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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1920)
TIHHHAY, CMTfUIEH n, IMO. GRANT* F. Classified Advertising FOH HALF » TAX* alfalfa Granta OR RAIJ: Fancy Berkshire« close ly related to the |««00 boar and the 93*00 now recently gold at River public auction in the east. ««it Bank* Farms FOR HAIJC Tennessee Whlte Win- 1er Barley and Orar Winter Olli for fall aeedlng River Hank* Farm*. Rd 3. Granta Pas* «»tf Folli* In first H um coadlUon tor sole. He. County Agent, court house «9tf wiONER TAXI Phone 313-R for1 Jitney Luke nr Cutler. Cells sn- •wered anywhere. anytime. H«tf ll,ACK TAXI Wind Phone 22-J. Tom O»tf Ther- KNIGHTH OF PYTHIAS uiopylae lodge No. t>0. meets every second and fourth Tuesday even- 09tf Ing Visitors Invited Nt'KHWRY stock of all kinds Orna mental. shad* sud fruit trees. Geo II Parker 70tf ALBANY NURAERY. trees of qual FOR RAI 41 Hlaek Jersey *ow and ity F. E Jordan, special agent, young calf; 3-lon Velle truck and Granta Paas. 83tf equipment for lumber hauling; ORD10R8 taken tor winter wood. also hand hoist for dump bodv In Equal parte pine, body flr *nd oak quire 7 1 * Mouth Fifth ,'ltf or laurel. U a tier. All aeaeoned ■"RINGER" leads as usual -1921 wood C. W. lambrecht, phone * models on floor Grants Pass Hard 11)4 9f> Ho« them Your term* ••sure Co NTKAYKI* J. W Scot I. sales man. are our* ager Ringer Hewing > DAILY OOC'IUn PAG« No Inaction In Life. The fact tlxit life mean* rontlnnnn* action from the rraille to the grave af ford* us much food for thought. We sometlinse forget that we are going either forward or backward all the time; that we ilo not stand In our tracks and Watch the world roll by and that we either win or lose life's victory day by day. There Is no *u< h thing a* Innctlon In the business of life; there are too many forces about us clamoring for exfireaslim to ad mit of our remaining Idle. We must either fight for our existence or !«• swept out of the ring, crushed and de feated. If we were to look Into the book of our own Ilves and. turning It |«ige by page. exiiniliK’ carefully the record, we would And that, rmnpnred with this time Inst year, for exam ple we have either pressed onward or fallen Hark.—Charleston News and Courier •'Neither Fish. Fowl Nor— Berwick «•'.»-Twee«J I s In u predica ment. it Is neither In England nor In Scotland, and because of this It Ims to have laws specially made for It. They are. however, the same laws a« are passed for England. Tills once led to quite an amusing situation. When England went to war with Russia In 1HM Bcrw li-k-«in Twimil was duly In cluded in the ortbinl declaration war. But when the proclamation of peace was drawn up. Berwick’s name was omitted, with the result that the Inhabitants have twen hostile tn Rus sia for over slxty-flve your«' It doesn't teem to worry them mn«h. however. 'Ilirv live In hopes that some day *»ms special law will l>e pti»<w«l, putting Hi* r. «tier right. Machine Co. KHTRAY There came to our place* 7Uf Sept. 31 two young Ayreshire heif er* about two years old. no brand EN ill SALE -Iron wheeled wagon, Owner ran get animals by paying price ISO. Call nt Gravlln's barn. charges. J. Il Hawes, D. Wood, »I 81 If C. II Eismann. ALFALFA HAY It you want good hay see H N Parker Phone MMT 19S-Y. 113 iJiST Suitcase containing child's Foil HALE HO-acre relinquishment clothing Saturday between Shat Quito C'ear. Ik mile from railroad. 11 mile* tuck place on Crescent City road. Tommie lost hl* letu|a*r while play from Grant* Pass. 2000 cord* of Finder pleas« leave at Courier, liti i ing with tielgblxir Johnnie and told J. wood, fair house, prlc i 1800 him plainly that he considered him a E. Verdin. 41« Rogue River Ave IM-Hsxi tntnlly devoid of Iwteillgen*« *3 MRS JAH M POWERS, instructor and predestined to ti hereafter quite on piano. 102H Sixth street | lacking In attractiveness, or wonts to ranch, #u High s hool credits given Register| that eff«-«-t. This was too bad. es I>laco near now Phone 2F5-J. 71lfj Tommie's mother h>ip|M*ned t«> be n hearing, and sub-vq u'Ut proceedings RKA17 ENTAT« were to |siii,ful to relate. Next «lay the* hoys were again playing tog«*ther, 3 HERMDIID bull calves, registered, K T .MaKINHTRY, «03 G St, phone and again T«»mmle lost Ids teiniier. 10 months old. lame couney 1920 13-R; general real enlate businear “Ton certainly are—" he began wrath- blue ribbon prise winners, for sale. Heat of soils for fruit, hay or gen fully, but memory lent caution to hi* See Fred Knoi 93 eral farming tongue mid lx- <s>ncln<l«'d forcefully, “just the same kind of a fellow you Foil HALE House, burn, chicken CIVIL ENGINEER were yesterduy!’’ house, cow, 1UU chicken*, every CIVIL ENGINEER Dnnlel McFar thing needed on a farm. «7.25 land. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. acres, well fenced, part under cul Tortoise Fbell From Cotton. Rea. 747 North Tenth St. Phone M om <*( lì. tivation. will relinquish at a very ;t‘!e<l lor?Oh>*> rim« limi ore P»i HrtHfiiil «*ye-j:i9 211-Y. 101 poor low figure on account of Of*' «T litui Hfiyililli e in «h» «Uh n fnr- Hugo, healtn 1.3 miles from DRAYAGE AND TICA.NNFER iniM». 1 tiny ttrr um le frolli • ! ufi. Ore, on highway. Inquire ,i « In iihiny tiltil •r«"ilji liHiiill»»« WOULD MOVES. so do we »6 DIE Limback. pili* **«>|||I*S hill i*»nfo i»ti«*kh*« »iM Bunch Bros Transfer Co Phoue hrs<*f*lp|> urr til*«* iiiii <I h fruiti *• • ti. DAYTONJA BICYCLE Nearly new 34* The «’fithifi 1« rtr"»t Itirtiuil tul i r >*IIH For sale cheap. Ralph Dean. «15 F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. pn|w*r: ili»« * lhrA)i<l«**l «IriHtl iiik I H street. 9« dtmiwl St-xi ih» |*H|M«r f!»ru""«N n rn Hatee. planos and furniture ; into it iiiistiirt* of oltrh* hii «1 moved, packed, snipped and stored PIGS Fl ill HALE o largo and ti i •ulphtiru* iirhiM. Tl»e nioiMfurv ts Office phone 124-Y. small. Address A Grlshaber. P I prv*“v»‘«l i»ui nf l! «nd rhe rviHHhrlor O. Box 132. 96 I* ground tine. ¡1 I* tnixetl wttli ulrohnl, miiiphor nnd other ihhip« to WANTKI> L. O. OLBMENT, M. D.. Practice | form h il<»nuti!ik»- inns'*. I'ndw hv- limited to di seas«» of eye. ear. nose WANTED TO HUY Plano, will pay; • drnulk* prHKMjr»» th* dough 1* kneadf^d and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours That love some times cures dis cash, must be In good condition f i «nd molded Into uakes. The cake» 9-13, 3-5. or on appointment. ease is a fact that has been called and worth the money. Address j are allced nnd hunz up rn wen non. Plea to the attention of the public by a cut the mntorhil Into It« finn! form, Phon««, office 62; residence 369-J 212 North Second Ht. W. J. Teal. prominent physician. Love is not, and It 1« «hnt»ed polished and drilled. 81 tf , S LOl’QHRJDGE, M. D. Physician however, the cure for all women. While the materia! la «till plnMIc the and surgeon. City or country call* Many a woman is nervous and WANTED— Apple pickers. Phone proper dye* are added. The mo<f attended day or night Phon««. Irritable, f«"els dragged down ami «O9-F-12. C. H. Eismann. 99 common coloring« are Ivory, tortoise- worn out for no reason that she Res 3«». Otfl ., 1X2. «ih and H •bell and pearl. WANTED Fresh Jersey cow and can think of. E. J. BILUCK. M. D. Physician ‘wo weaned pigs. Address H. D. Doctor Pierce’s Fr.vorita Pre and surgeon, office Schallhorn scription gives new life and new Mulford. Selma. 93 ( arrirrs Wanted— block, phone 54- j ; residence. 1004 Btrength to weak, worn-out, WANTED (•boup for cash: ono Boys or girls with wheels wanted, Lawnrldgv, phone &4-L. run-down women. “Favorite work horse, light wagon, small one route now open. Bonus paid for W F RdTHBHFORD Manus' >he- Prescription” makes weak women disc harrow, plow. Addr««sa with strong and sick women well. It ’.ong service. Apply Courier office. raputlc*. It gets your arrment. Placer. particulars, T. A. Bird. is now sold by all druggists in the Office over Barnes' Jewelry store United States in tablets as well Ore. Offlre hours 9 : 30-13; 130-4. The California and Oregon as liquid form. Write to WANTED Hunting dog RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- Coast Railroad Company R oseburg , O regon — “ I suffered »3 240 West I street. TIME CARD alelan and surgeon X-ray equip- something terrible from an organic Could scarcely stand on WANTED Man and wife want posi ment, dental X-ray. OfNce, Me- trouble. Effective Nov. 24. 1919. sonic Temple Bldg tion on farm, wife to cook, man Phones • Of- my feet. My head and back achi'd so hard and I was weak and nervous. farm hand. Have boy of 1« to flee 21-J: residence 21-L. I had severe pains in my side and ¡ Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- help. Address No. 2322 care of my limbsand Te«t ached. I was also DKNTIHTH Courier. 92 P.M troubled with constipation. I t«x>k i lxvave Grants Pass................. 1 Arrive Waters Creek............ 2 P M. ! E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, ELDERLY LADY, very active with .eave Waters Creek............2:30 P.M dentistry. lo»H 8. 8th St. Golden Medical Discovery, and I Arrive wheel chair, would like good room Grants Pass.............. 4 P.M. Pleasant Pellets. These medicines VETERINARY HI RGKON For Information regarding freight , with stove in, board and little care cur«"d me of all my ailments and I and passenger rates call at the office for winter. Call or write for par DR. R. J. DESTUL, Veterinarian. was well and strong.”—M rs . W. D. of the company. Lundburg building.' ticulars to W.D.A., 70» Riverside Residence 93 8 ^Washington boule M oore , 1246 N. Jackson Street. or telephone 1 3 1 Ave,, city. 95 vard. phone 398-R. | 'C'VERYceirtyou spend I " over the price of Calu- II met mi 'it as well be thrown away. You don’t -t a thing f'lr it. You caa’t get greater leaven ing strength or preater purity than are offered in Calumet Contains only such in- {7 -‘‘3 been a& ciollv endorsed by the U. S. I Food Authorities. l Cupid 1 i No matter what you pay I you can’t cccure as much in | You can buy a cheaper baking powder—a little low er in price than Calumet—and much lower in merit. That's the worst kind of false economy. Calumet never fails. Every baking is perfectly raised—sweet, even and tasty. Used by millions of house wives and is the largest sell ing brand in the world. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 os. Some baking powder* come in 12 oz. instead of 16ox. cans. Besure ATTORNEYS MICKIE SAYS "faaos sap tu tue *tu.t«uiuo kovsattsts' ut uiktm ttu B usihyaa ano uVvt suit fa'! f UOVO If B't StVH' lUftt Nt «MVSFiEO V4t"h» VÍRNTUiNCr Nk <_ bun of vunx I Got A UEPUtAttON < LIVE UP TO you get * pound when you want it H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law.' Practices In all State and Federal ■ Courts. First National Hank Bldg G. W. COLVIG. icurni'v ,u l„ i tirnnii, I’. i .- h Hanking Co Bldg. r E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. i'ravtices In all courts. First Natloual Hank Building. O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Maxwells T CHINNOCl? WHEN ITS TROUBLESOME Carload now on our floor at New Price, $1105 C. A. S'DLER, Altorn«'.« at law. Ma sonic I-mule. Grants Pass, Ore. GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law referee In bankruptcy. Masonic Temple. Phone 135-J. JAMES »<>und baking powder quality. CONSULT US Old Price $1335 Etffj r -- - - ... ■ ____ :___ - t»..¿M-' ■ "roa ■ ■__________ Calumet Graham Muffia Recipe 1 cup of white flour, 1 cup of Graham flour, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 3 level teaspoon* Calu met Bakin* Powder, 1 tea spoon salt, 1 cup of milk, 1 egg well beaten, 1 tablespoon melt ed butter. Then mix in the regu lar amy- The queer acting bn<t*rj * th«' one we like to see—f«Jr we uuicXly correct the troable at Its «mrce at the minimum or K'nae and send yen on your way an advertisement for THIS STATION. Skifl«xl se t 1*te e and nXNfont i liArge*. make this the l*O^V- LAR BATTMRY STATION. ADAMS ELECTRIC and BATTERY SHOP ExIde Serviee Station. «0« South Sixth Street First National Rank Ruildlng A. <5. HOUGH—lawyer. Tuff* Bldg Practice In all oonrts. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In state and federal court*. Office ever National Brug Store. AGENTS W Second-Hand Bargains tfJS* FOR HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS MAXWELL—FINH 8H.APB »«*» • HEVROLET ..................................... »475 FORD DEiaVERT COLLINS AUTO COMPANY AdClSSORIdS at-» ’««PAIRING fj’ZJ } '7 PHONF3M MGTOPil S// H STREET, i RANTS A4»’.. $375 I C. Lz. Hobart Co. _____________________ _