» VOI* XI No. I fl. GRANTH PANH, JOMEPHIN» ODUWTY, OR MOON. TUEHD AY, Of TOBER B, IMO. Haywood an>! Others Will Herve Sen teneeg la l^iavnaworiii Attardiate to lie«l»|oti Today * > Ttir~ Hurt Wheat They Jump irmi Biasing Htrwctum—Apawtel Train « arrie» I »ctors Chicago. Oct. 5 The United , States circuit court of appeals hand ed down a decision upholding the conviction of William D. Haywood and »3 other I. W. W who were acn‘ fenced to I<eavenworth prison for obstruction of the draft law during 1 tho war. Haywood and moat of the others have been at liberty pending the ap peal. VAN WINKLE AND BAILEY TO RUN FOR ATTV.-OE.NKIv.AI, Salem, Oct C. H. Van Winkle and J. O. Bailey have announced themselves aa candidates for attor- nsy general. Bailey baa resigned aa assistant attorney-general ■ ■ ■ WHOLE NUMBER SOM. I’romlw of Military Aid to Serbia and Rumania False Haya Execu tive to Speww er American League Champions Take Game With Three to One Score; Coveleskie Mystifies With Pitching- Speaker Stars in The Field Ebbeto Field. Brooklyn. Det. 6.— The Cleveland champions ot the Am erican league, toppled over Brooklyn today by a score of 3 to 1 In the first game of the world aeries. The Na tional league champions were help less before the mystifying slants of the big spitball pitcher, Coveleskle He was given sterling support by the Cleveland team, especially by ranged tar and Tris . Speaker ____ _ who _ ____ Brooklyns near, robbing the hapl of seeming hits. O'Neill »tarred starred at the bat with two doubles. Marquard lost temporary control In the second Inning but regained it. Mammaux went Into the box for Brooklyn In Washington, Oct. 5.—President REPUBLICAN NOMINEE HEAR» Wilson wrote to Senator 3pencer, re FROM THE IDAHO SENATOR publican, of Mieecurl, that the state TODAY J ment made recently by the senator that the president had promised American military aid to Rumania the seventh and Gad ore went into and Serbia in the event of an Inva ths box for Brooklyn in the ninth, sion of those oountries was "false.** The official attendance was 23.3»4 The lineup was os follows: Police Coart Busy— Cleveland. Evans. If.; Jamieson. The police court haa been busy If.; Wambsganss, 3b.; Speaker, cf.; lately with violators of the traffic Burns, lb,; Smith, rf.; Gardner, 3b.; ordinances. One fine of 15 was paid Wood, rf.; Johnson, lb.; Sewell, as.; by a local mechanic for opening his Marion, Ohio, Oct 5.—An answer O'Neill, c.; Coveleskle. p. muffler while In the buslncee sec Brooklyn. Olson, ss.; J. Johnston, tion of the city and warnings have to the widely published reports that 3b.; Griffith, rf.; Wheat. If.; Myers, been given a number of others for Senator Borah soon would quit ths cf.; Konetchy, lb.; Kilduff, 2b.; Kru going with but one light or tome republican campaign was made pub lie from Harding headquarters in a ger, e.; Marguard, p ; Izmir batted violation of that sort telegram in which Borah declared he for Marquard In eighth; Mitchell bat would continue his work for republi ted for Mammaux in eighth; Nets ran can sucrase. The message was ad for Mitchell In eighth; Cadorr, p. dressed to Senator Harding aad said. *T wish you to know that my s p ee ch es in the future will be along tho same lines as at Dayton and in the esaata.** TO CONTINUE FORMER POLICY Huntington. Ore, Oct 5.—Wil liam Travers end Roy Cornelius. Ore gon Short Una employee, both of Po catello. Idaho, were burned to death last night when fire destroyed a ho tel at Robinette. Oregon. P E Par sone of Nampa, Ida , Oregon Short IJne superintendent, was severely burned He jumped and his condi I tion It critical Patrlok Brennan, of Weiser. Ida . Mrs O. O. White, whose home la near Cambridge. Ida., also jumped and were Injured J. B. Me ntile. the hotel proprietor and sev Tokio, (kg. 6. Sunday school of eral others were burned and Injured. ficials and workers from al! over the A large dwelling near the hotel was world are gathered her for the open- Tokio, Oct. 5.—Public opinion, as also destroyed A special train was | Ing area I on tonight of the eighth con- voiced In the Japanese press, la tar A silver loving cup la to be pre sent from here with doctors and I vention of the World's Sunday School With 43 herds of cattle from all from satisfied with the character of nurses Association which to intended. It Is sented by K M. C. Neill, of Arden- parts of the state competing. Lo the proceedings in the session of the announced, to make "In all lands a craig, aa a prise for the best 10 ears throp Brothers' herd ot Ayrshire cat- diet just closed and is particularly better day for the world's childhood of corn exhibited in the coming corn tie made one of the beet showings condemnatory of the failure to take O'art Opea- T-«Uy— and youth and for larger sympathies show. The farmers of the valley are made at the state fair which closed better advantages of opportunities to Tokio, Oct. 5.—The building 1» The short term session of the Unit and better understandings between taking a keen Interest tn the show constitutional development. which the world's Sunday school last Saturday. I j . throp Bros, sent push ed States court for southern Oregoa tho nations." whloh is to bo held at the courthouse five head from their herd of 50 and Speeches in the house of representa convention opened today was burned. opened thia forenoon in the federal Twenty-nine conferences, at whloh on October 23. Competition for the brought back three blue ribbons and tives. especially by some of the The building was crowded with dele building In Medford It Is not yet specialists will apeak on a wide va- numerous prise« promises to become younger members, showed the exist- gatee. including many Americans, known just how many cases will be rlety of topics, are to be held in ad- marked as the farmers have had two second prizes. The one exhibit was all that was made from Jose- ence of a movement of liberalism, but the doorkeeper expressed the ba up for trial, but it la presumed that ditto» to simultaneous evening meet splendid success with their corn this phlne but it did much to show cat- bot tbe press is bltser over the fact llet that all escaped from the build •a usual ths majority will be Indian ing» at which addressee will be de year. Some time ago Prof. Carpen tie men tn other parts of the state that the opposition parties failed to ing. caaea from Klamath county.' United ll ver« <1 by 134 speakers In four lang- ter of O. A C. was down and gave States Judge -Wolverton will preside. I uages The convention will close a them numerous pointers on the pick that Southern Oregon is becoming a make use of their power in a manner sufficient to exact reforms. United Stat«» District Attorney L m - week from next Thursday evening ing out of the beet ears for exhibit factor In the raising of purebred A review of the session of the cattle. tsr W Humphreys will prosecute the with a great outdoor song service purposes. house of representatives shows that A first prize was taken i on their caaea tor the government, and Depu and a pageant entitled "The Cross of Mr. Neill states that the improve Brooklyn, Oct. 5.—The gate re it was noisy, even riotous in nature ty United States Court Clerk Frazer Christ." Tho "message" from Tokio ment In corn in the valley has ad- two year old sire, Ben Hur • Utli, for ceipts were 179,60». exclusive of war that, besides the question of grant will be there according to announce will then be carried to th* Holy land vanoed rapidly durln the past the exhibit tn this class. ’ They also ing universal suffrage. It devoted it- , tax. ment made In Portland some time through many minor meetings and In eight years since he came here, At received first champion junior prize and nrwt’ prize’iTthe" swre”psta^^ 8e,f t0 matters <* a ,ran8,tory °r »**! ago 25 further auxiliary conventions in that time la was the general belief with seven sires competing. They soaal nat’"* “d that w,th the excep’ i Korea, China, Singapore. Colombo. that good corn could not be grown received first premium for a mature t,on of the wel,-known Tukloi In thia vicinity. He believes that the India. Cairo, Egypt and Jerusalem. cow and also took champion of Ayr- Ozak1' there wa8 n0 party attack On The dally themes of the speakers corn show will help to dispel this be shire cows In the senior vearling m,Iltari8m or military Influence here will be: "World Progress of the lief aa he haa convinced himself that1 — . ... . . _ which is still regarded as being all, •'^ Mickey of Sunny- Sunday School;” "Jesus Christ the corn can be grown profitably here. J'1“"; brook took champion junior and I powerful In Japan. World's Redeemer;" "The Bible- He expects to have an exhibit at the „ , OWPArietn It is evident, however, that a be-1 Von PomAtio nf *« ■« God's Revelation to the World:" show that will make the farmers of •»••P«‘*kea. Ramona of Sunnybrook ginning haa been made in voicing the took second premium for junior "The Christian Heritage of the the valley do some hard work to get New York, Oct. 5.—Victor 8. Fog threes. Lovelock May of Sunny popular cry for political reforms, this Child;" "World Evangelism;" * Edu- his cup away from Ardencr&lg. being especially noticeable In the and William H. Kaiser, steamship brook took second premium for heif Salem. Oct. 5. -Senator McNary cation:" "The Community;" "Na- ers under six months. pressing clamor of the suffragists operators, were Indicted by the fed received a telegram from Admiral tlonal Lite;** “The Sunday School Mrs. J. P. Morse left this morning In the milking contest which is one ,hat aU the roun* men of the em-, eral grand jury today. They were Benson of the Shipping Hoard today and the New World.” S|>ecia) re for Hilt where she wil’ be employed pire be given the right to vote and , charged with "engaging in a conspi announcing that Poreland haa been ports will be read by secretaries and by the A. W. Moon company. (Continued on page 3.) that. In a general way. liberty of racy to defraud the United States by transferred from the Seattle Ship field workers from South America, speech within and without the diet! making false vouchers with the in ping District to the San Francisco the Philippines, Egypt and Syria, shall be absolutely guaranteed. tent to defraad the shipping board.** district. Thia follows a long fight by Korea. China, Japan, India, Great Portland for such action. I i Britain and tho United States. TAKE PRIZES AÎ FAIR PORTLAND TAKEN OUT The Tide Is Too Strong 4 4 Washington, Oct. 5.— Four a mend menta to the covenant of the league of nations by tho Danish. Norwegian and Swedish governments probably will be taken up at the first meeting of the assembly of the league at Ge nova on November 15. They have already been submitted to all mom bera of the league for study and re quire the approval of the council and a majority vote of the assembly to become effective. One suggestion proposes a fixed annual meeting of the assembly to be hold either at tho time provided for in the rules of procedure or on a specific ditto such aa the second Monday in September. It is also proposed that on the demand of 10 members of the league n specilli meeting of the assembly shall be called at any time. Another proposal would regularize tho method of selecting the four non-pormanent members of the coun cil. lit Is suggested that the assem bly after the first selections shall name a now state each year to serve for a period of four years which shall not be subject to re-elect Ion for llie following period, The purpose Is to secure successive representation on tho council of a Inrr number of states while maklsv only one rhanic la membership each year. A third amendment proposed omit tho word "generally" from the following paragraph in Article XIII: "Disputes as to the Interpretation of a treaty, as to any question of International law, as to the existence of any fact, which, If established, would constitute a breach of any in ternational obligation, or as to the extent and nature of the reparation to be made for any such breach, are declared to be among those which are generally suitable for submission to arbltsrtlon." The purpose Is to make the obliga tion to report to arbitartlon more absolute and precise. The fourth amendment would per mit the council to authorize a state In the vicinity ef another state against which an economic blockade has been enforced to maintain a cer tain degree of Intercourse with the covenant-breaking slats If this Is considered necessary by the council to prevent tho blockaded state from threatening or attacking Its neigh bor. It la contended that soaio meas ure of freedom should be allowed es pecially In the case of small states where the fulfilment of tho blockade obligation might lead to occupation of territory by the covenant-breaking state. Heprmluced by permission New York Tribune. Ino. Copyrighted IMO. Dublin. Oct. 5 —No attempt has yet been made by the government to suppress effectively the Sinn Fein civil courts. When the Sinn Feiners arrest and try prisoners for criminal offenses the police interfere, release the men charged and break up the courts where they can be discovered. But civil trials, in the nature of ar bitrations between willing parties, are openly held every day. In many districts they have completely super- ' seded the king’s courts and the liti gants appearing before them include members of every class In the com- I munity. Unionists as well as Nation alists. The Sinn Fein Judges, appointed by election, are sworn in publicly with due ceremony and regular at torneys. though nominally officials I of the high court of justice, appear before them. The assize Judges at I the recent assizes found that about i 70 per cent of cases listed for trial I had been withdrawn from the record and transferred to the republican courts. The Westmeath county council has i decided that all British courthouses In the county shall be closed and have asked the republican police to prevent the buildings from being used for holding courts not recog nized by the republican government. At Swinford the East Mayo, a re publican court held a public session and tried 30 cases mostly Involving title to land and houses. They tried ,» in camera a case of seduction. At Loughrea an Ulster Presbyter ian appeared before a republican court as plaintiff in a land dispute between him and some Sinn Feiners and the court decided in his favor. In Cork City one of the largest dry goods stores, which has its head quarters in Belfast, Was defendant in an action for profiteering brought by republicans and they won their case. At Kiltimagh the railway station master complained that a goods train had been raided and petrol stolen from It. When ft was proved that the petrol was not intended fcr the military but for private purchaseru, payment was made to the station master. The criminal trials are of every kind and it is claimed that in cases of theft the republican police are very successful in recovering the stolen property. Breaches of order In drinking shops are sererely dealt with and illegal attempts to obtain drink at prohibited hours are stern ly punished. Tn Shanklll. County Dublin, the republican police closed a drink shop where disorder occurred and in County Louth they have pro hibited all dancing In public houses. Illicit distilling is being everywhere suppressed.