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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1920)
FRII» 4Y. HKPTFÍUBKR IT. IW*». Instantly Recognized The man who done all Ma iHiaiuiwa thnuigh Ms bank, ia instantly rocognlz«xl «• • «ywtomatic b«uda«M man and one whoae chance« for » uckv - an» escelleet. The man who docx not newt of his opportunlti«»- um - a bank ia makiag the A coTillMl welcome »wiUM j<m »t thi» Bank. ns; n Ri -ru» » sisn s THE RRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON Successful Canning and Preserving ISN’T all knowing how and taking pains. You’ve got to have good equipment to in sure against loss of your time and waste of valuable food. We take great care to obtain the tanners, jars, jar holders, and racks, rubbers, etc-, that are known to be the most successful. Come in and talk it over with us. d Rogue River Hardware Co. the TV/NCH£5T£R store £J OREGON TON IGHT—TOM< »BROW AND NIGHT PER52NÆL iüî LOCAL George Williams returned to Cor Tomorrow— Saturday 1« Courier Bargain Day vallis this morning to resume his All Courier reader» know what second year studies at the O. A. C. It is only necessary to "Pathe Phonograph." Sablu ha« it. that means remember that the Bargain Day Misses Clara aud Avis Kulps left price closes with Saturday night The this morning for the O. A. C where office will be open until 8:30 p. tu they will again take up their studies Miss Margaret (Ttuith has left for I turn ing Party— Corvallis where she will enter the Saturday night at the Waldorf O. A. C. ball. Mr. and Mrs Robert 1-eelle went to Ferrydate this morning to spend Salvation Army Sal a week on a visit. Don't forget the Salvation Army The Golden Rule ad in today's pa-i Bargain Day. kVlday. September 24. per is about Beacon Blankets, don’t | There at their hall. 509 G street fail to read it and see their window «ill be lots of things on sale, useful TT display. and fancy articles. Watch for their John Williams left this morning ad. for Corvallis where he will enter the A. C. as a freshman. I'll« Oxford Grill— Mrs. Charles Woodson left today Serves excellent meals for a mo she will for !x»s Angeles where derate prt<e We believe you will spend the next six weeks visiting enjoy the roast and fried chicken . Heddinger, of Iowa, «topped J. E dinner Sunday noon and evening 77 in Grants Pass for a few days to get a little of the Grants Pass climate NeHaon'a Orcheatra— He left this morning for Sacramento. At Wimer Grange hall. Saturday, Cap Watkins, who has been em September 18th. All night dance, ployed at the Savage Rapids dam tor and a good supper, the summer left this morning for crowd San Francisco where he will remain Sheriff George Leals returned last Buys l*urehred Boar— night from Salem, where he took Hawes and Schumacher have add Robert Jones, who was «ent to the ed another purebred hog to their state penitentiary. herd. They purchased a Hampshire If you’re feeling kinds blue, and boar from the Wi-.-kfleld Farms. the World's unkind to you, keep a Contrll. Ohio, which la noted for Its laughing as you go. see "The Gro- stock. The boar Is a son of lookout eery Clerk" tonlght. tomorrow mat- Longfellow II. who sold recently for 77 inee and night. Oregon theater 15000. Messrs Hawes and Schu V. E. Holehan and family, of Ig»s macher expect to have one of Angele«, were registered at the Jose best hog farms in the valley phine last night. They are making a trip to Washington by automobile | Paran Encatnpmcnt Sat unlay— Mr. and Mrs. E. Renan were local There will be a spe lai meeting visitors last night, stopping at the Paran encampment Saturday even Josephine. They are from San Fran ing. September 18, at the I O O F. cisco. Mr. and Mrs. E- E Walker, of] hall. AU members are requested to be present, as there will t>e degree Spring Grove, Minn., are making a ■ work. Refreshments will be served tour of the Pacific coast states. They W. D. Fry, C. P.. B A. Willlama. spent the the city. scribe. 78 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Burke left last night for San Fram isco and will go from there to Baltimore’where they \ Lotta Jazz and Pep— At the dance Saturday night. 78 will «pend the next two month« vis iting. B. R. Smith, of Chicago, has been Carriers Wanted— Boy« or girls with wheel« wanted, visiting with B. J. Shumacher and Ronus paid for J. R. Hawes at the Hawes and Schu- one route now open maher ranch. Mr. Smith has been long service. Apply Courier office looking over the valley with the Idea« of finding a suitable location Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ansell arrived, COMING SUNDAY last night front Salanian a. N. Y., for an indefinite visit with Mr. and Mrs.. C. W. Borland. 842 North Fourth street. Mrs. Borland and Mrs. An sell are sisters. It is possible that Mr. Ansell will decide to locate here permanently. There are laughs that tjiake you happy, there are laughs that double you, but the laugh that's really funny “TB E comes from "The Grocery Clerk." BILL VELVET ANI» IH VKTINH HATH. EMBROIDERY ANI» FEATHER TRIMMED. mrs. Belik nea$ \ XU.K I»EM<»NNTIIATI<»N H|Mx-ial line of value our tailor* tomorrow 77 COMING EVENTS Sept. 13-17, Monday-Friday—G. A. R Reunion at Gold Hill. Sept. 18. Saturday—Courier Bargain Day. Sept. 20. Monday— G. O. P. picnic J«»* »v«wNv«l froyn plendld material, and kind lasting. It the sign of Ye Jolly Utile Tailor GEO 8 CALHOUN Ixxal dealer nearly .Hier« years II UK YOI'll Fall Suit and Overcoat XI IDE TO MEAMI IlK IIY Hart, Schaffner & Marx AT Peerless Clothing Co. Daily Courier Bargain Day * lot of moo AOi ttEtkDIM' Tuts PkPVtt »JUO Ast LOOK.»«' > s AS IH tu ' EMS ««»MT MO-*) MMO ABA OU* T» AUP OS TU' FSCtNOS, . ajVEu FEB A mo ruta - ucmùs sl >8- < SCOaBTtOM, OML4 MODO UA\)K ' v çraùor txwooT tt bor f wi me ,’ m \ BCíMG M5 VKWJ OENAiMbEO <0U. I t WOW MOULU AUL. W.ICK iSi C-JOM £ <ao > juowt <arr > m bao '«pm FCtiWlUO BOO'j JACK LONDON’S Oregon theater tonight, matinee and night. IMHBLE Millinery Display 4 SEA WOLF OREGON FOR EVERYBODY September the 10th ANI» FAMILY! MARGUERITE CLARK ALL OF A SUDDEN PEGGY A refreshing bit of typical Marguerite Clark Conuxl; f WHY SHOULD A MAN BE DEPENDENT? There is no need for a man to be de pendent in old age. If he starts early to save, he will soon acquire this valu able habit which will eventually make him independent. Deposit regularly with the Josephine County Bank. 4% interest paid on savings accounts TO GET HIOCUP8 WITH YOUR HA-HA’S IT MUST BE SOMETHING GOOD A OAT 8EH LARRY SEMON “THE GROCERY CLERK The fnnnleat thing yon ever Saw packed in two reels SUNDAY—“THE HKA WOÏJP"' Men’s work gloves, real leather, with mocci- san seams, prices right. Get a bottle of Dyanshine and touch up your old brown and black shoes, puttees, suit cases and other leather goods. AT J osephine C ounty B ank WOODWARD’S G rants P ass ,O regon IMIly Courier >5 per year In ad vance September 18 th. ■AMD— BID YOU EVER SEE Shoes for the Family Goodform Hair Nets The kind you Imvo look ing for. Marie of human lialr. Cap atiape- They fit. Light Brown—Blonde Medium Brown—Black I »ark Brown—Auburn 15c Each CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books WOOL SHIRTS $2.45 and $2.98 Khaki Shirts .......... Others charge $5.35 $4.65 Superior quality wool shirts $6.15 There is non better for $6.50 to $7 Cravineted Mackinaws .................. $9.98, $12.85, $13.75 Extra good Mackinaw Coats $15.50 and $16.50 This grade is worth $19.85 to $20 LADIES’ SHOES We make a specialty selling welt and turn sole shoes at prices lower than ordinary McKay—sewed shoes. Men’s Mackinaw Pants... $5.85, $7.50 The original Dry Back Duck Pants are double seats and double knees $4.65 One Price That’s All Rain test coats Wool blankets- 66x82, only Double blankets $7.50 $8.75 O A IX/iDT T7 C'T'r^lO T7 Every Dav O zk IVI x JL^JZL O 1 XL 'Bargain Day LEATHER COATS THAT WON’T PEEL OR SKUFF $11.95