I'lil HHDAY, HEITEMIIKK 'M ,IIMU. GUANTAI PAM DAILY (XH'KIKH PAGK FOVR - "Auto Strop Rnxor." Sabin has it houses hi New York. Baltimore and Head the Golden Kul. ad In this ’hi ago. later in Kan FTanclaco. You paper, some extra good values In are assured of first class workman- ladles fine shoes S2 ship, courteous and prompt attention We know how. Gust Coortn. Rhone Expert Tnilorinir > f All Kind* - 73. iOS's S. Sixth street. (up Repairing. altering. renovating stairs!. Open evenings HI and cleaning. Suita made to order and a perfect fit guaranteed. Over 1.000 »ample» to select from. PrlM If Vou Don't IJke to 1'iuico— Como and hear the music. It's moderate Workmanship Is result of 35 years practical experience em- worth It Saturday night at the Wal- bracing 10 years cutter for famous dorf. . 84 11 ---------- 1 The Joint Account The unexpected bajip.'iis. The huslxind I» taken away. Money must be pr >vi«l<sl at once, bul because the money stood in th«' hush sad's name at the bank it could not be drown out until th ' conrt said so. A Joint Account in thi» batik. standing in two niMN —hilaban. I and wife—can lw> drawn out by cither on the slanature ,rf «éther. When (lie "itn«*xp«'«t««d ha|tpen>.** "a joint account" smooths th • way most happily. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Mr. and Mrs. Public: OF HOITHKKS OREGON Tomorrow we will present Wallie Reid in “Double Speed” and a Sun shine Coniedv—Two Comedies that won’t let your face rest one little minute. tonight, Vivian Martin in “His Official Fiancee” and Sennet’s “lhe Quack Doctor” will be shown 1 for or the me last nines. times i I Successful Canning and Preserving 1 THEY'VE GOT THE "HTl II" IS THEM. JI MT 11» OF THEMM tXiATM OS II ASI>—PRICED FOB QI It'K SALE. THE V.ALVKR Wll.l. si lll’llISE VOF. GEO S CALHOUN txwal dealer nearly »titeen year. HAVE VOl II Fall Suit and Overcoat Hart, Schaffner & Marx Peerless Clothing Co. AT— « YOUR COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL AFFAIRS AS WELL AS THOSE OF PERSONAL CH AR AC- ilk . will HAVE th i a . i . i r.rsr attes - TION AND CAKE WHEN ESTHVSTED To THE JOSEPHINE COIXTY BASK. checking G rants P ass .O regon $440 Touring with starter $510 Runabout, Regular $395 Runabout with starter $465 $360 Coupe with starter and demountable rims $745 Sedan with starter and demountable rims $795 Truck with pneumatic tires $545 SEW VI EES QI'ALITY SHoEH Foil WOMEN, JI MT DECEIV ED. SEE THE BROWN HIGH I IT RIUNII E. AT W o O I) W A R I) ’ S 103 S'. SIXTH ST. 4 Touring, Regular Shoes for the Family ucointh aiie invited . J osephine C ounty B ank Reduction in Price on Ford Products Prices F. O. B. Factory Made From Oregon Wool AT Rogue River Hardware Co. Tractor Stylish Overcoats M ADE TO ME AMI HE HV Come in and talk it over with us. Chassis I to attend th. Morphy dauoe October <Wx and Harding— II With all their friend» ar. invited 2nd ? We take great care to obtain the canners, jars, jar holders, and racks, rubbers, etc., that are known to be the most successful. store mrs. Hellie Peas ! I TViNCff£5T£K AU, WOOL MIAI* OVFIl SWEAT- EHM OSIMI AU’ I'lUt'K OREGON P vm Á’ T ISN’T all knowing how and taking pains. You’ve got to have good equipment to in sure against loss of your time and waste of valuable food. the Wonderful Bargains The Ford Motor Com- pany makes this reduction in face of the fact that THE UNIVERSAL CAR they have on hand im- mediate orders for 106,065 cars and tractors. I i > I They will suffer a temporary loss while using up the material bought at a high price, but they are willing to make the sacrifice in order to bring business back to a going condition as quickly as possible and maintain the momentum of the buy- ing power of the country. Henry Ford says the war is over and it is time war prices were over. There is no sense or wisdom in trying to main* tain an artificial standard of values, for the best interest of all. It is time a real practical effort was made to bring the business of the country and the life of the country down to pre-war standards. We are at your command with regular Ford efficiency in service and eagerness to fill your orders. $790 C. A. WINETROUT Authorized Ford Sales and Service sc »