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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1920)
FRIDAY, NEITEMBEI4 IT. 11420. PACK TWO GRANTS PASS OAILT COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday ___ _ __ A. B. Voorhtm. - — A Pub. and Propr. FOR SAL» 1 ath machine only been run 30 hours. Bargain if taken at once. Roy Wilcox, 407 Rogue River Avenue. Grants l*a«». 82 Delicate Flavor WANTED Hunting 240 West I street. Stared at postoffice. Grants Paa». Ora., as second class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATE» Display space, per Inch.................... 20c Boeel-personal column, per line.... 10c Beeden», per line.——----------------- 5c dog Write 77 FOR SAIJ: Kitchen cabinet and kitchen cupboard. Mr». L. O. Clement. 830 Washington Blvd . phone 239-J. 78 NO IN SPIXIAL ROANT COFFEE OTHER GILAD*» 20, TO <HN- IAI. DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year...... »«.00 By mall or carrier, per month.. .50 W \NTWI» Child'» Saddle Rd ’ B m < s MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press 1» exclusively entitled to the use for republication off all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited tn this paper and also the local news pub- Mehod herein. All rights of republication of »po êlai dispatches herein are also re- COAL Order now for future de livery. No coal carried In stock. Get wood In now while weather Is good Williams Wood Yard Phone Tltf BveeA___________ __ __ __ ___ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 1020. OREGON ♦ WEATHER ♦ Weather for the Week ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Pacific Coast States Fre quent showers over northern portion and fair over southern portion of district. Normal tem peratures. Tonight and Saturday, west portion, fair east. raia ♦ IT WORKS ROTH WAYS Gue of the post-war situations ( which has been passing through a period of readjustment and which is now approaching a norm, is the "school teacher problem,” and yet, I just as affairs seem to have righted | themselves, it has presented a new phase. Addrea* ; s INSURANCE — Fire, automobile, life, accident and health T. M. 9tott. 308 North Sixth St. «Bit Can You Beat This? BOYS BICYCLE good a» new except tor tire». *25 take* it. Phone I-J. Im mediately there came a nation wide cry that more pay be given the teachers in order that the public schools might not be depleted of in struetors, and for a twelve-month COMING SUNDAY’ JACK LONDON’S our school directors did little else In FAMOl S RED- than raise wages of teachers. B1ÀM4DED NOVEL tact it worked so well that the pre- OF ADV I : N 1 I RE IN valent spirit of ’ money-grabbing’’ in ll.ASKVN W ITERS the country bit the school rooms and "THE virtual "strikes" were the rule. The point of all the above is« merely this. that the teachers' wages have pretty generally been ad vanced to a degree commensurate’ with the advance in the cost of llv- j ing, and what is more, these wages having become established will never go down. At the same time the cost of living which the increase was de-, From Denver l»y Aut<‘— signed to meet is beginning to make i Creo. Potts and four children and a perceptible decline, and as the Rev. 1). D. Dodge returned to Grants months pass the teacher will be in Pass early in the week, making the an increasingly better position. This ; trip from I>enver by automobile, hav is not to say that the teacher should ing had all the troubles incident to not be in this better position, but the bad roads which they found every where except In Nevada. California bounds of reason should be applied, and Oregon. Mr. Potts and family and the public Is beginning to hope I went to Canon City, Colo, last that standards of selection will again spring on account of Mrs. Pott’s She died there in June Mr. go up to the old degree of strictness health. as the buying power of the salary Dodge went to McPherson on ac- count of the Illness of his aged fath makes the exchange fair to both er. who died five days after his ar sides concerned. If the public is now rival. Mr. Dodge says they had fine treating the instructors with proper nro[)s |n Kansas hut that he much financial regard, the public has Uie, prefers the Oregon country, right to demand better service from , NEW TODAY the teaching corps than was true1 SEA WOLF” OREGON »» 111 .10x3 BEI» TUBEN WE ARE in receipt of a splendid as sortment of woolen samples from the east, and men and young men may get a snappy fall suit, pro perly and Individually tailored We Price moderate and fitted Telephone 73. Gust Know How Coorln, 108 H South Sixth St. Few steps up. _22 30x8 GRAY TUBES 2.0A .10x814 BED TUBI» 8.0A 80x814 GRAY TUR*» a.tvt 32x4 RED TUBEN 4.00 WHILE THEY LU4T 1917 model. FORD touring car, equipped with extreme low gear, new tires; also Ford steel trailer, to exchange for Igiltt truck. In quire 1332 M street. 78 CASH SILE Maple chiffonier, dress form, child’s high chair, bedstead, springs, mattress. pillows. oil painting by Parrott, and many oth er things Saturday. Sept. 18, from !> .1 Hale. Atti NTS FOR. HUDSON MAXWILL CHALMERS AHO fSSlX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY * 5// ACCnfcffORI«« AHO NffPAIRIMC PHONE 117 H STREET GRANTS PASS. ORE and tilled with the charm of "loveliest girl in pictures." Th Is of an Irish la»s who married off her mother by pretending to be I« ar Hut Peggy noon dls- rled herself. covered that "Husband" was no fig ure-head and you’ll »It up and ti «fl« the rest! A picture sparkling with fun. charged with conflict, dan«in; with all of a sudden surprise«. The « .it taken to »hlmm/tn* und to prove th« fact Larry Sem va allows a malte»«' angora «at to do the shimmy in "The Grocery Clerk.** ho haff pul more laughs, in J ««clod more originality, .«ml got farther off the w■■Il-beaten paths than any 10 < otm-ilian combined In his latest comedy Just don’t mi-« thia pro gram that's all. FEED YOUR CHICKENS ilgli grad» poultry teed tch them thrive Better more and better «•<<». finer and healthier This means more In your pocket and a and stronger brood In en yard Try our poul- V V iring FAMOUS RED- BLOODED NOV ED OF ADVENTURE IN ALASKAN W ATERS •THE SEA WOLF” I IOREGON I governor when 2140 precincts out of IX »ST Tuesday near Waldo, a btir- 2366 had reported. There was no gandy colored woman’s cloth coat change in the position <Jf the other with fur collar. Finder please re candidates. turn same to L. M. Applegate, 902 M street. City. 82 BORN *Y>R sale OR TRADE — One large BUTTS—To Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Butts Poland China male hog. For par of Murphy. Wednesday, September I ticulars address J. T. Griffith, Wil 15, a son. liams. Oregon. 82 THIES—To Mr. and .Mrs William Thies. Friday, September daughter. a DOG LOST—Collie bitch, yellow- white neck, collar on. Will pay reward for her recovery. Address Daily Courier Bargain Day Sep Box 63, Rogue River, Ore. tember 18. Ore. 17, BLANKETS Paul’s Electric Store PHONE 47 203 SOI Til. SIXTH ST. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Comer Third and O Street Phone 123 Wherex Your Ä Bread Buttered? HAT makes your community a prosperous one? You don’t need to do a “Sherlock Holmes'* to fig ure out that the industries of a state or community arc the sturdy oaks around which the vine of prosperity twines. And that the successful development of an industry depends upon the quality of the product and a market. W Oregon manufacturers are putting the quality into their products; you can help extend their market by asking for “Oregon Made” when you buy. And in cidentally put more butter on your own bread. Need Some New Blankets? We re ready with the finest collection of blanket* ever brought to town They are the famoua Beacon Blanket* -the cotton ktnd that louk and teel like wool we ve heard *o many nice thing* laid about them in previou* year* that we have bought a mil greater variety in all nie* and weigh *, »ingle and pair*. They certainly are larutaty—eaiy io wash color* are fax See them before buying els-where ITEMS Beacon bath robe blankets, Beacon Indian blankets Beacon traveling blankets, Beacon crib blankets and Beacon robe Cannel See window display f GOLDEN RULE STORE a I PARTIES I »»KING for a good home close in at reduced price had better call at 408 C street be- 75tf fore October 1st. This year we are still laced by ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ shortages here and there, but the ♦ AMUSEMENTS ♦ ♦ general condition is a vast improve A big double bill holds ’.he boards ment over last year. And when we at the Oregon theater for two nigh's review the past year we see where it rnd on-« matinee, beginning w lt.i to- ought to be improved. During the ni.’ht’s ¡><iformance. period of the war the cost of living Marg-urlte Clark in "All >f a S id- advanced out of proportion to ad- d n Pegg; ” and lairry Senio i wrlt'.i the Shimmying Cat In "Th< G.-oc ry van es in the pay given to the public Clerk." school teachers, with the result that Marguerite Clark In "All of a Sad a year ago today the public was con den Peggy” Is Ernest Denny’s lie fronted by the spectacle of a wide stage laugh hit! At last on the s u- ii - --------- .r spread walk-out among teachers over the country, the teachers entering during the stress of war times when - LARGE WOOD proposition for sale AT. • , more lucrative lines of endeavor. necessity often demanded the drop- —270 a -res of well timbered land, clear title. >» mile from C. & O. ping of the standard. C. R. R. spur. Good 6 h. p. circu- ■ ELECTRIC lar wood saw mounted on a wagon ; Si PUMES COMING SI N DAY and 500 tiers of dry 16-fncb wood ( INI» goes with deal. All complete ready APPLIANCES to do a good wood business at *15 ! Seattle. Sept 17.—Hart had 61,- AT per acre. Reasonable terms if de 110 and Hartley 54,598 in their ra e sired. A. L. Edgerton. 78! tor the republican nomination tor JACK LONDON’S I « BUY OREGON PRODUCTS Associated Industries of Oregon >