Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1920)
GRANT* PAHM UAH V < THIltRDAY, NEITEMIIER 23 ,19110. It th PAGI « Classified Advertising Kilt HAIJC HTRAYED *JR SALK Choles paled hay 831 per toa f. o b. Pass Riverbanks Farms 1 KJTTRAY-—There came to our places Hept. 81 two young Ayreshlre heif ers about two years old, no brand Owner can get animals 'by paying 1X)R SALE—Fancy Berkshire! close charges. J. R. Hawes, D. Wood. ly related to the 88500 boar and C. H Riemann. the 83900 sow recently sold at public auction In the east. River M UH'ELLA N KOI H Banks Farms 6«tf FOR RAI4C -Tennessee White Win KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS — Ther mopylae lodge No. 50, meets every ter Barley and Gray Winter Oats second and fourth Tuesday even for fall seeding. River Banka ing. Visitors Invited 09tf Farms. Rd. 2. Grants Pass «Mtf Otto Hen FOR PLUMBING, concrete, sidewalk- Ing. phon» 323-Y. 89 • «02- 70tf NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna RIVER BOTTOM laud. 5 to 20 acres. mental, shade and fruit trees. Geo 1 * a miles from city, for sale, or II Parker. will take good residence property ns party payment. Address No NOW THAT water tor Irrigation Is sure, yuo should plan your future 2061, care Courier. 70tf homo Remember we can supply FORD In flr-R clami condition tor you with everything in ornamon sale See County Agent, court tai, shade, climbing tines, high house. 69tf est grade roses, bulbs and tubers with which to beautify the ap FOR SAI J? Illack Jersey cow and pearance of your surroundings young calf; 2-ton Velio truck and Also don’t forget that Mr. F. E. equipment for lumber hauling; Jordan is at your service with lat also hand hoist for dump body. In est hints In landscape, culture and quire 718 South Fifth 7ltf setting out of anything we offer FOR RALE -116 acres on paved you. Residence 860 North Seventh highway, 1 *< miles from stalluu. street Albany Nurseries, Inc. tf Houses and barn, orchards 25 acres under cultivation, 5 In clover A GOOD CHANCE for a bright boy and timothy. Never falling or who has finished school to learn chard. Inquire 410 B street 84 cement testing, sampling and gen eral laboratory work. 8 to 10 hours “SINGER’’ leads as usual 1»21 per day. 45c per hour to start. models on floor Granta Paas Hard- Beaver Portland Cement Co , Gold ware Co. See them. Your terms Hill, Ore. are ours, J. W. Scott, sales mnn. 8 MILK COWS for sale il lid I, !!'■ 11, F-21. ager Binger Hewing Machine Co ?6tt FOR rale OR TRADE- One large SOONER TAXI —Phone 283-R Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an Poland China male hog For par swered anywhere, anytime. ticulars address J. T Griffith. Wil liams. Oregon. SI PALACE TAXI Phone 28-J. FOR RALE taith machine only h> en Wind run 30 hours Bargain If taken nt PIANO INHTRK'TIO’N once. Roy Wilcox. 407 Rogue I River Avenue. Grants Pass 82 MRS. JAS M POWERS. Instructor FOR SAUD Baled alfalfa hay. |28, f. o. b. Grants Pasa. K M C Neill 78tf on piano, 102*4 Sixth street. High school credits given. Register now. Phone 2«5-J. I REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE---Furnished or| unfurnished, beautifully situated, E. t . mckinbtry , <03 a st.. phone 8 rooms, bath, pantry and attic. 18-R; general real estate business. Garage, wood shed and chicken I Beat of aella for fruit, hay or gen yard. Buy from owner No. 647 oral farming. North Second atreet. 89 CIVIL KNG1NKMK FOR SA1JC Ond English riding, one light stock, and one ladles sad-1 CIVIL ENGINEER -Daniel McFar land, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. die, 2 bridles, one farm level and Roe. 747 North Tenth St. Phone sns camera, size of picture 5x7. 211-Y. together with all accessories. All articles nearly new. Inquire A. DRAYAGK ANO TKAAHIKH The board reserves the right to re Wylberg. Rd. 4. 83 THE WORM) MOVES, so do wo. I j OBT— <A 30 x 3 H auto tire and rim fect any or all bids. 2 GOUD COWS tor sale Call at «11 WILFORD ALLBN. Bunob Bros Transfer Co. Phoae between Hayes hill and Kerby. South Eighth. 84 (SEAL) Secretary. 849. Finder will please address P. O. First publication August 26, and FOR SAI j E-- 27 head of aheep, 8200, F. G. I8HAM, drayage and traasfor. Box 85. Kerby, Ore., and receive last publication September 25, 1920. 4 head of hogs. Mrs. Henry Knut suitable reward. 8«tf Bafea. planos and fornitura en, Provolt, phone «08-F-8. 85 moved, packed, s^ipped and stored 1OOT—Tuesday near Waldo, a bur- UNDERWOOD typewriter sa good ns ! Courier for commerci»! prlnttn« Office phone 124-Y. gandy colored*woman’s cloth coat “•w for sale. Inquire of R W CUrke. phone 18>.___________ 85 I OKAiNT8 p a S3-MEDFORD TRUCK >>w______________ „ with fur collar. Finder pleaae re turn same to L. M. Applegate, 902 M street. City. 92 WHEN ITS TROUBLESOME I Competent hanics and Prompt Service FOR SALE «.arge Cornice pears, VETERINARY HLIUJMON 2nd», make delicious preserves. 50c psr box, bring hoxoa. Petite DR. R. J. BBHTUL. Veterinarian. NOTICE OF BOND SALL prunes at me per lb. (Pick them Residence 838 Washington boule yourself. F. S. Ireland, lower vard. phone 398-R. Notice Is hereby given that aeal- river road. 82 ed b4ds will be received by the under DHNTISTS signed Secretary ef the Grants Pass t FOR RENT B. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class Irrigation District at the office of AT— BLEEPING ROOM for rent to gentle i dentistry. 109% 8. 6th St. said District in Grants Paas. Oregon, man. Call at 411 North Sixth St., until the hour of 9:30 o'clock a. m. opposite courthouse. 82 PHYSICIANS the 37th day of September. 1920, and WANTED L. O. OLBMBNT. M. D.. Practice Immediately thereafter publicly open ed by the Board of Directors of said limited to diseases of eye, ear, nose District, for an Issue of bonds of ssld | WANTED Second hand 5 or «-Inch and throat Glasses fitted. Hours centrifugal pump In good condi District In the sum of 8400.000. same j 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. Service car answers nil calle tion. lasso Beet. 88tf 11,000 Phones, office 82; residence 359-J being In denominations of * ** each, numbered 291 to 690 Inclusive, Welding at all kinds WANTED- Woman or girl to do S. lAJUGHRlDGE. M. D. Physician and maturing aerially In annual general housework. Write Mrs. R. Day phone 1IS-J—Night ÍÍA2-H and surgeon. City or country calls amounts so as to be approximately W. Spalding, Kerby. Ore. 83 attended day or night. Phones, equal principal and interest, on the Res 369; Office, 182; Sth and H 1st days of July In each of the years WANTMIL 1 dozen White I-eghorn 1930 to 1939 both inclusive, said pullet» or year old hen» for laying R. J. BILL1CK, M. D. Physician bonds to bear Interest at the rate of The California and Oregon this fall nod winter. Phone 249-.I. and surgeon, office Schallhnrn 6 per cent per annum, payable semi Coast Railroad Company block, phone 54-j; residence. 1001 annually on the first days of Jan TIME CARD . WANTED Man to drlvi» Ford de Inwnrldge. phone 64-L. . livery truck and work in store uary and July, principal and interest Effective Nov. 24, 191». Married man preferred. 890 ge> W F RUTHERFORD Manus' 'he uayahle at the Fiscal Agency of the month. Wilson Mercantile Co . Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- raputlcs. It gets your arvmnnt Hate of Oregon In New York City. days and Fridays Glendale, Ore. 79tf Each bid must be accompanied by Office over Barnes' jewelry store P.M. t certified check for at least 5 per Leave Grants Pass ............ I Office hours 9: 30-12; 1:80-4. WANTED TO BUY—Plano, will pay Arrive W’aters Creek......... 3 ent of the par value of the bonds la>H\e Waters Creek......... 2:30 P.M P.M cash, must be In good condition RALPH W. STEARNS M D Phy bld for and must be unconditional. Arrive Grants Pass.......... 4 P.M. and worth the money. Address alelan and aurgoon. X-ray equip- For Information regarding freight The approving legal opinion of 212 North Second St. W. .1. Teal. ment, dental X-ray. Office, Ms Messrs. Toal. Mino- # Wfnfree will and passenger rates call at the office 81tf » of the company, l.undbnr; building, sonic Temple Bldg Phones Of- be furnished the successful bidder. or telephoas 131. flee 21-J; residence 21-L. CONSULT US The q the Me we like to quickly correct t Its source at the penso and send way an adver THIS STATION. Skilled service and charges make thia tb LAR BATTERY 8TAT80R. ADAMS ELECTRIC and BATTERY SHOP Exide Servine Statica. 608 9outh Sixth Grants Pass-Medford Interurban Autocar Co. Effective Aug. 5, 1920 LEAVE GRANTS PASH 7:00 10:90 1:00 4:90 a.m. a,..m p. m a. m. LEAVE MEDFORD 7:OOw.m. 9:00 a- m. 1:00 p- m- 4:90 p. m. Daily and Sunday Grants Pass Waiting Room BONBONNIERE Phone 160 Timmons &. Higgins Osll anil see ns Phone 324-J tll Sooth Sb th St-