Ity 'f (’f" ,raT> ni Stante pass üailn Courier * VOL. XI., No. ». Gambling tu Baaclmll Gamm by Player» la IWNng Inveatigateii al < likago Today POLICY, WH • MH'IHIANA DIRECTLY IN PATH Chicago. Hept. 22. -The grand] HARDNG CONTENTION ANHWEIt- OF TROPICAL HI RItK'ANH OF jury Investigation of alleged gamb- ED BV SENATOR WAIAH OF LAST NIGHT ling ‘by baseball players in last year's MONTANA World Series between the Chicago American» and the Cincinnati Na tloaala, and of the charge that the I Philadelphia-Chicago national game. on August 31 at was fixed for Phils-! delphia to win, began today s Cleveland, Segt. 22--Postmaster Murphy received an anonymous let ter warning him that two wagon loads ot explosives were being brought Into the city to blow up three banks before midnight Police were rushed to the institutions. œn fou crops is fEir i U 111 NEMBI Y. KEPI Poet nut« ter Tobt Thal I smm I» of Ex' phstltes Are Bring Taken to City to Blovi Vp Banks 1 I Y GRANT» PAHH, JOBE PH INK COUNTY, OREGON. « Coburn Nells Home— Senator Holds That Itepublican« Are Lester Coburn has sold his resi Bourbons W< <ild Not Take St A.IHM*,- Trying to <<> ih » u 1 Partisan As- dence on B street, between Second ihm ) If Available—Thankful if |Hwt of Attack and Third to Rose L. ‘ixiaan. who will Million .’a IteiMil Sugar and Hier Field« In Patii of Wind Cauae of Worry' Among the Planter» use the proiierty as a home. y. OF 0. ARE VETERANS Hardlag to Invade Sou Him Mates and Go As Far Went as Kansas City and Omelia Marlon. Ohio. Sept. 22.—Plans for AMERICAN ANTI-JAP LEGHILA' two campaign trips for Senator Hard TWIN I MUNGS ACTION BY THE ing during October were made public GOVERNMENT today. They contemplate a swing into the states as far south as Chat tanooga and one into the middle west as far as Kansas City and Oma ha. AUTO «ED NEAR Matter of Racial DUtiuctiooa WiH Be Taken Up ia Dnifomr« of tk« League of Nations New Orleans. Hept. 22.—A tropical Chicago, Hept. 22.— in a statement Washington. Sept. 22.—While the hurricane last night hit the ixiulal- in reply to the contention of Senator No I'omona Gnuigi- Meeting—- Toklo, Sept. 2 2.-The J spa a see una coast, striking with full force The Pomona i^-ange meeting an democratic national finance commit Harding that "there is an Irreconcil government as a result ot a meeting tee is not limiting campaign contri close to Morgan City. Wire are down nounced for Sepo-mber 25 at Deer of the cabinet will vigorously pursue Eugene, Ore., Sept. 22.—The en- able conflict between the constitu and trains are delayed Anxiety Is Creek has been postponed indefinite butions from a single individual, a tion of the United States and the Medford, Sept. 22—Paul Goodwin, negotiations concerning .America* , tire coaching staff of the University 32.000,000 total would be sufficient felt for the sugar and rice crops of league of nations covenant," Senator ly anti-Japanese legislation and push for the demo ratic national cam employed by O. M. Selaby aa a clerk the sections directly in the path ot of Oregon football team this year Walsh of Montana, a democrat, said in a soft drink parlor on Front street firmly the question of racial equality are veterans of the Oregon team of paign, James W. Gerard, chairman ot the storm. is in a precarious condition aa a re in the league of nations conference, 1916. which defeated Pennsylvania the republicans are "attempting to D. O. K. K. Cerruponiat Oct. 2— the committee, testified before the sult of an auto accident on the Pa- according to Kochi Bhimbun These In the first "Mast vs. West" contest obscure the fact that their opposition sonate campaign Investigating com Messrs Trowbridge and Boardman st Pasadena. Hugo Hezdek trained to the league is purely partlsian in of Medford, were in the city Tues mittee as the fir»« witness in the re cifi highway Monday night near decisions will be considered further Phoenix, when an auto driven by in today's meeting of the diplomatic them all, and their work in brlng- character." “Would' day evening conferring with lo al opening of the Inquiry. Pete Foster of the Rex taxi crashed advisory council. Ing the squad up to the mark Is j you take 315,000,000 it you could get. inembers of the Knights of Pythias , into tbe rear end of a lumber truck. showing much similarity of method lautal Big Fl»ll— it ” asked Chairman Kenyon. "No, j lodge concerning « ceremonial of the A large steelhead ia being display Goodwin suffered from loss of blood Maile Quick Trip— as a result. D. O. ,K K to be held in Medford 'hat would be too large. So great a ed in the window of Joe Wharton's , caused by a gash ‘in the forehead, O. Knips made a quick run to Cra "Shy” Huntington Is In charge, as on October 2nd. ''orthern California sum would shock the pirblic con and up to noon today had not recov ter Lake Sunday. He started from he was lust year, with ftart ffpellman sporting goods store. The steelhead and southern r * 3 knights will science and insure the defeat of the Washington, Sept. 22. -Those who as line coach and "Baz" Williams as weighs 10 pounds and four ounces ered consciousnese. It is feared he here at 10:30 Sunday morning and participate In air, and a big party," Gerard answered. He added , consider themselves extiert spellers assistant. Bartlett, a former track and was caught last night by J. N. 1 sustained a fractured skull Pete returned hers at 1 o’clock that Sight. time ia anti There are a they had raised 8128.000 so far and may be Interested In the result of n star as well as football man. Is hand Johnston at «Panther Chutes. Mr. Foster, the driver, and Dexter Hale, He bad with him as passengers. Mr. number ot ' that 82.000.000 would be “enough" n Grants Pass series of old-fashioned spelling bees ling the freshman eleven. Hill Hay Johnson had a long fight with the big the other occupants of the car escap and Mrs. Ed Dailey and J. M. Casey. and a numb ■licants for the and that they would be "thankful to I held in a popular summer resort of ward. the trainer. Is a veteran at fellow before he mauaged to get hint They report good roads all the way. ed with a severe shaking up. ceremonial put through get a million." North Carolina to determine thr that post. ashore. The fish took a number four After the accident the injured man their paces < J. words which are most difficult for was taken to Phoenix in the auto I<oren Bailey Dies— IJke moat other Institutions. Ore Royal Coachman fly. He caught five the persoa of average education to gon la lamenting the paining of some smaller ones also. A number of fair Ford Price« Drop- The friends of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. • ruck and medical assistance sum spell. Considerable speculation was be moned. The taxi was a total wreck. Bailey of Murphy, will be grieved to of last year's heroes Brandenburg, catches were reported last night, Ry almost unanimous consent, who captained the 1919 team, and I some big fellows taking the fly. ing made on the streets today as to This is the second near fatal ac learn of the death of their son Loren, eleemosynary" wws given the stel Huntington, who gained 150 yards i Trout are being taken to good ad- the effect the drop in Ford prices will cident in three days among autolsts who passed away on September 29 on salmon eggs, limit lar position. 91 per cent of the con against Harvard last winter, are the I vantage Funeral services will be at Hall's have on the automobile market. The of the city. testants mewtlir* disaster upoa one leaden on the caenalty Hat. Hunt- catches of these being reported. i chapel Thursday at 10:30 a. m. with Fords took, a drop ranging from 3150 Ltiiii I Another accident occurred Monday or another of the essential vowels jngton has been graduated and Bran interment at I. O. O T cemetery to 3200, the touring car now being afternoon about 4 o'clock when a ''Connoisseur" wrecked the ambi denburg has said he would not re Chas. Ernst transacted business in quoted at )510 f. o. b. factory. It motor truek with Elmer Burleeon, a tions of all except ttroee who could turn to college. Five veteran back Medford today. Is the general consensus of opinion young man who drives for the War COTTON GOOD0 TAKE Peking. Sept. 22. -General Kal be classified under that term Itself; field men. however. Including Cap . BIG DROP IN PR1CV mikoff. notorious Ussuri district ata that the market for used cars will de Eagle Quicksilver mine company in "fuchsia" was third tn terms of dif cline materially. tain-elect Steen, are to be here be man. charged by the Norwegian gov Hams valley, at the wheel, drove off I ficulty. being followed In order by fore long and there are several back Manchester, New Hampshire, Sept. ernment with the murder in Siberia , the road between Medford and Jack "tranquility," "fricassee," "consen- field men who showed ability on last 22.—Am oak sag Manufacturing Com of Norwegian subjects, and a refugee sonville and the truck capsized. •us." "supercede," "questionnaire" pany announced a 33 per eeat re due year's freshman squad at Kirin from Siberia has made two A Medford woman who was riding and "periphery." Huntington's chief worry, it sp tion in the price of cotton goods. desperate attempts to escape from with Burleson jumped when the "8e|«arats," long In disgrace as the pears, baa to do with the lint. Three the Chinese, guards Kalmikoff. who truck was turning over and suffered most easily misspelled word In the linemen were graduated last year In January became assistant to Gen a dislocated or sprained knee. Bur FIPRNETTKB SLUGGED AND ordinary vocabulary caused little and prospects for others* return are eral Remenoff as commander of the leson who escaped injury was a short trouble In this particular circle; and BRANDED Bk’ THH I. W. W. Salem. Sept. 22- Mrs. Steiger aged not promising. All-Russian forces In Siberia, was i time afterwards placed under arrest —————— - # despite the spread of the neo-mystic 64, accused of being implicated in arrested in Manchuria by. Chinese by Deputy Sheriff Glenn Taylor and cult, "ouija" was familiar to only 50 Astoria, Sept. 22.— George H. the shooting of her husband by Jesse I^eyden, Holland, Sept. 22.—New Hal Slaty, a local mining man. has Mnlllnlx, made a dramatic plea to guards in July and held prisoner in I locked up in the county jail. He was Goetz, a pipeeetter, reported being per cent The n'a and one t in Cin light Is thrown on the residence of the Russian consulate at Kirin. ; to have had his trial this afternoon slugged and branded on the stom cinnati! still keep It In the general returned .from Seattle where he spent the jury while testifying. "1 did He escaped shortly afterward, but the Pilgram Fathers in Holland by before Judge Taylor. a few weeks on business. ach by I. W. W. claaa of "Baccalaureate." wrong. I diegraced my family. I was recaptured. I-ater when plans three old documents which Professor pray that you gentlemen forgive me," Eekhof discovered in the nrchives of were discovered for a second escape, she said after telling of her relations he was taken from the consulate by Ig'.vden and which he published on with Mulllnix. The state rested their Chinese soldiers, to a triln for Pe the occasion of the- Dutch Pilgrim case. king. for arraignment on the charges Fathers’ célébra:ion here. One of the against him by the Norwegian gov documents Is a contract signed by John Robinson, leader of the Pil ernment. Train Was Delayed— grims. declared to be the only signa Governor Pao Kuel-chlng of Kirin Train No. 13, due in Grants Pass at 8:13 a. m. did not arrive until reported today that Kalmikoff jump ture of Robinsou which has been pre nearly 1 o'clock this afternoon, A ed from the train at Yilachi, Man served and this discovery may lead Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 22.—Thirty ( 1 ) Land settlement—former servie* Seoul, Korea. Sept. 23.—For the that the Korea malcontents have es other I freight derailment near Hugo caused churia, and escaped into the rice to the identification of the thousand former service men are ex men and women to receive (1.50 for purpose of "dispelling disquieting tablished their headquarters at An-i writings by him. the delay. No one was Injured in the fields. pected to attend the second annual each day of service, to apply on th* rumors about the situation in Ko tung, across the Yalu river, where j The second document is a letter Kalmikoff. as head of a horde of wreck. convention of the American Legion purcbase of land and government rea," tbq government general pub Japanese authority cannot reach. ‘ Cossacks in the Ussuri district, dur written by William Bradford a short : lished today a statement saying that The Koreans have frequently invaded j projects, or loans for buying equip ing the regime of Admiral Kolchak, time before his departure from Hol here on September 27, 28 and 29. The convention, which will take up ment; (2) Home aid. with 83 for there are both the moderate and rad the districts of Kankyo Hokudo cros-« N<nv»pa)*er Man Visite— ravaged the Ussuri district and gain land. He was afterward governor of problems of nation-wide Interest, will every day ot service, to apply on th* ical elements among the Korean po sing the Tomanko. But every time, C. Hedges, who recently sold his ed notoriety as a terrorist by his Massachusetts Bay colony. litical maloontents. The former have however, the invaders were repulsed daily paper. The Dalles Chronicle, to wholesale murders. I^aat autumn he The third paper Dr. Eekhof dis also provide opportunity for scores purchase of a home or farm; (31 Vo been in favor of avoiding violent ac by the Japanese frontier guards. Tn ¡m eastern man, and Henry Hull, created an attack against the Ameri covered is the last will of Bridget of reunions ot divisions and smaller cational training, with |1.50 tor tion and reaching their goal by a the Heian Hokudo districts Korean i»oth of The Dalles, were In Grants can forces and flogged an American White, John Robinson's wife, end units. Visitors will include many dis each day of service, to be paid wltb alow and steady process, aocordlng maloontents were reported to have pass this morning, stopping off for soldier his forces captured. contains a considerable quantity ofi tinguished men. in a year after the approval or the A parade on the opening day is to bill; (4) C*sh compensation of 31.50 to the statement. The radical sec broken Into several district offices, a few minutes on their way to Cal- Peking advices on September 8 re interesting information about Rob-I be one of the features of the gather for each day of service, to be paid aa tion, It Is said, opposed such a luke kllled or injured the offlolals and tfornia points. They left The Dal- ported that Kalmikoff was killed in Ison’s household. warm policy and advocated a policy stolen public funds. The residences of lee Tuesday morning and reached rice fields near Yilachi. Manchuria, Dr. Eekhof ha« added I to his work Ing. All the l.egionnaries will march, long as the recipients are obtaining of having recourse to bombs for the wealthy Koreans were broken Into Roseburg the same night, traveling bv pursuing Chinese guards, upon the facsimiles of the I three docu-1 Sixty bands will furnish the music, education from the government the Inmates Intimidated and property 318 miles that day In their Essex car. whom he had fired The size of the parade is expected to consummation of their object. *- * ments. More adequate aid and care for freshen memories of the veterans of wounded American soldiers. Finally the view« ot the radical carried off, police 'boxes were raided, the time when the French peasants section prevailed, says the official re pollcomen were killed or Injured and Granting ot immediate citizenship stood at roadsides to watch the men to all who served in the army and view, and the moderate elements had money was taken away and the build of the American expeditionary force navy or marine corps. to bow to the deolslon of the radicals. ings destroyed, says the review. More marching to the front. The Koreans, ik Is said, framed and than 20 of these cases of violence Revision of the civil servie* regu distributed among themselves var are recited as having occurred since There will be big questions to de lations to make it easier for former cide. Among the chief ot them is service men to obtsin public em- ious laws such as those relating to a March 16. The report continues: military system and administrative that of the attitude of the Legton ployment. "At one time something toward a bonus for the 2,000,000 policy and the Dokuritsu Shlmbun. Decision upon a definite military members of the Legion, and the ques or non-military policy. which 1s .their organ, published an reign of terror was created In certain tion of a drive to bring every eligible article outlining circumstances In districts and the public officials re Declaration of Armistice day, No ex-service man within the fold. The vember 11, as a national holiday. which murder is to be justified. The fused to go out without strbng pa alm of su h a campaign, leaden "administrative policy" of th« prp- trol police protection. Some wealthy Drastic action for those who have state, would be to make the lagton proved slackers In the world war visional Korean government explain Koreans kept sums of money tn read the most powerful, non-partisan, un ed justification for the use of bombs iness to be handed over in case of a Opposition to the partici potion of selfish force in American affairs. for the killing of the "enemy” and visit from bandits, while others were laglon men. as members of the or While various state departments of ganization. tn labor disputes. the destruction of "enemy buildings" obliged to abandon their residences. the Legion will submit other resolu and the organization of bands of "de On July 17 the police gave chase to tions for action by the national body, PROMINENT BINN FEINE» termined men for the carrying out a party of marauders armed with re the following twelvi matters are ex of the administrative policy In and volvers and six of them were shot SHOT IN IX IM4.N HOTEL pected to receive the most attention out of Korea" was authorized, says down. Since then the bandits have An Americanization program, hav the review. In clause three of the completely disappeared and order has Dublin. Sept. 22.—«County Council .-W ing for its purpose the assimilation lor Lynch, a prominent Limerick administrative policy it is stipulated been restored." The statement says of the nation's alien population and Sinn Feiner, was shot dead thia that the salvation of Korea should tn conclusion that some cases of at aiding Immigrants In learning Amer morning in a Dublin hotel. His ae- bo affected by means of bombs, ao tempted use of bombs by Koreans Some weui'bu horses enjoying vacation on the Nevins farm, the property of the MassuehUsetts Society for ths ican ideals, history'and customs. have been discovered In time on the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, at Methuen, Muss., near Boston. cordlng to the police statement. sallants are allaged "black and tan" The four-fold bonus proros.tion police. The review further goes on to say frontiers. The men were arrested. ,0 ESCAPE 4 ]M*. Weary Horses of Boston Enjoy Vacations