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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1920)
Courier * L VOL XI., No. ft. GRANTS PAM, JOSEPHINE COLN TY, OREGON, Till RKDAY. KEITEMBER M ,1020. iNmusraP, to Ibuse Half Million by "Match (he Prraidenl" Slogan • aa a Byword WHOLE \ I'M BEK 3OMÄ. Chkago Firme Announce Slashing Reductions on Mrrrhsndée—<’<s- ton Staples in the l«ad New York. Hept. 23.—Democratic "KEPI BLK’ANIKM IN 102«" IK WHILE INVESTIGATION OF W ALL FN1TED STATES ASKED TO N IMF Chicago, HI., Sept. 28.—Two of REITBLICA.N NOMINEE HOLIK» national Chairman White announced COMMISSION TO KETTLE HI IME4T OF INVESTID ITION the largest mall order houses here STREET PROCEED«, OVT- THAT OFFICIAL AMERICA IS that the committee would raise a D IMPFTE« BY SENATORS RAGE PREVENTED announced price cuts of from 10 to NOT CONCERNED $500,000 "match the president" fund. He said a thousand friends of the league of nations will be asked to subscribe $500 each following Trseldent Wilson1« example 20 per cent In many lines of mer- ! chandlse today. Cotton staples led with a 20 per cent reduction Ready- to-wear clothes are' also affected. Silks already have been reduced from S3 to 50 per <ent. Furniture lUvddtmce Is Sold— Is down 25 per cent below a scare of In C ium ’ ( <difi>niln l,a«»es tnH-lep- social Betterment Problem One That The residence property belonging Mat of Kulmerilu'ra to Book Will He l'oli«crruui l'rmmt« IHaaMer by Prea- a few months ago. anoer laucialaUon ,ln|e> Will Start to Mode Publio— Venture HeU ntwr of Mind in Station on Must Not Be Taken From Sel to D. Elsmunn on Fourth street in Pn «w I Ings Be Private Transaction Brooklyn Elevated fish Attitude Bourne’s addition has been pur Father Is 111— chased by Mae Burdlc, of Ashland Mrs. A. A. Gray of the Salvatlo* The Burdlc* will make their hoinn Army, haa received word that her Tokio, tfopt. 23 The Washington on the l>roperty Washington, Sept 23—The sen -1 New York. Sept. 23. While Inves father is seriously ill at Mt. Vernon, Marion, Ohio, Sept. 23.—Declaring government will be usked to appvltft ate committee investigating cam- tigators are still seeking to solve the Wash that the Irish problem ia "not a a commissioner to effect a solution of I Arg« Egg Reported— palgn expenditures todav inquired; mystery of the Wall street explosion. question for official America,” Sen the Japanese-American problems, Ham Hoyt reiuirts an exceptional- Into the distribution by a newspa;>er a policeman today found a packagei Another Ante Collision— ator Harding In a statement said and In event of the passage of the ly large egg, which was laid by a enterprise association of what was containing dynamite on the platform Another automobile collision oc- that in his opinion the movement tor California antl-Japancse legislation. White leghorn hen The egg was des'ribed as “propaganda” for Cox. <»f the Reed avenue elevated station. i rurred last night at the intersection Irish independence would be under Japan will arrange for a law suit 7% by f. % Inches and weighed five P. Scripps, editor of the Scripps In Brooklyn Headquarters announc- of H and Sixth streets. O. 8. Blan the league of nations aa a subject against the California legislature on ounce*. newspaper, admitted the association ed it was a bomb with a burning chard was headed north in hia new entirely “Internal or domeatic.” Ad the ground that the bill la sTironstl- sent out letters favoring Cox but de-’ fuse attached when the policeman Studebaker and a car driven by Miss dressing Ohio republicans he declar tutlonal und in violation of treaty Turpin Taken North— nled receiving any money from the found It and "put it out." Potts, of New Hope, was coming out ed that neither social reformers or rights. newspapnrs report Lester Turpin, who waa brought democratic national committee He H street from the west. Mr. Blan- industrial chieftains should view th» New York, Sept. 23.—Receipt of a ! chard says that he could not tell problem of social betterment from here to answer to the charge of pass said his interest was purely "public W. IL C. Meeting— warning in an anonymous letter that what the other car was going to do their own standpoint. ing worthless checks, wax taken last lntereat." Gen Ijogan W It. C will hold night to Salem to bo confined In the • the Grand Central terminal would as it was on the wrong side of the their regular meeting Saturday ’ af- stalo reform school. Turpin passed Washington, 8cpt. 23.—A com- be blown up at 2 o’clock today was street. He had his car about stop ternoon A full attendarne Is de- a number of checks here with local plote investigation of the financing followed by extraordinary action to; ped when the smaller car headed aired merchants and he Is said to have of the book "Republicanism in 1930” protect the terminal, Extra guards straight for him and hit his running operated also In Medford. He was published by the Albany Journal, were also placed around the Penn-1 board and front fender, causing con taken to Salem by I^eater Coburn was ordered by the campaign Inves- sylvanla station and Manhattan's! siderable damage. Miss Potts did not who was returning to his home at ligating committee William Barnes two main poatoffices have a driver's license, although she Jr., formerly was directed to pro Portland. was 19 years of age. duce subscription lists for the book Medford. Ore.. Sept. 23.— After nithough he contended the venture S. V. Sale Tomorrow— Vernon Coburn went to Portland I working on the books of the defunct was purely a private transaction. He The Salvation Army sale will be last night to spend a few days visit Jacksonville bank for six weeks. on full swing onrly tomorrow even- agreed to telegraph his office for the ing in the metropolis. * State Bank Superintendent Bennett data required. Ing and the bargains will fly to the Mr. and Mrs. Tx>u Schmidt, of Ga- reported to the circuit court that the In an effort to get as much con highest bidders The merchants have zelle. are in the city for a few days, assets were $217,527 and the liabil struction work done as possible be donated a good large sto k and a MACSWINEY WEAK WITH ities $319.000. He estimated- the stopping at the Oxford fore the heavier rains act ;u. Joplin wide variety of articles, everything SEVERE PAINS IN HEAD A Eldon, the Portlulid con true tors will be new. Doughnuts and ctvffee w 23 'ente Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Look left this *>ank wiJ1 —— I Cleveland. Sept. 23.—Chicago won who hate the PloHsuut Valley high will bo served during both day and London. Sept 23 Terrence Mac- the first game of the Chicago-Cleve- morning for Portland where thev on the dollar The report shows the president, W. H. Johnson, now in way contrail north ot this city arv evening entertainment Both Envoy Swlnev has severe pains In his head i land series by a score of 10-3. will visit for a short time. jail, kept two sets of hooka and that pushing the work rapidly. to and Is very weak, according to and Mrs. Gray are very optimistic Twenty thousand fans filled the' Dr. George Knotts, of Glendale, he falsified in a sworn statement of \ Tills firm haa 20 teams now lti over the sale a* they say there Is an day’s reports ball park for the first game in the; was a visitor in the city today at the bank’s condition on June 30. camp along Jump-off-Joe creek near excellent stock of merchandise and Cleveland Chicago series to decide tending to professional business. the I’leusant Valley schoolhouse and the auctioneer the best ever. Messrs. BANDITS ESCAPE AFTER the American league championship. L. L. Carter returned today from will start grading work Monday. A Hackett and Clayton have consent BANK hoi , nt r with «30.0041 Fans bid $10 $12 for grand stand three weeks’ vacation spent on the Fishing Still irtMMl— largo crew of men is already well ed to act as cashier and clerk. Seats. Steelhead fishing on the Rogue coast and in eastern Oregon. along with the work of clearing the Detroit. Sept. 22.—Four bandits has begun to assume its regular fall Forest Supervisor MauDaniels is right of way. escaped with $20.000 after holding W ill ls-avc for Powers— spending a few days in the vicinity form now, and good catches are b»- This contract is a 10-mile stretch F. M. Gruver has returned from up the employes of a branch of the Dr. I* M. Marlow and Bister, Miss ot Mt. Reuben on an inspection trip, t ing brought in every doy. I^st night of grading and making ready for fu Medford where he served as llason First State bank. I Bruce Olding and D. A. G. Collie- Marlow, of Pasadena, are making Daniel McFarland left this mom- ture paving and was awarded to Jop officer with the forest patrol at the the Oxford their headquarters for a ing for San Francisco where he will MacNiell were down the river and lin A Eldon at a figure closo to Newton Barber aviation field. Mr. POIJCS ADVANCE AMINO brought home some beauties. Bruce couple of weeks. They have Just re $100.000. SS MILE FRONT IN DRIVE turned from Crater Lake and are spend the next week attending to i saya that although they did not come Gruver was accompanied by his business matters. brother. Hai Gruver. They will up to the one caught by J. N. John now at the Caves where they will Miss F. L. Clark, ot Seattle, is ! ston. they were not so small. The Ixtndon. Sept. 22.—A Moscow spend a few days. leave this evening for Powers in com- spending a few days in the city on largest one weighed 9*4 pounds and Tuff» Mill Clom*— pany with Henry Haefner of the lo statement reports that the Poles in a visit. Miss Clark Is stopping at two others weighed seven and eight The Tuffs sawmill which started cal forestry office. Mr Gruver is to a new offensive advanced along a the Josephine. operation last February on the Dead have charge of the forest service tim front of 33 inllea in fierce fightingz- BANDITS LOOT MAIL each. Other fishermen are bringing TRICK AND ESCAPE Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirkpatrick. of in stories of splendid catchee—the Indian mountain closed the season's ber sales for the Coos Bay Lumber Riverside. Cal., were guests at the -kind that makes the Rogue famous work this week. This mill has cut com pany. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Mathers. Miss Southbend. Ind.. Sept, 23— Two Josephine last night. They are on as a fisherman’s paradise. upwards of 2.000,000 feet of pine G. Martin and Miss K. Knise, Of In miter, which was taken by truck to. MVXWINEY WEAKER AS Minneapolis, are making a tour of bandits held up a screened mail their way north on an auto trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wallace are Running Out Water— Medford for shipment. A big crew HE ENTERS ON 41ST DAV the coast They spent a day tn Grants truck and escaped in an automobile of men were employed there during! Pass before resuming their Journey! with mail valued at from $5.000 to returning to their home in Portland Work was begun today on the after a trip into California. They pumping out of the water between $20,000. the past summer, earning a payroll i 1»ndon, Sept. 22.—Terence Mac- south. were local visitors last night. of from $50,000 to $00,000. This Swiney, lord mayor of Cork, began the diversion dam and the coffer dam O. O. Alenderfer, of Medford, Is at Savage Rapids. The pumps were sawmill has about three years’ opera- the 41st day of his hunger strike spending a few days in the city look tlon there. The energies of the com with a setback. No reference was • started last night and It ia expected ing after business matters. He Is pany now will he devoted to getting made 1n the report as to either his that the water wtll be all out ot the registered at the Oxford. the lumber off from the mountain accepting or refusing nourishment. ■ river bed between the two dams by Mr. and Mrs. M. Llchter, of San . night. When all the water is out while the weather holds good.—Ash Francisco, are visiting here with Mrs land Tidings. j excavation for the foundation of th» I Jell tiler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. --------- i H. Shinn. They will return home dam will be started. The fraternal and social life of the Sunday evening. When the conductor of the south Paris, Sept. 22. ^Premier Mlller- bound train which arrives in Med- Odd Fellows for the fall season be 1 Mrs. F. O. Bryan, of Williams, has and was chosen as a candidate for , ford at 11:40 p. m., after the train gan when the local encampment held returned from San Francisco, where the presidency by a Joint caucus of had left Granta Pass Tuesday night an all-night session with a midnight she has been visiting. She made the members of the senate and chamber went to collect the ticket of a man supper and smoker with several out trip down by auto but returned on 1 of deputies today. thought to be an Italian, the latter side visitors present to assist in the the Southern Pacific. drew a large .38 automatic revolverj degree work. Tuesday evening the! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Orton have 1 from his belt, showed it to the con i 69th anniversary ot the Rebekah de-, been visiting here for a short time Ixtren iRuth left this morning for Pendleton, Ore., Sept. 23.— Cheater L. Lyman, representing gree was celebrated by Etna Rebekah with Mr. and Mrs. iB. S. Dedrick. Pendleton Is gaily decorated tor the Corvallis where he will enter the O. ductor and told him to get along , lodge with a 5:30 to 8:30 supper j They left this morning for their San Francisco banking interests, has A. C. Mr. Ruth will probably enter quick or he would "get it. ” opening today of the 11th annual home at Kansas, <Tity. i been in the city for a couple of day» The conductor wired ahead to the served with all the substantial* and round-up, which will continue until the electrical engineering school. He investigating the district that is in Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Smith have delicacies of the season. I Saturday night, with performances haa been connected with the Fash Medford police to be at the depot i After supper the fully 200 present returned from a week's honeymoon cluded within the Grants Pass lrrlga- ion garage for the past few years. when the train arrived to arrest the dally. listened to a splendid program as trip to Crater Lake and Klamath i tlon project. His investigation is In Mrs. K. L. Cooper, of Crescent man. Twenty-four events arc on the pro follows: Piano solo, Misses Anna! Falls. They will be at home in this i the interests of the sale of the bonds City. spent Wednesday in the city. When the train stopped at Med and Flora Schmidt: song and en- ■ city. gram for each day to be run in the of the district, and data he obtained Mrs. Cooper left last night for a ford, Night Policemen Adams and core. Mrs. Knapp, Mrs. Sabin at the rame order all throe days with the Mrs. A. A’oss and Mrs. E. Voss are will be used for the advertisement visit in Portland. Palmer were waiting, but the con piano; readings, Mrs. Sam Baker; making a trip through the coast of the bonds and Incidentally of the exception of the world horse race ductor was too much afraid appar-j speaking, historical and humorous. states. They stopped off here last country Itself. Mr. Lyman was much which will be the last number Thurs ently to point out the desperado.! Interspersed with selections of poe night, resuming their trip to San ! impressed with the character of the day and Friday, but will bo run off PORTLAND MARKETS However, the brakeman silently I try. E. E. Blanchard. The closing Francisco this morning. Caturday between the semi-finals country and he predicted that won and finals of the bucking contest. il’ortland. Sept. 23.—Hogs are low pointed him out and Adams walked | was a collection of Sootch songs by Mr and Mrs. C. C. Walcott have derful development would follow the Six of the events will be non-com- er, $18.50 to $19.25. Cattle and up to the Italian and quickly shov- Robert Neilson. Mrs. Neilson at the been enjoying a visit from Mr. Wal- bringing ot water to the lands. He petltlve, such as the Indian war sheep are steady. Eggs and butter Ing his revolver against his breast | piano. Needless to add. the royal cott’s parents. Mr. and Mrs C. W. visited some of the Irrigated tracts told him to throw up his hands. Pal , reception each number was given as Walcott, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs where he found magnificent alfalfa, dances and ivarades. but the other firm. tner was also near by and catchin«! the "Bonnie Blue Bells” of Scotland Walcott left this morning for their fruits, berries and vegetables, and 1 will he of the exciting nature char- sight of the revolver in the Italian's with a Bobbie Burns and Harry lou home. acterlstlc of the Round-up In yon rs other products in profusion, while belt under his coat, quickly snatched der sentiment, from «rave to gay was past, It has been announced. Mr. and Mrs. B. IL. Hardenbrook adjoining would be tracts not water it out. ■This year the Round-up association ♦ sung as only Mr. Neilson can sing. were guests overnight of Mr. and i ed that were barren of production. Versailles. Sept. 23.—Alox-’ Is requiring nil riders to use stand ♦ The man was locked up and was I The delicious supper and splendid Mrs. August Goettsche. They left' He waa particularly Impressed with ard saddles, furnished by the asso ♦ andre M!llera nd was elected to have had his trial late yesterday program was planned by Mrs. U. D. this morning for their home at Klam-| some of the strawberry patches that president of Fran e by the na ciation, In order to prevent any rider 'afternoon, the conductor and brake Mihills and Mrs. Hazel Huntley. The ath Falls. They have been visiting > still were laden with their ripening using * specially made saddle that 4- tional uaseuibly today. man going over from Ashland to tes ladies Justly deserved the praise in Portland and Roseburg for the [ fruit after having borne continuous » ♦ ♦♦♦♦ past few weeks. ly throughout the season. would give an advantage. tify. they received. UW SUIT IO BE INSTITUTED CHANGE OF VIEWPOINTS URGEO GAME WITH WHITE SOX