monday . bkptrmukii wo , i VI« TODAY A. E. Voortales. Pub. and Propr CO Al«— O rder now for future de livery. No coal carried lu stock, Get wood In now while weather Is good. Williams Wood Yard. Phone 137. 71tf I ». L. GAIJIR.A1TH Real Eelate. In surance. and plate glass liability «09 H G street, phone »X. toit Th« Associated Frees is exclusively entitled to the use for republicntlon •t all new, dispatches credited to it er all otherwise credited in this gnper and also th, local new, pub- Itohad herein All rights of republication of ,pe- «ial dispatch» hereu are also re served ____________________ • ♦ OREGON WEATHER Weather for the Week Pacific Coast States: Gener ♦ ally fair in California and occa ♦ sional rain in Washington and ♦ Oregon; normal temperature. ♦ Tonight and sional rain. Tuesday I ' i | I ■ i the west Some day Grants Pass will entertain these travellers by the hundreds, and camps and hotels' will be .ailed upon to provide for their entertainment. The tourist . crop will provide the richest harvest of the season, and we must prepare for its coming, both as a matter of pride and of profit. COX FEATURES LEAGUE IN SPECHES MABE IN SAX DIEGO occa »«♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ONYX SILK HOSE NEW SHIPMENT OF RADIEN ONYX PURE SILK HOSE JUST RHIXIV- ED, BLACK, WHITE AND BROWN. THIS UNE OF HOSIERY IS CON SIDERED ONE OF THE VERY BEST IN FITTING AND WEARING QU AU TIES. ASK TO SEE THE NEW ONYX HOSIERY. Golden Rule Store Tire Bargains Timmons & Higgins Cell and see us ill Month Sixth St. tgentu for the Cleveland National Fire Inaurane« Oimpaoj FEED YOUR CHICKENS with high grade poultry feed and watch them thrive. Better stock, more and better egg», larger, finer and healthier chicks. This means more money In your pocket and a largur and stronger brood In your hen yard, Try our poitl- try feed for quick results. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Corner Third and G Street Phone 123 Auto AccMenta lGq»on<xl— 2 GOOD COWS for sale Call at «11 I I Two automobile accidents were re South Eighth. 84 ported over the week end In one accident yesterday Mis« Anna Niel NOW THAT water tor Irrigation Is sure, yuo should plan your future son and Ernest Nielsou «ere Injured home Remember we can supply The car they were driving went off you with everything in ornamen the road on Savage creek and Miss tai, shade, climbing vines, hlgh- Nielson suffered a sprained hand est grade roses, bulbs and tubers while Mr Nielson received a disio with which to beautify the ap cated ankle. The other accident pearance of your surroundings happened Saturday night when a Also don't forget that Mr F E. tourist was forced off the road by Jordan Is at your service with lat glaring headlights of a pausing est hints in landscape, culture and auto The car, which was occupied by setting out of anything we offer Mr. and Mrs Roy Shields, of Weed, you. Residence '60 North Seventh went off the highway at the culvert street Vlliatiy Nurseries. Inc tf near Savage rapids. Mrs. Shields' leg was Injured while they were get- flag her out of the wreck None of FOR SALE New Lyons auto bump er. 116 io Address No. 21 Ao the injuries were serious care Courier. CHILD WHO CAUSED A WAR Girl Only Six Years of Ag« Was the Innocent Center of Trouble in Assam. British The discovery that Mary Winches ter. who '« hen only six years of age was the cause of rhe Lusha Is war. Is still alive, has aroused the greatest interest. She was atiductml by the natives of northern Assam, and »hen the tight- ing »as over It was found that the chiefs of llie Lusliais bad almost del fled her. and they pleaded with the British officers to tie allowed to keep her to become the head of the tribe. Mary's father was a native of Elgin, and belonged to .me of the leading county families In MorajMcro When the story of the Lu'bril outrage reach ed Elgin it caused great consternation, and the M. P. for Moray und Nairn raised the matter in the house of com mons and took It further—even to Queen Victoria herself. So I’ i-iim» about that the punitive force was sent against the Lusha is. On receipt of the news that Mary Winchester had been rescued and was alive and well. Elgin gave Itself up to a riot of r » jolcing. and Inter still, on her arrival at her grandparents’ home, rhe whole town made holiday to welcome her Prior to traveling north Mary had the honor of being received by Quern Victoria. The little maid, despite the fact that she had changed her native dress for European attire, was then and for some considerable time after war«) of a dark almond color wher ever her skin had been evp -sed to the tropical aun of Assam. Constituei .s of Manna, The belief that It has discovered , one of the constituents of the manna ' of the Bible la agitating the United ' States federal bureau of chemist r.y. I It has found a nd secured several pounds of meleziluae. a form of sugar . extremely valuable in scientific experi mentation, and hardly more plentiful than radium. Melezltoae Is the origin al honey dew. Il gets Its name from the French word tnelez. which means larch tree. It seems that bees and liecullar summer weather In centra' Pennsylvania recently conspired to lay up a lot of this unusual saccharine substance In numeroua hives, where It crystallized and dealt death and de- «traction to many hoes when they tried to live on It. It was found to have been roo rich for their digestion and that they literally starved to death. I Phone 324-J I « X ROOM HOUSE tor rent. Corner Hogue River Avenue and Fifth street. Inquire Mrs. J. S. Smith. so 23 2 Wwt I street. San Diego. Sept. 20.—Governor Cox featured the league of nations in his address today. He was the cen A TOURIST CENTER tral figure in a long entertainment Grants Pass is fast becoming a program. center from which tourist travel will radiate in its viewing of the scenic NOTICE OF BOXI» REDEMPTION wonders of southern Oregon and Notice is hereby given to owners northern California. The hotels re and holders of municipal city im- port that they now have upon their provement bonds that at the semi registers daily parties who are mak- annual interest payment period on ing this their headquarters while the 1st day of October. 1920, the city of Grants Pass. Josephine County. they see the Josephine caves. Cra- Oregon, will redeem the following ter lake, and others of the places. outstanding city improvement bonds, worth while in this vicinity, Many , viz: 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14, others of the sightseers are travel-. 15 and 16 of E street improvement. ing by auto and camping as they go. Said bonds were issued and dated and this class has been filling the the 1st day of October, 1910. Said bonds will be redeemed at auto camp to capacity for weeks the office of the City Treasurer of past. It is especially notable that1 the city of Grants Pass. Josephine many parties that pass through the County. Oregon, on the 1st day of city on the first leg of their trip, October. 1920, which is the time •top on the return and remain while fixed for such redemption and the time at which interest shall be tak they make these various side trii»a en up and cancelled by virtue of the from here. They were impressed laws and acts providing for issuing with the scenery on first sight. a ad of such bonds. Dated at Grants Pass, Oregon, this the more they travel the more are they convin. ed that the climatic per- 20th day of September. 1920. G P* JESTER, fection and the scenic beauty of SI City Treasurer southern Oregon are unrivalled and unapproached. Nail ’Em Down. The testimonial of the traveling On a first-class liner It Is said about public bears out the claim that the 3.000 pieces of glass and crockery are broken on each voyage. Rogue valley offers more to the seeker after pleasure in the out-of- Warranter Deed blanks at the doors than any other district in all I Courier office. » BARNES, The Jeweler I* ARTIES UMIKING for a good home close in at reduced price hail better call at 408 C street be fore October 1st. 7Mf member of asboclated press MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1920. WE ARE DlfePljAYlNG A HK.AI T1FI L LINK »>F INSURANCE Fire, automobile, life, accident and health T. M. Stolt. SOS North Slitta St. «3(1 tiered tat poatoKtce. Granta Pass. Ore . a« second class mail matter im LOST Purse i ontalnlng 1'0 or Finder inform Mrs Alice Cole, West J St Liberili reward 30x3 1-2 STRONGHOLD All Weather Tread Casings 7500 Mile Guarantee SPECIAL PRICE AG f NTS COLLINS ÁUIO COMPANY ACqaSBOA»«« *“O K«PAiA»MS PHONE 817 FOR SALE Peaches, apples pears at the orchard Bring boxes. J. H Robinson, near derville. -ft 5/1 H STRBET, ' GRANT^nX, ORB. WANTBD Man to drive Ford livery truck and work In store. Married man preferred, $90 per month Wilson Mercantile Glendale. Ore Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier z -//i / io 4 »A 9 s FOR. \W/ HUDSON N CHALMBRS AND tSSlX_CAR® J > f *21 1 jfàig-fSîenned out of bed 4 i Speeding up to of Purola Heres PUROLA—a straightforward, honest shaving cream without tricks. Just chock full of quality and speed. One inch, one minute, one dab of hot or cold water, for a quick, generous, man sized lather that will make the toughest beard as soft as the down on a fluffy chick. Backed by this sincere guaranty you don’t like Purola— if Purola doesn’t give you the quickest and biggest lather you have ever had —take any part of the tube hack to your dealer and get your money. All good druggists sell Purola. Man Leads in Endurance. Man is a truly wonderful animal. Although the majority of the human ace ruin their strength and constltu- ions by unwise eating and drinking, ij lack of fresh nlr. and by unnec- eMary exposure to all M>rts of Infee tlon, yet. even so. man cun more than hold his own with the brute creation. I Not, of course, in muscular strength. A tiger with one pat of his paw cun reduce a human skull to pulp; a hure ■tin run two yard a to a man's one. It Is In endurance that man heats the lower races. For u short distance a racehorse can gullop nearly 35 miles an hour, but in a 500-mlle race a trained tnnn «III easily beat any horse that ever lived. Remarkable Animal. One of the «iiniigest animals known Is the platypus, a creature Inhabiting the river banks of Australia and Tas mania. It reweinhles both an animal anil a bird In that Its body and full are like those of a beaver, while Its web feet and bill remind one of H ■luck. It has teeth for chewing Its final, but It Ims no external ear. al though its hearing Is acute. It lays eggs like a turtle, hut suckles its young. A 'pei lmen of the animal Ims been placed on exhibition In the Na tional museum, Washington. ream. LADIES’ SUEDE SHOES black, baby front'll heels, Goodyear weite in A I Widths, *1« to mis values, Our price SH.Ifi Sand buck Goodyear welt shoes in A A Save SO to As by getting tlicill here at width«. *H. Ifi Coco brown welt shoes, louis heel *».M5 Military heel shoes, kid mid calf leather, high ♦0.05 :md $7*50 tops « l.aili'H Iliaci: imi’.lari heel, kill and calf leather SO.5O and SG.i»fi One Price That’s All Men’s Mackinaws RII.UN to *15-50 Get nn i-xtrii good men's mai kiimvv here» Mell'« Coverall«, heavy •Men’s <»verni , blue, w,.Ik(1( S.i.IiH «2-15 PAI« I L POST: On account of our extreme low Hice vve iHmiilv.l, |loH< nils l.y panel p Mlioo. 12c. t Ge extra; t'o,.-rails KI., extra, SAMPLE STORE