Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1920)
I lli ItKDAV. HM'IE'IHEH SH .IU1MI, Published Dally Exoept Sunday Â. E. Voorhisa, Pub and Propr What You Get Entered at poetoCtce. Grants Paas. Ora., aa second clam mall matter, i ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, par Inch....................10c Bocal-paraonal column, par line....10« Beaders, per Maa.................. 5c The Best Values IN QUALITY GOOD« 1» 14W- HYE MEAL 73« TRY WHITE U»AF FUH R KINNEY NEW TODAY 1 NSVRANCE Fire, automobile. Ute. accident and health. T. M. Stott. 308 North Sixth St COAL- Order now for future livery. No t-oal carried In stock Get wood in now while weather ia good. Williams Wood Yard Phone 137._________ MAN’S BICYCLE Thia bike and at a low price. Phone No i i ________ A CHEVROLET CAR that look» and runa like new for »ale at a price that cant be beat. See it at Old- Ing’s Garage. FOR SALK OR TRADE homestead relinquishment 3 miles from Grants Pass. 70 acre« under ditch. Address J. F. Byers. 71« North Seventh St Phone 213-1 Cuff Cfnks HKK Ol 'N » IN DOW BARNES, The Jeweler MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is aaeluaively entitled to the use for republication 101 and 105 North 6th of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in thia (taper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of »pe- days front date the above described FOR RENT •lai dispatches herein are also re- NOTICE OF SALK OF IMPOUNDED KTOCK stock will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, to de fray cost aud expense of taking up and keeping. Said sale will be at city pound at 2 o’clock p. m. on the 30th day of September. 1920. C. E McLANE. Marshal. 89 Grants Pass. Oregon. Sept. 21. 1920. Notice is hereby given that I did » ♦ on the 21st day of September. 1920, OREGON WR.ATHKH take up and impound the following » described stock, tow it Tonight and Friday rain. ♦ One sorrel horse branded on left » ♦ shoulder "B”, white face, right hind COMMON WITCHHAZEL leg white, roached mane FINE FOR SORE EYES Notice is hereby given that if the | Tbe Sanie Stuqqty Jazzy Music— It is surprising how quickly eye In We had last Saturday. 84 same is not reclaimed within ten1 flammation is helped by common ———————————————— witchhazel, camphor, hydrastis, etc., as mixed in latvoptlk eye wash. One elderly lady, who had been troubled with chronic eye inflammation for many years, was greatly helped In to Close $13.50 to $15.85 Values two days, We guarantee a small bottle of Lavoptik to help ANY i CASE weak, strained or Inflamed eyes, Aluminum eye cup FREE. Na- LOT 1—MEDIUM GRAY, FINE KID. PLAIN TOE. Adv. tional Drug Store. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S .1020. Ladies’ Fine Shoe Special Special $10.00 Two nice housekeeping rooms for two. Phone 383-R. 4 13 North Eighth street. 83 FEW SHARES producing oil stock for sale. If taken soon. Address 85 Box 693 Granta Pass, Ore. Arden - W ANTED Man to work 87 craig Farm. Wildervllle i I j OTS, 4-room house, hot and cold water, bath, electric lights, city water, t2x30 poultry house for sale, John E. CMrlaon. West G 87 street FOR SALE Second hand sewing machine for 17.50. «24 A St., cor- 83 ner Seven'h . Fino Sh«e>< Reduced— Read in this paper about some very special values In ladies fine shoes. The Golden Rule Store. 82 FIFTY-NINTH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR GOODYEAR WELT. SPEC IAL SI 0.00 LOT 2—SUEDE BUCK, EXTRA QUALITY. TIP, GOODYEAR WELT, SPECIAL $10.00 UTT 3—BROWN FINE KID, PLAIN TOE TION TIP, G<»O1» YEAR WELT. SPECIAL $10.00 IMITATION IHD YOU SAYS DOI ’GWNUTS? Oh you saw our ad in the Courier The constant drop of water, wears away the hardest stone. The con stant gnaw of Towser, masticates the hardest bone. The constant wooing lover carries off the blushing maid And the constant advertiser. Is the one who gets the trade. Yes. we also have a big auction at 7 p. m Friday, all new goods and quality too. See our display windows at the Salvation Army Hall. 509 G street. Beginning at 10 a. m. Friday we will sell S. A. doughnuts—the real kind. Roy K. Hackett will be cashier and Charles Clayton. Clerk. Salem. September 27 to October 2.— splendid agricultural, livestock, and Industrial exhibits, a superb horse show, excellent races, high class amusements, greater and bet ter than ever before. A. H. UU. s Secretary, Salem HF \\ \ ■ ■ ■U a MÎL j 1 I j jl I ’• A 1J w A.. «* ■ JB your tractor I ZEROLENW Z r The resources.experience, knowledge «nd equipment of the Standard Oil Company combine to make Zerolene an oil of quality. They cre ate an efficiency in the man ufacture of fine lubricants hard to duplicate elsewhere in the world. Out Board of Lubrication Fngine»ia has Studied your particular typa of trac tor anj provided for its Corract Lubri cation. Tb"ir recommendations for tbe Correct Lubrication of automobile», trucks and tractors ere available in book let form. Ask your dealer tor your copy. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Overalls for each typeoF ine You Prepared? III lit TIRE < Hills—ALL Sl/ls U III ItOlll.H $2.39 « WOOL SHIRTS \ < ompi . i te uri:* IIM *2.45, S2.9M, * 4.(15 A XI» «(1.15 MA4 KINAW 4OATS FOR MEN *».»K. «12-K.1, «I.1.7.1, *1.1-14» EXTRA GIMtl» GRIMI: " WHY SEND AWAY TO GET BLANKETS — HAVE NEW WjjP COLLINS AUTO COMPANY *141.54» ARMY MAXWELL HUDSON CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS ARMY Accessomes ah » hi pair PHONE 317 SU H STREET GRANTS PASS. ORE IILAN- KF7TH, NOT RENOVATED Oil RELAlNDEREIt, HIT GENU INK NEW O. I». BLANKET« FOR *41.KI- MWN’H (AWASH BANN CLOVEN AT 1.1« OR 2 PAIRS 4 Mr. Sample Store AUTO TOPS Replaça the shabby top with a Ught, eaay-to-hnndle weather proof one new. Smart looking, serviceable tope— perfect fitting and improving the car’s looks—« wide cholee in me- terials and color». OUR I’RK IM IOWMT G. B. BERRY boxes, sea Tai« no I»Î S«Â » a î KHAN y ran known as B«M. Safest MH D BY ORLWSIS EVERYWHERE 08 MIR f > lc N&E c S or black 01 CAPSULES Second-Hand Bargains MAXWELL—FINE SHAPE *700 CHEVROLET ............ *.i4>4> FORD TOURING (Itnrgaln) FORD DELIVERY C. L. Hobart Co