Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1920)
rm Your Butter Bill 35» Buy ► « IBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ae Associated Frews to axel <ialvtiy • tied to tbs uss tor repapicatlon - .11 news dispatch«« credited to * K or til otherwise credited tn thia p*. er and also th* local news pob- Ito sed herein -11 rights of ropublieatloa of • t*- •tel dispatches barala are atoo rw- Mem:*«»«* ». leist» Mis» Cvrwbell« Itien. of Washing ton. D. C-. left this morning tor Eu gene after a visit here with Mr and Mrs W W Ctonby. Miss Catherine Baek toy, came here with Mi«s Bien and will leave tomorrow for Palo Alto wherevhe will take aome special The work at Stanford university, young ladles made tripe to Croter lake, the Cave« and many other points of interest here and are de lighter with Southern Oregon Reduce I iu » i » ay . k’t i 11 T À ‘"'1 . - More l»iv«>r««v> Grwatx’iA— Two more divorcee have been granted by Judge Galkins Decrees were given in the cases of Utile M Brown vs. L. B Brown and llearther Closton vs John R. t'loeton » Can You Beat This? 101 and 105 Nprth 6th ( arrlcrx Manic—1— Boys or girls with wheels wanted, one route now open. Bonus paid for gil.1 « 8O«:t REI> Tl 11» i fix the price of wheat in Oregon at evening gown Is for more formal long service Apply Courier office Till R8DAY. SEFTEMBEK 0, 1W2<» i 25c a bushel and potatoes at 10c a wear, There to a wide variety of 8.M 00x8 GRAY Tt B» other beautiful costume« The wheat and potatoes W. It. C. Meeting— bushel • »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•»♦♦ « ♦ ♦ 8.0.1 80x14 H Hill Till» The regular meeting of the Worn ♦ would be seat outside of the state OREGON WKATHKK Kitchen Bi»sard. en» Relief Corp« will be held Satur ».oa .tOsOH I.RAI Till» a where market prices could be eob- ’hade A <t>*<nr<le<l >■ day afternoon This will be the last ♦ i talned and likewise money would be painted blnck and I ng In the kitchen 1.00 :i2vl RED Tl HIM meeting before the national conven It announced ♦ Pacific Coast Etalés Gener- ♦ loaned on outside securities Extst- for a bulletin-boar<l tion and It is important that al) ♦ Uly fato, moderate tempera- ♦ Ing loans would be called as soon as thing- of Importati..- to the family, members should be present UIIILI. Ill El l.tol me»sage* 11+1 by iMiet when she ♦ 4 tora. went out. things to >nd things tn poeible and no now loan made. Bus --------- ♦ bny A piece of ebalk attached to a Old Settler Vtottw— ♦ Tonight and Friday occa- ♦ iness men, farmers and home orm string hangs convenl, near This At a Pine when Indians were ers would be unable to renew their has proven unire sat!*' • • >ry than a -lonal rain except in the ex roaming through the iRogue valley ♦ treme south portion. mortgages and notes and an orgy of pap-.- and pen. ur.durn since and were occasionally going on the •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ wholesale foreclosures would follow- R I» more urrrstlng. "warpath" and killing all the whites 1 ANOTHER FUOL1SH MEASURE "Let me call your attention to the ♦eeeeeeeeeeeeeee« ♦ ♦ they could find. Oliver Harbaugh ♦ settled In Jacksonville Today Mr PERSONAL AND LOCAL If Mr. Riches to correct in his clause in the proposed law speciftcal-j ♦ $ AND ESSEX CARS Harbaugh to 95S years of age but »♦♦♦♦♦ W-e ♦ ♦ per statements on the proposed 5 ly providing that the contract rate of . he can still remember the old days ce it interest law, then the people of 5 per cent to Inclusive of all .broker-' John F 1-ong. of New York, to when h<> first crossed the plains Mr making his beadquarters at the Ox- th? state at the coming election ages and commissions This would ford for a few days. Harbaugh crossed the plains In an ox ano hsPaiwtMC sb >uld' treat the measure as aimed mean that the state of Oregon and all | Mr and Mrs Thomas Fowler, Mr. team In 1 864 and came f the Iti i< at the best interests of the state political subdivisions such as coun and Mr». William G. Browning and valley tour years later. Since that Mill? an,! vote against the bill. Mr. Riches ties, cities, school districts, road dis Mr. and Mrs. Frank V piggy, all of time he has lived in Jackson county Of: Yesterday Mr Harbaugh came t< has made a study of the measure and tricts, etc., could iseue only 5 per Loe Angeles, were visitors yes terday while making a tour of Cali Grants Pass and vtolted a number no doubt to able to give facts which cent bonds for such Improvements as of friends fornia and Oregon should be heeded. In his attack on are necessary and would have to sell "Bixby's Shu-white." Sabin ha« it. FoBTI.tND M I KELTS the non-partisan activity in the state, the bonds at par. Mrs. lister Coburn has arrived in the city for a visit with friends and he points out another danger which "The evident effects of such a law Portland, Sept 9.—All markets threatens the state. In talking about appear eo clear to those who under relatives for a few weeks. Mr. Co bum is expected to arrive the end of are steady and un< hanged thp interest measure and the non stand ft that It seems that no one I the week to spend about 10 days partisan league Tuesday, Mr. Riches would be foolish enough to favor it. here Mr. and Mrs Coburn are liv- NEW TODAY t 1919 Chevrolet I »odge Touring made the following .«tatements But we hare found many well-mean I ing in Portland. 1920 Chevrolet Overland, Model !H) INSURANCE- Fire, automobile, life, Let us consider what effect this ing and Intelligent voters who think a'cldent nnd health. T. M. Stott. la r would have upon the life of the' that this law would compel the loan 308 North Slv’h St. 6»tf state. ing of money at 5 per cent. A vigor FOR SALE 25-35 automatic rifle.- "Money has a price, just as wheat > ous campaign of education is neces price right. Address No 1983 care Courier. 63tf and potatoes have a price and that! sary to show the people the real p 'ce to the rate of interest it is truth of this vicious measure and I WANTED Dishwasher at .1 repbine hotel. * ‘ 67tf ea rnfng This price fluctuates Just urge you men to see that this him - t win <>r hi inks a.« the pjfce of wheat and potatoes | sage Is carried Into every precfn t FOR SALE 10 acres river bottom, fl :ctuates. because of the law of in yotir county " with house. Close in. Irrigated. UMvtHbl'I Y We *lsh U> express <>ur (hanks to On hard surfaced road E D s pply and demand. Today there to the friends and neighbors tor their A «»a**««« *♦♦♦♦♦ Roberts. 215 B street. 69 (Continued from Page One) OREGON• s ch a tremendous demand for! sympathy and floral offerings during naiufainrd by the atate AT THE MOVIES MILK COWS for sal«- Otto Hen- snoney to rebuild the war devasted the d'-ath and bereavement of our Elsie Miller, 4th-5th Grades. in order that the young peo I ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a ♦ ♦ ♦ ricwori ■ loving husband and father. Marion w >rld that interest rate« are exceed- ple of Oregon may receive, Sylvia Wise, 4th Grade. F-21. • 70tf The new Enid Bennett pietà L. Griffin. without roat.the benefita of Echo Spores, 3d Grade. ingly high and you and I can sell “The Woman in the Suitcase,” which NANNIE GHIFITN and FAMILY RIVER BOTTOM land. 5 to 20 acres. a liberal education. Blanche Morey, 2nd Grade the use of our money in the world opens today at the Oregon theater, 1 *r3 miles from city, for sa4e, or ( Rulla Dickinson. 1st Grade. The University include* th* College of market, on gilt-edge security, for 8. to a treat for feminine movie fans if will take good residence property Fourth Ward b«'li<><>l Ltemtur«. Science and the Art», the Pally Courier Bargain Pay Sep 8 >4 and 9 per cent. for no other reason than that the Graduate School, the School of Fhya-' a» party payment. Address No ; Ruby Best. 1B-2B Grades tember 18. ical Education and the profeaaional1 2061, care Courier. 7otf "What would happen if the rate of pretty star exhibits the most ex School» of Lav. Medicine 'at Portland'. interest In Oregon is placed at 5 per quisite wardrobe There are several Architecture. Commerce. Journalism, FOR 8A1X—-If you wanj to buy. a evening gowns that would make any Education ard Music. cent. Just the same thing as would debutante Jealous. One is of laven good home on paved street. T.ln- High standards of scholsrship are ooln Park, Grant» Pas», for |42OO ht.ppen were we foolish enough to der, green and pink. A silver lace made poasible by an able faculty, veil that would cost yon |«000 to equipped laboratories and a library of nearly 100.000 volumes. build today Address No. 2061 care Supervise^ athletics are encouraged Courier and owner will come and YOU CAN FIND YOI' r FAVOURITE STYLE IXILOKIXG and every attention given the health see you. 70 AMONG THESE NEW and welfare of the students. IF YOU WANT to buy a new Ford With ■ hoithleaed eenfideaee car or truck write to E. L. Church by the recent expression of pahlie support the I'niveroify ill, Grants Pass, and he will come io now entering upon an era of I and see you. 70 developstoent and eateageg : COLLINS AUTO COMPANY Used Car Bargains W. S. Maxwell & Co. f i “Fitrite” Petticoats naefmlneaa. For a catalogue or for any information, address: THE KEGISTRAH (■l**r«Hy el Oreaee Keaewe, <>r*«on I * EDUCATION PAYS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AMD FOR THE STATE A Person with No Education .has but One Chance in 150,000 Render Distinguished Service to the Public. With Common School Education.............. 4 Chancen With High School Education ............ 87 Chance» With College Education __________ 800 Chance AKE YOU GIVING YOUR CHILD HIS CHANGE? Those States Are Wealthiest That'Have Invented Most in Education HOME FOR SIAM-: 5 rooms. at 406 Dimmick St. Wiring ELECTRIC SUPPLIES AND APPLIANCES AT Paul ’s Electric Store PHONE 80S SOUTH. SIXTH ST- PONY WANTED. Saddle pony want ed. Not more than 6 years old. ! Inquire 510 South Sixth. 71 i FOR SALE Refrigerator, bedstead, trunk, table and other articles. Call 18-Y. 71 ' NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna- 1 mental, shade and fruit trees. Geo. \ H. Parker. 70tf i BARTLETT pears, 50c per box. *Pe-' ter Oleson. 71 I ——----------------------------------------1 BOYS BICYCLE good as new except for tires. 825 takes It. Phone 1-J.j ss» Oregon Agricultural College 'trough a "Liberal gnd Practica Education” prepares tbe Young Man and Young Woman for Us ful Citizenship and Successful Ca reers in Agriculture — Engineering — Mining — Home Economics Commerce — Pharmacy — For entry — Vocational Education The Training Include; PHYSICAL EDUCATION, MU8IC, ENG LISH, MODERN LANGUAGE. ART and the Other Essentials of a Standard Technical College Course Fall Term Opens Sept'Tnber 5BO, 1920. Tuition Is Free. FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO THE REGISTRAR, Oregon Agricultural College, Ctorvallto, Ore. Call 71 WANTED 3fx tons alfalfa, baled, first cutting preferred. Give price. C. P. Kuhnhardt, Merlin, Ore. 71 : I Golden Rule Store STENOGRAPHY and typewriting. See Mrs. W. C. Harmon, Wedel Bldg., 407 G street. 72 | of motley order or rcgLtcrcd letter in payment l»y check on the Josephine County Hank—assur ing safity, e invoni<-n< e and the husineaa-like way of settlement. < becking accounts, large or moderate In sise are Invited. J osephine C ounty B ank G rants P ass ,O regon