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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1920)
VOL. X„ Xo. 207. GRANTS PAHM, JOSEPHIXK COUNTY. ORHQON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1030. H« In«Iul«- U til Knep Nomili«« Bu»> for Next Tlirt’o Weck»—Wee In Four Sintra COMMITTEE IO TAKE RECESS Marion, Ohio, Sept. 10 Hack from u Ihre« days* trip In the north and > west, during which he made »pets he» j pn Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and! j Minnesota, Senator Harding resum-! | od bis front porch schedule today with a list of engagements that prora- i isod to occupy al! Ills attention for . tho next three or four weeks. whole ximber so 7 i Thousand» of Priw>n«Ts an«! Much War Material Taken tn Assaults on Bolshevik! PERU AND < HI14*: FINALLY HETTLE» PENITENTIARY HE TELI j H AUDIENCE Warsaw, Thursday, Sept. 3.—The D'ANNUNZIO FOLLOWS UP HIS Polish armies on the northeastern1 PRiMXLVIAT1ON MADE FOR front delivered a series of success RUPI BMC ful attacks upon the Russians today and took 3300 prisoners, four guns and two armored train». SAIJZAR IS NAMED HUM) OF NORTH MUTER CALIFORNIA’ Financial anil Diploma«!«' Source» Axe Ih-iiKHTiUic Nominee Inrarth. His Soldji-rs to Remain Ixiyal to Ixxuler Quoted in I'rom Han tory in DiMHwdng Denials of Mexicali, Sept. 10. Luis M. S»li- anil Republic—Aeeembly Called l»l«X<> to l.a Nación Campaign Charge*» zar has been appointed permanent for Six Weeks Boston, Sept. 10.—The Prudential governor of the northern district of Trust Company of this city was taken Lower California according to an an Chl'ago, Hept. 10. Fred W. Up-' over by the bank commissioner to Buenos Aires, Sept. 10.—A finalI Spokane, Sept. 10.—Governor Cox, nouncement today. Senor J. S. Alv- ■ London, Sept. 10—Gabrielle D'An ham today told the »«•nate Invcali- day. The company has a capital of «nscusaing the rne denials aeniais of the cam- red a is the new state treasurer. settlement of the Ta>na-Arlca dis- discussing nunzio, who yesterday proclaimed an satln» committee that he took the 1200.000. J palgn fund charges by Republican — "Italian Republic of Quarnero" has pute which has been considered as full responsibility for the proposal .. J National Chairman Will Hays, and summoned the constluent assembly to South! the most serious menace to South! . . , , , . , . , .. to raise the IJinlt of the republican ¿others declared in his speech at the meet six weeks hence, says a Milan American peace, through the pay- pjrgj Voters league here today that campaign contributions from >1000 dispatch to the London Times. D’An to $10,000. me nt by Chile to Peru of 6,000,0001 ** r was time and In order to put a nunzio’s troops have pledged fidelity ”1 was voted down by a largo ma- agreadg stop to corruption, to send somebody I pounds, has been virtually irtuaiiy agre»» to the new republic, ft la said. jority at the meeting in New York," upon, according to a dispatch to Earn ! to 4hc penitentiary ” ho aald. j "I will remind the country.’ he N'aclon from San Dleg, go, . quoting fin-’ CRUISER PITTSBURG AGROUND ' said, “of the days of Boss Tweed. ”1 hoped the lid would be raised anelai and diplomati sources. BI T IN NO IMMEDIATE DANGER and 1 did recommend 110,000 a« the An indictment against Gene Reed, (Continued on page 2.) Medford, Ore., Sept. 10.—Quite a limit.” Upham aald "I presented of Leland, for aseault with attempt to Washington. Sept. 10.—The cruia- .I'lisatlon aas asloned la tue < Ity the prop«»- lllou at a meeting In N« » kill was broght yesterday by the _ . . . , . . er Pittsburg, aground in the Baltic through the fact Jus| having become York, but It was vol« i| down and n*i grand Jury. Reed F * is ’ accused of badly , , , , n_.__ sea, is in no immediate danger al known that the largest Illicit dlstll- 1 stepped from the room I told Mr. cutting Jack Casey and Jack Maloney though several sections of the double lilalr to telegraph hl« men In Chicago I lery and bootlegging headquarters over a week ago in a fight at the bottom are flooded, according to ever located In Medford and Jack- Maloney mine Casey and Maloney not to send out f.>riu 101.” navy department advices. son county had been discover«*«! early \ are said to have lain all night at the thia week in a west side resident dis mine after the affair without atten in- trict. «>11 South Pea h street tion and were in. very bad condition. Loyal Heath returned yesterday re- The illegal whiskey and prune Pendleton. Sept. 10.— Funds are Vienna. Sept. 10.—In its effort to They are much improved now, how from Albany where he spent several brandy distiller and bootlegger, who being subscribed here for the erec find a solution of its financial diffi ever. days visiting with relatives. iso far as can be learned worked and culties the municipality of Vienna Is tion of a monument to Sherrlff Til A demurrer was fillesi in the Byron 1 lived by himself ami fled the city on resorting to taxation not approached August IS, abandoning his pinna, Taylor, who was killed on July 23d in any country during the war. As a Protzman case and it was continued suffering evidently w ith a bad case by prisoners breaking Jail. The mon first step it has raised the deposit over until Monday, Bancroft entered of cold feet. Little Is known about I ument It is planned. will be a bronze of gas consumer from between 100 a plea of not guilty, Robert Jones. ! him. Also he ««vldently did a large j ^«tue of Taylor, as thousands knew and 300 crowns to 8,000 crowns per accused of taking articles from the interest is paid on this ! Grants Pass rooming house, plead , bootl tglng business between ’_ ....__ July- _ ; him, sitting astride his horse - ^n»r meter. No guilty. • — — 4. IS. ( deposit. 5th and Augu The grand jury completed'its work: The first known of Ills criminal wearing his leather "chaps,” Bom- The new schedule of taxes con- I work in the city was when on July brero and flowing scarf. templates a levy on practically every I yesterday and made its report to Paris, Sept. 10.—Olive Thomas, Taylor resemble«! the type of west- daily activity, There will be a tax Judge Calkins. The jail was examin ; 5, under the name of C. C. Russell, motion picture star, died in the the ed and found to be in good condition. ern sheriff often found in story books a man about 35 years old who said ! of 2 per cent on all salaries of em She he had just come to the citv with his and on the picture screen. As pres!-I ployes to be paid by the employers, The recommendation was made that American hospital here today. Rlversbl , Cal , S' pt 10 in was taken to the hospital last Sun mother, rented the former Bellinger dent of the Round-up Association,! Hotel rooms are taxed 20 per cent, the jail be heated by the courthouse earthquake was felt iiere at 6:15 day suffering from slow poisoning i propertv on South Peach street which thousands saw him in his picturesque! and a graded tax Is levied on apart- heating plant. The county home was, o'clock today It was of sufficient stands by Itself half a block from the garb as he directed the annual. Pen ments to be paid by the occupant. On visited and was found in good condi- ' having taken it by mistake, accord vlolenc«* to awaken sleepers. many ing to physicians. She recently came dleton wild west show. street In tho field. apartments renting for 3,000 crowns tion and the inmates were found to fl«*clng Into the open until tho trem During his 1 8 years as sheriff. Tay- j a month the tax will be three times be receiving good care and treatment.; to Europe with her husband, Jack Ho said this property was espe- or» subsided. No damage was re ' lallv desirable as his mother was In lor and his deputies made 2,465 ar the rent. It more than one domes Court will be continued on Mon Pickford, and has been suffering ported. Th«'r«> was only one shock, poor health and wanted a quiet place rests and never did the sheriff shoot ' tic servant is employed the employer day and the following cases will be from nervous depression. this lasting 30 seconds. where she would not be disturbed by a man. Once he fired at a bank rob-1 must pay a high tax on each addi brought up: any noise and where she could keep her. but did not hit his man as he tional servant. Flowerg vs. Smith: Rogers vs. II MIE HI TH Mi MX hX<M KS Ten per cent on the customer s bill i Hawk; Hull vs. Muller; Hart vs. Tay- a flock of chickens. The property had exhausted his ammunition. IHT IIOMER IX lltl.1, GAME Pendleton's courthouse, where ; in a restaurant, an occupational tax lor, Light vs. Hildeburn and State been bought from the Bellinger es Cleveland. Sept. 10 Babe Ruth tate by W T. Van Verts. the abstract 1 Taylor served and where he lost his for certain forms of semi-professlons vs. Bancroft. »cored his 4sth home run of th«* sea man, and O. M. Cornitus acting as his life, has been proposed as the site of j and many kinds of new business son In today’s game. ' licenses are to be Imposed. agent, rented the property to Rus-1 the memorial. !------------------------------------- - .—____ Mrs. H. M. Gorham of Winona dis sell. trict is in the city for a few days Chicago, Sept. 10.—The big issue taking medical treatment. ABRAHAM KROTOSHINSKY in the socialist campaign this fall rs live ross is as usual private ownership of the means of production, Otto Brans tetter, national secretary and the campaign manager of the Socialist party, said here today discussing the Mexico City, Sept. 10.—’Pun hase Socialist campaign. of two gunboats and six destroyers Washington, Sept., 10.—More than trade which would insure a voyage) The league of nations issue was 1» being considered by tho Mexican, I 13,0000 merchant marine officers out and return in about 60 days, 4 viewed by the Socialists as largely government, according to General have been graduated from the Ship vessels on the Atlantic and 2 on the camouflage, he said. The party felt ¿Plntarco Ellas Calles, secretary of i ping Board's training schools since Pacific. that the league question had been war and marine. their establishment three years ago Concurrently with the sea train- ’ introduced by the old parties largely "I understand that destroyers can and 72 percent of the graduates have ing service, the recruiting service is ' to cloud the issues and to keep the be bought from the United States been licensed for service at sea on planning the establishment at col- ' people's attention off domestic Issues. government for |20,000 each,” Gen records of the Board's recruiting ser- leges and universities near the prin Eugene V. Debe, the Socialist can eral Calles, told a group of newspa vice show. cipal American ports of a maritime' didate for president,in prison at At permen recontly. “In view of the Officers for the fftn »rnmest owned commerce course which would in lanta, Ga.. was not advising in the success with which these small craft ’ ’ ; merchant marine are trained at San clude accounting, business corres conduct of the campaign to any ex : were used during the war. I believe Francisco, Seattle and Camp Stuart. pondence, business principles, eco tent. Use was being made in party that it would be advisable for the Va. Four wooden ships operate on nomics, elements of statistics, mar literature of what he said to the Mexican government to buy three for the Atlantic coast as <*ombination kets, transportation, principles of Socialists visiting him. tho Atlantic service and three for ships and cargo carriers. Each has a foreign trade, exports and imports, The chief speaker in the campaign capacity of 200 apprentices and 1200 languages, railroad and the Pacific.’ maritime is the vice presidential candidate, . ♦ General Calles and his staff are at tons of cargo. rates, business administration, busi Seymour Stedman of Chicago, reen work on a plan for universal military On the Pacific coast one wooden ness law, admiralty law, advertising, forced by 40 or more speakers under training, with which It Is expected ship carrying 1800 tons of cargo and ship operation and other basic aub- the national organization. He has that the determined figure of SO.- 115 apprentices and a new 1800 ton jects. completed a tour of the southwest 000 soldiers can be raised. steel vessel with space for 146 ap Tho year would be divided and on September 1 started for the "I believe that the best military prentices operate on the triangular four three-month periods, the Pacific coast. After making a tour S age Is from 21 to 22 years,” the war run between Seattle, the Hawaiin one or two quarters to be spent in of the central states he plans to go ■ "At thia age men Islands and San Francisco. minister said, college work and the subsequent east about October 1 for the balance are loast selfish anil best ablo to get Extension and development of its quarters in practice under compet of the campaign. along with each other, regardless of system of training Americans to ent supervision In the offices of the the Secretary Branstetter said > > Xfc I 9 command the craft of the merchant steamship companies and on board | the walks of life from which they party expected to be on the ballot in s’ ships The men would be paid fori marine is planned by the Shipping come. practically every state where it has Board. It is suggested that shore their services while employed in the i "Tn the meanwhile.” General Cal- previously had a vote of any conse station be maintained where men office« and on vessels and thus they les added, "the mustering out of quence. It does not expect at this O.'ive R om . formerly of Louit- from all sections of the country can would be able to obtain their educa Mrs. Olive Louis time to get on the ballot in Vermont, troops Is progressing briskly" and Abraham Krotoshlnsky, the hero thousands of soldiers are being re who saved ths “Lest Battalion" In the he assemble«! and given instruction tion without financial cost to them. ville. Ky., has been mad^ director of Ijouisiana. New Mexico. South Dako turned to civil life, where the govern Argonne forest, is now a student at tn seamanship, boat drill and other It would be sought to so arrange welfare service, war department. It ta. Idaho and possibly in several oth Is her duty to look after the housing, ment believes that they can liest the national farm school, where he la | preliminary work. the course as to extend over a period er states in the south and west. The men would then bo sent to se* of four years with a degree upon the health, recreation and general welfare serve their country by tilling the receiving a training In practical and The three big states this fall from of the civilian employees of the de farm and manning tho factories, The scientific agriculture. Abraham was ! 1» modern steel freight ships which completion of the course. Shipping partment. Her main concern at this the Socialist standpoint. Branstetter a private In Company K, Seventh In ate would be utilized as combination privates and the higher officers Board officials believe this would me is to find employment for the said, are New York. Wisconsin and cooperating In the movement. It Is fantry, when hie battalion, under the cargo carriers nn<l training vessels, build up and leave many well trained Vindrrde who are being dropped from Oklahoma. He said the party expect said, the only opposition coming from oemmand of Colonel Whlttleeey, was varying about 125 apprentices. It is men In all branches of maritime com >e payroll In the general curtailment ed to poll a larger rote In these states surrounded In the Argonne forest ' planned to place these ships In a merce. □f expenses. a few petty chiefs. than ever before. VIENNA TAXES SAID TO M . O Pt