Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1920)
WEDNKNDAY, MBIT M. IMO. GRANTN PAM DAILY OOVtUNR Sunday Pub. and Propr. I Corvallis Saturday morning where they will spend several days with their sou. Frank, aud family and their daughter. Mrs. Walter Kline Miss Gladys Cahill of J?an Fran cisco. Cal arrived Sunday night for ■ a visit with her mother, Mrs. Jessie Cahill. A P. Kepple came Thursday night for a few days' visit at the home of Mrs. Mae Usury. He had been in California visiting his mother. He left Sunday night for his home In Seattle. Mrs. P. C. Lind returned to her home in Portland Thursday night after several weeks spent at the home of her father. -D. Peterson F. B. MclAUghlin and wWe re turned Friday from a three weeks' visit in the northern part of the state and S«>attle. Take Time TO SEE <H K NEW COMFORTS BLANKETS ROBE BLANKETS WEEKLY COURIER ay mil. pot yaar-------------- --- »LOO ' f-'-TITi ; .. : ------- IMMBBR OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Th* Aaaoetatad Prsas is exclusively , *aUUa* to the use tor republication ,*t *11 aaw* diapatchea credited to it 101 anti 105 North 6th this pub- rapuhllcatlou of •pe- WILDERVILLE barala are also re- »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ » Pacific Coast States: Gener ally fair In -California and occa- atonal rain in Washington and ♦ Oregon; normal temperature. ♦ Tonight and Thursday occa ♦ ♦ sional raina ♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Faith Cline left this morning for Ellensburg, -Wash., where she will remain until next June. Ree Morrison left Thursday morn^ ing for her school work at Harris burg where .»he will teach in the grades. School begins here next week with Miss Taylor as primary teacher and Mr. Burrell as principal. A goodly number of young folks from here left Bunday evening and Monday morfiing for Grants Pass high school. Mrs. Sloan is iu the Pass this week , taking treatments of (Dr. Clement tor throat trouble. Shub Robinson with his wife and two daughters. Josephine and Doro thy and Mr»4*£-eo. McCullum and son drove from Klamath Falls last week tor a visit and to get Josephine start ed in high a-hool. YOUR COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL AFFAIRS AS WELL AS THOSE OF PERSONAL CHIRAC- TER, WILL HAVE THE VERA BEST ATTEN TION AND CAKE WHEN ENTRI STEP TO THE JOSEPHINE COUNTY BANK. CHECKING A«COI NTS ARE INI 11 ED. J osephine C oun n B ank G rxnts P ass .O regon J 3* — • ONYX SILK HOSE NEW SHIPMENT OF LADIES ONYX PURE SILK HOSE JUST RECEIV ED, BIACK, WHITE AND BROWN. THIS LINE OF HOSIERY IS CON SIDERED ONE OF THE VERY BEST IN PITTING AND WEARING QUALITIES. .ASK TO SEE THE NEW ONYX HOSIERY. HUGO VERSAILLES MAYOR Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ahem. Mr and Mrs. W. AV. Penny drove to Rog ie River Sund-tj md spent the day at the Frank Adams home. J. M. McKj and family left by auto Sunday morning for Eugene where they will spend a week with rela tives. Mrs. C. H. Willison left on No. 16 Sunday night for Portland. She ex pects to be gone about a week. A. T. Martin. Alberta and Leonard of Grants Pass, were in Hugo 3un- hjnidt returned Friday from Gold Beach where he spent the summer fishing. He left for Grants Pass Monday morning where he will work in the Pastime. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Sexton left for These Cool Mornings f Get Up By a Warm Glow of Heat WK ARK DISPLAYING A BHAl'TIFl'L LINK OF Cuff Links iParis. Sept. 23. The Irish Sinn Fein republic has been “recognlxed" by the mayor at Versailles but the recognitor is in danger of losing his job. ' It happened In the course of a re- cent centenary celebration, Among the foreigners who placed wreaths and delivered speeches before the 1 statue of Geueral Hoche was an en voy from a country which has been mentioned quite frequently In dis- patches lately as the 'de Jure" Irish ! republic The mayor replied with great enthusiasm to the Sinn Fein- er's oration, lauding "the new re- public" whloli had grown out of the ¡ 1 war. • The Brltish embassy at Paris pro- tested to the Qual d'Orsay and the • mayor has been asked to brush up in his geography and explain how it happens that he is unaware that Ire land is still a part of the friendly British Empire. MEI Ol R WINDOW BARNES, The Jeweler ■ Shoes for the Family Men's work gloves, real leather, with mocci- saii seams, prices right. (let a bottle of Dyanuhiue and touch up your old brown and black shoes, puttees, suit caaes and other leather goods. AT WOODWARD ’S * DM N. SIXTH NT. LI. . Goodyear Tires for Small Cars Are Popular Because Economical —ft I I I There is nothing bnt disappointment in buying cheaply made tires that are an nounced as wonderful bargains at a few dollars each and then fail after brief terms of service. ✓ GRANTS PASS LODGE NO. H4 A. F~A A. Where»» it has been decreed the Supreme' Ruler of the Universe in his Infinite wisdom that our be loved and esteemed Brother George E Lundburgkbe called from labor in this our er- ly lodge to refreshment abode, and. in His ce lodge mpurtis Where ted brother loss of c pleasant smile and greatly u greeting, his kindly w good works counsels olved, therefore ■| I-odge No. That x xpress to the A. F. an id daughter of reared » our deep sorrow departed and symr >lv»d. Furtfc, lodge be draped irs mourning for a period of thirty days. That a copy of these resolutions be delivered to Mrs. Sally Lundburg. wife of our departed brother, that these resolutions he published in the Grants Pass daily paper and that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of a regular meeting of Grants Pass IxxTge No. R4, A. F. and A. M R W. CLARKE. FRANK MASHBURN, SAM H. BAKER. Committee. Get exceptional mileage at exceedingly low cost in Goodyear Tires, of the 30x3-, 30x3Vi and 31^4'inch sizes, built of Goodyear- selected materials and with Goodyear skill and care. Due to their precise manufacture in the world’s largest tire factory devoted to these sizes, their quality is most economically produced and therefore most economically employed. If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Maxwell, Dort or other car taking these sizes, go to your nearest Service Station for Goodyear Tires; ride farther and fare better. Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes coat no more than the price you are inked to pay for tube» of lew merit—why risk costly casing» when such sure protec tion 1» available I 30 a 3^ she 4a u>at«rproo/ K«f • 30 s ENGRAVED Double All-Weather T Community Linen BOX STATIONERY AND < oi : responi > en < e cards ENGRAVED IN GOLD GRANTS PASS, OREGON flOc THE BOX CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books IL Jifas* ONLY M 1X2.00 f we KNOW OUR CHARGES WILL PLEASE YOU i W^ONLY CHARGE FOR WHAT WE \»0 ’ Westinghouse ant. Hotpoint HEATERS SERVICE STATION IIEALER SWOPE Auto Company SERVICE STATION DHALKK WILLIAMS Garage and Cyclery 308 South Sixth Street LADIES’ SUEDE SHOES l>l»<h, baby french heels, Goodyear welts In AA widths, S10 to SIH value», our price ...... SH.45 Pauls Electric Store 213 S. 6th Street « Phone 47 ( When you get a plumbing bill from ns you’ll he pleased to pay it because you will realize that the charge is just and fair and that the work that we did for you was well and promptly done. Here’s our telephone number. Call us up when you need us. B. S. DEDRICK - BIS F Street Phone 3OM-J Sand buck Goodyear welt shoes in AA Have »fl to »H by getting them beta at widths. »H.4B »V.HB Coco brown welt shoe», Ionin heel Military heel shoes, kid and cnlf leather, high top. ........................................... gfl.UB «nd S7 BO Ladles black military heel, kid »nd calf leather ............................ Sfl.SO »nd M W One Price That’s All A. WINETROUT THE TRAITOR MAN 102-404 ID. OTH Men's Mackinaws «U.PH to SIB-IM) Get an extra good men's nimkinnw hero.Slfl.BO Men’, Ooverall«, heavy Men'» Overall«, blue, MO weight MM PARCEL POST: On account of our extreme low price w« |M>nltlvely <|<> not |my pared post. Over- »11« by |>»rcel |>ont «<• extra; Coveralls 10c extra, Slioo« Hie. SAMPLE STORE Ä