Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1920)
Till HMIAY, KEI’TEMHER in, 10*0. UKA.NTH PARK DAILY IXil K Ih PAOB THRKB Classified Advertising FOR MAI.», l', )H HALE Choice bul«<i Hlfalfu hay 12» per tun f o b Grants Pass. Riverbanks Farm. xitf Foftl> touring rar. I»17 model, equipped with extreme low gear, new tires; also Ford steel trailer, to exchange for light truck. 78 FOR HAUK Fancy Herkshlres close "HINtlER" leads as usual 1921 models on floor Grunts Pass Hard ly related to the |6500 hour and ware Co See them. Your terms the 18900 now recently told at are ours. J. W Scott, sales man. public auction In the east River ager Singer Hewing Machine Co. Hanha Farm« ««tf 75tf HOl'HE FOR HALE .Furnished or FOR SALE Cream separator, used unfurnished, beautifully situated. only three months, at the Osborne « rooms, bath, pantry and attlr ranch. Murphy, or see L. B. Ro Garage. wood shed and chicken berta, 806 M Ht. 77 yard. Huy from owner No. «17 North Hecond street 77 FOIl HALE OHflDAP 5-passenger car. Delco lights and starter, all FOR HAJJC Teonsoass Whits Win good tires. Inquire at Chiles’ sec ter Harley and Gray Winter Oats ond hand store. 403 G street. SO for fall seeding. River Hanke Farms. Rd 2, Grants Pass «Rtf Poll HALE Good windfall peaches, 8 MILK OOWH tor sale Otto Hen 50c and up. Firing your boxes. J. rir*>n. Rd 2. H<m 24. phone «02 H. Robinson, Wllderville. 7 G P-31. 7<»tf FOR RENT RIVEIl BOTTOM land, b to 20 acres. roil RENT One furnished room 1 *4 miles from city, tor sals, or two block from postoffice Call will take good residence property at 720 East D street or phone a» party payment. Address No 3 83-L. 7» I. rare Courier. 7ott WANTED Ft>111» In first I ukh condition tor sale Hoe County Agent, court WANTED Hecond band 5 or 6-lnch centrifugal pump In good condi house. G»tt tion. Isaac Beet. 28tf Foil HALE Black lore«’ cow ami young celt, 2-ton Velte truck amt WANTED Girl tor general house work at Oregon City. |B0 per equipment tor lumber hauling; also hand hoist tor dump body. In ' month and railroad fare Phone 162, Grants Pass. 78 quire 7 I 8 South Fifth. 7Ht| WANTED luiggera ami millmen FOR HALE Milk cow. 3 inonihc o I ' Apply nights Josephine hotel, ask I now. Tomatoes. 208 West Bur for Goetx. 74tf gess street 7« WANTED Conf peten t cook for country home, small family, good wages, Inquire 702 North Fourth street. 72tf You know “it’s toasted.” do you know why? T UCKY STRIKE is the toasted cigarette. Lucky Strike is * J the toasted pipe toEacco. And because Lucky Strike is toasted it preserves the Burley flavor for you until you smoke it. The exact reason for this is interesting. You see, when Lucky Strike is toasted the heat closes the pores in the Burley leaves, and literally seals in the Burley flavor. It stays there for months—years—until it is released by burning in your pipe or cigarette. Or take the method of the bee. You can put a honey-comb away for months or years and the flavor is always there—inside. This is because the bees put a thin coating of wax over the honey and seal it in, so it lasts forever. The same with Lucky Strike. Toasting the tobacco 8eals in the delicious Burley flavor, to be “called for when wanted.” Whether you are a cigarette smoker or a pipe smoker you should get acquainted with the special and unequalled flavor of toasted Burley tobacco— to be found only in the Lucky Strike brand. Buy a package and you will notice this improved taste immediately. WANTED Good woman to help in home laundry, good wages Ap ply In person «10, Howard St. 77 W ANTED 8« ond hand stnmp pul 1er. Give price and particulars I Address No. 2135 care Courier. Ito j louring car for WAITRESS WANTED \t th« cha Cafe. ith cord tire» on Price |1,- Oak street. KNIGHTS OK PYTHIAS FOR SALE 116 acre« on paved mopylae lodge No. 50, meets highway I’, mll«s from station «ennd and fourth Tuesday House* and barn, orchards. 2.. mg Visitor» invited acres under cultivation. & In clover and timothy. Never falling or FOR PLUMBING, concrete, sidewalk- Ing, phone 323-Y. 89 chard Inquire 4 10 B street si « BO MID and room for high school feet Hill HALE I truck girls. Inquire 731 Nortlf Sixth long, new. Inquire at street or phone 106-R 74 ware Phone HR. NURSERY »lock of all kinds. Orna mental, »hade and fruit trees. Geo Foil SAKE A bargain, five lots, II Parker. 701f »mall house, wood shed, part fenced. Part cash. balance in NURSERY STOCK! Highest grade monthly payments. Inquire 321 ornamental, fruit, nut and shade 78 trees of all kinds for fall delivery. West Burgess street. Hints on lands ape work as well 1914 Ford touring 19!« FORD and as culture of all trees, frost ex cars, both In good condition for posures, suitable soils, etc., all so sale. Inquire Union -Market 79 vital In fruit culture and ornamen FOR HALE Modern flve-rooin bun tal offered free by our resident galow with large unfinished sec agent. F. E. Jordan, at 860 N. 7th ond floor which can be used for street. Albany Nurseries, Inc. 71tf sleeping porch. Hardwood floors POULTRYMEN attention—For sale, on first floor. Woodshed and gar two acres of fine sunflower, cheap. age. Bungalow situated on 100 E<l Wilson. Rd. 1. Box 10-A, Mur by 100 feet of land on paved phy, Ore. 79 street In most beautiful residential which means that if you don’t like LUCKY STRIKE you can get your money back Lom the dealer DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER district of city. Ix>ts on fine grade THE WORLD MOVES; so do we above street. Beautiful shrubbery a Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone MRS. JAS. M. POWERS, Instructor and flowers. Lawn and garden. If 34». on piano, 102 X4 Sixth street. Interested see E. 8. Van Dyke, at High school credits given. Register torney, First National Bank Bldg., F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer now. Phone 265-J. 71 tf Safes. pianos and furniture Granta Pass. Oregon 79 moved, packed, fjflpped and stored I AMT 5-YEAR OLD BLACK PONY for Office phone 124-Y. aale at Peter Gravlln’s barn. Broke IX1ST A 30x3^4 auto tire and rim 76 to ride or drive. between Hayes hill and Kerby. GRANTS PASS-MEDFORD TRUCK. Phone 333-J. 85 Finder will please address P. O. Box 85, Kerby, Ore., and receive V ET ERI N A RY H I I« I El >.N M1CK1E SAYS: suitable reward. 66tf DR. R J. BE8TVL, Veterinarian. e>\O.D V UbPTA VAUiiM 1X1ST -Outside shell of silver pen Residence 83 8 Washington boule /AT tía ' ONRTA’SOMA.blE POOtt, cil, on Sixth street. Finder please vard, phone 398-R. FVSVA VIMM <5ITê KAM» AU CCWXS J leave at Courier office for Wilda as' «TOP« VMS PAPER. AMb I DENTISTS Huggerth. 76 TVG» casf« A KARkVJ VOOK AU-) R. C. MACY, D. M. I). Flrat-class 'RCkJMD TU’ OFF'S AT TU' «S.ST z \OF- US,'S KAUCU AQ TO SAM, / dentistry. 109H S. 6th St ESTRAY There came to my plare \ '"blO'OU September 12 a young roan Dur- ham bull, Owner can get animal L. o. C lement , . m . I). Practice by paying charges. M. Sine. 4 limited to diseases of eye. ear. nose miles west on lower river road. 78 and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours 9-12, 2-5. or on appointment. REWARD Phones, office 62; residence 359-J I It) REWARD and no questions ask ed for return of fiber sample case H. LOIGHRIDGE. .M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country call- and contents lost from automobile attended day or night. Phones. August 36. Address No. 2079 care Res 3«»; Office. 182; Bib and H. Courier. 76 J BILUCK. .M. D Physician TAX. and surgeon, office Schallhorn SOONER TAXI- Phone 262 11 for' block, phone 54-j; residence. 1004 Igtwnridge, phone 64-L. Jitney Ln-ke or Cutler Call» « »■« red snvwhere ••nvtlme V F. RUTHHR FORD Manna1 ‘he- rapitile». It gets your artment. TAXI Phone-2. .1 Tom Ofrico over Barnes’ Jewelry store our Office hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4 REAL ESTATE RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- e T M c K instry , « oü g st., phone alelan a nJ surgeon, X-ray eqnip- 13-R; general real estate business ment, dental X-ray. Offlce, Ms- Best of »oll» for fruit, hay or gen »onlc Temple Bldg Phones Of- eri. I farming dee 21-J. residence 21-L. Prisoner Taken North— Sheriff George I^ewis left last night for Salem, taking with him Robert Jones, who has been sentenced to serve a year in the penitentiary, As the others who were held in the county Jail have been released. the Jail is now completely empty. Grants Pass-Medford Interurban Autocar Co. Effective Aug. 5, 1920 LEAVE GRANTS PASS 7:OO..a.-ni. 10:30 a...m 1:00 p. m 4:30 a. tn. Competent Mechanics and Prompt Service LEAVE MKDFORD 7.OO.a.m. 0:00 a- ni. 1:00 p- m- 4:30 p. m. Sort Ice car answer» nil call» Day plionv II3-J—Night 2SS-R Effective Nov. 24, 1919. Wednes- P.M. lamve Grants Pass P.M. Arrive Waters Creek —2 I.eave Waters Creek......... 2:30 P.M P.M Arrive Grants Pass............ 4 For Information regarding freight and pnssenger rates call at the office of the' company, l.undburg hulldln" or telephone 131. BONBONNIERE Phone 160 ADAMS ELECTRIC and BATTERY SHOP Exlde Service Station, 506 South Sixth Street Weitling .of all kind» TIME CARD Grants Pass Waiting Room The queer acting battery ia the one we like to see for we quickly correct the trouble nt its source at the minimum ea- pense and send you wn your way an advertisement for THIS STATION. Skilled service aud modest charges make this the INM*!- LAR BATTERY STATION. Ament’s Auto Repair and Machine Shop The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company Daily and Sunday AUTO TOPS Replace the shabby top with a light, emiy-to-handle weather proof one now. Smart looking, scrvicenblo tops— perfect fitting and improving the car’s looks—a wide cho'ce in ma terials and colors. OUR PRICES LOWE8T G. B. BERRY