♦ VOL. XI., No. I GIIANTH PAMH. JOHKI'HINK COUNTY, ORKí ¿ON, SATIRI >AYt HE IT EM HER IM, litt». T WHOLE \UMHER 307». IS LIVE ISSUE Coolidge State* In Talk Thal Demo- <-r Am Still on intrtwae Though To lux! All Group I iìm L ìi H'1Iona Or Spwial Ap|M«l«, Is Held Clothing goes Down N<*rly One Million More May Be En­ tered Upon for Dry Farming Un­ der Laws Recently Made TRACE DUCK 101919 EXPLOSIONS 4 Chief of Biireun of In«lifnuon I» Confident Aliai t•lotter* Mill lie Cauutit and Itroualii to Trial Washington. Sept. 18 Veterans of Fordgu Wars voted down a reso­ lution disapproving adoption of a Marlon. Ohio, Hept 18 Warning prohibition amendment here today. against tho dan gers of hyphenated citizenship. Senator Harding today Genoa. Sept 18 A number told a gathering of foreign born suspects have been arrested In Americana that he believed the section with the explosion on the United Stnl<*s must avoid "med stock exchange her« yesterday riling" in the affairs of other nations, if all class«« of American citizens Mr. I’arMHiH Again On Duty— are to he united In loyalty to tho A. N Parsons Is again attending government Ttio foreign born are to business at his Sixth street office. not to blame for conflicting sym­ | having been released from the hos- pathies during tho war. he said, as­ ( pltal where ho received treatment serting that tho fault was with tho following th distressing accident that i nation Itself for failure to thorough­ befell him last week. It was found ! ly Americanize those of foreign ex­ I necessary at tho hospital to remove traction. This must now bo taken l the left eye whi h was so severely In-1 tip with a now determination lx*t us lured when the handle of an auto all pray America shall never become i Jack flew up and struck him In the divided Into classes and shall never ! face Sight was entirely destroyed, I fool tho menae of hyphenated cit­ . and the removal was decided upon' izenship. The way to blend foreign to obviate danger of weakness of the blood Is to put an end to groups. an right eye. end to classes, an end to special an­ peal to any of them and an end to particular favor for any of them." FROM VlM'Ab . * o A » ■Ji Dueky Fighter, Outlawed for Years to Be Inmate of Federal Prison for One Year Washington. Sept. 18.—A de-¡ New York. Sept. 18.—Confidence Washington. Sept. 18.—Since the passage of the stock raising home­ that the ''American Anarchist Fight crease of 4 H per cent in the general __ .1___________________ era" who are believed to have caused lovel of wholesale prices in August’ £ Realizing the disaster that _ would stead act in 1916 over 81,000,000 the Wall street explosion will be has been reported by the departmnt ■ oci.ur this community and I the acres have been classified as stock » ■ (lb zx mr z-zl t the h IJ ! I z*- _ — - showed labor. TCzx,\zlo« Foodstuffs caught was expressed by Chief Flynn z of la State of Oregon in general should the raising land through the geological of the bureau of Investigation, who greatest recession, the decrease av- proposed constitutional amendment, survey, it was announced today. Ap­ said he was certain from the similar­ ’»raging 12 per cent. Form pro­ fixing the legal rate of interest be proximately 740,000 acres in Mon­ ity of circulars found in a mall box I ducts decline nearly 6 per cent and carried at the coming general elec­ tana, Colorado and Idaho were clas­ near the explosion to those found at ’ cloths and clothing 5 % per cent. tion, the board of directors of the sified during August under the laws the scenes of various explosions On I Fuel and lighting materials increae- Chamber of Comrfihrce met Thursday providing for entry upon noa-lrrt- June 1919 that the same crowd was >r. Koch, German minister of to stop loading a British steamer as Hand Concert Was Excellent— It is reported that the concert giv­ homo affairs, has just told leading a protest against the imprisonment en by the band at Riverside park public men In a conference on the of MacSwiney. Omaha, Neb., Sept. 18.—Humane last night was one of tho most thor­ workers of the nation will gather economic and political situation of W. E. Freeman and wtfe and R. oughly enjoyable of the season, al­ here next month for the 44th annual Rhenish Prussia, Dr. Koch declared he could not[ Miles were arrivals in town yester­ though the threatening weather kept convention of the American Humane see the faintest possibility of any re-| day from Oregon City and are mak­ the size of the crowd down. Espe­ Association. duction of the tax schedules which | ing a stopover of several days to en­ cially enjoyable were the solos by Among those announced as com- joy an outing on Rogue river. They Jo Pardeo and Cedric Fields, the Ing to the convention are Senator had already been are touring southward on the high­ former cornet and the latter saxo­ Peter G. Gerry, of Rhode Island, proved. phone. way. overwhelmed with Dr. Koch was whose father practically founded complaints about the shortage of child protection work in the United dwellings and the paralyzing effect of1 States, which in turn has been a mo­ the present export and Import regu­ del for the rest of the world; Mrs. lations. Anta Baldwin, of California, daugh­ Discussing the unity of empire,1 ter of '’Lucky” Baldwin; and Ernest the minister announced that a spe­ K. Coulter, general manager of the cial commission comprising mem­ New York Society tor Prevention of bers of the federal council, had been Cruelty to Children, the first of its — organized to study tho problems af- kind and the largest child protection Corvallis, Ore., Sept, 18.—Carl Honolulu, Sept. 18.—'Both the re­ society in the world. Mr. Coulter feeling tho new alignment of the Lodell, who filled with honors both publican and democratic nominees was also founder of the Big Brother federal German states. line and backfield positions on last for the presidency of the United movement, according year's Oregon Agricultural college Religions IVniw— States are members of the Honolulu uouncement. A meeting of representatives of football team is not coming back for Pernoll-« Vui