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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1920)
PAOK men H mihay . hì T oiikh s, urjo. GHAYTH l*AMI DAI14I (XHKiKH Trade Depends on Banking PER5°NflL i™ LOQdL | Just Arrived •» New Coats Firestone H mimc «I Hug«»— Tube free with every »7 ttre at Hobart's. There will be a dance at the Grange hall at Hugo. On«.. Saturday. Three C ’ c Lbr Shingles and lath. Where would the modern com Good muele and «upper M October 9 Co. mercial world be without it? 94 Every enterprlM. every for F. S. Johnson is registered from for 11.50. t i»' ward step has to be financed Myrtle Creek at the Josephine today by commercial bank«. We can 'Im. J. R Davidson, of Eureka, F««lcral Jury C«ll««il— help you finance your own bus A numtier of local men have been l ias a visitor In the city last nignt iness Give us the opportunity summoned to Medford to sit on the and today. to do so. federal Jury there this week J I’ J. I Calvert made a business trip J W to Medford this mornin. •pending Martin. George Cramer and Turvey were among those lesi Ing th« day In that city. 'thia morning M Di Q V W» NÍN'Í Crockery and aluminum ware at SA S TF *1 OF HOITHKKN OHMH" 93 I Holmans Furniture. X srix I «I. X il.t E IlKMGNHTRATION IN THE ( EI.EIIRATEH Thing», Are (\x>k«d—— ; Mrs Margaret Scott left today for 1 And served the way you like them Roseburg * here -he will visit tor a at the Bonbonnalre. few days Tube tree with every Firestone THE I'tlUUUNG Hilt AITI MN INI» WINTI tire at Hobart's. 97 I'nlon Market Mov YOl R MONEY IN I lari'll ES INI» SERI The I'nlon meat market, which Is Mr and Mrs John Krauss, ot the THE OFFERING«, OF INI OTHER Fill Bros , has Sucker creek valley, were visitors in I conducted by Psterson .AO PER ( ENT MORE. TO MAKE St RE. j been moved from the old location at the city today. I Fourth and Q street« to 4 19 G street "Mulaifted Cocoanut Oil " Sabin 1'lie new location 1« the building next IsMal dealer «early «ill ha« it. to the Palace hotel It offers a much Mr and Mrs F W. Streets, of the larger room for the business, which Oxford hotel, are spending the day In had outgrown the former shop. Medford. II IVE YOI'K We carry windshield glass in stock Three C'» Lumber Co. 92 j Isxlge of Mkn— Ail Granit I*aaa Elk.s are requeet- John Hodgdon is a visitor in the j city today from his Sucker creek ed to meet at the Joséphine hôtel Wednoeday nlcht at 9 o’clock II ranch. MADE TO MHAHiltF. BY Firestone essentlal that ail members attend Tube free with every 97 It 1« a very Important meeting tire at Hobart’s Ralph White, ot Sucker creek, spent the day attending to business Hot«, M infra ti on Start«— AT The hobo migration south matters in the city started as usual with the birds Doors and windows, all «Dea In »2 anything the "bos" are a little ahead stock. Three C'« Lbr. Co. laut night Fred Collins is spending three or of the birds this year four days tn the vicinity of Holland about 25 of them came Into town and were promptly escorted out This and Takilma on business ISN’T all knowing how and taking pains. Another big shipment of those Is the largest number that has com» good Heaters arrived at Holmans In at any one time this year and the You’ve got to have good equipment to in 92 season promises to be a regular hobo Furniture this morning sure against loss of your time and waste of The reason given for the Mrs L. M Dennis went to Glen- season valuable food. dale this morning to ■pend the day movement Is that It Is too wet to work north of here Hlwn liuying «Isiirw <->n»l<l«* servi»«, i on ”“ business. — We take great care to obtain the canners, I Roofing psper. all grades Three comfort etui styl«. You gc< r-wl value C’s Lbr Co 9 2 Ilway- Something Good— jars, jar holders, and racks, rubbers, etc., that front • C""l shoe time fit» Ui« fool. Int delicious for your lum-h at | J. T Gilmore returned to Drain All thrao qualities with prices Ju.t are known to be the most successful i this morning where he is doing some the Bonbonnalre right work on the highway Come m and talk it over with us. Furniture has the Ell«« for May interest In the coming city elec "Prices“ right on Heaters 91 A. H Gunnell went to Gold Hill tlon Is not very manifest to the Two candidate« this morning to spend a few day« casual observer looking at some raining property In have filed for mayor, the name of C. H. Da ma rav. present mayor, having that vicinity. the STORE • til probably remain here a« long as Tube free with every Firestone been written tn at the primary elec \ L-ita Iti-otlu-r ll< N. C Nlell 1« visiting at Arden ttiH flu hl hr la good. tire at Hobart's. 97 tion and R. Timmons having filed by The mayor elected at th» craig for a few weeks with his broth XAA' H Carter «topped off here for petition November election will serve for tw<i er K M C Neill Mr Neill arrivo! a day to visit with the John Turner HORN Mr and Mrs. Benj. Collins and family. Mr. Carter Is on his way 'ears T. P. Cramer Is the only can a short time ago from 1-ondon. in or Wt.MHR To Mr and Mm Tobe Mr and Mrs. Fred Collins made an IF YOC DID NOT GET OSE from Seattle to Ix>s Angeles to spend didate from the first ward for coun' der to get a little of the Rogue river Wimer, of thf» city, Tuesday, Oc- automobile trijTto Yreka 3unday. re oilman to succeed himself C. F .fishing, this lielng secondary only to the winter. tober 6, a dsughter turning that evening. They report OF THE Some more good They Pillow«, Hol- Nutting is the sole candidate from j hl« desire to w hl« brother excellent roads except for one stretch 92 jthe second ward while William , were out a while yesterday and he mans Furniture. ( (IMIN'G I'VKNTH of several miles over the Siskiyou« have . Hunch 1« the only candidate from the managed to get one that weighed December -Mr. and Mrs J R Gunning lidld Stats 15-17 Teacher«’ where grading is in progress. Mr Nutting and Mr returned home from Klamath Falls ,hlrd ward several pound* The «port a|>|»naled examinations will bs held Harvey Isham, who has been driv Bun<h — are pr«nent councilmen K to him. the excitement being almost December 20-22 Josephine and will spend the winter at their " ing truck all summer in Klamath County .f’hailaon and Andrew Shade will con as good as "straffing” Germans. Mr home here tea» her«’ Institute Falls, has been making a visit here October Delineators have been re test for the election from the fourth Neill having an enviable war record with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred The terms of the councilmen He served with the British forces ceived at the Golden Rule Store 92 | war»! nammermll! Bond letter HoivLi Isham. He will return to Klamath are for four years during the entire war Neill and Envelop«« at the Courier office. Mrs C. F Garber left for Eugene All (TBi't'LAKH ( ALL FOR Falls In a day or two. this morning and will spend the next ! October Delineators have been re OSE. few weeks-visiting with her daugh ceived at the Golden Rule 3tore. 92 ter. Miss Lucile Garber, who Is a G. Oliver, of Yreka, is registered* sophomore at the I’nlverslty of Ore- today at the Joeephine, being in the gon. city on business. Those cooler nights call for Sells Drugs and Books other blanket or comforter. A lino of these an be found at Hol- IG mans Furniture. 92 Well we are back on the job wi’h a f ill line of fresh home made candy, groceries. Ice cream and soda wat> r NOTICE Richardson’s Gandy Factory and The Sth day of October having Grocery Store. 406 Sooth 6th St been set aside by President Wilson and Governor Olcott by proclamation Rich«« Was Her, TONIGHT Lloyd Riches was In the city yes as a day on which the attention of GAST TIME the entire nation is directed toward terday afternoon getting arrange the prevention of fire, Therefore, I, ments made for a meeting to be hold C. H. Demaray, mayor of the City of hero next week In the Interests of Granta Pass, In order to urge »ipon the campaign against the 5 per cent the people of our city that they give Interest bill and the non-partisan Official confirmation of pro— dispai« hm from Detroit, announcing attention to the purposes for whl-h league. Mr. Riche« has been tour that tluwe would I«- no reduction In th« prie» of Hodge lln»Hi<«r« Motov the day Is observed, do hereby pro Ing the whole state and has given Car-, lias» been reeoiveil l»y <’. A. Ititeli, Hic I Helge Brothers <l,vder in this claim Saturday, the 9th day of Oc speeches In almost every town of anv city. A telegram from C. W. Matheson, acting general salea manager to tober. 19 20, as FIRE PREVENTION Importance In Oregon The local the local dealer, roailn: DAY. That they Inspect their own committee now has the matter In premises for FIRE HAZARD. That charge and will make the final ar "llodge Bmtliers |«oliry hu« «ver Ixw-n to give full every individual make a firm resolu rangement« tor the meeting value for til« price ask<xl. There will lx, no reduction tion to not relax their vigilance In the prment price« of iMxlgo Brother« motor car«. against the danger from FIRE. Mclita Commandery Friday— N'ew«pa|MT re|>orta to the contrary are alwolat«ly un Ing the coming year. Regular meeting of Mellta Com true.” C. H. DEMARAY mander? will be held Friday even “Hodgo Brothers announcement wax no « to us,” snld Mr. ing at Masonic hall. Supper served Sale- books at the Courier I,inch- “In fact it is only a sulistanlJatlon of IXxlgc Brothers liuslnran at 6 30. principi««. At no time luvv« they «vor demanded an excexe amount for their product. As in the past, they will continue In Hie future to demand STARTS a fair return for their effort«." TOMORROW FOR TWO DAVS “Th« min» fart final, tlic <l<*nmn<l for Inxlgo Brothers mollir nus In «tlll grcator tlum tlir «upply, <l<wpltc tho gréai. et|mn*«E>n progimni al Hie fuctory, li -s ulW’lut<-ly nothing to do with the tlecMon to onnllnun the priwcnt prices. In marketing their cur Ihxlge Brothers have never «nul« a |x,lnl of prise and will never mrrlflr« the quality of their pro* • I «in-- ■ dnct to enter price competition.” mr$. Heilie Reas FIRST NATIONAL BANK We Are Now Presenting GEO 3 CALHOUN « Fall Suit and Overcoat Hart, Schaffner & Marx Successful Canning and Preserving Peerless Clothing Co Shoes for the Family Rogne River Hardware Co ’WfffCff£ST£H CLEMENS OREGON I I MARGUERITE CLARK A GIRL NAMED MARY Bryant Washburn TheSixBestCellars I I OREGON C« A. LINCH HEALER IN DODGE BROM. MOTOR VEHICLE« 1