Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1920)
rii! IU«I»IY, HKITKMIHCR », I It’s Within Reach LOCAL PEKSïNÆL Mm. Jessie Sandem went to Jack sonville this morninr. to spend a of every person. Just take a few days on a visit. firm hold upon the opportun Mm. Roy Tait returned to her ity you now havh and begin at home at Granada this morning Mm once to build up the bank ac Tait has been visiting here with Mm count and moot assuredly much J. M Childs for a short time. success will crown your efforts for the future. Hare a talk Tablets 50 to 130 sheets 5c. Get with us. 71 them at Wonder Store Mm E. A. Murphy and sons. Gene. Jack and Pierce, returned this morn ing from Portland where they have been visiting for the past 10 days OF SOUTHERN OREGON H. E. and C. B. Sargent, of Grand Rapids, stopped in the city last night while on their way into California ■ on an automobile trip. Dally Courier »5 per year In ad vance September 18th. Mrs. J W Johnson and Miss Vids Moon* have t»een spending the sum mer here with relatives They left , this morning for their home at Klamath Falls. J. U Givens left thia afternoon tor Philadelphia and other points In the east tor an extended visit He does not know how long he will take on the trip. (WIRTS MORK PER TIRE Mr and Mm HenJ. Collins RUT 1.*« PER MILK Mm. Fred Collins went to Medford yesterday afternoon to drive back ASK I S WHY some new Maxwell automobiles Mm Collins Jr., drove one of the cam THEY MUST MAKE GOOD back OR WE WILL E. E. Stanard. Rev C. M. Cline and J. A. Pittenger made a trip to the Cavee over the week end Mr. Stanard. who is a special writer, was greatly pleased with his trip as; were the other members of the party. I Mrs H. E. LaN» and Mm. Sarah Rorick, of Corvallis, have been vis- i Ring for a short time at the J. N. Johnston home. They left thfti morn- i log for Modesto. Cal., where they will ■ . vtalt I Mr and Mre. M N. Bean left this morning for Salem where Mr Bean ! Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Nellist are re-! rived to take up their duties begin- | will be employed. Mr. Bean ha« | turning to their home at Portland ning Monday, I been oonnected with the Oregon after a trip into California. They 1 Grower» association and will be with [ Mias Ruth Corbett, home demon stopped for a day in the city. them at the Salem plant strator. has returned from her vaca Miss L. A. Pitman left this morn G. A. Barden returned this morn ing for Montague. Miss Pitman ar tion of several weeks, which she ing from a visit of several weeks to spent in Corvallis and in eastern Ore rived yesterday from Eureka and his old home at Gobleville, Mich., gon. spend the day visiting in the city. and other Michigan points. In Battle ' Misses Eva Parett and Genevieve P. B. Hobbs, of Medford, was a lo- f Creek he attended a family reunion I S 1« MM - - -KA than A a V* hundred • > ** . 1 v-.l.l relatives A 1 ft * I — * — — Yannke. instructors in the high cal visitor yesterday looking after V* with more echool for the coming year, have ar- business matters present. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Thermoid Tires Millinery Display Hart, Schaffner & Marx AT ENID Peerless Clothing Co. BENNETT 'll«« Heaaett’s Rent Picture Shoes for the Family MEN'S FALL AM» WINTER I NDERWEAR, SHIRTS. SHOES, SOCKS AM» NECKWEAR. w OREGON STARTS TOMORROW AUTO TOPS HOUDINI Replace tile nhaliby top with light. naay-to-hiuidle weather proof one now. Hnuut looking, serviceable top«— IM*rf<*ct fitting anti improving the Car’s look, a wide choice in ma terial« nml color«. OUR PRICffi IXtWESY in - TERROR ISLAND G. B. BERRY Every «cene a thrill— Every mme a »urpriM* Headquarters Ford One Ton Trucks are Worm Drive, which enables the Sturdy Ford Motor to take their loads over most steep hills on high. School Books AND » Supplies FOR GRIDE ANI» HIGH S<'ll< to I. ROOKS AM» SCHOOL SUPPLIES C. H. DEMARA Y Druggist CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books xcl ÙL TÄ- XA uv Mm. H. L. lieArmond, who has <•<1 < ‘ this " ■ morning to her. home at been visiting here with her parents, Klamath — Falls ------- Mrs. DeArmond for- Mr. and Mm. J M. Tetherow, return- merly wng a resident ot'iimUhi. Men's and Young Men’s Suits For Fall and Winter --$28.50 First cost on Ford Trucks are within reach of every man v. ho has a truck job. Upkeep is very low Men’s Mackinaws Ford One Ton Trucks combined with all other Ford advantages makes it an Ideal Truck for every Men’s Dress Shoes - SOLD BY - C. A. WINETROUT AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVIO Fall Suit and Overcoat las Time me WTATÆ/JTZJr trou. Farmers will find the Ford One Ton Truck most serviceable as they carry all we recommend with lowest mile cost. II AVE YOUR TONIGHT Rogue River Hardware Co. Are often called the Truck Man’s Friend, as the unusual low upkeep and the service rendered are far beyond expectations. mr$. nellie Itos M IDE TO MEASURE BY THE WOMAN IN THE SUITCASE Ford Ton Trucks VMiAVr ANI» |tt AKTINE II ATM. EMHWMBKRY * NI» FEATHER TRIMMED. Mr and Mm. J. H Hoaklnon. of Ludlow. Vermont, are visiting with relatives al Graves They stopped last night at the Oxford 8. 1» Harwood has returned to An acortes after a visit at a number of »ulues In Josephine. In which he la Interested. Elmer Wilson, of Medford, was a local visitor last night having come down to visit the local I. lodge. Mrs 8. K. Ament left this after noon for Oakland. Cal., after several weeks spent with her brother. C G Ament and family. Mm J E McDonnell, of Anaconda* Mont., and Mrs Wallace Bruce, of San Francisco, are visiting in the city for a few days They are stop ping at the Josephine. If. W Rawlins, of Ix>s Angeles, who Is oonnected with the United States department of mlues. Is visit ing a number of mines In this vlcln ity Mr. Rawlins Is making headquarters at the Josephine. A large aHHortinent of men’s winter c<>ato, leather lined anil wool lined, and mackinaw aliirta and coatn, pric ed from «ft.OH to « In lute Ht y Io brown or black, « 12-150 values always «l».8n anil «0.15. ( llll’PEWA HI’I < MLS -I,<15, MRGAIN8) YOU ARE SURE F BIGGER VALUES HERE SEE (X IC DISPLAY BON’T “SWEAR OFF” HI YING OLOTIIES, SIMI’LY SU FAR OFF FAVINO Tito MUCII FOR YOI II (IXHHES. YOU DONT BAVE T<> PAI $(!<> T<> «715 FOR ANI» “ORI»|. NARY GOOI» SI IT." YOU CAN BUY AN EXTRAORINARY VALVE BERE FOR «82.00, «32, «31.50, «, «28.30, «30.80. We Give You Real /alucs for Your Money HI <11 si: OF OUR PLAN of mer - < HANDI8ING, AS NO Do I Rf YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITIP, ALIxtWS I S TO GIVE YOU IIEITFIt CTXJTHES FOR LESS MONEY. GRANTS PASS SAMPLE STORE THE OWE PRICE STORE VISIT OUR STORR