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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1920)
tante Mm ïïlailn Conner ■ I ‘ “‘»•’’■Hy of Ors. Library ’ , GRANTH PANS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. SYTlKIlAY, BEPTEMBEIt 11, 1PJI». COUNTESS OF TURENNE LYNN FRAZIER ASKED TO GIVE , » >1 I FURTHER INFORMATION GIVEN OUT IN SPEECH MAI»E AT BELLINGHAM Ki 9P 35 1 BERT HEDIlERLEE OF PORT- LA XI» FATALLY WOVNIMU) IN ENCOUNTER nrarrwr 1 <»w VVUIUC.I« - .. »<11 friands In thia country. COMMITTEE OECIADES A RECESS LETTER IS CITED AS EVIDENCE Qnv. Lynn F-'** M N*-**- Are» « hni*("r Will lUsclu Trip lavi W«ek of HniM.-mlww If Plan» Are lln. ally Adopted TRIESTE SCENE Marlon. Hept 1 I llardlng's cam paign plana as now under serious discussion contomnlate a tour of th» Pacific coast with addresses in StM-ialUt It»'» «Ht l*ul Ihiwn by Italian • II wostern slates where senators Military aad Naval Forcen—Fight ing Wan Violent •re to be elected this fall In addition four or five speeches will be made In the east V lain October. The west ern trip would start the last week Trieste, Sept. 11 A socialist re In September volt In whhh barricades were erect ed In the street« and artillery, j (t'enilniKxl on page 4) guns and bombs were i rifles, machine t freely employed in a struggle be- tween rioters and the military au- thorlty r broke out yesterday after- noon, Italian troops and naval 8 forces had restored order by o'clock. Biely InvenligaUng <am(»Ugn Expew- Oostwnor Read« <’«pjr of Iletter M filch He Say.» I» From Chairman diturrM to Meet Again at Wash of Finance tkminiitt«' ington "T New York Woman in Car With Injured Maa. Lewis Heid for Trying to lie liver Liquor Bellingham. Wash., Sept. 11.— Portland. Sept. 11.-—'Bert Hedder- Further information on the republi lee, under suspicion as an alleged can contributions In Washington, Workmen in Milan Occupy Buildings bootlegger, was shot through the was presented here today by Gover- and Hoist Red Hag—Bomba Tak bead and probably fatally wounded en at I-ucm nor Cox on his arrival from Walla j last night when he endeavored to Walla. He read a copy of a letter j speed away in an automobile from a purporting to be from H. F. Alexan house where a raid was being made. Milan. Italy, Sept. 11.—Workmen Officers were hidden near the house der. chairman of the finance com more when Hedderlee and two companions mittee of the republican party, re-j at a given signal occupied porting oversubscription of the sub than 200 chemical works late yes drove up. George Lewis, the officers scriptions of allotments in some terday and hoisted red flags on or said, started to deliver the liquor. counties, and requesting contribu ders of the chamber of labor, which He was arrested, whereupon Hed tions in others. The letter Cox said, declared the move necessary to guar derlee and a woman in the car start : was additional evidence to support antee the metal workers needed ma- ed away. The shooting followed. Mcsit ltolml<*n Married— the charges of a republican “corrup- ' terials New« of the marriage of Meut I tlon fund.’ Edwin Bobzlen, formerly of ’ Orante Samuels Pass, to Miss Kathleen Paris, Sept. 11.—The Italian in Spencer, has just been received here fantry seized the factory at Lucca Real Estate Sal«» Made— Lieutenant Bobzlen is an officer in which has been occupid by work The bungalow at Twelfth and Washington, Sept. 11. Here are the aviation corps, stationed at Carl- was sold recently to Frank Burris of men and forced the men to surren aoniii of tho campaign expenses of strom field, Yrcadla, Florida. He Brush. Colo. The 10 acres next to der 60,000 bombs according to dis G H. Foree, a defeated Missourian has been In the air service for a the Dr. TMmmick ranch was sold by patches. congressional aspirant. which he number of years and Is now assist J. A. Weening to H. Meyers A listed under oath In his expense ac New York, Sept. 11.—Another ant flight commander. instructing residence lot in Fair Acres addition count filed recently with W. Tyler serious accident occurred today on officer in charge of photography and was purchased by J. A. Pittenger Pag'*. clerk of the house of reprwen- Lieut, the lines of the Brooklyn 1 Rapid engineer officer of flights. Now York. Sept 11 Cooperation Bobzlen and his bride spent their from Ruth Young The residence lot tat Ives Transit, whose employes have ■ been let- of the public In meeting the nation's honeymoon at Daytona Beach, Fla., ■on D street was sold by Willard Wil "August 1 -Postad'’ for on a strike for two weeks, Two tors to Influential men iu my dis rail transportation requirements la and are now at home at Arcadia son to Dr. Y. R Carrillo of Imperial trolleys collided near Ebbetts Field Valley, Cal. The R. F. Adams bun trict telling that I was trusting to' asked by the Association ot Railway Meut Bobzlen will be remembered during the rush to the ball park. the kindness ot tho people and th« Executives In announcing Its pro here by a large number of friends galow on D street was sold to Geo. Thirty were injured. made 8. Barton. These sales were mercy of God to elect me t both fall- gram to secure maximum service with whom he attended school pre by A. N. Parsons. from existing transportation facili vious to the war. Tokio, Sept. 11.—The liberalistic ad I——5b cents. tendencies of the speeches in this ■'August 2 For professional ser ties. New York, Sept. 11.—One man The association urges cooperation year’s session of the diet has been a * vices of n tonsorlal artist In shaping was killed and 73 persons injured in up the sandy whiskers of an infill-1 of the public and shippers to attain distinct feature of constitutional the trolley crash In front of Ebbetts An average daily minimum move development in Japan. The leader entlal son of Erin 3u cents Field. repre- of the movement is a young ment of freight cars of not less than "August 3 One Jar 'face creme' ________ ______ sentative named Ryutaro Nagai tu fascinating blonde for passing nut, 80 miles per day. whose boldness of word has attract-1 An average loading of 30 tons per my cards 35 cents. ed the attention of the empire. In < WlLfiON APPOINTS WOMAN “August 3 --Another Jar of 'face car. TO SERVE AS fXIMMISSIONER the railroad train, at public meet-j Reduction of bad-order cars to a creme' to charming brunette for London. Sept 11. — Just as imper gather the name | 35 per cent of total ings. wherever men maximum of I passing out more of my cards Medford. Ore . Sept. 11. —The first ialism killed czarism so will im of Nagai is on the lips ot Japanese Washington. Sept. 11.—The pres owned. cents. “mistook him for a deer” tragedy of perialism be the death of Russian as a "coming man.” In- substantial reduc ident today appointed Mabel T. An early and "August 2—For her work and the 1920 hunting season took place Nagai was formerly a professor at Boardman, for many years a mem fluonco among her many friends and tfon In the number of locomotives late Thursday afternoon when Yr- sovietism, is the prediction made to admirers, a paJr of open-work hose now unfit for service. thur Kimball, 19 years old; R W. | the Associated Press correspondent Waseda university, the most demo- ber of the executive committee of More effective efforts to bring Dusenbury, 29 years old. and F. H. I hy M. Piip, the Esthonian foreign .cratlc of Japan's universities which the Red Cross, as commissioner in for a plump widow; the less said the about the return of cars to owneP Guy. young men of Sardine creek,: minister in London, in analyzing the I was founded by that heroic radical the District of Columbia. She is the better, special 11. I “July 27—For street car fare to roads. were hunting on Spignet mountain at consequences of the bolshevik offen leader. Marquis Okuma. The young first woman member of the commis sive in Poland. j man is a great believer in the demo- sion which directs the district gov summer garden where Tony Steuver the head of Evans creek, and Dusen- While foreign minister last year and congressional committee held ernment. bury on seeing Kimball moving in the i Continued on page 4. ) election one night a week previous to ponent for congress in the Tenth dis brush 200 yards away, thought he M. Piip pitted his wits against the __ i bolshevik! at Dorpat and he is re legal primary and nominated my op- trict—14 cents ” was a deer and fired, fatally wound ing him. Kimball was rushed to the i garded as one of the best authori Dow hospital in Medford, arriving I ties in Europe on Russian political , there at 8 p. m. and died 7 minutes | and economic conditions. In common with representatives later. here of other Russian border states, The men had been out hunting to- M. Pllp is watching with profound was gether slnce Tuesday. Kimball concern the developments in Poland. up on a ridge, and Dusenbury was "The bolshevlki are fighting Po 200 yards away, and Guy was by land with the allies ammunition “It was found that of the 7,400 Chicago, Sept. 11.—Municipal dis himself a half-mile distant. This was which they captured from Deniklne pensation of drugB through narco drug addicts who attended the clinic Winchester. Va., Sept. 11.—Mem mor Senator Henry A. DuPont, of at 5 p. m. Dusenbury did not know and Kolchak." he said. “This is tic drug clinics is generally conceded for their narcotics, less than 2,000 orials to two Confederate generals, Delaware. who was a classmate of that he had shot Kimball •until on now almost exhausted and Russia to have been a failure, reports a were willing to go to a hospital for Stephen Dodson Ramseur and James, General Ramseur at West Point, af approaching to see whether he had cannot renew it.” committee on narcotic drugs and treatment, with ultimate cure in North terward an officer in the Union Army hit the deer, Kimball weakly shout Johnston Pettigrew, both crime appointed by the American sight. The officials of the depart Discussing the possibility of an at Carolinians, will be unveiled near and who was with General Ramseur ed. "You got me." tack by the bolshevlki on Esthonla, Institute of Criminal Law and Crirn- ment were convinced that it wa3 not the proper procedure to give narco here during tho coming week at the at tho time of his death. General inology. Dusenbury and Gay carried Kim M. Piip said: places where they died. Many South- Ramseur was mortally wounded at ball a mile to an auto truck. After tic drugs to addict« for self-admin by Dr. L. The report was written “We are ready for them. The Ea- erners. principally North- Carolinians the Rattle of Cedar creek, near here going three mile« they met William thonian frontier is now closed by L. Stanley, resident physician of the istration. are expected here for tho exercises and fell Into tho hands ot the Union Dinkins in his car, and then Kimball our troops except the gates through| California State Prison at San Quen "Some addicts sold the excess ol>- which will be under the joint aus Army under General Philip Sheri was transferred to the car and the which we are trading with Russia, j tin, for presentation at the 12th an tained at the clinic to other addicts pices of the North Carolinn division dan. Ho waB taken to Sheridan's hurry trip to Medford was complet Tho soviet government must know, nual meeting ot the institute at In or peddlers, There was fraud in ob- of United Confederate veterans, the headquarters at the Bell Grove house ed. He was very weak from shock if it succeeds In obtaining a foothold dianapolis September 16-18. tainlng the drug, Friends of addicts associa- North Carolina division of United, whero he received every attention and loss of blood, but retained con in Esthonia the allies would instant became habitues through Dr. Stanley adds that “ probably Daughters of the Confederacy nnd from both hfs own nnd federal sur sciousness until ten minutes before ly cut off Russia from the vitally tion with beneficiaries of the clinic. no more municipalities will estab tho North Carolina Historical com-| geons, In spite of which he died Oc his death. With very few exceptions, no cures needed supplies it is now receiving lish clinics of this type.” tober 20, 1864. were known to have been effected by mission. through us. We might perish but i Government monopoly of the man Dedication ot the memorial to soviet Russia would go down with ufacture of opium derivatives is re means of the reduction system used. The memorial to General Rnm- General 'Pettigrew will take place Ambulatory treatment was found to seur which marks the Belle Grove Friday morning, the principal ad Is-gion Will Fleet— us. A commended in the report. Dr. Stan M. Piip asserted that Russia's eco ley urges that It be “put on a plan be vicious in principle and in ef The local post of the American House whero the general died Oc dress being by Chief Justice Walter fect; there is no need for prolong tober 20, 1864, will be dedicated on Chirk of North Carolinn. while Gen I<eglon will meet next Friday for an nomic condition was rapidly getting somewhat similar to the minting of ing addiction by a continued supply the afternoon of September 16. Tho eral l-ouls G. Young, ot Savannah, election of officers for the coming worse because this season’s crop was money.” of narcotics.” memorial to General Pettigrew (la., an Intimate friend of General year. As this meeting Is by far the a failure. He said It was not unlike .,-r.ouc drug linlcs cited by Dr. With th" fn'lnre o» •*" clinic and which marks the Boyd House where Pettigrew, also will make an ad most important of the year, every ly that the cities will soon be wholl- Sinuiey are those established at New the aroused interest In narcotic IiCgton member In the county is depopulated. ho died July 17, 1863. will lie dedi dress, York, New Orleans, Los Angeles and drug addictions, continues the re "The soviet government dare not cated on tho morning of September commanded urged to attend. Reports will be General Pettigrew San Diego. He characterizes the port, the question arises. What are reduce its enormous army." he con- 1 made of the activities of the organi 17th. Heth's division of the Confederate < '’Hire of the New York clinic, which you going to do about it? “There on zation during the past year and eluded. "Unemployment is now a closed early this year after I 11 seems to be no concerted effort to The two memorials consist of army in- Longstreet's assault, throughout tho plans will be laid for the winter, critical problem 1863. Dur- Cemetery Ridge, July 3, granite columns, the gift of tho late months' operation, as “one of the d»»l with it as the government has Arrangements will be startml for the whole of Russia and if the men who, two outstanding features in the past, Colonel P. H. Mayo, of Richmond. Ing line's refreat from Get tvsburg dealt, with al ohollc liquors,” says Armistice day program. An agita- as soldiers are comparatively well • guard of he commanded tho rear two years' developments in regard Dr Stanley. “The manufacture, Va. • cared for. wire thrown on their own Ijegion tlon is being started for a nnd vys to the drug addiction problem.” tr.ins'iortntion and distribution of At the M.’imseiir memorial dedica tho Confederate army resources a revolution would result. J football team to play other I-egton Re.i .ms for the discontinuance of narcotics has not been curtailed, ex tion Thursil y afternoon the speak wounded at Falling Waters. July 14. posts of the valley and this will also Tho chief terror which the soviet He was moved at once to Boyd house the New York clinic are thus sum cept as to dispensing by the Harri ers will Include Major Charles M rulers have to face is peace and de be discussed. There will be some near here, whero he died July 17. son law.” marized in the report: Stedman, formerly a member of mobilization.” sort of refreshments. General Ramseur's staff and for- 1863. Chicago, Sept. 11.—The senate cam committee Investigating the paign expenditures of political par ties completed their inquiry short ly before noon today and released to New York or Washington September 22nd. How girl employee of the Internal D.. revenue office at Aberdeen. 8. were solicited to contributed to the democratic campaign fund were told l>y Eunice Coyne, a reporter on the Aberdeen Dally News. ,