IIUDAY, NHFTEHHKH I?, IH# GKA.NTH PAMH DAILY ml K Eh a salmon bake J »ring the day grand ball at the pavilion in evening. Classified Advertising Gold Hill, Ore., Sept. 17.- The FDR HAIJC Cream asparator, used 2kth annual reunion of soldiers and only three months, at the Osborne aallors of southern Oregon which •»DR HAIJC Choir« baled alfalfa ranch, Murphy, or see L B. Ro­ commenced In Gold Hill .Monday for hay S31 per Ion f. o. b. Granta berts, 806 M St. 77 H6tf a week’s session was fairly well at­ Pas» Riverbank« Farm« FOR SALE CHEAP -5-passenger tended considering the Inclement FOIL BAIJÎ Fancy Berkshire« clooe- car, Delco lights and «tarter, all weather. Monday was Gold Hill day ly related to th« |6500 boar and good tire«. Inquire at Chile»' sec­ and the principal feature was the tile 13900 eow recently sold al ond hand store, 403 G street 80 address of Judge C. B. Watson of public auction In the oast. River Gold Hill. Tuesday was Granta Pass IN»ft HA 140 CHEAP 3 work horse« Benke Farms ##tf day. and Wednesday was Ashland «'all at 416 Rogue River Ave. 79 day Thursday Medford day and HOUSE FOR HALE •Furnished or FOR HALE Iron bed and springs, the legion will celebrate Friday. The unfurnished, beautifully situated. I« 00 747 North Tenth St 77 occasion« of the legion dny will be • rooms, bath, pantry and attic. Garage, wood shed and chicken FOR KENT yard. Buy from owner No. #47 DRAYAGE ANI» TKANHEKK FOR RENT 4»ne furnished room North Second street. 77 two block from postofflce. Call THE WORLD MOW; so do wo. FOR 8AI4C Tenne«««» White Win­ at 720 East D afreet or phone J Bunch Bro*. Transfer Co. Phoae ter Barley and Gray Winter Oat» 383-L. 7» 349. tor fall «beding. River Bank« FOIt HALE 4 Farms. Rd 2, Grants Psas ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ PKRMONAL AND LOCAL » »««♦«♦ ♦♦♦•»•*♦♦♦♦♦ Mr. and Mrs. Join» H. Robinson, of Irland, are Grants Pas« visitors to­ day. Soldiers Peas Through— A «pedal train carrying five :ara of soldiers of the 35th infantry, passed through here thia morning on their way to San Francisco where they will embark for Honolulu. Be- «Idee the five cara of the men, there were four can for the officers and ladles The men were all happy and singing when they left here. Break­ fast was just being served as the train pulled in. The men were from Camp latwis. WANTED 68tf f G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safe«. piano« and furniture I »idly t ourlcv Bargain I »ay— 9 MILK COWS for «ale. Otto Hen- WANTED Second hand 5 or 6-im h September 18, Saturday, is the an­ moved, packed, shipped and stored centrifugal pump In good condi­ rlc«>n. Rd. 2, !!<■ 24, phone 602- nual Bargain Day for the Daily '»fflce phone 124-Y tion Isaac Beat. 23tf F-21. 70tf Courier, when yearly subecriptfons Ix>gg«rs and millmen GKANT8 PAM-MEDFORD TRUCK are sold at a discount. On that day RIVER BOTTOM land. • to 20 acre*. WANTEJ» Apply nights Josephine hotel, ask ' Phoue 333-J. 85 |5 pays for one year lb advance. 1 % mile« from city, for sale, or for Goets. 74tf will take good residence property DENTIMI« McKinstry Boys ltd urn— cook for as parly payment Addrc»» No WANTED Competent Thomas and Newell McKinstry E C. MACY. D. .M D First-class 2061, care Courier. 70tf country home, small family, good i dentistry. 109% 8 6th 81 have returned from their summer's wages, Inquire 702 North Fourth j FORD In first la-s condition tor work with the United States town- 7 2tf 1 PHYHK’IANH salo See County Agent, court-, street. ship survey in Washlngton. Oregon house. 69tf HOP PICKERS wanted, 2c per I. O. CLEMENT. M I» Practice and Idaho, and are enrolled in the pound, good picking on wires J ■ ml ted to diseases of eye. ear. nose high school again. The boys are Foil SALE Black Jersey cow and M Branscombe. two miles from and tbruut. Glasses fitteti. Hours husky and brown, and say they thor­ young calf; 2-ton Velie truck and town free transportation. 791 9-13, 3-6, or on appointment. oughly enjoyed their work, whl h equipment for lumber hauling; Pilones, office 62; r- • Mence 359-J was finishing upon township surveys also hand hoist for dump body. In­ WANTED Good woman to help In in the three state* home laundry, good wages. Ap­ 3 LOUGIIKIDGE, M. u quire 718 South Fifth 71 tf Pbysiciun ply In person 610, Howard St. 77 and surgeon. City or cnunlrv call» FOR SALE <>no % iii- h wagon and atended day or nlgbt Fnou-'s. Aino barbed WANTED Second hand stump pul­ household goods f Ree. 369; Office. 182; 6tb and II ler. Give price and particulars wire and chicken wire. Fall at cr bp IT 7 7 Address No. 2133 care Courier. 80 K J. Bll.l.H’K. M. 0 133 2 M street. by Physh . in . h , d surgeon office Schallhorn In WAITREHH WANTED At the .Mo- block, phone " i 4- j ; residence. I NORTON, Attorney-at-law ft BOARD and rioni for high school Ashland. Ore Practices tn all Stat unii Federal Sixth girls Inquire 731 North FOR SALE IIU acres on paved Courts Fir N ! Hank Bldg 74 street or phone 106-R. highway. 1 % mile» from station G W. 25 iluusi» and barn, orchnrds. NT'RSEHY stock of all kind- Orna-i acres under cultivation. 5 In clover mental, shade and fruit trees Geo. | Granta a-.’ timothy Never falling or­ H Parker. "Otf m » -iS hint, A ulhucj , Fia'tices chard. Inquire 410 B street. 84 in all courts. First National Bank NURSERY STOCK! Highest grade Building "THE FOR SALE 1 truck top. 11 feet ornamental, fruit, nut and shade long. new. Inquire at Valley Hard­ trees of all kinds for fall delivery O S BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg Phone ware. Phone HR, G A. Brian Hints on lands ape york as well 79 as culture of all trees, froBt ex­ •’ » '»I.ER. Attorney-at-law. posures. suitable soils, etc., all so «Vjxte ,n de, Grants I'ass, Ore FOR HALE A b.-irgnln, five lota, vital In fruit culture and ornamen­ UBÒ. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law «mall house, wood shed, part tal offered free by our resident I referee in bankruptcy, .Masonic In fenced. Part cash, halan agent. F. E. Jordan, at 860 N 7th Temple. Phone 135-J. 321 monthly payments. street Albany Nurseries. Inc. 71 tf MMES T. CHINNOCK. 79 Lawyer West Burgess street First National Bank Building POULTRYMEN attention For sale, 191« FORD and 1914 Ford touring two acres of fine sunflower, cheap. A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg cara, both In good condition for M W1IBM, ltd 1, Box 10-A, Mur Practice In all courts. sale. Inquire Union Market. 79 phy. Ore. 79 V A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice in FOR SALE Modern five-room bun­ »ARTY f state and federal courts. Office galow with large unfinished sec­ PROMINENT INISITION offered in ». i \ <■ over National Drug Store. city fire department, phone 125-R. ond floor which can be used for A. K. Casa, fire chief. sleeping porch. Hardwood floors JACK LONDONS » SEA WOLF on first floor. Woodeiied and gar­ PI ANO INSTRI “IH OFVICt ’N DO IT . ‘CAU1.fi ©ONT lUfFtKMMt OU» StAiaa SUMCRIÎWB.S BOTHAUtD’. TA>.N< ; . a », Competent Mechanics and Prompt Service DELIVERY ON-TIME DELIVERIES*9 THEY MAKE — THEIR PROMISES | THEY NEVER BREAK! AT— Ament’s Auto Repair and Machine Shop Service ear nnswcra all calla Welding of all kinds There are several reasons why .Mr. Party Is happy. He likes the rapid transit way we schedule oi-r deliveries. Your clock Is our time table. We’ll get your order there when we promised to. nay |4ione 113-1—Night 233-R STRAYED Watch for Mr. Happy Party ■ you_‘doubt” it—just give Calumet one tnal. The saving it makes will /»rwe that CALUMET is the best baking powder in the world—sold at the fairest price — costs far less than high priced Trust brands costs but little more than cheap brands—gives much better results than either. You use only half the amount usually required—it goes twice as far. It never fails, neve» causes baking loss. Used in millions ot homes—by leading hotels restaurants and bakeries. A wonderful baking powder for all requirements. Made in the world s largest, finest, moet sanitary Baking You save when you buy it— You save materials it is used with. You save when you use it Highest Quality Highest Awards WORTH KNOWING When you buy a pound of Calumet you get a full pound —16 oz. Some high priced baking powders are now being put on the market in 12-oz. cans instead of a pound. Be sure you are getting a pound when you want it. No short weights with Calumet. Second-Hand Bargains MAXWELL—FINE SHAPE FORD TOURING H1HI) ROADSTRR 7 PASSENGER BUICK C. L. Hobart Co. Grants Pass-Medford Interurban Autocar Co. Effective Aug. 5, 1920 LEAVE GRANTS PAHS 7:00..a,-m. 10:30 a.m 1: <»O p. m 4:30 a. SQÍG Street RONHONNIERH Phone 160 ADAMS ELECTRIC and BATTERY SHOP Exide Service Statien, 506 South Sixth Street T .M c K instry , 603 g st., phone AUTO TOPS REAL 1 .CIVIL ENGINEER ( all and mc . / / • Timmons & H iggins Call und <»♦••• rhono 32 l-*l HESTI’L. Veterinarian Residence 93 8 Washington boule card, phone 399-H Grants Pass Waiting Room The queer acting battery to the one we like to see—for we quickly correct the trouble at ita source at the minimum ex­ pense and send you en your way an advertisement for THIS STATION. Skilled service and niodeat charges make tills the POPU­ LAR BATTERY STATION. CITY Trains will run Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays 4OONER TAXI—Phone 262-R for P.M. Pass ........... I Jlt«ey Luke or Cutler. Calls an- Ixxive Grants P.M. Arrive Water» Creek.......... 2 swured anywhere, anytime 86tt Leave Waters Creek.......... 2:30 PM P.M. Arrive Granta Pass 4 I "Al.ACE TAXI Phone 22-.I. Tom For Informntloh regarding freight 08tf and passenger rates call at the office Wind |to »to » '. II. U-»»'-!».-«—1 of the company, l.undburg building, REAL E8TATE or telephone 131 CIVIL ENGINEER Daniel MoFar land. Civil Engineer and Surveyor Res. 747 North Tenth St. I’hon 211-Y. 101 Daily and Sunday IJvAVE MEDFORD 7:00 a. m. 9:00 a- tn. 1:00 p- m- 4:30 p. Ill. TAX. 13-R; general real estate hHsInc-is Beat of aolla for fririt, hay or gen era! farming 'xX money wasting baking powder and expensive ma terials — frittering away valu able time—If you are not using Calumet Baking Powder ■ ESTR.AY—There came to my place September 12 a young roan Dur-| The California and Oregon ham bull. Owner can get animal Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD by paying charges, M. Sine, 4 miles west on lower river road. 78 Effective Nov. 24. 1919. e » You are throwin \tn for the (leveland Natkmal il* 111 South Sixth M<- Replace the shabby top with light, easy -to-handle weather­ proof one now. Smart looking, servlcenble tops— |>erfect fitting and Improving the car’» looks—a wide choice in ma­ terials and colors. OCR PRICES I j OWEST G. B. BERRY