Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1920)
GM\TK FAHR DAILY OOUR.KH TH1TU4DAY, NEITKMHKIt •, 11*90. Classified Advertising Foil HAIJC IXMl SALE Baddie horse, old «ad dle and bridle. Suitable for chil FOR MAI JO CHEAP 40 acres raw dren or pack horse Can be seen land. 5% util«» from Graut« I’nas. at Gravlln'a barn. Cheap. O»ssf Inquire 332 Bridge St 73 leaving town 70 GOOD *«l««t building lumber at ths FORD In first « lass condition tor lowest wholesale prices Josephine sale. See County Agent, court ’ Lumber Co , Inquire night« Jose house. 69tf phine hotel 5 lit WANTED roll 8A1JS Choice baled altulta hay »29 par toa f. o. b. Grants WANTED Second hand 5 or 6-in< h Paa*. Itlverbunks Farm* 85tf centrifugal pump In good condi tion. Isaac Beat 28tf FOR HAIJ0 Alfalfa hay and grain hay In oarload lots Jes*« L. WANTED «Millworker« and tally man. See Goetz nights, Josephine Richardson, Central Point, Ore hotel. 53tf gon. 71 NttTK'K OF BOND MALE GLORIOUS IMAGE OF BUDDHA Notice 1« hereby given that seal- «<1 blda will be received by the under signed Secretary of the Grant« Paaa Irrigation District at th« offlc« of said DiatrUt In Granta Pass, Oregon, until the hour of 9:30 o’clock a. rn i the 27th day of September, 1920, and Im mediately thereafter publicly open ed by the Board of Directors of said ; District, for an laaue of bonds of said District In the sum of »400,009, same being in denomination» of »1,000 each, numbered 291 to 090 Inclusive, and maturing serially In annua! amounts so as to be approximately equal principal and Interest, on the 1st days of July In each of the yeare '*30 l> 1939 both Inclusive, said bonds to bear Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi annually on the first days of Jan uary and July, principal and Interest payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon In New York City. Each bld must be accompanied by certified check for at least 5 per ■ent of the par value of the bonds bld for and must be unconditional. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Mino- A Winfree will be furnished the successful bidder. The board reserve« the right to re fect any or all blds. WILHHID AUIJON. (SEAL) Secretary. First publication August 26. nnd last publication September 25, 7 920. Idol In th« "Limi City" I« Worshiped by Devota«« With Almoat Incan« Davotlon. e An RO-foot wooden Image of Buddha standing on a golden lotus flower wltb- In a sacred temple In "The Larna City," reserved for residence* of Mon golian priest«, I* worshiped with all th« Insane devotion possible by the Mongolian*. The great figure Is heav ily gilded. Incrusted with precious stones, and draped with silken dotts. When the temple Is o|«ened to the faithful of the city of Urga a priest at the entrance glw-s each person a few drops of holy water from a filthy jug. and the people, silent with awe. bathe their faces with the fluid ami prostrate themselves before the statue, whose head 1» lost In the shadows of the temple roof. They kiss It* silken draperies, soiled by the lips of thou -and», and each one gathers a hand ful of sacred dirt from the temple door. From niches In the Wall hundreds of tiny Buddha* gaze Impassively on the worshiping Mongol*. The scene of worship Is described by Roy Chapman Andrews In Harper's Magazine as one "Intoxicating In Its barbaric splendor." The chorus of prayers which rlae and fall In a meanlnglemi half wild chaut tire broken by the clash of cymbals and the boom of siiakexkln drums, and one Is fully able to understand the religious fanaticism of the East when the people tire seen at prayer In ope of these temples. The recommendations of our Board of Lubrication Engineers embodied in ihe Zerolqne Correct Lubrication Chart are designed to better the per formance and lengthen the life of trucks, tractors and automobiles. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart from your Zerolene distributor. MANY FCR"S OF EiRLY FLAGS STANDARD OIL COMPANY 400 HEAD OF SHEEP Mostly WANTED-Mor« pickers wanted. Free transportation to and from Shropshire, will »ell lot or in small the Christie hop yard«, bus leaves bunches Winetrout Bro« 71 from Claus Schmidt'« corner each JX>R BAJJC Fancy Berkshire» close morning at 6 30. 6511 ly related to tjie »6500 boar and the »3900 sow recently sold at WANTED Wicker baby buggy, in public Auction In the eaat. River good condition. Phone 276-R 72 Bunks Farms. «fftf WANTED Good men. will pay »6 HOUSE FOR SALE -Furnished or for 9 hours, also good wage« for unfurnished, beautifully situated, edgerman ami ratchet setter G. fl rooms, bath, pantry and uttlc. 72 H. earner. Phone’273-J. Garage, wood shed and chicken No. 647 WANTED Experlsm ed truck driver yard. Huy from owner for 5-ton logging truck and trail 77 North Second at reel. er. Apply Grants Pass Lumbar FOR SALE 8 good horses. 6 good Co.. Wolf Creek. 72 wagon*, hay press, nil kinds of farming implements^ bulled alfal RANGE WANTED, also household | goods, dishes, etc. Address No : fa and grain hay. and rolled bar 2063 care Courier. 7o ley Reagor ranch, phono S01-X, TNK 1»1AM»N» B11KB A. Medford, Ore. 70 STOLEN from Crescent City, Setter L*4Uw! A«k < • l»»i Pili* lu Urd an 1 Dog. white wllh large brown ears, 30 ACHEB FOR SALE -improved brown spot on each side, name 2% mile* from Grants Pass, in Jack. Liberal reward If returned Fruitdale. 8 Lt acre« grape*, fam to Arthur R O'l-eary, Crescent SÛlDBïMLÛülSTStVLRYWMiRf ily orrhnrd, well fenced. E. C. 72 City, Cal., Bay Hotel. Underwood. R<l 4, phone 601-F-4 i’HYNIt IAN'S 70 MIM’I I.L AM.Ol H L. O. CLEMENT. M. D. Practice TENT FOR SALE 10x12. good as limited to diseases of eye, ear, nose new Hee It at the Battery Shop 1ANKER8 UFE COMPANY. De* Moines, Iowa. .DtstrliH agent, My and throat. Glass«» fitted. Hours Stewart Disfarò». 7 2 ron C. Gaston. Grants Pass. Or« 9-12, 2-5, or ou appointment. Ovor »7,500,000 In force tn Ore FOR SALE 100 I ns of alfalfa hiy Phones, office 62; residence 359-J gon 95tf Finit cutting. »20 per ton Warren lAJt GIIR1DGÉ, M. D Physician D. Mee. Applegate. Ore. 72 and surgeon. City or oountry call» Ther- KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS attended day or night Phones mopylae lodge No. 50. meets every FOR SALE 1919 Harley Davidson Rea 3C9g Offl««. 182; 6th and H et en- <lcc trie second and fourth Tuesday motorcycle and sidecar, 09tf hl J BlLLJCK. M. D >'b-<>c:al. Ing. Visitors Invited. _____ _____ condition, Will model, _ perfect and s irgcon. office Schallhc-rn sell «Ide ar separately or trade ALBANY NURSERIES. Inc.— ”Th« block, phone 54-j; residence, loot for cows or real estate. Call at old reliable." Trees of quality. Al l^anrfdgi'. phone 54-L. 71 860 North Seventh St. bany Oregon. F. E. Jordan, spe W F. RUTHERFORD Manus' -he FOR SAU'! Tennessee Whit« Win cial agent, Granta Pa»». Ore. 37tf raputies It gets son srvrtent ter Barley and Grny Winter Onia FOR PLUMBING, concrete, sidewalk- over Barn«'»’ jewelry stere Office for fall seeding. River Banks OffL •« hours 9 30-ie; 1 3<>-4 thg, phone 323-Y. 89 Farms. Rd. 2, Grants Pass. «Mt RALPH W STEARNS, M D Phy- REI UnUC »1919 one ton tr ,V r. BOARD nnd r om for high seht««.I sleian and surgeon X-ray equip- Sixth girl* Inquire 731 North pneumstlc General cord tires, meat, dental X-ray. Office. Me- 7 1 street or phone 106-R. Willard batteries, tru k In hest sonic Temple Bldg Phone* Of- condition and lots of extra* For flee :’l-J- residence 21-T-. Foil RENT quick sale »850 cash. Byrd Far- s 73 I’ltR RENT—2 rooms and sleeping j lelgh, Iceland, Ore. ATTORNEYS porch, tor light housekeeping. H A CHEVROLET la perfect mechani D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law Close to high school. Inquire at: Practices In al! State and Federal cal condition. Ixioks like new. Has Courier office No. 1989. 64tf good tire* Till* I* SOME BUY Courts First Natfonul Bank Bldg See It at Oldlng's Garage. 7 4 »9 UNFURNISHED rooms with use of iG. W. COLVIG. Attorney-at-law. kitchen for rent. Near high ; Grants Pass Banking Co. B!dg. STOCK RANCH 160 acres In Jack- school. Inquire 811 North Ninth : son county, equipped. 40 acri'« 73 | EL S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Pra tices street. large cleared. 6-room i house. barn, orchard, 3 I springs. good TX) RENT 'A comfortably furnished, In all courts. First National Bank Building well, outrange. I Price »7000 Will house of 5 rooms, very near L property or ■«rhant» for town school, city water and lights. 810 O. 3. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. small tract. Geo. E. Armstrong. i Ninth Street. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. 70 74 718 E street, Grants Paas. C. A. *''iLEH Attorn« ’ .v-at-law ” ¡¡lip TWO ROOMS for rent 601 North »75 FOR BALK -Household goods •nalc t*''.n-ile. Grants «Pass, Ore. Eighth street. 70 quartered oak iiedestal table used <1100. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law ixwr only a few times, leather seated referee in bankruptcy. Masonic diners to match, dreaser, rocker*, Temple. Phone 135J. I j OST —Gunny sack containing four larg«» dutch oven, one 6-hole heavy coats Finder please notify j JAMES T. CHINNOC'K Lawyer range nearly new, one 3-burner J. Pardee. 70 First National Hank Building kerosene stove, dishM. chairs, sewing machine, kit«hen cabinet, LOST— i A 30x> H auto tire and rim iA _C HOUGH lawyer. Tuffs Bldg, between Hayes hill and Kerby.: Practlce In all courts. table, beds, spring*, mattress, 50 Finder will please address P. O. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In feet of garden hose and reel, can state and federal court*. Office I Box 85, Kerby, Ore., and receive ned frlilt, etc., etc., on sale early over Nations! Drug Store. suitable reward. 66tf Thursday nnd Friday. September 9th and 10th at 104 2 Eaat A St REAL KHT.ATE 70 E T. «McKINSTRY, 603 G St., phone W<X>D for sale, fir »3.50. Phone 13-R; general real estate business W. 8. Robinson. Wilderville. 69tf Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen-: era! farming CHICHESTER S PILLS .” CXir. SAYS: -TU’MAW'<UUO UÍ6 AXUlWtO f‘‘?E\L i’K wwifiVWS dowmawu A fc«MC H r XP. ÇO Afft TD CCViAO tvi Ü'XXKV' I A? UWA WUM OaUlCß A TUtt >4 UDV.W* TAX. tOONKR TAXI -Phone 262-R for; Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an swerod anywhere, anytime. 86tt PALACE TAXI Wind. Phone 22-.I. Tom j 03tf| •X, THE WORLD MOVES; so do we Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 349. F. 0. ISHAM, drayage ami transfer. Safe«, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stored Office phone 124-Y. Competent Mechanics and Prompt » Service —AT— Aments Auto Repair and Machine Shop Service car answers all calla Welding <>< all kinds Day phone 113-J—Night 2152-11 --- UhANTS PASS-MEDFORD TRUCK. .-------- - - Phone 333-.I — - I JX The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD MRS. JAMES M. POWERS, lnstruc-1 tor on piano; studio over Barnes' Effectire Nov. 24, 1919 Jewelry; open 9 to 5 dally, except, Tuesday and Wednesday. Phono ■ 265-J. Train» will run Mondays, Wednee- days and Fridays Leave Grants Pass..............1 P.M. BE8TUL, Veterinarian. Arrive Waters Creek........... 2 P.M. Itestdenee 838 Washington boule l.eave Waters Creek ...... ...2:30 P.M. Arrive Grants Pas*............. 4 vard. ««hone 398-R. PM For information regarding freight IJKNTISTS and passenger rates call at the office El rm -elas of the company.« butldln.s, ilpntlytiv St or telephone INI Correct , lubricatioiv makes a good truck, better You cannot expect maximum per formance and tong service from your truck unless it is lubricated correctly. Correct Lubrication u a science. A grade-for each type of engine TRACTORS: Thsrs la a correct grade of Zerolene for each type ai tractor. Various Type* Were Used Before the Present Form of Old Glory was Adopted. Accord ng to the Smithsonian insti tution there- «ere tunny forms of early Hug . e-J-eclafl) colonial types, used by th«- Individual colonle» and militia -«• ments liefore the ting of the Uni ted States was established by the con iinetiial congress June 14. 1777. lite ■uinlversarj of which date is now cel •li-nted ns flag day This act required that th« Hag of the United • il 13 L' lizontal strip« «, alternate ret! and’’Vhlte. and tl.ut the union l«e IB «like slurs mi a blue flel«t re-present- ■ng a new i onstcllntlon. i ti«if lite first occmScns for pub lic n qikty of 't«e Stars and Stripes Is se.u' to have been August <J. 1777 • ben the tii-.v Bag was hoisted over the troops al Fort Schuyler. Rome. N Y Jiil.n Paul J«,i.«-s is sa <l to have been the first to lly' the Stars and Stripes over the high seas on the Ranger In November. 1777. From the time of the Revolution Stars and Stripes In the flag have ried. There were 13 stars during R«-vo!-ttip«■, ■•> »«* ■..- *■ ai' ■-« 1 i- In the Mexican war. 33 to 35 id Civil war. 45 In the Spanish war atal 48 today. The stripes were changed first from 13 to 15 aud’ then back again to 13. Our national flag is among the oldest flags of the nations tielng older that the pre vnt British Jack, tlie French tricolor and the flag of Spain. The Painter's Dog Mr«. Ritchie, the daughter of Wil llani Makepeace Thackeray. I the Enc- I lab novelist, writes of visits when she was a child io Sir Elwiu Laml-eer th* animal painter. She says Sir lalwln was delightful company anil that be told the children many stories of an Imais us he stood painting at bls huge canvases. "I remember,' she says, “Lis telling us an anecdote of bne of his« dogs. He was In the habit of taking him out every day when his work was over. The dog used to wait patiently all day long while Sir Edwin was painting, but he used to come and lie down at his feet and look upi in his face toward five o’clock, and on one occasion finding that no notice was taken of his hints he trotted into the hatl mid came back with the painter's hat. which lie laid at his feet.” Friendship Reaches For. Friendship is an elastic word, rath er. It may be stretched to akHrvq any length and It can be contracted until it is unbelievably short and small says Margaret E. Songster. In Christian Herald. Like any rubber band, frieml ship can. of courwe. be stretchwl to«1 far—stretche«l to the breaking point. But It’s very hard to stretch the best sort of friendship so fur Frlemlshlp may be the umsi elastic thin; u the world Some people du not xi- the fact, bitt It can. It can t'e • 'mle to stretch p.'-t ambition, an«: iiioiml pride, mid over personal van i i lea It can be nta«le to lighten the darkest pathway, l<> smooth oui the ri» .gl'i'sl i«>iid. it ciiu «liitnge al mo a u‘i: Imnge.i I'e clrvuiiisiances—ii can break almost unbreakable trou bles. It can be. after all. one of th« most beautiful things In the worl<|. Call and Phone 324-J 111 Month Sixth SC- Agents for the (leveland Nad nsl Fire Insurance < om pan y Trie queer acting battery is the one we like to see—for we quickly correct the trouble at its source at the minimum ex pense and send you on your way an advertisement for THIS STATION. Skilled service and. modest < barges make this the '*opu- L.Art inliLui SiALiON. ADAMS ELECTRIC and BATTERY SHOP Exide Service Station« 506 South Sixth Street ON OUR NEXT DELIVERY let s send you a tew bags of our extra fine feed. They won’t cost you any more than you are paying now. It will only take a few trials however to prove how much superior in every way our feed 1». It cer tainly seems good to and for the horses or stock. And what is good for them is good for you- » JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Corner Third and G Street Phone 123 Grants Pass-Medford Interurban Autocar Co. Effective Aug. 5, 1920 LEAVE GRANTS PASS 7:00..a.-tn. 10:30 a...m 1:00 p. m 4:30 a. m. Daily and Sunday LEAVE MEDFORD 7.00.a.. m. 9:00 a- m. 1:00 p- m- 4:30 p. in. Mystc rkus. Indeed. A woman <«nt - ■ •• «.:shing to a undress with the sir t injunction to erurn It spotless. li’sttr.l. It came ack decidedly grubby. “I can't understand It." she c«tm ■lalned. “I asked you to be partlcn- nly careful about this laundry, anil t looks ns though it wants doing al! over again." "I can’t understand It myself," an In th> Spring. swered the woman. " ’cause I washed When the society bug starts working my own clothes In the same water be young men are prone to lose sleep. forehand. and the* came out quite That was my trouble one night when, •lean." after bni n; token a fair maiden home from a dance, I headed toward the The Reason, guiiige. A long freight train crawling "The cool waves from the west along bio« >.ed me nt the first crossing, seem to lose their Intensity as they and I settled Mt ok to wait for It to come east.” Minke Itself by. The next thing I re "That may hc because they «trike member «.ns a heavy hand pawing my •hs hot air from Washington.' shoulder I started up in alarm, to (Ind no trace of the train, the <nm push ) Ing up In the east, and the milkman Daily Courier Bargain Day— grinning nt me from the running board September 18. Saturday, is the an I paid him a dollar hush m«uey. but nual Bargain Day tor the Daily It did little good for my engine had been running all the time, and It was Courier, when yearly subscriptions too good a story to keep. —Exchange. are sold at a discount. On that day »5 pax* for on« yr»* In advance. Grants Pass Waiting Room I • BONBONNIERE Phone 160 PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) HEAT COMFORT 9TA8DARD OIL COMPANY tfl IfiAU'OSMLAl Bargain Day September 18. I r