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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1920)
Z r ♦ ' ^Ojo Courier 4 i h * TT" VOL. X., No. ¡lol. GRANTS I*AHN, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, HEI*T. Iff, INF WHOliî MMBEK »O7Ä. ■ Aï G.Ö.P. PICNIC iinliTnof of < onnruthut Withhold» the < V'rtifIcatlon of the huffrege lUitlf battoli LAPS FROM O.S. OF ILL HEALTH WiMlungtim Primary Returns Show Hart Following Closely—Demó crata Poll Small Vote — I’HII'I.K OF JOSEPHINE INVITED Hartford, Conn., Sept. 15. Gover RESOLUTION I NANIMOUSLY AC PRESIDENT OF FRANCE FORCEDI Seattle, Sept. 15.—Returns from) HARDING ADDRESSES MESSAGE nor llobotnb I» withholding the cer TO HEAR (»NGRENN.MAN AT 1140 precincts out of 2366 for the CEPTED FAVORS ACTION TO RESIGN OFFICE AS HEAD TO WOMEN'S CLUBS OF THE tification of the suffrage ratification, republican nomination for governor’ RIVERSIDE PARK AGAINST IMMIGRATION OF REPUBLIC COUNTRY declaring that the ratification gives Hartley 42,372; Hart 36,354;) cannot be effected legally until the Lamping 20,004; Gellatley 11,066;) special seealon next Tuesday to con Coman 12,116; Stringer 2666 and^ sider suffrage Meantime Miss Cath MacEacheren 1616. For the demo.) arine Flanagan has obtained a certi cratlc nomination for governor: | fied copy of the ratification résolu, Black, 2097; Mathes, 1923; Judd. | tlon and has started to Washington 1394; O'Hara, 783. For the repub-: In C um , of It.Un Iffnlr Will lb- ll*-l«l to file lt with the secretary of state. 4l>ro«ation of Agreement ami Law Premicr and For«-lgn Minister Re- lican nomination for senator Wes- ( Friday Senator W ill Deliver Talk to Imloors—N|Mwkcr line Mud«' for Eligibility to <'itizenaliip ported Favorably for Posidon. Ohio Indexation on Conetitu- ley lx Jones had • lead of more than ; tèssi Record Wanted School Atiendan« <• larger— May Accept ' Mfer tionol Government 25,000. French is leading for the" Thu attendance at the public republican nomination for lieutenant1 schools of the city this year Is much I governor. Congressman McArthur, of Port larger than at the sanio time last Washington, Sept. 15. -Exclusion Paris, Sept. 15.—«President Des Marion, Sept. 15.—In a message land, will open the political ea ui- year On the opening of school this of all Japanese Immigrants is urged chanel undoubtedly will be obliged to Many At Reunion— addressed to republican women’s or. palgu In Southern Oregon when ho year 849 pupils registered as against In a resolution adopted unanimous- resign because of 111 health. A large number of members of the ganizatlons of America and Women's The addresses the people of Josephine 698 for the year previous, making Iy by Veterana of Foreign Wars In question of the presidency will be W R. C. and G. A. R. went to Gold ' Harding and Coolidge clubs, Senator at a meeting to be held next Mon an Increase of 151 over the opening encampment here, Abrogation of taken up by the cabinet Friday ac-1 Hill this morning to be present at I Harding set forth his views on wom day evening. The address will be «lay last year. The high school has the gentlemen's agreement with cording to a semi-official commun the reunion of Civil war veterans. en in politics and why they should delivered at the Riverside park If an attendant«« of 231, an increato of Japan and an amendment to the fed ique which opens today. Grants Pass will align themselves with the republican the weather remains good, otherwise 51 The junior high has 147, or an eral constitution so as to make chil have a very large delegation at the party. 1t will be In the opera house. The Increase of 27. Th<> east school has dren born In this country eligible for Paris, Sept. 15.—Alexandre Miller- ( annual affair. Those going up this j committee that Is arranging for the an enrollment of 223. showing an In citizenship only If both parents Are and. premier and foreign minister. Is morning were: Mrs. E. A. Wade, Minto,) Marion, Sept. 15.—Harding today meeting announce« that the mem crease of 33, Riverside has 225, or eligible Is also favored. The resolu started the preparation of his next prominently mentioned as the next Mrs. Elsie Turner, Mrs. Lx bers of the county central commit an Increase of 4 0. As these are the tion was introduced by Commander Mrs. D. L. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. V. front porch speech which will be de French president should President tee of the republican party, ths figures for the first day, It Is prob J. W. Jones, of Portland, Oregon. Deschanel resign because of ill Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Myers, livered Friday to an Ohio delegation. nominees on the county ticket, and able that a much larger gain will be health. Some of MiUerand’s friends Judge Janies Holman. J. W. Heston. It is designated as "ConstitutiOB all Interested citizens, are Invited tn shown later The percent of gain declare he will refuse to become a Mrs. F. S. Dukes. Mrs. L. W Hood, Day” and the theme is expected to a bushel dinner to be served In the this year is nearly 22. This may IN will in I'arsm Family— A. deal with constitutional government. candidate, but he may accept it if it Mrs. George Kfphart. Mrs. M lx W. Carson, of RdlHands vine park Monday evening at 5 30 o'clock also Indicate a much larger popula- Wertz. Mrs. J. D. Stinebaugh and is offered unanimously. yard this morning received a wire at which Congressman McArthur will tlon In the city and county. Mrs. J. S. Pool. A party composed SCHUYLER LEADING RACE from his sister, Mrs. 8. E. Hamlett, bo u guest Following the dinm-r of Mrs Louisa Dixon. Mrs. Crockett, FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION stating that her husband died sud Return From Hunt— there will be a concert by the band, Mrs. Perkey. Mrs. Rowley and Mrs denly this morning in South Boston. after which the congressman will de Be-whiskered but happy, the hunt, | Huntley left later by auto. Denver, Sept. 15.—Karl C. Schuy Va., hospital No particulars were Ing party composed of Carrol Cor- i liver an adrress This program will ler, a Denver oil man. Is leading for given. Mr. Hamlett had been for hold unless there should be rain, nell, of this city, Seth Blake, Wayne the republican nomination for gov some weeks giving personal atten- Kain and Jimmie Dannenman. of when the meeting will bo transfer- ernor. tlon to his plantation near South Portland, returned the first of the red Indoors Boston. week from the head of the Chetco,; Congressman McArthur has made BABE RUTH GETS TWO HOME an enviable record In the nation's where they secured the limit of big Washington, Sept. 15.- Ono of the Itl XS IN' GAME WITH YAN'KS capital, anil Is recognized as one of bucks, The party brought back FORTLANI» M MUiETS most Interesting exhibits of the plenty of jerky to last during the the leaders In the lower branch of thousands In the world war collec Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 15.—Babe and enough stories to last a congri sn He Is an able talker, thor Partland. Sept. 15.—Prime mixed winter Constantinople, Sept. 15.—Blind Ruth knocked out two home runs in tion now l>elnc gathered at the na oughly conversunt with the polltl al year, The three from Portland left tional museum Is the “Order of Bat hogs *19 to *19.25. ness is no less prevalent in the Le- j a game between the local American tjils morning for the north by auto. ■Itualloti. and will give some facts tle” map used by General Pershing vant than it was in bibical days. Tra association team and the Yankees. most enlightening regarding the con In directing the movements of the choma is responsible for most of the troversies of the day, nnd regardless American forces In France. The wall sightless men. women and children Fishing Reported Good— of party, every rltlzen nhouhl map, 8 by 10 feet In size. togeth«T who wander through the streets of Claud Bardon, who gets fish if him with the walls, floor and furniture Cairo, Jerusalem. Damascus, Smyrna« they are biting at all. has been bring of the room In whlrh it hung at and Constantinople. Throughout Ar ing in limit catches of small trout C. A. Wlnotrout returned this American headquarters at Chaumont, menia. Anatolia and Syria trachoma the last tew days. He has been morning from a business trip In wag transferred to the museum by has been the malady which has given showing a basket full of trout from Portland. the war department at the request the American committee for relief in eight to 12 inches long. He saya John Hampshire has returned of the general. the Near East more trouble than all I that he caught them all on a small Washington. Sept. 15.—The Anti-’ others combined. It is especially fly. The big fellows appear indiffer Washington, Sept. 15.—President from Portland where he spent sev The map was brought to Wash Saloon league in conference today | eral days on business. ington and Installed in the museum { Wilson and Premiers Lloyd George 1 bad among children. It rages in the ent to the lures of the fishermen and and Millerand have been asked by appointed a committee to draft a orphanges where little Armenians, few are being caught. S L. Shonts, of Wallace, Idaho, is by the sergeant and three enlisted, the Albanian government to take warning to federal judges that un Greeks. Jews and Turks have been in the city for a few days on bus men of the headquarters staff who steps to compel Serbia to withdraw less they "sacredly perform their du- gathered by philanthropic organiza Bicycle Wiu Stolen— kept It corrected and guarded ft1 iness her troops from Albanian territory. ties in enforcing the laws, the league tions which are endeavoring to The bicycle belonging to Don Gra Miss Olive Patterson lett yester ¡throughout the war. At Chaumont will seek their Impeachment.” the map, when not In use, was con nurse war-torn Turkey back to nor ham. of the postofffee force, waa day afternoon for San Francisco, stolen last night. It was found thia mal health. where she will train in the lane hos cealed by a sliding section of wall ENDORSED CANDIDATES WIN which Is Installed In the same man. In an effort to check the ravages ) morning in the alley between Clem pital EASILY IN N. Y. ELECTION CONSPIRACY CHARGED OIL drug store and the Basket gro ner in the museum. of trachoma and save well children ’ ens 1 Mr and Mr». S. Allen, of San Frsn- COMPANY—INDICTMENT OUT from infection, the American com- cery. The maps shows In a vivid fashion . . . I visco, were local visitors yesterday New York, Sept. 15.—Republican mittee for relief In the Near East is the exact situation at the hour the while on an automobile trip through armistice was signed with reference and democratic candidates endorsed Dew York. Sept. 15.—A conspiracy establishing an eye hoepital In Con- . Oregon. to the strength and location of all di by unofficial conventions won de to defraud oil stock investors of ; stantlnople where all the trachoma Mrs. August Goettacbe returned visions. both enemy and allied, on cisively in the primary. A woman *125,000 is charged against the tous children from the various or-' I this morning from Portland where the western front, the correct battle wm nominated by the democrats for Pennsylvania-Kentucky Oil and Gas- ph an ages in the city will be isolated oline Refining Corporation and nine and given the best possible treatment •he has been spending the past few line. the names and location of com secretary of state Individuals in an indictment. months. for the disease. The Turkish gov manding ocleers and location and H. itx Haeffner has returned from headquarters and army boundaries ernment has placed a large hospital the lower Illinois where he i with many cottages at the disposal There also is a considerable amount I of the Americans, rent free and ft I several weeks on buslnees for London, Sept. 15.—«British papers of detailed Information regarding! the «American divisions, as for In-1 will be staffed chiefly by Americans are printing almost daily examples of forestry department. under the direction of Dr. Blanche what they term the waste of public George Topping, of Bandon, was stance the percentages of fresh and| Norton, an American relief doctor funds. A report Just issued by the in tho city today renewing his ac- tired troops and tho length <rf time who has just recovered from tra. committee of public accounts sheds qualntances among local citizens the various units had been In the choma which she contracted while fresh light on the subject. Nearly Mr. Topping, who Is mayor of his Mne or in reserve. treating Greek orphans in Anatolia. *8,500,000 was involved, it appears, The war collection has already as home town. Is making a trip through Honolulu, Sept. 15.—Moral cowar Tacoma. Wash., Sept. 15.—Mining in the government's plan to finance sumed such proportions as to make Oregon with his family. dice is one of the crowning evils of for bullets, with the consent of the (Vvurt Is Adjourned— the Russian General Alexleff just Mr and Mrs. E. J. McCready, of necessary some new arrangement for congress, said Senator Reed Smoot, government, is now under way at The September term of court was before the bolshevikl revolution Yuba City, and Mr and Mrs. Jack! housing It. Many of the exhibits are of Utah, the other day in an address Camp Lewis. A complete jig. as used adjourned last night, the next term brought about his collapse. «Part of now crowded Into the ground floor of R. Young, of Marysville, form a tour-1 before the Rotary club of Honolulu. tn lead mining fields, has been in being held in January. The court) the plan was to set up a Cossack Ing party now on they way home. the new national museum building Senator Smoot is on a business trip stalled. and 1,200 pounds of lead, had a busy session this time, a large State «Bank in Siberia and for that They stopped last night at the Jose while others are in the old building to the (Hawaiian Islands, where the copper and nickel are being " In- number of casee being tried. The purpose *2,500,000 was loaned to a and a few of the artillery pieces are phine. case against Gene Reed was post Russian financier. But the bank was In the open air awaiting the con ■'Mormon' Interests have large hold ed” dally. Melbourne Bailey and M. W. Graff, F. H. Lamley, of Seattle, decided poned until the January term. The never set up and the committee struction of suitable shelter. Wil ings. Arraigning congress for its who have mining Interests in Jose senator that there was an abundance of metal case of Hart vs. Taylor was dis wants to know what became of the liam DeC. Revenel, the director of lack of "backbone,” the phine county, are at tho Josephine back of the camp target ranges, missed. money. the museum, says congress probably aald: 1 hotel tor a few days. Mr. Graff reg "If the politicians, the morally where millions of rounds of amimi, The ministry of munitions paid will bo asked at the next session to isters from Tacoma, while Mr. Bailey *12,250,000 for a plant begun in provide a building for the collection cowardly men who always are look nltlon of all kinds were fired while puts "Granta Pass” after hfs name I ing out for their seats in congress, troops were in training during the 1917 and which, when the war end which is of great historical value. and says that that means home to who speak one way and act another, war. ed, was only half finished. For this him. could be made to act honestly; if we Ho obtained a concession from the outlay, the committee points out, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkirk left' could get congress to vote as con government on a percentage basis. the country received no benefit what- last night for Now York City where) gress really thinks, the nation would Jjamley estimated that before the , ever except through the "stimulus Mr Hopkirk will enter a theological be all right. «But one of the crown work Is finished about November 1, to the steel trade.” Ing evils of the day Is moral cowar a hundred tons of metal, worth *200 seminary. Mrs. J. H. Hathaway, Waste of nearly *500.000 is charg mother of Mrs Hopkirk accompanied dice. a ton, will be reclaimed. Warsaw, Sept. 15.—The TJthun. ed by the committe to the admiralty them as far as Portland and will "T wish every man, every true Rifle and machlno gun bullets, Ians and the (Poles are again engaged on a scheme for establishing schools American, would take an Interest In hitting embankments behind the in hostilities, lt was announced in to train boys «In pneumatic riveting. visit there several days. Po-atello, Idaho. Sept. 15.—«Gov politics tn its true sense,” Senator camp targets, often do not penetrate the Polish ofTlclal statement. Fight Phil Metschan, of Portland, accom Cases are referred to by the com panied by K. K. Kuhll. also of the ernor Cox today opened hla ram- Smoot continued. “When T hoar com more than an inch, it is found. 8ome ing between the two forces was re mittee where government officers pnignlng with an address here pre Oregon metropolis, returned here plaints about tho government and of them go as deep as one foot. Sixty sumed in the Suwalki sector, near holding responsible positions allotted last night from a hunting trio on liminary to several In Utah. Arriv government officials I feel like ask per cent of the bullets are pulver the German border. centraets either to themselves or to Whiskey creek. Tho party got some ing from Boise ho addressed a gath ing: 'AVhst have you done to better ized by contact with the dirt and firms in which they were Interested. door hut. Mr Metschan tentnlns si ering on the league of nations, pro. conditions’* Eighty percent would with other bullets, but the jig soon Belgrade, Sept. 15.—The Jtsgo- Such cases, the committee asserts, greselvlsm nnd other leading demo have to answer that they took no in lent when the successful hunters toll separates the metal particles from Slav parliament today ratified the "are especially liable to become an cratic doctorlnos. terest at all,” how they got their deer. lighter materials. treaty of peace with Bulgaria. occaslsn for scandals.” MAÏ 8E [LECHO BULLET MINING NEW