Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1920) ot Ore. Library TT— VOI«. X., N». íUKi. (.KANTH I’AHH, JOHKPHINE OOCMH, ORHOON.THI RMiAY, «KPTBMBKH 1®, IMO- AnU-CMtl.M.ii Iz'sqfu.' Officials Give Out Part ial 1.1st of Aspirants <>a W1..... 1 Ite* Will War Washington, Sept. 16. AntlSu loon lautaiie offh lals mude public a IMtrtlal Hat of candidatos In congress agalnst whom they wlll flxht becaua« uf the candldatea’ posltion on prohi bí tlon WHOLE NUMBER »07« Life Boat Washed Ashore—R<nul- liulned—ltri<lgoH Washod Or Blown Away In Big Storm Offices of J. P. Morgan and Company are Destroyed in Disaster; Bomb Plot Being Investigated; Infantry men Placed Over U. S. Property Portland, Sept. 16.—A life boat was washed a»uore ax Neah-kah-nie HART NOW LEADING HARTLEY FO» NOMINATION IN WASH by a gale which swept the Oregon' INGTON coast the last three days and which ! was declared to have been the most sever ever experienced there, it was reported by persona arriving here.! There is nothing to indicate where the life boat came from. Roads have been ruined, bridges washed out or blown away and a long section of iuuxs for IJeut<-nant-Gov«rnor I» l-ed b> Coyle ui 1ÖOX l*r«.xincte of beach near Manzanita was washed the State __ out by the heavy seaa. New York. Sept. 16.—A myster- leave it. They advanced tha theory i lous explosion occurred at noon to- I that the bomb, If it was a bomb, had I day In Wall street, killing more than been timed. This version differed Tlirw Thousand Itedo, 20 t nnm>ii i a score of persona and Injuring hun- from another that two passengers and Five Airplane" l ull to the I dreds. While the police toiled seek and a chauffeur were blown up when l’ole Forceo ing dead and injured, trained inves one man alighted from the car and tigators tried vainly to determine accidentally or purposely dropped | whether the explosion occurred from what appeared to be a bomb. Never In the history of lower Man-| Warsaw. Sept. 16. Polish opera a bomb dropped in front of the J. I’ Southampton, Eng., Sept. 16.— Morgan and Company office, or hatton was such excitement wit Seattle, Sept. 16.—With 355 pre tlona against Sot let forces In the cincts in the state to report, Gover upper roaclxw of th« Hug river were When Mr Nicholson, the designer of whether an automobile dashing into nessed. New York forgot all Its bus completely succeaaful and the soviet I Shamrock IV., arrived In England, a wagon loaded with explosives. iness in attending to the injured. nor Hart had a lead of 7,242 over Roland H. Hartley for the republi armies concentrated for attack In the he placed the superior seamanship I caused the disaster. Frank Fran Shattered glass and broken remains direction of I aim berg have been de of the Resolutes’ captain and crew cis o. investigator for the depart of men and horses littered the can nomination for governor. Coyle had an 8,567 lead over French tn feated. The Poles captured 8000 among the reasons for the challen ment of justice declared that It was streets. Among the bodies were prisoners, 26 cannon and five air ger’s failure to lift the America's! his opinion that not a bomb but a those of three girls terribly mangled. 1668 precincts for the lieutenant- Lisbon, Sept. 16.—Portugal is suf governor republican nomination. planes, It was officially announced. I Cup. collision was responsible. The Du A police cordon was thrown around Members of the Sharmock’s crew pont Powder compaty reported they the entire district. The federal sub fering from a shortage of coal and who have returned to England, re had no wagons In the vicinity. Two treasury was placed under heavy provisions which have resulted in sent the slur which they consider Mr hundred Infantry men are to patrol guard. Seventeen victims were tak looting of food stores in some parts Nicholson has thrown upon their ef the financial district with fixed bay en out of the side door of the Mor- of the country and in the reappear ficiency as yachtsmen and declare! onets day and night and allow no one gon office At 12:35 o’clock United ance of the formerly familiar long that the .'Shamrock's faulty handling to approach government property •States regulars arrived at 12:50 lines of women standing outside of was largely duo to the Interference The damage to the .Morgan building o’clock for guard duty. Members of bakeries waiting for bread. The sit of Mr. Nicholson. la estimated at 1500.000 and to hun the bomb squad reported they had uation has been complicated by an Arthur Diaper, one of the crew, I dreds of. others an equal amount or found fragments of an infernal ma announcement of the minister of the New York, Sept. 16.—Shortage of chine. ' V interior published in the Seculo that James Wallace, a workman on said In an interview with the A mo - I more. labor in the agricultural states la the government has become aware the Southern Pacific, was severely elated Press correspondent It was a resulting in a reduction of acreage New York, Sept. 16. — An unofficial of a bolshevist plot to provoke dis Injured this morning when he was case of too many cooks and he point- ! which threatens America’s food sup estimate of the dead in the explosion turbances all over Portugal, so as to New York. SeiH. 16. A terrific struck by a -witch engine He was ed to the fact that on the only oc ply according to the findings of Per taken at once to the hospital where casion Captain Burton was free from explosion which rocked all lower is placed at 30, and the injured at lead up to a general movement later. ley F. Walker, dean of the Kansas 200. No prominent financiers were minister made it known that the The Manhattan occurred at noon today interruption and advice the Sham ho was given medical treatment, but university engineering school, made Dlupor said all of the outside the offices of J. I’. Morgan among the dead. The stock erchange government had taken precautions his condition Is very critical, lie rock won public today at national headquar will reopen tomorrow. frustrate those plans. to A Company, of Wall street. Several rew felt convinced that had a pro had not shown any Improvement this ters of the American Society of Na_ fessional skipper been In full com persons were killed and many others afternoon There have been severe conflicts New York. Sept. 16.—Chief Police at Santarem. Setubal and in other tional Engineers. The dean is head Mr. Wallace was employed In the mand Shamrock would have won the were injured. Junius Spencer Mor of a research committee of the mid yards and was picking up scraps of first three races, He claimed that gan, son of J. P. .Morgan, was badly Inspector L. A. Hey reported late this parts of the country where stores continent section of that society. afternoon that he had found evi-l have been looted and emptied of paper that had been thrown from a she could point as close Into the cut by flying glass. Dean Walker found population at The Morgan building appeared a dence to Justify the conclusion that their contents. The military author- train, A freight train was passing wind as the Resolute but the latter a standstill or declining in agricul the explosion was caused by a huge ities assumed control in Santarem tural sections, pointing out that 16 and was making so much noise that was su|>erior in reaching. shamble and part of the front of the bomb loaded with trinitrotoloul, re lie declare that Shamrock he <1Id not hear the switch engine subtreasury building across the inforced with Iron slugs fashioned ond order was restored but subse ! of the 105 counties in Kansas pre approaching from behind, lie was very awkward to handle, and street was torn away. All windows from window weight bars. Warnings quently fish riots occurred, the San vented that state from decreasing tn tarem fish market was attacked by a knocked from the track and suffered anvas was about three times as In the financial district were smash that radicals planned a renewal of mob which seized the fish and dlvid-. i population in a decade, the increases a dislocated hip, a dlslo aled spine, heavy as that of the Resolute. The ed The stock exchange was closed bombing outrages were sent recent ed it among themselves. Dry cod for all being in industrial sections. "The three broken ribs on his loft side, hilllards were arranged In such a two minutes after the explosion. same thing holds good in Iowa and ly to all the eastern clients of Wm. three scalp wounds and minor In- manner that the work of the men The ocaupants of the sky scraper J. Burns Detective Agency. Burns merly was the chief and favorite food doubtless in other states for the of the people but is now so expen-, same period,” the dean reported. Juries was made extremely difficult. What looking down Wall street said they said today. Burns said he was con sive that only the well-to-do can af-! Many farmers cannot pay their could be done by ten men on the 23- saw- an automobile draw up In front vinced the explosion was a premedi ford it. One shopkeeper appeased meler Shamrock required 30 to do on of the Morgan offices and two men Grand Mna>t«*r \ lette— 1919 debts because the railroads are tated attack and not accidental. the mob by distributing his supply! unable to move their wheat harvest, Shamrock IV. On one occasion In Dr. W. II Johnson, grand master ¡ of cod fish and thus was allowed to and they are paring down produc of the I O. O F for the state of ¡ setting the mainsail they had 36| GREAT FIRE RAGING IN DESCHANNEL RESIGNS AS Oregon, was a guest last night at the iuen 011 the halliards and could not f PLATTE ICIVER DISTRHT HEAR OF FRENCH NATION retain his other wares. tion, he said. meeting of the local Odd Fellows. Dr. move the sail. The seriousness of the shortage of ( As a remedy. Dean Walker sug laramie. Wyo., Sept. 16.—A great Johnson gave a most Interesting talk "In fact." said I>ia;>er. "I have Rambouillet. France. Sept. 16.— I food and fuel has been emphasized , gested a study by engineers of the to the lodge members, a large attend- never before seen such heavy can- fire Is believed raging near the Colo- Paul Deschannel resigned today as by a statement of Premier Granjo economics of transportation and pro made in parliament in which he said duction with a view to systematizing ance l>elng present. Dr. Johnson 1» vss on a racing yacht." And then, I rado and Wyoming line in the Platte president of France. that there was a lack not only of coal a national fitting of enterprises to a resident of Portland on the return of the yacht to City , river district. Rangers are rushing and provisions but of ell other ar- j localities. This, he thought, would Island, after the races, they found a to fight the fire. tides indispensable for living. Since work out better distribution of pop complete set of light racing canvas W. C. T. T. Friday— Willette .Murray will return •Mrs. M ID. Drake. of New York. ! for Shamrock IV. stored In Jacob's The Women’s Christian Temper there was ony 10,000 tons of sugar ulation where needed and would Corvallis this evenlug to take up and .Miss C. S. McNab, of San Fran- ance Union will meet in their rooms to supply the country, the govern prevent continued inability of the , yard. studies at the O. A. C. cisco, were in the city last night at the courthouse tomorrow after- ment was going to prohibit its sale transportation systems to meet the "Another fault," continued Mr. IMaper, "is the constant changing of while on a tour of the coast, They noon at 2:30. All members are re in restaurants and pastry shops so demands upon them. gear which was in progress through have been traveling by car all sum quested to be present. Visitors are that the hospitals of Portugal might j out the period of the races. The top mer and were here several months cordially invited, By order of the not run short. president. Mrs. A. B. Pratt. mast was changed no less than seven : times in the course of three weeks Hand Ormceirt Tomorrow— ' and eventually they finished with the original one." BIG AUTO RACES ON PIKE’S PEAK A band concert will be given to morrow night at Riverside park by San Franc isco. Sept. 16.- Trans the Grants Pass band. The concert continental wireless communication was not given l«*t Friday because Trial Jurors for the Medford term la in effective operation, with stations of the Inclement weather, and an of the United States district court at San Diego and Washington work extra good program is promised for were selected Tuesday before Fed ing throughout the day and night on | tomorrow. A number of solo pieces eral Judge Charles Wolverton at will be given navy department business. It was an Portland. The following jurors are nounced here today by Commander j to appear Tuesday, October 5, at 10 Charles R. Clark, Pacific Coast! a. m., st the federal building in Med Communication superintendent of arty Is Given— ford: The state central committee tho naval communication service. A party was given last night at Albert Anderson, Grants Pass; A. taking a deep interest In the meet This service. just put Into effect, the home of Albert Williams by Mr. A. Bellman. Klamath Falls; A. S. ing to bo held here next Monday, takes care of a large volume of bus- and Mrs. Williams for their son. Ar Bennett, Malin; W. T. Bostwick, Ash and wired today stating that Mrs. IntMM which the navy department chie Williams, who is visiting here! land; Samuel L. Breck, Leland; J. F. Davenport, one of the beat women hitherto sent on telegraph lines, and with his bride About 20 youngi Brown, Eagle Point; F. F. Bybee, campaigners of the west, would be for which It paid tolls to transmitting berp to participate in the event. Mrs. people were present and the even- Medford; J. L. Calvert, Grants Pass; ing was spent In games other James Campbell, Medford: C. F. com pantos. Davenport will arrive In the city Development of navy radio com Monday morning, and will be ii|x>n amusements. Mr. and Wil- Cardwell, Grants Pass; L. W. Carson, munication along the Pacific coast the program at the Riverside park Hams arrived recently Murphy: W. C. Chapman, Central and across tho Pacific will take Im meeting Monday evening when she Clemens. Mich., Point; W. P. Counts, Grants Pass; portant strides before the first of George W. A. P. Cramer. Granta will address the people, Congress- the year, when many Improvements Pass: George W. Deane. Three Pines; man McArthur to be the other speak- now being Installed will have been Accountant. is Hero— , T. Y Dean. Grants Pass; H. E. Gale, er. It is probable that Mrs, Daven- completed. B. W. Wilson, of Corvallis, state Merlin; J. A. Garner. Grants Pass; port wlll assist In the organization An Important Improvement was accountant sent out to check up on George C. Garrett, Gold Hill: D. R. of a woman’s club while here. recently effected In tho Trans-Paclflc county books, is In the city looking Hill, Medford: J. E. Hodgdon, Hob navy radio circuit to Manila, when over the Josephine county records. " land: ' William “ . Hoteling. Grants — Pass, work was completed on a distant College», to Open Mr. Wilson haa made the trip here Zeb Hyde. Murphy; E. H Janney, The young people of the city control station at Guam, which doub on a number of occasions and always Medford; John Kelly, Wolf Creek; J. led tho capacity of tho Guam navy beginning to leave now with lookings forward to it with pleasure. M. Kerby, Talent; Frank B. Kester, radio station, a relay point between oi>enlng of college a short time He will get a few trout and pos Olene; J. F. Klrker, Grants Pass; J. away. O A. C. will open next Mon This photograph shows the top of Tike's Teak, America s most fatuous sibly some steelheads while here this H. lacy. Talent: Roy Lathrop Granta Honolulu and Manila. Increased power equipment and day and the University will open a and most widely known mountain, and the zigzag course of the automobile time. When he stepped off the train I Pass; J. P. Martin, Grants Pass; other Improvements In tho stations week later. Mont nt the college stu- highway to the summit, whose curves and grades will test the quality of the Into the "Rogue sunshine, he remark Gcorce W MsCullum Wlldorville: F. cars contesting In the world's championship automobile hill-climb nt Colorado at Guam and In Manlin wlll Increu. ■ dents have been nt their homes here Springs. Colo., on September (>. These races are the most spectacular and ed to a fellow passenger from Port R. Nell. Eagle Point: John S. Orth, tho efficiency of communication be during the vacation. Both* of the during contests staged In this country. land that he should stay here a few Medford: J. W. Turvey, Williams; E. days. "I would like to,” replied the R. Tycer. Holland; Thomas T. Tycer, tween San Frnnslsco and Manila be Oregon schools have lnrge represen tations from this city. other, ‘¿but I have to go to Medford." Eagle Point; G. H. Yeo, Ashland. fore the first of the year. BAO EFFECT ON CROPS