Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1920)
FRIDAY, MÜ*»3U»K IO. IMO. GRANT* F MÍKkKT» T l*. 1 Prices Down Crisco ■Sugar 10< markets Cuff Einks INH IR ANCE—Fire, automobile. life, accident and health T M. Stott, jet North aistb St 9 2 tí Coffee Buy a Butter Merger and Bring Down the Butter Price 101 and 106 North 6th Ml <>l Il FDR RALE 25-25 aatomatic rifle, price right Address No 1*81 ears ¡r er SJtf BARNES, The Jeweler STENOGRAPHY and typewriting See Mrs W C. Harmon. Wada Bldg. 497 G street 72 Can You Beat This? JERKY heifer caM for sale J B Pbowe Noble, upper river road 72 «99-F-2. very small proportion of the cleared FRJD8Y. *» eftkmi ; mi io . Portland. Sept 19 —AU are steady aad sne h se g e d - . . But lands are leveled and made ready for land moat produce NVR8BRT STOCK' Higbeet grsde ornamentai, frult. nut and shed* '.ree* of all klads for fall delivery Mieta on .andeap* work as weil as culture of all trees. froet ex- poeuree. sui tabi« soli*, ete . all so vltal in frali cultura and ornamen tai vifered free by our resldeo! agent. F E. Jordan, at 890 N 7Ih Street Albasy Nurseries. Ine 71 tf vast amount of clearing and leveling ♦ ORBGON WRATH IM* ♦ ♦ i must be done before another spring ♦ ♦ ♦ I and the time to get action is no* ♦ * and during the coming winter All oderate lempera- ♦ of the lands can not be made ready ♦ (Coatlaeed from Page One! ♦ * r. one season, but the important Present symptoms ar* strongly sug GCHNG AWAY—if taken at owe for ♦ thing is to make the start 13 months I will rent by furnish-, gesting the need of the same kind of ♦ Tonight and Saturday prot>- ed bouse for *12 59. 810 Ninth Th» state of Oregon will care for remedy no* that happened to ♦ ably rain. Freeh winds. street. 721 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ the interest upon the bond iseues of Tweed " CO Al,—Order now for future de- ; for a number of years. '.be district TIME TO GET Bl Nt Uvery No coal carried in stock. ' Fair Grounds, Spokaae. Wash . and these will be the yean when the The board of directors of the . Get wood In now while weather it Sept. 10—Speaking to a large crowd lands must be put into production to good. Williams Wood Yard Phone at the Interstate fair. Governor Cog Grants Pass Irrigation dlstn t has meet the higher ebarge that is bound said be had come bere to know the 137 71tf made a levy for water against all to come when the district m ist mee’ people. "1 know ycu are too busy to MRS JAS. M POWERS, Instructor the lands within the district that are Jts Interest payments and provide for come to Ohio,” be said, "so ! am com on piano. lOlt, Sixth street. susceptible of Irrigation for the next j the retirement of the bond Issue« In ing to shadow your front porches.*' High school credits given Register seston This means that each one' now phone 245-J 71tf terest and bond payment will hire of the 19,000 Irrigable acres under Dally Courier 15 per year In ad FOR SALE -Black Jersey cow and no terrors for the land owner whose the project must pay for the water young < alf; 2-ton Valle truck and lands are producing their maximum vance September 18th. whether they use it or no'. The land Bargain Day September 18. equipment for lumber hauling; of alfalfa or other crops. There is owner who finds hi* acres under the also hand hoist for dump body In one hop grower who has made the quire 718 South Fifth 7 ltf canals of the project will have to statement that the use of water up MR HAP9V use the water or suffer the loss rtA r' L/ FDR SALE Milk cow. 3 months old on his crop of "baby" hops this sea- through Its non-use. for it will be in sow. Tomatoes 20# West Bor gees street ▼ is the ditches for him. 110 REWARD and no question* asa The progress of the Irrigation pro ed for return of filier »ampie case ject has caused a wonderful activity ... f and contents lost from automobile In real estate within the district, August 30. Address No. 2079 care though fortunately there has been no Courier. 7< attempt to boom prices on the EUM TRI< FOR sale — io acres river bottom, CHOICE Mt ATS LIKE j HI PPLIES strength of the coming of water with bouse. Close In Irrigated IND THESE APPEAL TO nej Some land owners, themselves un On hard surface road APPLI A N< EH F or pure foods ! Roberts. 215 B street. able to put their holdln--- In shape AT . SEEM so REALTO MZj for the water, have been selling part FOR RENT .'»-room house. Fifth and others *111 no doubt sell part of one on Park street Call next door. their lands and de el ,p others Th - re 203 SOFTH. Do pure foods seem so real to are more than 5,000 a< res In the dis WANTED- Girl for general house SIXTH ST. you? Do you realize the ne work at Oregon City. 880 per trict that are not yet cleared Only a cessity of providing your pan month and railroad fare. Phone try with the proper meat pro 152. Grants Pass. 78 visions Give us a chance to < <>|/>l; YOI < AN FIND VOIR FAVORITE SCHOOL GIRL wanted to help with supply your larder. You’ll find AMONG THEBE NEW house work Phone 182. 73 our prices reasonable we are sure. MAINWEENEt It. UN PANNEN Watch for Mr. Ha|»py Party BAD NIGHT AT BRIXTON JAII, Wiring Ms.A RED Tt HIS* Min Msg GRAY Tl HEN •J.M JOv.tR RED Tt HEN AM AOsSR GRAY Tl HEN SAMI Ms 4 RED Tt II»** 4.00 WHILE TUET LAST AâlNTff FOR. HUDSON MAXWIU CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY Acca»*o«i«p awe AgPAiRiHft PHONf JI7 SU H STREIT, GRANTS RUS, ORE Used Car Bargains 1919 Chevrolet 1920 Chevrolet I kxlge Touring Overland, Model 90 W. S. Maxwell & Co Paul’s Electric Store “Fitrite Petticoats Golden Rule CITY London. Sept. 10.—Terence Mac- Sweeney passed a bad night, accord ing to a bulletin issued by the Irish self determination league Ile le ■till conscious. A Good Front. To Joe Grubb : A lot of people put up s good front end so do a lot of third rate eating plaie* -Arkunsaw Thomas Cat. Dally Courier Bargain Day Sep- tomber 18. Daily Courier Bargain Day Timmons & Higgins^ < all and ***«’ n« l-honr 324-J 111 Noeth Hi i th M. Business Training Pays One term With us, and three year« In n luieincws office at n K< mm 1 Mtlarf makes tlie beet four year course. TIME IS MONEY—MIKE BOIII P.V TWIN .1 Modero1 Business C ollege ourses WINTER TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER USTI] Entranlc requirement : A 1OO |wr rent Amrrimnbim. Second-Hand Bargains Hundreds of people took advant age of the Courier Bargain Day last year and we expect a greater num ber to do so this year, as money Is more plentiful and tho saving will be even greater than last year. MAX W ELL—Fl N E Sil A PE FORD TOVRING FORD ROADSTER 7 PASNEN'GER BUCK C. Lv. Hobart Co If you care to send check In order to avoid possibility of forgetting the date you may do so and receipt will be Issued the ISth. Toll your neighbors. Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier