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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1920)
( nivcrslty of Ore Library VOU XI.. No. u GRAN TH I’AMH, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. MONDAY. <M TMli.ll 4. IIMO. WHOLE XI MB Ell 8001 REV. KNOTTH To AGAIN BE IN Ml I IIODIHT * l-l LI’IT ♦ ♦ Portland, Oct. 4.—-Rev. Jos. ♦ !♦ ♦ K. Knotts was appointed ♦ ¡ ♦ Methodist Bishop Hhepard for ♦’ ♦ Grants Paas today ♦ ! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 .Manila. Oct. 4. The Interior of the Philippine senate build ing burned today. The loss la estimated at 1100,000 ARE LAUDED BÏ ■ PRICE DROPN 12 CENTS ON DI CEMHER DELIVERY—OTHER PRICES LOW (N>MMt NIDATION .HEXT OUT IIY DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE 4N»N I'RKHIDKNT ADDREMKD TO TINl'KH PLEADING TH IT THE <WNTI»VMKN I.EAOUK BF. ACCEPTED M.xXing Hslurvlny Midi tltesuliwl. SERIES IS LARGE DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL AT HONORfi MEMORY OF VETERANS I IIKMOVl tiudicettons Are Iteturnod aa Capa city of Park A Iresti y Fill«!— Usau« B*wln at 10 o’clock Prospect« Excellent for Profit- ablu Your The Initial meeting of the toadies d Pro- New York. Oct. 4. The demand flwv î t es» oí A. E. F. s>lx>uM be Ex Auxiliary last Saturday In the Cham •Will for seata for the world series, the ample of kmerkjuüam tn Peace first game of which will be played at t>«r of Commerce rooms proved a Tim« Patriotism Brooklyn tomorrow, has far exceed success both from the standpoint of ed the supply. Thousands of appllcs- Chicago. Oct. 4. -Drastic price cut attendance and In the Interest shown Washington, Oct. 4 "The whole Dayton. Oct. 4 - -Homo from a tour tIons will be returned. Marion. Oct. 4.—Senator Hardin* ting tn the wheat market for Decem In the meetings Mrs C. L. Cláven world will wait for your verdict In covering 11,000 miles Into every I ~~~~ motored to Fremont. Ohio, where he ber delivery closed at It.95 against ger was elected lo head th« organi- November,” said President Wilson In •Late west ot the Mississippi river. ! Cleveland. Oct 4. -Tris Speaker, spoke at the dedication of a memor _« m ■ n ■ (vswv of rwf (ba A sai ss IsaWiio |2 07 at the finish Saturday. March (alion for the coming year to fill a communication addressed to Fellow except three. Governor Cox. though manager the American league «ven pen- _ ial tablet In honor of soldiers who closed at 11.01. Increased liquida the varan y left by the departure of Countrymen. He charged that "you supposed to rest for two daya, today ®nl winner« gave the team the mode died tn the great war. In bls address tion by holders is In progress, espe have been grossly mislead with re continued hla plea for th« adoption of attack against Brooklyn. They he praised the heroism of the Amer Mm C. 11 Thomiwon Mrs A. 11. cially from rural sources. It waa an gard to the treaty and particularly of the league of nations, aa the para leave for Brooklyn tonight, accom- ican expeditionary force, He aaked nounced. A St. lavuls mill haa closed Gunnell was made chairman of the with regard to the proposed charac mount issue of the campaign. Ad- , panled by many tans. that their service« be made an ex down on account of the lack of or ■ program committee. ter of the longue of nations.” drossing a body of women he told ample tor Amer leans In pease time Tho nu-ollng was opened by Mrs. ders. The market closed In a semi- New York. Oct. 4.— The world ser Mr. and Mrs Edwin P. Craw« will why the women should support the ies stars at Brooklyn at 10 a. tn Pa patriotism, He did not touch on demoralised condition with the low - George Eaton Mrs J. E. Hair pre league, aasertlng that throui nout the: politics. sented points In favor ot the annual return tomorrow to their horns at gears, they have been "leaders of pro cific time tomorrow. est prices of the day. I rose show and after much considera Boston after a vielt with Mr. and gress In tho world" and declaring London, Oct. 4.—Doctors did not Hui»-rviwor tn City— Gon tile ladies voted unanimously to Mrs W B. Idndaay at Merlin. that the wrath of woman who were New low prie«»« 1 hold a 1 »21 flower show The nub New York. Oct. 4 J. R. I-ee. supervising foreman of find much change In Mr.cSwlney’s to suffer In the war would pursue on the raw and refined sugar mir- | Ject of the community house was construction for the Pacific Tele condition except that be is very the emperors of Austria. Germany keta have been made ,, phone and Telegraph company, was a weary, said a bulletin today, He I taken up for discussion Dr R W. and Russia "through all eternity.” I local visitor today, spending the day passed a fair night. i Stearns and James Mum, of the local He said the league would not only with C. II. Corson, local manager for i post ot the \insrlcan Legion, outlln prevent war. which he asserted was I the company. od the subject as planned by a com Its primary purpose, but would also mltteo of citizens who have Ixten promote progress and "set up Itself It waa Chicago, Oct. 4.—Charles A. Co working on the question Four Granta Paas business houses to become a «-leering house for In- as it docs on tho closeness or onesld- mlskev. owner of the White Sox. has * tho unanimous desire of the ladles were broken Into Saturday night by tornntlonal justice and social ser ednesa of the ijamei sent 11500 to each of the 10 mem I that a committee be appointed to thieves and although considerable vice.” , Fifteen world’s serie» have been ✓ bers of last year's team who were not * work with1 the legion and others, Inning«« was done, nothing of value played since they were Inaugurated Mrs. It. W. Stearns gave a report Involved In the baseball scandal, to I under National" Commission jurisdic wan taken. Burkhalter's fe«d atore, New York, Oct. 4. Senator Borah reimburse them for the amount lost ion tho child welfare conferences held Maxwell and company, the Haselton tion in 1905. Of these American I who requeted that no further speak when the Sox failed to win the 1919 here this spring. In Introducing the service station and the Cold Storage league clwba-bave won nine and I subject of child welfare Mias Ruth series plant were nit victims In the mid Nations! league dubs six. Thus If ing dates be made for him by the i Corbett, homo demonstration agent night raid. At Maxwell's garage, the National league entry wins this republican committee, will speak In for Josephine county. reported on Itho combination was knocked off the year the junior circuit still will have Connecticut. New Hampshire and the pruothal application of the ad I safe but th«- thieves were unable to an advantage of two In the number other states, it is announced. vice given at tho conference nnd Its get Into the Inaldo. Considerable of series won. result. Tho matter of civ Io Improve money was locked up In the safe. t New York, Oct. 4. Records of Tn the fifteen series now part of ment was taken up by Mr». A. H. They broke Into the side door at world’s series played under the Juris baseball history, Nfi games were Gunnell, who gave a brief outline of the service station and went through diction of tho National Commission played of which two resulted tn tie the work done in this line during the desk but .obtained nothing of since 1905 show that the American score* American league clubs have tho past year The c)ub voted to value. At the Ice plant they left Mr. league has an advantage over the won 44 names and National league continue civic Improvement work Birchard's desk looking aa If a cy- National league In the number of dubs 40. Since the wluner this year Toklo. Oct. 4 —Japanese troops j during the coming year. • lone had struck It but nothlng of series won as well as the number of; will have to win give games to win have been sent to Hunchun Man-1 If tho first meeting may he taken value was missed. The championship the National airona box games won, but the senior circuit i the ihurla, near the Korean frontier 1 as a criterion, tho Auxiliary Is to Washington. Oct. 4.—An Inquiry wa« taken from tho Burkhalter I’ntrles In the championship series league entry would be obliged to ac which was raided Saturday. The al- have a very successful year The store and taken out to a wood pile have outscored the American league compllsh the feat In tive straight Into the source of the recent ship tacking party consisted of Russian . mooting waa very well nttondod and where it was battered open As it j contenders, Regardless of the out starts In order to overcome the ment of Russian gold to the United bolshevlkl, say Korean and Chinese , much enthusiasm wan shown Re State« has been ordered by the de reports Ten Japanese were killed fri-shments were served. Mrs. Sam contained papers which were of value come ot the serlos this year the Am gamee-won advantage of the Ameri partment of justice. The depart can league. The senior league leads only to Mr. Burkhalter they were erican league will retain Its lead in and 32 wounded, Forty-eight raid-I Baker, Mrs. Bort Barnes and Mr«. ’ loft. A number of savings stamps the number of serie won. The onlyt In runs scored In world's series by ment believes the gold Is part of the era were either killed or Injured. Geo Sabin having charge. Russian bolshevlkl propaganda fund. and some oth«-r stamps were passed possibility of the Atnerl an league 284 to 273. up by »he thieves. being ousted from the leadership In Some gypsies were ween In th«« city games won Is to have the National lain Saturday night hut had left by league .entry this year win tho series the next morning and It la thought In five straight games. The leader In that they may have been responsible runs scored after this series will have I for the robberies. ended cannot he foretold, depending Fri«». Ia>w.»4 »< l*y »I ( •«•Ing Time __ Ht. lamia Mill <’l<*»wl by the lauk of Orders THE EASTERN STALES LEADER SINCE 1905 E Peking, Oct. 4. The Japanese be tray an ambition to monopolize the operation of the Chinese Eastern railway, in the opinion of a commis sion consisting of an American, a Frenchman and an Englishman which was sent by the Chinese gov ernment to .Man'hurln nnd Eastern Siberia this summer to Inquire into political conditions there partlcular- ly tin they affected the railway. Tho commission was composed of Dr. J. C. Ferguson, American advisor to the President of China; M. I'ndoux French financial advisor to the Chi nese government; and E. Lenox- Simpson, British, whose official title Is statistician to the president. They left >Peklng June Ifl and In spected tho whole line of the Chi- nese Eastern and Inter continued their Investigations In Vladivostok Tn a report to the Chinese govern- ment the commission states: "The Japanese attitude toward the Chinese Eastern railway today Is cor rect In outward appearances; never theless beneath the surface are to bo seen numerous Indications of their deep desire to dominate, If not to control Its administration. "The»' overlook ao opportunity to Interfere with the working of tho line; they constantly watch the movement of traffic, and they have made every possible attempt to In stall themselves In a commanding position both along the railway and in buildings belonging to the com- pany. (Last year they made a de- liberate attempt to seize the section south of Harbin (Changchun-Har bin» by movjng up to Harbin all ma terial necessary to convert the line from Russian broad-gauge to stand ard gauge (South Manchurian sys tem), an effort which was successful ly resisted by the agent« of th«- allied powers. Since then they have at tempted to cover this failure by of fering to lense from the Chinese Eastern for a tefni of years all the freight space on the Changchun-Har bin section and thus to establish an effective Japanese monopoly, an ef fort which also has come to naught." Under the head of criticisms of Chinese policing, the commission re ported that “country districts, par ticularly the Sungari valley and tho sertions of tho railway In tho iftoun- talnoun districts of eastern Kirin, are full of bands of hnnghutzo (Chi nese bandits) preying upon the coun try and frequently plundering NtAiim- era and Junks. '¿The territorial slflclah mnln- tain,” the report continues, "that once Japanese evacuation Is carried out this danger will disappear. They point to the great number of MelJI rifles captured and the arming of tho bands with Japanese machine guns as proof that foreign nations have assisted brigandage In order to break down Chinese oontrol. At the station of Imlanpo, 100 miles east of Harbin a car full of hand grenades was seized by the Chinese garrison a few days prior to the commission's visit, evidently consigned to bri gands, who are said to number from 8000 to 7000 In this district alone." Under Which Flag ? Powttll in the Omaha B«*a. Vienna, Oct. 4. The so«lai demo I It blames France for preventing cratic party of Austria, numerically this end but declares that the history the largest in the Austrian parllu- of the Czechs, the Poles and Jugo | ment, charges in an appeal Its lead slavs proves that a people finally ers have issued asking for votes in achieves its own right of self-deter the election for tho national assem mination in aplte of all opposition bly on October 17 that the counter nnd all obstacles If only it remains revolutionaries have been victorious firm in Its desires. The social democrats put forward In Hungary and that their "lynchings and guillotines are preparing the way as their Issue the reforms they have for restoration in that country of the advocated since the formation of the rule of the Hapsburgs.” This Is the republic Und which they assert have line of which the late Emperor been defeated by the combined bour Francis Joseph and his son, Carl, geois opposition. In the main these are suppression of the power of the were descendants. "Carl Hapsburg has broken his clericals, taxation of capital and word and refused to resign the Aus great estates, age and Invalid Insur trian throne," the «ocialista aver. ance, school reforms including sepa "He is to be made king of Hungary ration of schools and church, ade in Budapest and from there he is quate pay for public servants, and to bring German Austria Into sub- similar measures To this end It demands the social j ection. Tho blood of our peasants and our workers Is again to be ization of great Industries, mines, placed In the service of the Htingar- vast realty holdings and banking so Ian feudal lords who are arming for that "their earnings, instead of en war to reconquer Slovakia. Sleben- riching private persons may give to buergen and the Banat.” The so tho state the means for fulfilling its cialists then charge that the Kuns- social and cultural tasks.” The Christian Socialists are charg chak-Funder group of the Christian so lallst party In Austrian Is the tool ed with obstructing this program so of the Hungarian monarchists. long that the control of many of the This appeal and other campaign most valuable natural sources of literature, not only of tho socialist wealth such as the Iron mines of groups but the conservatives as well, Styria and Carinthia have passed to cleverly continue the agitation for Italian control and now foreign pro i inion with Germany. "From the tests make Impossible the full reali' day of our breakdown," It says, "we zatlon of the socialization scheme. so-lal democrats have snld German Austria alone cannot be a living Misa Florence Bocock returned state. Economic misery will be our this morning from Salem where she lot so long as union with Germany spent several days visitine with friends. doe» not free us."