» VOL. XI. WHOLE Ml'M BER .307»« I M.C.TO SPEAK TONIGHT AT THE HELEN B. LONGSTREET SIR JOHN ANDERSON RUSS Ï0 START LEAGUE TERMS TO BIG ESTATE SEN. HARDING SENDH LETTER ROCKEFELLER PLACE GUARDED IN IIEHI’ o N n E TO OPPOSITION FOI J [OWING RECEIPT BY WORKERS TH REATH ARTILLERY AND OTHER UNITS BEINO TAKEN TO FRONT BY BOLAHEVTKI Meats»« <rf InUwiuUionalisni Shown. |^<t«r Received '•< Collector Tiiat . 8. Will I>o Share But Not Un- Attempt Will Bo Made to Blow der 8U[ mt Government Up Building Advance on Southern Front Success ful—Poland and IJthuania Have -Arranged an Armistice MRS. DAVENPORT ALSO TO SPEAK lawly Will T«'ll <>f the W<»m»n V n«<T'« Pari In the Affair» <rf the V Sept. 20.— Marion, Ohio, Sept. 20.—Senator1 Tarrytown, Ixiaded with fuels and figures to Warsaw, Sept. 20.—The Russians prove the position of the republican 1 Harding in a letter to a number of Twelve extra guards with rifles pa- are concentrating heavy forces along partv In the preset t campaign, Con Brockton, Mass , labor men who had I trolled the roads adjoining the John the Niemen river, preparatory to an gresatuan McArthur will make tile addressed him. saying they opposed | D. Rockefeller estate during the offensive which is expected to begin opening speech to tho people of Jo the league of nations, he said, "This night. No statement could be ob- within a few days. Artillery, air sephine county nt the opera home has the ring of real Americanism, talned concerning the alleged re planes, tanks and parts of the Rus Mrs. Helen B. Longstreet, widow of thia evening The congressman ar and I am delighted with the testi- ceipt of a threatening letter. Boys sian workingmen’s army are includ General Longstreet, famed Confede r- rived on the early morning train, Sir John Anderson, who holds ths mony that organized labor has cor- reported seeing two strange men in ate commander, who kas been ap- ed. Minister of War Trotsky la at and today haa been assembling the difficult position of under sec rotary for I rectly estimated the significance of the neighborhood. pointed national chairman of the Lida to direct operations. slate for the sp>«> i which will a »und Ireland In ths British cabinet. this Issued On this Issue organized ; League of Woman Voters. the keynote of republicanism In i and all other labor and all citizens New York, 8ept. 20.—A postcard Warsaw, Sept. 20 —Ths Russian southern Oregon. The congressman ! are going to get together to end the warning that an attempt will be bolshevikl have been driven from ia noted tor the force and convincing , submergence of our nation tn Inter- made tomorrow to blow up the cus- Eastern Galicia by a general Polish argument which ha puts Into debate I natlonallsm In the face of the men- toms house was received in the mail advance along the southern front, upon the floor of congress, and as a i ace of Internationalism wo are all today by William B. Edwards, collec- advices today report. platform orator he has few super-' Americans first Our country will j tor of Internal revenue. lorn for delivering his points with a | >!o its full share In the world in Its: ___ _____ Parls, Sept. 20.—Poland and Lith clearness and strength that makes a own way and time, but not under the uania have agreed to suspend hos Mr. and Mrs. V. VanDresser left strong Impression upon his hearers. ' order of any super government, dom tilities pending the inquiry and the this morning for Ban Francisco, af Upon the program tonight will tVminiunieta Said to Ila l*rcp»rinK inated by alien interests ’* Harding ter a day in the city. Mr. and Mrs. I Man Brought Back irmi < an.-uia to decisions of the issues at stake by today greeted 4 00 Grand Army vet Van Dresser are from Oil City, Penn, j also appear Mrs Davenport, of Port the council of the league of nations. for Startling .M<>vVNi Near City Answer to Chargee of Connection erans en route to the indianapols en- land, representing the women of the of tibmgow and are making a tour of the Pa-; Wall Street Explosion ! campment. party who will particularly a|»cak of icific coast. woman's part in governmental af fairs, and who will argue why tho London, Sept. 20. -Extraordinary New York. Sept. 20.—Edwin P. I woman's vote should go to, Harding rumors were circulated throughout Fischer who was detained in Hamll-J and Coolidge. Mr» Davenport has Lanarkshire to tho effect that lead ton, Ontario, in connection with post a number of ncqualntan es in thia ers of the Scottish communlsh move card warnings in the Wall street e*-1 city, and Is being entertained while ment have planned a sensational here at tho home of Mrs Goo Bld- coup near Glasgow, says a dispatch plosion, arrived in custody of de die. tectives. He appeared in a jocular As has been the custom when con to the Westminister Gazette from mood. gress is not in session. Representa Prior to th«« Rpeaklnx program, Hamilton, Scotland. A few minutes after Edwards re tive W. C. Hawley is now engaged in tho local band will give a concert at At a recent meeting of the board ; Fred Letchens. of Provolt, came, ceived the warning. Fischer said. making a tour of the First congres tho opera house The basket lunch of directors of the Chamber of Com- into town Saturday to pay the min-' "More will happen tn the future. Un sional district of Oregon, investigat will be held In the dining room of merce it was decided to accept the imum fine and costs In Judge Hol- ■ seen powers communicated that to ing the needs of the various locali the Chamber of Commerce, at 5:30 Invitation to send delegates from the man's court for failing to adequate me.’’ Edwards is inclined to regard ties. an conferring with his constit o'clock, with the concert nt the opera . local organization to the Rivers and ly safeguard a grass and brush fire the postcard as a hoax. uents, relative to their opinions con house to commence at 7 o'clock 1 Harbors congress which will be held from spreading from his land to ad- cerning matters of public interest. 'at Portland. October 4th and 5th. j joining land where it did damage. . During the past week, he has been This convention Is considered one 1 This was in direct violation to Sec in various seetion of Linn and Lane of the moat Important gatherings to tion 7 of the Oregon forest fire law. PORTLAND MAItKETN 1 counties, and returned home last Taris. Sept. 20.—Premier Mlller- be held In the Pacific northwest and This section of the Oregon law def evening to be present at the exer and has agreed to be a candidate for of vital importance to this commun initely states that fire may be used cises in the Salem armory Friday Portland. Ore., Sept. 20.—Cattle the presidency to succeed Paul Lies ity. The meeting Is called by the to burn log piles, stump« or brush night, held in commemoration of the are steady; hogs higher, 619.50 to ch anol. Oregon State Chamber of Commerce heaps in small quantities under ade adoption of the federal constitution. »20; sheep lowor, (9.50 to 110.60. for the purpose of securing concert quate precautions and personal con He will arrive in Grants Pass to Bffg" are up two cents, buying price, Will Trimble left this morning tor ed action of the states in behalf of trol without permit "but if aay such Vancouver. Wash., Sept. 20.—Ja night at 10 o’clock and will leave at case count, 56c to 57c. Butter Is Weed, where he will spend the neat development of harbors and making burning without permission shall re cob Moleucamp, an overseas vete-an 2 o'cloak tomorrow firm. few months in the mills greeter use of the riven of the sec sult in the escape of the fire and ki’led himself Saturday night after tion. The local chamber is allowed ’ injury to the property of another his automobile struck and injured five delegates. this shall be held as prima facie evi John Mobley, a farmer, the coroner J Crescent City harbor, while geo- dence that such burning was not reported today. Molencamp became . , graphically situated in California, ia safe and was a violation of this sec panic stricken when he saw Mobley, obviously Southern Oregon's future tion. lying in the road. Mobley was later I commercial port. It is the strategl- Ranchers, loggers and any others picked up and taken to a hospital. | cal and logical outlet for the vast who contemplate burning can secure He may not recover. resource« of Southern and Eastern the Oregon forest fire laws on re Oregon and with the development of quest from any fire warden. London, Sept. 20.—Terence Mac POSSE SEARCHING H1UA4 Copenhagen, Sept. 20.—-Professor all kinds of technical experts, Since this port will come the development FOR TWO IA36T ON HUNT Swiney is weaker today. In a mes- lxunonosoff, who Is in charge of the Polish Invasion, the whole of of these sections. F. E. Cavender has been attend The Del Norte County Chamber sage to Irishmen he said, “If thls Russian soviet government railway Russia's Intelligentsia haa whole- ing to business matters in the city Portland, Ore., Sept It.—A poses contracts, haa told the Associated heartedly joined the aorist govern- of Commerce at Crescent City has cold blooded murder is pushed also been invited to participate and for a few days. He left this morning is searching the hills back of Rocky Press correspondent "that he is dis ment forces.” through, it will leave a stain on the send three representatives to oo- for Rogue River and will go from Point for Mrs. E. Crawford and son, appointed because the United States Profess* r Ijomonoeoff said he was name of England which has no par there to his headquarters at Port* aged 11, who disappeared myster operate with those from this city ln government has barred him from going to Stockholm to inspect allel.’* land. iously, Sunday while hunting. of bringing the favorable attention going to America to arrange business number of Swedish looomtlves which that harbor to the meeting. contracts." aro ready for delivery. The professor showed the corre- i Since the signing of the Russo- A Party Get» Bears— spondent a contract signed by the Swedish contract for the delivery of Three hears fell before the guns German locomotive trust comprising 1,000 locomotives to Russia, prac- of C. A. Swope, of this city, and Roy all leading German locomotive ' tlcally no Scandinavian firm has Pruitt, of Medford, while they were builders, including tho Krupp firm, done any business with Russia. Sev hunting In the Diamond lake coun for the delivery of 2,000 Gorman lo eral firms have even cancelled their comotives within 13 months, the contracts on some plea or other. The try near Crater lake. Besides the bears they secured a doer, which Mr. amount involved being abnn: 5,000,- Scandinavian attitude la strength Swope avers to be the largest deer he 000,000 marks. ened by tho recent decision of a large ever saw. Mr. Swope says that thore "I very much regret having been American banking firm which, first are lots of big fellows but that they unable to place this order In Anter- apparently eager to enter the Rus are hard to find. They spent eight ica.” the soviet emissary said. "I sian field, has now finally decided days on the trip, Mr. Swope getting have lived there for years; I was al- to have no transactions whatever back here Friday night. He says wnys a firm believer in th-' mutual with soviet Russia. that the road Is narrow, at times the Interests of the two countries nt.d fenders nearly scraping the bank had hoped to initiate business rela- Restrictions which had been fm- with no extra room on the outside. tlons between them. Tbn United posed upon trndo between the Unlt- Most of tho road to Iftaniond States government hns forbidden tho ed States and Russia, after the bol- was low gear work. export to Russia of American loco 'shevlkl obtained control of the lat motives on the plea that they aro tor country, were removed hy the Elks Burbccue Populn war material. I have orders for American state department on July A story of the Elks barbecue 2,000 more locomotives which I want i 7 last. Exception was made, how terday was received too lato for pnb- to place In Amorlca, If only Amer ever, in the case of shipment of ma- licatlon today but will be printed to ica will take tho business.'* 'terlals susceptible of immediate use morrow. Tho members of the lodge Answering a question whether tho for war purposes. The state depart who attended from hero say that delivery of the German locomot ves ment announced that Individual li they had a big time and trimmed th wou'il ■ t »•>•- n an lit of I ce:;’ would lia’ o to ' e obtained be Medford boys nt baseball and si a by n small army of k : >rv •• » h- ere locomotive.», railroad material most everything. An Elk who w pbc<l In Iront of the 1 nn-American nleintm, Lomonosoff said: "No. Rus rollin': stock and mjtor . ra cor'.I present has written nn Interestin -• in tort- e- pur > e of the school is to trulli American» for business sia Is fully capable of supplying her bo exported front t’ae Uukcu ¿1.;. .; summary of the day and this will bo ow*n needs In that rospect. Wo have to Russia. given tomorrow. VETERAN KILLS SELF Pan-American School of Foreign Commerce <