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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1920)
Till RHDAÏ. HHITEMIIHR iff, IIH*> UlUjm i'AHB DAILY IAH 1UKK BAGK KHK I Instantly Recognized The man who does all lus I hu U iio « through liLs bank, is instantly tssstguized as a systenuHic huniueuw man anti one whoae chances f«r MMcrax are excellent. The man who dora not use a tvank ia not making the lurat of his oi>|»>rtunilira- A corvluM welcome »vvwit» ,<»u a* thix Bank. mfmri FIRST NATIONAL BANK M FEDERAL RtSFitVt. OF SOUTHERN OREGON S> > 1 > *4 Rogue River Hardware Co. the TVfNCH£5T£R Population Estimate Iairge— According to estimates based on the school attendance in Grants Pass the city population is increasing ma terially. The usual method of esti mating the city population is to take five times the school attendance as the population. This would give Grants Pass a population of 4245 people, which is about the pre-war population of the city. Medford with a school registration of 1196. would be given a population of 5980, which is also a growth over the official cen sus figures. Cars in Collision— A Ford and a Cadillac came to gether last night at the intersection of A and Fourth streets, and result ed in a much damaged Ford. The Ford driver. S. C. Jones, was injured about the head and was taken to the hospital hut Is able to be about the streets this morning, evidently not much worse for the accident Jones had just started his car and had started down Fourth street. A. V. Hazelton was going west along A street and the two cars came togeth er. Jones was thrown out of the Ford and lit In the Hazelton Cadal- lac. Neither places the blame on the other for the accident, both holding A store s that it was unavoidable. The acci dent occurred about 5 o'clock yester day afternoon. Security Benefit Sapper— There will be a Security Benefit supper Friday evening at 8:30. All members are invited to come and bring their share. Phone Mesdames Dorman, Mathis. Young, Hiller or Calvert what you wish to bring Fol lowing the supper plans will be dis cussed for the coming years work, and other work acted upon as thought best. 76 Paran Encampment Sat unlay— There will be a special meeting of Paran encampment Saturday even ing. September 18, at the I O. O. F. hall. All members are requested to be present, as there will be degree work. Refreshments will be served W. D. Fry. C. P., by order of B A. Williams, scribe. PERSONAL ....------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- LARRY SE.MON With the sliirninylng cat in “THE GRO CERY CLERK" and MARGUERITE CLARK in “ALL OF A HIDDEN PEGGY” B Millinery Display YHI.VVr AND DI VKTINK HATH. MMIIRDIDKRY AND FEATHER TRIMMED. rnrs. Dcllie Peas VELIE DHM<»NMTHATION S|asial line of »alno woolens J usi nx-eivisi from ■ air tailors It the sign of Yr J.'ill l.lttlr Tailor 1st us shoe you the splenditi inairvials and kind of tailoring that's lasting. GEO S CALHOUN Ixwnl dral'T nrarly «1»terni yrarw HAY E YOUR Fall Suit and Overcoat M IDE TO MEASI HE BY Peerless Clothing Co Daily Courier • Bargain Day '"''ov stt . «.C.KOVV.« . et» Tuet 1 5W%- ENET VNEEK K. NvIHOLV QXNÛ OF îuWCtlrtlONi CCNVEl' Oct 'N vNE (JOAttv. M.V A h AvWlC I ttMld OUT NOtlCtA am ' VJE OOMT LIKE T BE OUUH in ' I Od» VW y CMM 'M vv ma ’ o Ji ■ I Kf , 5REC.K OF "iE* OA.1E (XK1 ttAMtvK (XT THE VTLOVtV AvtsTvE - I I WlS GOSW. tVo AEMt VS K tom AlNvi *♦* AAOMBtl N vNt \v*lOxKO Svj« BE OBLIGED N ' ExIERMTHttAG ' y T Shoes for the Family Men’s work gloves, real leather, with uioeei- san seams, prices right. Get a kittle of Dyanshinc and touch up your old brown and black shoes, puttees, suit cases and other leather goods. AT J osephine C ounty B ank WOODWARD’S G rants P ass .O regon Daily Courier |5 per year in ad vance September 18th. WOOL SHIRTS $2.45 and $2.98 You’U have to hoc this tor- rent of ifiifglra and gales of laughter today or not at all. HOWDY, BOY! ■— 4 ' interest paid on savings accounts WASHBURN DOUBLE BILL ■ There is no need for a man to lie de pendent. in old age. If he starts early to save, he will soon acquire this valu able habit which will eventually make him independent. Deposit regularly with the Josephine County Bank. “GOOD-BYE COMI NO TOMORROW . WHY SHOULD A MAN BE DEPENDENT? Sept. 13-17, Monday-Friday—G R. Reunion at Gold Hill. Sept. 18. Saturday—Courier Bargain Day. Sept. 20, Monday— G O. P picnic HOME ■ September the 18th COMING EVENTS BRYANT L0G1L Ì C. E. Harmon ix spending the day stinolniugh Buys Ilonin— Sum Stltiebaiigh on Thursday pur looking after buxine«» matter« in chased the M i'letueua property at Medford. luuigh and th» world laugh« with the corner of Fifth and E st reels and you. stay away from "TUa Grocery the StlneiMiigh family will make thia Clerk' and you »lay alone. 7« place their home. Frank Dorphus went to Weed this morning tv» «pend a few day» vl»lt Dancing Party— Waldorf Saturday night at the Ing. Steam's "Day Dream." Sabin has hall. it. Mr» Robert Fox. of Brhokluga. Men V i'll Mislfonl— spent a few days In the city. Stopping Rev. Henry <1. Hanson. at the .losephiue. U'tig. T P Cramer. Myron Gaston A B. Cornell Is spending the day and A E Voorliles made a trip to business Medford last night to attend a men's in Ashland attenditi« to matters brotherhood banquet and meeting. B. Hobbe. of Medford, was a bus inees x isitor in the city yaaterday t’lie Oxford Grill— He registered at the Joxephine Serves excellent meals for a mo Mr» W. W Webb. who spent the derate price We bellevo you will past month here with her mother. enjoy the roast and tried chicken M M Spencer, has returned t> dinner Sunday noon anil evening 77 home al Santa Monica, Cal F Gentner, of Murphy, spent a lirts Rea« lies Itoeeburg— at the Soldiers ami Sailors re Lieutenant Vernon Ayres who ar union at Gohl Hill, returning home rived last night from Grants Pass in this morning the plane ‘'Roseburg" left this morn Wallace Niles left last night for ing tor Portland whore the plane Corvallis to resume his Indies i will be given a thorough overhaul-: the O. A. C., where he is a senior tin Ing. says the Roseburg Review lie, year in the course of farm manage was U' compamed ou the trip north I tnent. by E. U laui.x of the Ford garage of The wonder of the ages' The Oakland Before leaving the aviator Shimmying Cat' with l-arry Semen jazzed" over the city for several 76 minute» and made another speed in "The Grocery Clerk " C. M. Rummage, of Marshfield. rice down Jackson street. The Dud has been visiting here with relatives rev Aircraft company has 18 or 2t for several days This morning Mr. pupils in Portland waiting to start Rummage left for Weed, where he their course In flying and will «¡vend a few day». Ayres will probably t>e F. S. Butler, of Berkeley, and Mr for some time employed and Mrs S B Kellog, of Glendale, tor Vrraiigemeiits are brina •topped In the eltv list night They in the are on their way to California, mak forest ing the trip by auto. Everyone Is doing It. even the cat What? "The Shimmy" see "The G ro- 7 è Daily Courier Bargain Day— eery Clerk " September 18. Saturday. Is the an S E. Gunter, wire chief at the local Western Union office, went to Ash- nual Bargain Day for ’ the Dally land this morning to spend a few Courier, when yearly subscriptions days with his family and to visit his are sold at a discount, On that day ranch. He expects to return here to $ j ¡»ays for one year In advance. morrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs H. L. Shapard were Officers tre Needed— local visitors yesterday from Missou The following telegram lias been la. Mont. They are making an auto received by the Medford re rutting mobile trip through the Pacific coast station "Two hundred vacancies In states and stopped in the city last grades from major to second lieu- night. tenant inclusive, and are bring held Mrs. Jessie MacAdams returned to for persons eligible for appointment her home at Klamath Falls this1 under Section 24. act of June 4th. morning after a visit here and at who were unable for any good reason Crescent City Mrs MacAdams lived to take or complete tho July exam here until last year and says that she inations. Examinations similar tn an see a remarkable change for the the July examinations will be held, better in Grants Pass. beginning October 25. Yppllcations will be received by the war depart A Lotta Jazz anti l*e|>— ment not later than October 9th'and At the dance Saturday night. 7S must be limited to appointment In the combatant arms, ordnance, chem C arriers Wanted— ical warfare service, medical corps Boys or girls with wheels wanted. and dental corps. In addition to one route now open, Bonus paid for persons who did not appear for the long service. Apply Courier office July examinations, applications will be received from former candidates Neilson's <>rvh extra— who for good reasons failed to com At Wimer Grange hall, Saturday, plete the examinations or were found September 18th. All night dance, physically disqualified on account of and a good supper. Follow defects which will be removed by Oc crowd tober 25. Form 739, A. G O, will be used for applications, the grade Bargain Day September 18 desired being stated thereon Bargain Day September 18. -say»- ■ Khaki Shirts ____ ________ Others charge $5.35 Goodform Hair Nets The kind you have l>cen look ing for. Made of human hair. Cap uliape-. They fit. Light Brown—Blondo Medium Brown—Black Dark Brown—Auburn ll>c Etu’li CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books 33U Jfr— $4.65 Superior quality wool shirts $6.15 There is non better for $6.50 to $7 Cravineted Mackinaws................. $9.98, $12.85, $13.75 Extra good Mackinaw Coats ..... ............... $15.50 and $16.50 This grade is worth $19.85 to $20 Men’s Mackinaw Pants $5.85, $7.50 The original Dry Back Duck Pant3 are double seats and double knees ........ —.........-— -............... $4.65 LADIES’ SHOES I We make a specialty selling welt and turn sole shoes at prices lower than ordinary McKay—sewed shoes. Rain test coats $7 50 Wool blankets- 66x82, only .... $8.75 Double blankets T°hnÄ SAMPLE STORE LEATHER COATS THAT WON’T PEEL OR SKUFF $11 95