Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, September 18, 1920, Image 1

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VOL. XI., No. I
Coolidge State* In Talk Thal Demo-
<-r<Uic lanwlrr Asxuuew Tarlici»
of Ward Heeler
Boston, Sept. 18
Cox, after attempting the role of
CAI hi : of KAO\L dimori »
IdMiltSt, had turned to the coarse
methods of ward politics and was re­
sorting to wilder and wilder charges,
were made by Coolidge, addressing
the republican stato convention to­
Chicago, Sept. 18.—Jack Johnson' CLASSIFICATION IS COMPLETED
| will leave tonight for Leavenworth1 I NDER STOi K RAISING HOME­
to begin his year's sentence for vio­
lation of the Mann act. His attorney
filed a writ of error this morning,
but was informed by the court that)
| Johnson would be refused liberty
pending hearing on appeal.
Only Way to Blend I'orHjcn Blenni I* l'uni. Lighting anti House Furni*h-
inip> Am Still on intrtwae Though
To lux! All Group I iìm L ìi H'1Iona
Or Spwial Ap|M«l«, Is Held
Clothing goes Down
N<*rly One Million More May Be En­
tered Upon for Dry Farming Un­
der Laws Recently Made
Chief of Biireun of In«lifnuon I»
Confident Aliai t•lotter* Mill lie
Cauutit and Itroualii to Trial
Washington. Sept. 18
of Fordgu Wars voted down a reso­
lution disapproving adoption of a
Marlon. Ohio, Hept 18
Warning prohibition amendment here today.
against tho dan gers of hyphenated
citizenship. Senator Harding today
Genoa. Sept 18
A number
told a gathering of foreign born suspects have been arrested In
Americana that he believed the section with the explosion on
the United Stnl<*s must avoid "med stock exchange her« yesterday
riling" in the affairs of other nations,
if all class«« of American citizens Mr. I’arMHiH Again On Duty—
are to he united In loyalty to tho
A. N Parsons Is again attending
Ttio foreign born are to business at his Sixth street office.
not to blame for conflicting sym­ | having been released from the hos-
pathies during tho war. he said, as­ ( pltal where ho received treatment
serting that tho fault was with tho following th distressing accident that i
nation Itself for failure to thorough­ befell him last week. It was found !
ly Americanize those of foreign ex­ I necessary at tho hospital to remove
traction. This must now bo taken l the left eye whi h was so severely In-1
tip with a now determination lx*t us lured when the handle of an auto
all pray America shall never become i Jack flew up and struck him In the
divided Into classes and shall never ! face Sight was entirely destroyed, I
fool tho menae of hyphenated cit­ . and the removal was decided upon'
izenship. The way to blend foreign to obviate danger of weakness of the
blood Is to put an end to groups. an right eye.
end to classes, an end to special an­
peal to any of them and an end to
particular favor for any of them."
Dueky Fighter, Outlawed for Years
to Be Inmate of Federal Prison
for One Year
Washington. Sept. 18.—A de-¡
New York. Sept. 18.—Confidence
Washington. Sept. 18.—Since the
passage of the stock raising home­
that the ''American Anarchist Fight crease of 4 H per cent in the general
__ .1___________________
era" who are believed to have caused lovel of wholesale prices in August’ £
the disaster that _ would stead act in 1916 over 81,000,000
the Wall street explosion will be has been reported by the departmnt ■ oci.ur
this community and I the acres have been classified as stock
» ■
zx mr z-zl t the
h IJ ! I z*-
_ —
labor. TCzx,\zlo«
caught was expressed by Chief Flynn z of la
State of Oregon in general should the raising land through the geological
of the bureau of Investigation, who greatest recession, the decrease av- proposed constitutional amendment, survey, it was announced today. Ap­
said he was certain from the similar­ ’»raging 12 per cent. Form pro­ fixing the legal rate of interest be proximately 740,000 acres in Mon­
ity of circulars found in a mall box I ducts decline nearly 6 per cent and carried at the coming general elec­ tana, Colorado and Idaho were clas­
near the explosion to those found at ’ cloths and clothing 5 % per cent. tion, the board of directors of the sified during August under the laws
the scenes of various explosions On I Fuel and lighting materials increae- Chamber of Comrfihrce met Thursday providing for entry upon noa-lrrt-
June 1919 that the same crowd was ><d over 6*4 per cent. Metals and’ evening to plan a vigorous campaign gable tracts tn subdivisions of 33«
acres or leas for dry farming.
responsible. Clues to those cases house furnishing also showed ah in-1 of publicity against the measure.
will help In catching the plotters, he i crease.
A special committee was appoint-
said. The blacksmith who shod the
. ed, consisting of Wiiiord Allen, Will Enter O. A. C.—
Miss Florence Buell left this week
death wagon horse has been found
chairman; Sam H. Baker, W. T. Mil-
E. A. Adams Buys Home—
B Hall and Frank C. Bram- for Corvallis where ahe will enter
E. A. Adams has purchased th«ller-
the O. A. C. as a junior. Miss Buell
tknirler llantnin Day—
property of Mrs. Celestine Hobbs at1 *e,L 10 carry on a county wide cam­ has been an employe of the Rowell
The Courier office will be open
SM West D street and will take pos-1 ’’ai8n of information through the
tonight until 8:30 to accommodate;
, publicity channels of the papers, music store for the past several
session this coming week.
any subscribers who may have been
I public speakers. personal letters. years.
unable to call during the day. Out
; etc., to point out to every voter in
of town subscribers may mall checks Dr. Steams Gets Buck—
’ the county the dire results of such Returns to Newberg—
Dr. R. W. Stearns has returned a vicious attempt to bankrupt the
Clarence Kienly, who has been em-
from a hunting trip near Azalia in state and how he would personally 1 ployed in Rowell’s music store for
Many Ford Sales—
the Cow creek country, where he be affected should tais initiative the past six months, has returned to
C. A. Winetrout, during the past bagged his Hrst deer, a three point­ measure carry.
Newberg, where he will take up his
Tehee Hi'cnle Side Trl|e»—
Salem. Ore., Sept. 1 8—Circuit 10 days, has sold Fords to the fol- er, this also having been the first
residence. He left with his family
C Spangler, who resides at 910 Judge Bingham who suffered a lowing: Touring care--E. Lough- deer hunt for the doctor.
HUGHES SAYS MAINE ELECTION for that point Thursday.
East Taylor street, Portland, has stroke of vocal paralysis Friday has ridge. Kerby; R. I. Crowell. Waldo;
been making Grants Pans his head­ so far recovered his vot e that he is Mr. Clapp. Fritz Gebers, Grants1
See Southern Oregon From H ere
quartern for several days while mak­ back at his desk today. Physicians Pass; B. A. Ruttencutter, Kerby; s"»p,h for Agate«—
Trenton. N. J.. Sept. 18.—Charles
L. R. Marlow and sister. .Miss Mar­
Oliva Ward, Hugo; T. H. Robinson.
ing the scenic side trips from this expect a rapid recovery
E. Hughes, opening the republican low. of Pasadena, have returned to
Kerby; E. James, Hugo. Ford road­
point. He returned yesterday from
campaign in New Jersey declared Grants Pass for a visit attar making
ster —Nelson Owden, Grants Pass here Dr. L. 8. Lee. also- of Carson that Maine, with unmistakable em­ a tour through the northwest, and
the Jnsephlne caves, where he wan MAtNWINEY »TILL (AINSOIOUS
BI T LS BADLY EXHAUSTED, Ford sedan—H. H Norton. * Wtl-
piloted through the caves by Dick
phasis pointe to the verdict of the are making this their headquarter*
’ Hams Ford trucks—C. W. Rastall, I it in this district for recreation. country that the people demand a for seeing Crater Lake and other at­
Rowley. It »if bls first visit to the
caverns, and he was much Impressed] Ixtndon, Sept. 18. -MacSwiney ’ Fruitdale; Iona Fryer, Grants Pass;
change, and with fresh courage “We tractions of southern Oregon. They
with their grandeur, and states that spent a very bail night and is in a W. H. Giles, Grants Pass; Pete Neu- for agates, and they are today on the shall resume the path of well order­ left today for the scenic wonder and
His bert. Wonder; G. A. Pike. Murphy,
he In going to put his shoulder to the state of complete exhaustion
ed government, of prosperity and will spend several days upon their
wheel along with other Portland' sister said he was looking worse Fordson
return on scenic trips out of this
bunlnenn men to get the highway to than she had even seen him.
Officers were elected by the Grants
Schmitt Bros . Selma
the caves constructed so that more still conscious
W. J. Breen, of Crescent City, is|
Pass post of the American Legion at In town for a few days while attend­
may see thle scenic wonder Today
i the meeting last night, James LI uni ing to business in connection with
Mrs. Robert Harris is expected to mx TALKS ABOUT RADICALS
Mr. Spangler will go to Crater lake,
John E. Hoynes, of Portland, was
being driven up by auto from here, return tomorrow from Portland j
AT FRISCO LUNCHEON TODAY being selected to head the organiza­ his stage line terminal here.
an arrival from the north yesterday
and will return to thia city Monday. where she has been visiting for the
I. S. Leonard, of Oakland, Cal., is and Is attending to local business
He Is following direction and routes past two weeks with the Jewell fam­
San Francisco. Sept. 18.'—Radical officers elected were, vice comman­ * business visitor In town.
matters here today
as outlined In tho booklet. Scenic ily
activities throughout the west and der Loyal Heath; post adjutant, J.
J. A. Callis, local Burroughs repre­
Ride Tripe, recently published, and
profiteering were discussed by Gov­ L. Pittenger; finance officer, Karl sentative. has just returned from
railed for more copies of the publi­
ernor Cox at a luncheon today. The ; Winetrout; historian. Wilford Allen Portland, where he attended the ma­
cation to send to his friend.
I address drew comparisons between
chine bookkeeping school conducted
’ democratic and republican plans for sergeant-at-arms. Fred Collins. Mem­ by the Burroughs Adding Machine
H. G. Bolton, business man of St.
bers at large on the executive com­ company.
| treating profiteers
Ixniis, is making a brief business
i mittee elected were Charles Hansen.
visit here and looking over this part
I Dr. Billick. Dr. Starns. Emil Gebers
of the west.
LOADING OF BRITISH SHIP and Howard Bearss. It was also de­
cided to hold meetings during the
Cologne. Sept. 18 —Higher taxa-1 San Francisco. Sept. 18.—The fall and winter on the second and
tion or state bankruptcy are tho only Women's league for Irish Indepen­ fourth Thursdays of each month.
alternative possibilities for Ger­ dence has Induced 100 longshoremen
many, l>r. Koch, German minister of to stop loading a British steamer as Hand Concert Was Excellent—
It is reported that the concert giv­
homo affairs, has just told leading a protest against the imprisonment
en by the band at Riverside park
public men In a conference on the of MacSwiney.
Omaha, Neb., Sept. 18.—Humane
last night was one of tho most thor­ workers of the nation will gather
economic and political situation of
W. E. Freeman and wtfe and R. oughly enjoyable of the season, al­ here next month for the 44th annual
Rhenish Prussia,
Dr. Koch declared he could not[ Miles were arrivals in town yester­ though the threatening weather kept convention of the American Humane
see the faintest possibility of any re-| day from Oregon City and are mak­ the size of the crowd down. Espe­ Association.
duction of the tax schedules which | ing a stopover of several days to en­ cially enjoyable were the solos by
Among those announced as com-
joy an outing on Rogue river. They Jo Pardeo and Cedric Fields, the Ing to the convention are Senator
had already been
are touring southward on the high­ former cornet and the latter saxo­ Peter G. Gerry, of Rhode Island,
Dr. Koch was
whose father practically founded
complaints about the shortage of
child protection work in the United
dwellings and the paralyzing effect of1
States, which in turn has been a mo­
the present export and Import regu­
del for the rest of the world; Mrs.
Anta Baldwin, of California, daugh­
Discussing the unity of empire,1
ter of '’Lucky” Baldwin; and Ernest
the minister announced that a spe­
K. Coulter, general manager of the
cial commission comprising mem­
New York Society tor Prevention of
bers of the federal council, had been
Cruelty to Children, the first of its
organized to study tho problems af-
kind and the largest child protection
Corvallis, Ore., Sept, 18.—Carl
Honolulu, Sept. 18.—'Both the re­ society in the world. Mr. Coulter
feeling tho new alignment of the
Lodell, who filled with honors both publican and democratic nominees was also founder of the Big Brother
federal German states.
line and backfield positions on last for the presidency of the United movement, according
year's Oregon Agricultural college
Religions IVniw—
States are members of the Honolulu uouncement.
A meeting of representatives of football team is not coming back for
Pernoll-« Vui<h Marring«
all tho churches of tho city Is called his last year of college work this Ad Club.
for next Sunday (tomorrow) nfter-lyear. Thereby has arisen much woe j Governor Cox and Senator Hard­
John Pernoll, the well-know
noon at 3 p. m at tho Christian in foothall circles at the college. IzO- ’ ing sent letters to tho club ac­ piegate postmaster and storekeeper,
Chester D. Pugsley of Peekskill, N.
church, comer Fourth and 18. to con­ dell hits written to friends that he knowledging their election to mem­ and Miss Ixira Couch, a Grants Pass
girl, went to Medford today where Y., will be a candidate for the Demo-
sider two things in particular: first intends to coach a high school eleven bership.
Warren G. Gard, former congress­ they are to be married. They will cratic nomination for United States
a religious survey of the city; sec­ it an Oregon town he did not name.
Ixidell did the larger part of the man, proposed Governor Cox and then go to San Francisco for their) senator in ths September primaries. It
ond. tho coming county Sundny
is announced. He was the Democratic
school convention to he held October kicking for his team last year. He promptly paid the governor’s dues. wedding trip and will later make a candidate for congress in 191« and
19-2*1. It Is suggested that pastor, wag rated as »mutually good at field °enntor Harding ’■ / been on the trip to the east. Mr. Pornoll la a also had Progressive eanctlen. He ie
or responsible leader see to It that goals and placement kicks. He Is club’s honor roll for some time and brother of Jud Pernoll of Grants now a director and vice president of
two or three persons from each the fourth of last year's veterans lost recently sent his personal check for l ass, while Miss Couch, who Is a the Westchester County National
The •ousln of Mrs Beniamin Collins of bank, a director of the New Jersey
hnreh attend this mooli«” H«nrv io the team. Huboard. Walker uml 37 to cover his year’s fees.
British army, who was taken a prison­
er by a band of armed Sinn Felners, G. nanson, secretary ministers asso­ ’cardon having been graduated last •he k was not cashed, but was fram-’thfs city, has taught In tho schools Life Insurance company and a practic­
ing lawyer In New York.
j ipring.
I instead.
, of this district for several years.
ciation .
and later made his escape.