Ort 7.—The i direct I Ebbets Field, Brooklyn. Oct. 7.— dents and business men »waiting tho rented the house Yesterday they Washington, Oct. 7.—The total careful «tudy of the progrew of the returned from a visit in Medford and issue of ratifying or rejecting t the Sherrod Smith’s southpaw slants returns at the Courier office. Thle year the returns are posted in the population of continental United work lu the Granta Paas Irrigation .bring word that their belonglngi league of nations was accepted by were poison to the Cleveland Indiana window and very few people as much 3tates is 105,683,108, an Increase of district, and l>»llevs it Is proceeding have all been stolen As there have Senator Harding in a speech here, and the Brooklyn Dodgers made off an stop to read them Very few 13,710,842, or 14.2 per cent. Thia with the third game of the world tn the mast economical and efficient been several tenants during the time brushing aside the problem of clari series by a score of two to one. Cald phone calls are being received where does not include 12,250,000 in tho manner," said E H Shattuck, bead tho house has been rented It wilt be formerly the office force was kept country's outlying poeoeaslons. of the Shattuck Construction com practically Impossible to get the fying the reservations, and declar well was put in the box at the start busy telling the score The reason The population of Alaska and tho pany. yesterday afternoon, ns he was thing» back, although the Medford Ing he would "favor staying out" of: for Cleveland, but Speaker took him Is not evident unices the fans are dis total under the mlMtary and naval I the Versailles covenant. He said he out after Brooklyn had made two taking the train for the south after police were notified Among the ar gusted by the disclosure made of the service is yet to be announced. tan days spent with his organization ticle« taken were aomn fine linen, wanted no acceptance of the league I runs in the first inning. Mails went fraud in Last year’s games here In dlsuaelng the work. Mr two fur coals, hand painted china | with reservations to clarify Amerl- In and in the eighth, t’hle succeeded Washington, Oct. 7.—State popu mails. Rbattuik said that the construction and other things which they bated to lations announced today are aa fol j can obligations, but that the proper TIG KUNS INTO BLOW of the dam was progressing moat J low« course would be to reject those com Dcvd<qn>MMt 1« tswured— OFF WASHINGTON CO AST lows: satisfactorily, and that the pouring Pennsylvania 8,720,159, The development of the Dally of concrete would commence within mitments altogether 1,055,048. group of mines on the Lower Illi Astoria, Oct. 6. — The tug Daniel the neat week, which would mark American troops have no business : Ohio, 5,759,368, increase 992,247. nois river is practically assured. The Kern, which arrived last night ran the near end of the effort to enrb In Germany. Senator Harding de- i Josephine Mining and Development Iowa, 2,403,630. increase 178,859. Into a blow off Willapa, en route and control the waters of the Rogue Michigan. Increase 3.667,222, dared in reeponse to a question from Company, a corporation formed to from Puget Sound to Astoria with a The beet of foundation had been 857,049. develop mining properties in the barge. A gas launch aboard the the audience found In the bottom of the stream, Virginia, 2,306.361 county, has taken over the placer barge was washed off and lost. Out he said, and the excavation was near 244,749. I ’ rowpects Good — mines and plans are being made to side of the Columbia the Kern pick ly done and ready for tho placing of 1,750.995, Arkansas. lncreas* Prospects i.re good for harbor de start extensive work. John Daily, of ed up the crews of two trolling boats tho forms for tho piers Tboee will San Juan. P. R . Oct. 7. No Porto . velopments at Crescent City if the 176,546. Panther Bar, has been working the in distress One of the boats was be six In number, and the superin Rico sugars are being forced on the Florida, 966,296, increase 213,- support of the representatives who tendent on tho job says that these market ’A hatever su»a,s there are i met at Portland this week counts for mines for the past five years and is lost, 677. authority for the statement that the piers can ba concreted st the rate of here are being held for better or ; Idaho. 431,826, increase, 106,232. anything. This morning the Cres property will prove to be one of the one a day when concrete pouring be- worse. Riga, Oct. 7.—Military operations New York, 10,384,144, increas« cent City and Del Norte delegation biggest that hiw ever been develop gins. between the Poles and Lithuanians (Thii Is evidently being done to I left for the coast. According to At- 1,270,530. ed in Josephine county. Machinery have ceased. Polish headquarters Mr tUiattuvk »aid that the only I pre»cut reflnsn from reducltg the, New Jersey, 3,155,374, IncreaM torney O. 3. Blanchard who was is on the way in, there being a wagon announced today. criticism ho had to offer on the work l price of raw sugar, as the Cuban I 'among the local representative«. 618.207. Del road all the way to Panther Bar. A that »onio of th« m of the past was ' grower» lia. ■ ,.»ked the Porto Rican. I Norte county was given rauch con-' Texas. 4,661,027, Increase 764,- cavalion of the high line ditch could producers to join them In an attempt I I slderatlon Dr Douglas, of the coast boiler and engine for a sawmill are W. R. C. Meeting Saturday— 485. to be installed to furnish lumber! Gen Logan W. R. C. will better ha»e been done by tho steam ■to prevent a cut In prices i bold Arizona, 333,273, increase 123, county, was elected vice-president of needed in construction. A machine' shovel rather than by the mule — their regular meeting Saturday af- 919. For the first time in many jears.! the organization 3am Morris, of Los for saving fine gold is also to equipment Tho teams will bo taken two weeks have gone by without the be ternoon. Mrs. Cora McBride, of i Kansas 1,769,185, increase 73,- Angeles, and Mr McNulty of Cres started operating soon. off the Job on tho first of tho month, i shipment of any sugar from the Portland, state president of the Ore 236. cent City, were elected to serve on or aa lonn aa the south aide high Island gon department will be present on Lpproxlmate|y 610.000 bags the board of directors. These may North Carolina, 2,556,486. in- PORTLAND MARKET» line has been completed to a point <>r 80.000 tons remaia in the island her official visit. Every member is crease 350,199. be depended upon to pull for the where It will serve the lands oil that : for export. requested to be present. The O. A. South Carolina, 1,683,662, in Crescent City project. W’Ith every Portland. Oct. 7.—Cattle aide and Jerome Prairie The hill Porto Rico produced in this year's : body working on the plan, it is pos- steady, hogs are higher. <16 ire R. and all Civil war veterans and i crease, 168,262. ■Ide excavation on the south side I crop 4 85,887 short tons of sugar, ae ,!b]; uat future developmenu may to visiting members of both urganiza- Nevada. 77,407, decrease 4,468. I 816.50. sheep are weak, eggs nJ tions are cordially invited to be pres will be completed with the steam curding to a final statistical report be expected Wyoming, 194.402. increase 48,- butter frim. above), as will the Tokay canal on ju»t Issued by J Ruiz Soler, secre- ent. A picnic supper will be served 437. the north side Mr. Sliattuck ex tary of th« Porto Rico Sugar Pro- at the close. Alabama 2,347,295, increase 209,- plained that with the taking out of ducers* a»so< latton This is 7.000 202. the mule equipment and the closing tons in czeess of his estimate made Nebraska. 1,295,502, increase. of tiie camps, the overhead expense at the commencement of the grind-« 103,288. would be practically eliminated, ae Ing season and about 80.000 tons ITrn I III ITrn PT ITrn A. M. Tomteth and L. M. Swift are Minnesota. 2,386.371, increase. only the shovel crew, under a compe greater than the production during llrn Il Ir NlfllkX ^Itora in the city from Holland 310,663. tent foreman, would lie needed to the crop season of 1918-19 I I Lil Uli I I LU J I n I L J ’‘•rf’tering at the Oxford It is A. L. Flynn, a Waldo mining man. complete the ditching. He expected also 20,000 tons In excess of the pro t’apt. Simmons in H'»iu(al— I is among the visitors in the city to that <0 to 50 days would complete duction during 1917-18. “Capt.” Simmons, one of the best New York, Oct. 7 -Ellis Island, ed the aliens why they left Europe day. the dam, except for th« installation Export figures show 367,000 tons, known persons in the city, is report Most of them replied "no money, noj D. L. Bauman is a business visitor of tho machinery, after which only , of sugar shipped from this crop. melting pot of the world, is boiling ed very ill in the Good Samaritan as never before, with the greatest Many Italian farmers j n the city today, coming over last eat," he said. _ _ ___ a small equipment would be needed Ix>cal consumption Is estimated at hospital. He had a serious break 'flood of Immigrants In history pour declared they quit their native soil night from Crescent City, to bring th® work to completion He 35,000 tons. down some time ago which placed ing into it. Millions more are clam because of the danger from expío- ' Miss Jean Williams returned to Le suggested bn a measure of economy oring at Europe’s exits, anxious to sions when plowing in former battle-! iand this morning after a short vis- him in a very bad condition. and of serving tho district in the come to America and congress will grounds. : it in the city. ■team spring, that a soon as the Mrs Alice Bacon, countv school Added to the prospective influx of Mr. and Mrs. Dare Hayes are Will Gravel Haye« Hill— ■hovel, now working in the main i1 superintendent, spent a day In Mer > be pressed to quickly enlarge both Blds are to be opened Friday by I the physical plant and working force ■Ide immigrants from the countries of the ¡spending the week at their mine on gravity canal on the south lin, retuxnlng here this morning. on the island to more than double war allies will ba millions in from Briggs creek doing assessment work the county court tor the graveling of reaches the highway crossing, whk h i Miss Cora Letteken left this morn Its present size. according to Immi- Germany who, aa soon as the way is on the property, Hayes hill. This stretch of road on will bo in about 10 days, that it bo ing for Myrtle Point where she will gratlon Commissioner Frederick A. clear, will seek passage to America ' Edw. E. Cohen, Oldsmobile man the Crescent City-Grants Pass high put at once on tho highllue canal visit for several weeks. Wallis. the Immigration authorities have ager of Oregon, with headquarters In way was graded last year by John and the Tokay canal, and those com- Mrs. J. 8. Park returned to Rose Since early last summer, aliens been Informed by reliable and offf- i Portland, was in the city last night, Hampshire and the steep pitches pleted ahead of the big canal on tho have been eliminated from the hllL leaving this morning for Medford. river bank. The steam shovel exca burg this morning after a visit here have been entering America’s front cial sources. door in unprecedented numbers. The vation Is being found most cconom- with Mrs. George Quill. "The immigration in the future! Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rabb are reg About two miles are included in the C. I* Hobart will leavo this even problem of housing them until they will be limited only by the capacity istered at the Oxford from the "Cap amount to be graveled. cal and will be used wherever it Is i possible, and any team work neces ing for Portland where he will spend I can be admitted to the country has of the vessels." Commissioner Wal itol of the World,” as Kansas City Got HL« Boar— calls itself in a spirit of pride. sary after tho mules are taken out the next few days attending to bus 'become painful to all parties con lis said. cerned. Recently, hundreds of Im Miss E. J. Falconer and Norman Glenn Jeremiah came down from will bo done through local contract. iness matters. In the meantime while wondering George Cramer returned to Med migrants detained for investigation i how many years It will be before Falconer, of Nez Perce. Idaho, are Portland with the ambition to get a Mr. Shattuck salu that ho was much impressed with the Grants Pass ford this morning to sit on the fed had to sleep standing up. as the aliens quit coming across the sea at stopping at the Oxford for a short bear. He went out to Panther Bar to stay with his unble, John Daily, district, and bespoke a moat pros eral Jury which Is now in session. floors, benches and chairs already their present rate, Ellis Island work ! time. Mrs. O. E. Osborn returned to Med .who told him where the hunting was perous future for it with the coming He reports that there Is not much were filled with the backwash from ers are perplexed over their existing the congested dormitories. ford this morning after spending a best. The young man went out and being done yet. of water. probelms. The normal capacity of The tide Is certain to become day here with her daughter. Mrs. N. the first day saw a cub bear which Mrs. Sue lAcey has been visiting month, the island is reached when 2,000 im E. Bohall. he proceeded to get for some good here for some time with her son, W. j greater with each passing assured, migrants are inspected dally. Yet. | | Commissioner Wallis felt bear steaks. The old bear was not It. Swope. She was called to Ix>s I Itauglilcr Is Ill- him on a recent day. 10,400 aliens were Fi-hitig 1» Better— Steamship operators informed far distant and went to the rescue of Mr». .1. tl. Schmidt loft this morn Banos this morning by some import-1 their accommodations are booked to fed there. During another day the! It anybody believes in signs, there her offspring. A quick decision was nnt business which needed ner at- same week 11.000 persons were de- 1 ing for Portland where she was call Is a sign hanging in the door of Joe necessary. After looking around capacity for 12 months ahead. Gov tained in tho holds of the vessels Wharton’s sporting goods emporium ed by tho sudden Illness of her tent Ion. ernment officials renounced 267,000 and seeing no tree he repeated part daughter, Florence Schmidt, who which brought them over, whilo of Mrs. Harry Wlbla and two chil 1 applications had been made for pass which signifies that fishing is good of an old song he had once heard, went there about a week ago. It Is dren and Mrs. Wible’s alster, Miss' ficials struggled with the work of Everybody who wanted to buy fish "Lord, if you can’t help me, don’t ports In Poland alone, mostly hv not known how Hcrlous tho Illness Is Wlmhn Tholen, arrived this morning examining tho 4,000 then on the ing tackle was greeted with the pla Jews, while hundreds of thousand« you help dat bear.” With that to lint Mrs. Schmidt wns told to leave from Golden, ill., to make their island. For two days the Island card with the words, "Oct. 7. out for In other parts of Europo also were fortify himself he blazed away and against incomers, for thorn immediately. doors were shut home hero. Mr. Wible has been here anxious to cross the seas to this the afternoon." Mr. Wharton may luckily floored the old one. Now he who remained on boats. for tho past two months and is em country. ba suffering from a delusion that to can tell hfs Portland friends of the ployed In tho Josephine county bank. The rapidity of handling them de- day Is a holiday, but then again It wonderful ‘‘Between 3,000,000 and 4,000,- hunting in Josephine Many Packngca Received— Harry Neale left this morning for 000 Italians are seekinis domiciles pends upon the aliens themselves. may be that Rruce Olding whispered county. Packages are flowing In to the San Frnnls -o after a visit here with and citizenship here and more than Commissioner Wallis has found that in his ear. for yesterday Rruce and county clerk’s office In response to his brothers, George and Robert 3,000,000 Polos want to come over.” some groups are easier to examine Mr. McNeill made a catch of 12 LANGFORD KNOCKS OUT the rnll sent out for old clothes for! I Neale, and tho J. G. Bromley family. said Commissioner Wallis, who attri than others, while care must be tak beauties. It is a well known fact TINA' HERMAN OF ASTORIA Armenian relief People are evi Mr. Neale has boon In Siberia for the buted the exodus from Enron» to en in separating the many nationali that when fishing Is good. Mr. Mc- Portland, Oct. 7.—Sam Langford, dently cleaning out their Clothes paat two years serving with tho Am the harsh post-war living conditions ties which make the island conversa Wharton declares an official holi- of Boston, knocked out Tiny Her closets for the pile is growing stead erlcan forces, having been commls -and the economic situation. tion sound like that at the Tower of day so It might be a good plan to get man, of Astoria In the seventh round tiy- stoned aa captain. Frequently the commissioner ask- Babel. out the rod and try it. of a ten round go here last night. NOTFORCEDONMARKET VU l U niln ALI l II j xXabu”