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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1920)
Tin RMDAY. HMTKMHKH I«. ioao GRANT* >*AMi DAILY <XH 1UKK PAGE TWO Warners’ / A E. Voorhle». Pub Married in |N««laa4— MI m Lucy latrnon. formerly of, Granta I'ua». and Pat McFadden, ol! Murphy, were married in Portlaud 1 on Saturday, September II, They will make their home at Murphy. and Propr. itered at poetofftoe. Grwnta Paa«. On., aa second claaa mail matter. Brassieres ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch.................... $0c Vocal-perwon vl column, per line ...10c Benders, per line.------------—— DUULT COURIER By mail or carrier, par year...... >6 00 By mall or carrier, par moath . .50 til it II. IXH’l RATION OS MOVE TOWARD THE <Th Are Better Tacoma. Wash.. Sept. 16 A move ment from rural districts to cltle» la ' shown in population statistics for Washington Though tbe »(ate mad.* a gain of $14.326 since 1910, there ' was a falling off In rural communi* i ties. Thirteen farming countie» In the state lost population in the ten year period, and no purely agricultural county made any considerable gain Th« state increas«* Is due to the growth of cities of 25.000 ix.pula- tlon anil upward, th« figures disclose i! MEMBER OF u SJOCI ated press Th» Aaaociated Pman i» axcluaivaly •«titled to the u»» tor republication o< all new» dispatchee credited to it •r all otherwise credited tn thl» paper and also the local news pub- ttshed herein. All rights of republication of »pe nial dispatchee hereia are alto re trade from Ranier National nerved park anything else. 1» an official body Daily Courier Bargain Day Sep alone, according to Herbert Cuthbert, specially charged with tbe pre« THl KSDAY. SEFTKMBIOK 1«, 19Ä). tomber 18. executive secretary of the Pacifii ervation. development and promo-1 ♦ ♦ ♦ Northwest Tourist association, says tion of our scenic wealth. ♦ FIFTY-NINTH ANNI AL OREGON WEATHER the Portland Telegram. Why not a wide-awake state tour- ♦ ORKGON «TATE Fìlli ♦ More than 60.000 people will visit ist association with a live wire ♦ I Weather for the Week ♦ he de- utive secretary? Salem. September 27 Io October Pacific Coast Slates: Fre ♦ I the park from far and near, ♦ w 2. splendid agricultural, livestock, ♦ quent showers over northern ♦ Clares, and he estimates the average and Industrial exhibits, a superb ♦ portion and fair over southern ♦ expenditure of each at $50. rORTia.XD M UlKETN horse show, excellent races, high ♦ portion of district. Normal tern- ♦ The park covers an area of 92,000 ♦ class amusements, greater and bet ♦ peratures. Portland, áept. 16. Hogs ♦ acres, and he points out that the re ter than ever before ♦ higher. 19.25 to $19 75. Eggs ♦ turn on the whole area will be $14 firm. Butter is firm A H. LEA, ♦ Tonight and Friday. fair. 8 Secretary. Salem ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ an acre, and on the a cessible area NEU IVIMI $312 per acre. \OT!< i: Ol BONI! SILI. From all its scenic resources Ore INSURANCE Fire. automobile, It is always difficult to arouse gon this season will reap only ap accident and health T. M S Notice is hereby given that soal- much interest in a controversy if 308 North Sixth St. proximately $1,500,000, less than ed bUls will be received by the under- there is nothing to ontrovert. That half the amount derived by Wash signed Secretary of the Grants Pass COAL—Order now for future de is the reason the democrats are: ington from a single tourist resort. Irrigation District at the office of livery. No coal carried in stock, said District In Grants Pass. Oregon, claiming that there is no interest in Why? Get wood In now while weather is until the hour of 8:30 o'clock a in the present campaign. They can not good. Williams Wood Yard. Phone the 27th day of September. 1820. and Because Washington has (level- raise a discussion from the fact that j oped and capitalized its scenic 137. Tit' immediately thereafter publicly open the people are thinking pretty much wealth while Oregon has negle ted BOYS BICYCLE good as new except ed by the Board of Directors of said one way politically, and all the old its matchless scenic resources. for tires. 12* takes it. Phone 1-J. District, for an Issue of bonds of said District In the sum of $400.000, same time arguments of the democrats Rainier National park, for exam WE ARE in receipt of a splendid as b .ng In denominations of $1,000 have been exploded long ago. The ple. has been provided with a good sortment of woolen samples from ach, n inhered 291 to 69" Inclusive, public wants a change in the national highway and equipped with flrst- the east, and men and young men . n d ni ut uring serially y in annual administration, and it is past the class hotel and tourist accommoda- may get a I snappy fall suit, pro- aoua:is so as to be . approximately perl»- and indlvldually tailored point where argument will do any tions. r ii. i al and ini tercfll, on the add fitted. Price moderate. We st dai - of July in . id h of the years good Cox and his cohorts sought to Although Oregon for more than a Know How. Telephone 72. Gust ? 3 0 t > 1939 both In (elusive, sail raise a dust and blind the vision of decade has agitated the development Coorin. 108 H South Sixth St. >ond» iio bear interest i at th.* rate of the people by their “slush fund" cry. of its scenic wonders, it has made Few steps up. 1 » •<*r < ■nt ;>< t annum. payable semi* but that was not even a good flash little actual progress. nn ia’.:ly on tbe first days of Jan- PARTIES LOOKING for a good in the pan The voters will be out ary ri nl July. pr!iicii>:i il and interest From time to time the Chamber home close In at reduced price ay ».1 at th.* Fiscal . Agency ’ of the on election day. and already they of Commerce and other civic organ had better call at 408 C street be tite o f Oregon in New r York City. know how they will vote. That is izations in the city have aroused fore October 1st. 75tf Each bid tn st be a eompanled hy the real solution of the "lack of in themselves sufficiently to partici PROMINENT POSITION offered in a certified check for at least 5 per terest" problem. city fire department, phone 125-R. ent of the par value of the bonds pate in the agitation, and then lapsed A. K. Ca»«, fire chief 76 bi.: f«r .; I n. l-t be unconditional. back into alien e and sleep. — A.--------- — - ■ , The approving legal opinion of TOURISTS AND OREGON What seems to have been needed DISHWASHER WANTED- M the Mess-a. Teal, Mino- A- Wlnfree will Josephine hotel. 76tf Washington this season will har- more than anything else, and what be furnished the successful bidder. vest more than $3.000,o00 in tourist now seems to be needed more than FOR SALE CHEAP 3 work horMps The board reserves the right to re Call at 416 Rogue River Ave. 7s ject any or all bids. WILHIRD ALLEN. HIGH SCHOOL BOY want.s to work Secretary. for board while attending school (SEAL) First publication August 26, an. Phone 156-J or call at 406 North last publication September 1920 Third street. < « w I I Can You Beat This? UHI GRAY TI llhM a*wt 30x31» RED TUItEW S.M .40x31» GUAY TUIIKH 3.ita I 32x4 RED TI BKH 4.00 I i » i i r AGENT« COLUNS AUTO COMPANY sear- tear wag > t EDUCATION PAYS e In 150,000 to A Person with No Edu atlon ha« but <>nn Render Distinguished Service to the Public 4 Chance» With Common School Education 87 Chance« With High School Education 800 Chanco» With College Education .................. ARE YOl GIVING vol II < 8811.1» Ills < HANI E? Tlumr State» \r< Wealthiest Timi Have lnn»(.-.l MOM in Iklu.ntlon Oregon Agriculture! College ’hrough a Lit -ral and Practical Education" prepare» the Young Man and You- W man for 1'suful Cltiztuhlp and Successful Ca reer« In Igr! cullur* — tn ginerring — Mining — Home Economics I oinnierce — P> arinary — For mtrjr — Vocational I .lu.ntion The Train!: .’ I . «lee PHYSICAL EDUCATION, M1SIC, ENG LISH. MOI I. IN ’.WGt'AGE. ART snd the Other Essentials of a Standard College Cour»e. Fall Term <I| hii ** s< i>temberSO. IW-to. Tuition 1» Fre«*. FEED YOUR CHICKENS CIVIL ENGINEER Danle! M.-I’.ir- land. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Res. 747 North Tenth St. Phone 111-T. 101 OREGON• la maintain«*«! by the state in order that tbe young peo* IX>ST Two heifer*., one past 2 years old, other 1k months, one roan other red and white, marked with crop and 2 slits in right ear. un der bit In left ear. Finder please notify .Mrs. W. H. Pollock, Rd. 1. pie of Oregon may receive, without coat, the bendila ul a liberal education. The University include* the CoJIefe of Lite Mature. Science and the Arts, the Graduate School, the School of Phya-‘ ical Education, and the profeaaional' School« of Law. Medicine let Portland), Architecture, Commerce, Journalism, Education and Music. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ J. K. Olson and family left night for .Myrtle Point. Coos county, in order to remove their household goods to Granta Pass, wjiere they will reside. They have purchased the Klocker property on East street. C. O. Mack, local manager of the Oregon Growers association, left this afternoon for Los Angeles, where he was called by the serious illness of Mrs. Mack's mother. Mrs. Mack Is already at Los Angeles, Mr. Mack will be gone indefinitely. By far the most beautiful line of fancy ribbons we have ever shown now on display. This lot con sists of 75 pieces, light and dark, plaids- stripe and floral patterns suitable for camisoles, bags, hair bows, etc. Specially priced at 88c, 75c and 83c per yard Golden Rule Store Daily Courier Bargain tomber 18. and every attention given the health and welfare of the students. With a heightaned eonf idence gained hy the reeent »ijtreiainn of public mtipporf. the I'niveraify ia now eaterin» upon an era of large development and extended naafnlneaa. For a catalogue or for any information, address! 1 HE REGISTRAR Univpraily of Orefon Eti|»nr, Oreáoii Day Sep- C^CHESTERSPn.^ 9 ! I MAXWELL—FINE 8HAPH FORD TOURING tORD ROADbTBB 7 PASSENGER BU1CV Wiring' ‘ ELM Title SUPPLIES AND APPLIANCES AT A J11 4 JOSEPIIINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Corner Third and O Street Phone 123 Hifh standards of scholarship are made possible by an able faculty, veil equipped laboratories and a library of nearly 100.000 volumes. Supervised athletics are encouraged Bargain Day September 1«. Second-Hmd Bargains with high grade poultry feed and watch them thrive. Better stock, more and better eggs, larger, finer and healthier ' chicks. This mean« more money In your pot k«t and a larger and stronger brood in your hen yard Try our poul- try feed for quick result* UNIVERSITY- » *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»e ♦ e * e New Fancy Ribbon FOR. HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS FOR SALIT—Iron bed and springs. $6.00. 747 North Tenth St. 77 Hall in th« Chicago Daily New« »3 1 a 3OGI RED TI DEH FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO THE REGISTI! I It. Oregon Agricultural Colh-ge, Corvallis. Ore. CASH SALE—Maple chiffonier, dress form, child's high chair, bedstead, springs, mattress, pillows, oil painting by Parrott, and many oth er things Saturday, Sept IS. from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. Mrs. \V. Hale. I I I I < hl-chen-ts-r • IrtRiRond Rrnnd//X\ 1*111« I !.. d «sol» DI''tklllf i. venir! wlth m<ie Fiiboti. \/ 'f .• « no . thr- f!»v «f >onr v Mi uggfM. > «r« M!-< liHA-TFRE t> l’HAWl» l'IlJAS.rEl / 4*11 aixl see in , n t ki.tjwn a» -fc-.t. Always Rftllabt« :,iûüY DUGu:SI3LVLRYWHtltf Timmons &. Higgins < Ptione m H hii <! N«*e u» Ill South Sixth st. U.-nta for th.: ( levoMad National Fir« Insurnnre < Paul’s Electric Store C. L. Hobart Co. PHONE <7 T 203 SOUTH. SIXTH ST- I Advertising Pays-Advertise with the Courier