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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1920)
rants Jtes Dai In courier VOL. X., No. 2W0 GRANTH PAMA, JOHKRHINE COUNTY, ORMiON. THURSDAY, HE1*TEMBEB ». 1020 Board of Dins tors of Irrigation IH m - trS l Place Amount at 93 per Acre PEACE PARLEY WWMiK NI MBER SOTO. Slate Goes From Below to Above Eastern Mate in Population— Growth .5.2 cent The board of directors of the LI7TVIA GIVF» GUARANTEED TO LANGE DAMAGE REPORTED IN AKHIHTtNT OF FRED I I’ll AM Washington, Sept. 9—Maine, the FIVE WILL STAND TRIAL—TWO Grants Paas Irrigation District has HATH RHPUBI Jt'ANH PLANNED THE SOVIET GOVERNMENT 34 th state in population 10 years MORNING EARTHQUAKE IN INDICTED FOR GRAND made an assessment of $3 per acre BIG Ulti VEH FOR BUIA MEET ago, has been outgrown In the last EMILIA LARCENY for the irrigable acreage under the deAde by Oregon, which was the Irrigation project for nezt year, this I 35th state. Maine's growth in pop asstaismont to cover all operating., ulation, as announced today, is 3.5 maintenance and operating costs. It per cent over 1910. Oregon had an Is expected that the cost next year I increase of 110,000 or 5.20 per rent Bor maintaining the ditch system will during the last 10 years. lie heavier than afterward because of Blair Hays SUUrmml» of Governor the breaks that may be anticipated I tod Arn»«w SisitJi of BreM-UtovUt \<l<litional IU*|*»ru I'n mi First Dia- OOX MAKING I.KWIE HIS Were True—111 CBI«* to Be Defeated Say Warsaw Official aiMrr Brings Total Well Into the to occur in canals and laterals dur-, MAIM CAMPAIGN HUBJBOT Organ I mm I Ktat.nnentc Hundreds j Ing the "seasoning” period. The present assessment will also cover Helena. Sept. 9.—Arguments in the installation of numerous turnouts behalf of the league of nations adapt Chicago, Sept. 9 < harge* by Gov- , M|j n8ce«iiary in putting the Warsaw, Sept. 9.—‘Letvla has giv Rome, Sept. 9.—-Another violent ed to affairs of the west were pre Five indictments were returned in ernor Cox that the republican, had QBW proJect tnt0 op<rat»on. The only en the necessary guarantees to the earthquake occurred in the Emill* sented here today by Governor Cox. the circuit court by the grand j .ry fixed quotas and planned Intensive un|| ()f the proJecl that W|U be Mrv. Russian soviet government and the district at 2:35 o’clock this morn He outlined what he declared were this forenoon as the result of the de fund raising drives In at least 51 ; #(j by ftn e|ertrica||y operated pump, bolshevik! peace delegation will go ing, causing a Loss of lives and im the practical material benefits to liberations of the official prober? of eitle. and that the national commit the Jerome prB|rie district, will be to Riga to meet the Poliah repreeen- portant damage. flow from the league, in addition to the probity and morals of the people in had a part In aiwesslng the city an ,dded ,2 per acre be- tatlvss. other intei¿st*. of the community. The Indictments quotas. was admitted on the stand rauBe of n<«ed for electrical pow- were against Robert Jones, chaX-ed before the senate committee today ef, wb|Ci1 muRt be purchased of the j Warsaw, Sept. 9. Success by Po- Florence,.Sept. 9.—The number of EARTHQUAKE REPORTED BY with larceny from a buildin«; by Harry M. Biair, a.RlHtant to h red California-Oregon nnwer enmnsnv. dead in Tuesday's earthquake is lish troops agalnst the Russian bol- power company. LKK OBSERVATORY TODAY Rudd and Cecil E. Wagner, charged W. Upham, republican, national The board, at its last meeting I shevikl on the front south of Brest- steadily growing as additional re with grand larceny, and Charles Ban treasurer The latest advices voted for the inclusion of the Jerome IJtx>vsk is reported In an official ports arrived San Jose, Cal., Sept. 9.—An earth croft and Byron Protxman, charged from Flzizzano bring the total dead quake, the heaviest iu years, was felt with statutory offenses. Jones, in Reading from a document produc Prairie district In the Grants Pass statement issued here there alone to 432 and Vignatta, 124. at 8:57 o'clock today. According to dicted for larceny from a building, ed by Blair, which he said was dis iUstrlct, there being no protests to About 1000 were injured in nearly the Lick observatory director, an east is alleged to have taken a blanket tributed in lieu of the much dis the petitions which had been present Service« at St. Iatkea— cussed "form 101" Senator Reed ed by the land owners. The Jerome Services will be resumed at St. three score of towns and villages. and wost heavy mark was made on and other articles from the Grants brought out that the treasurer's of Prairie lands are now a part of the latke’s Episcopal church Sunday Serious damage was done, the total the seismograph. No reports of dam Paas rooming house. He will enter fice plannml to organize Intensive irrigation project, and the plan calls evening, September 12th, Rev. Philip population of over 10,000 being ren age were received soon alter the «. plea in the circuit court next J n- dered homelese. drives In 5 4 cities, three more than Bor the construction of canals which K Hammond, vicar in charge shock. day. H's ball has been placed at Cox mentioned in bls Pittsburg will t>e served with water from the I 3500, and C. A. Sidler was appointed speech. Blair said, during the exam south side high line canal, a pump by the court to represent him. HARDING WEI J, PLEASE!) RY ination. that Governor Cox had “un- and electric motor to be installed on : Rudd and Wagner were charztl RECEPTION IN MINNESOTA der stated ” the line of the high canal near where: with the theft of 850 from ton ists it crosses the Crescent City high-! Aboard Harding's Special Train, I with whom they were given a ride. way six miles west of town. Sept. 9.—On his way home from his When arraigned this morning th->y An assessment of 85 per acre was first campaign trip, Senator Hard entered pleas of guilty, and wil'. .M5 authorled by the board against the ing, the republicna presidential nom sentenced by the court later. # lands in the northwest unit and the Charles Bancroft, a resident of inee, declared himself highly pleased Tokay district bo cover the cost of New York. Sept. 9.—To- .comply ( The local Chamber of Commerce today with his reception by Minneso Crescent City, charged with a st tu- the water for the preeent year, this with the demands created by in- , is in receipt of a communication tans. tory offense, is under bond of «500 assessment to be paid 81 with the ; creasing air travel, the United States from ths district freight and passen pending trial. Byron Protz: an. tax levy now being made and the weather bureau at New York is now ger agent of the Southern Pacific re from near Merlin, is awaiting trial balance with later levies so that the including In Its daily report of questing cooperation in their cam ARMED MASKED MEN MAKE The assignment of teachers to the cost need not come so heavy upon ATTACKS ON IRISH POLICE | with his bond placed at 83000. a weather conditions, a statement as paign to induce the warehouses and stepdaughter being involved in the ■different grades has been completed th land owners in a single season. to wind direction and force in the industrial plants along the line to Tullow, Ireland. Sept. 9.—Armed indictment against Protzman. it is by Superintendent of City Schools upper regions. One’ such report re-. dress up and clean up their places Imel and the list has been approved Bungalow 1« MHd— masked men attacked four policemen . expected that the trials of all th In conlly issued by James H. Scarr in ; facing the railroad. last night, Two constables were dicted will proceed next week. by the school board When school The bungalow at 701 South Fifth! charge of the New York office of The letter in part reads: “Will you shot dead The grand jury also inveetig ed opens next Monday morning It will street, owned by Mrs. Annie S. Nixon the weather bureau, contained th« be kind enough to handle with the I the complaints against M. Dunn nd find the following teachers at has been purchased by Chas. Eller following paragraphs. industries of your town, endeavor Wesley Eggers, charged with ob Galway, Ireland, Sept. 9. — A con- positions: • beck, of Eugene. Mrs. Nixon bought "Steamers departing today for Eu- ing to induce them to dress up their taining money under false pretenses. High H c T hio I another residence in the northern ; ! ropean ports will have fresh to plants facing the railroad and viewed stable was shot dead 1n the railway ■ but not true bills were returned, nd station at midnight. Three of the Myron C. Gaston, principal. part of the ciry yesterday. strong northeast to north winds and from the car windows by the many assailants were killed. the two were discharged. Laura T. Gunnell, English. Dra- generally fair weather to the grand passengers which we handle during The jury is still engaged in its mattes. Becoiixv* nil Ebthuslaat— j banks. a year's time? Many warehouses MAC8WEENEY IS REPORTED work, now having under consic! ra Ethel F. Parent. Coni mereiai sub MBs. A. B. Cornell has become an! "The winds up to 10,000 feet are need a coat of paint or whitewash IN MUCH WORSE CONDITION tion recent affairs that have dis: irb- Joels. euthualast over flying after her trip j easterly, but shift abruptly to west- and others should have a nice display ed the peace and dignity of the I-e- Glen I. Wardrip, manual training to Mini ford with Lieutenant Ayres orly above 18.000 feet.” sign showing the name of the indus I land district. London. Sept. 9. — Mayor Mac- both high schools. last Monday. Mrs. Cornell says that These indicate that the importance try and its product; the latter would Edith Dahlberg. I «afin, Spanish. the trip is wonderful as everything; of air travel has been recognized on serve as an advertisement for the Sweeney passed a bad night and com plained this morning of dizziness ac Had Painful Accident— English can be seen from the plane. I. A. a parity with sea travel. The data is industry.” A. N. Parsons is at home t '.ay cording to a uulletin issued by the Eva F. Parrett, History. English. Rotile also made the flight to the j obtained, he s^'d through the army Irish self-determination league. The suffering from a very painful in ry Genevieve L. Yannke, French, neighboring city. and navy authorities at Mitchell »ENATOR MOSES RENOMINATED bulletin stated that signs of atrophy he received last night. He had English, Spanish. Field and at Rockaway beach, where TO SEAT BY N. H. RF3HTHACANS of the skin had appeared. started to jack up his car to I '; a Etln L. MacIntyre, Sciences stolen Wheels Recovered— daily observations are made by puncture when the handle flew aut Jennie Cowan, Mathematics. Two weeks ago Herman Horning's means of barometers, wind guages. Manchester, N. H., Sept. 9.—Sena of the jack and struck him in tie Edith LindRay. Sciences, 'Physical bicycle was stolen and no trace could etc., sent up attached to captive bal- tor George H. Moses, opponent of the FIUME NATIONAL COUNCIL HANDS IN RESIGNATION, eye. Several stitches were neces • ry. training in grades. be found of it. About a week later , loons. league of nations, and woman suf-' It is not thought that he will 1 jse Alice Horning. Home economics in I Earl Plttenger lost his week. Tues frage was renominated by the Nev» the use of his eye, but this will not Flume. Sept. 9. — The Flume na both high schools. day Mr. Plttenger saw a bicycle that I be certain for several days. F. V. D’Bangs arrived yesterday ■ Hampshire republicans at Tuesday's Junior High School ! looked like his. He examined it and from Portland and after a short time primary by a plurality of about 12,- tional council resigned today. Anna Blanche Crane, Principal. I found that the frame was the one he in the city left for Crescent City. 000. A. C. Stewart will leave this even Rogue Climate Enticing— English. : had lost but that the wheels had “ ■■ ■ ’ m. ... ...... -■a.i^'.i- .11 ing for Seattle where he will spend The editor found the foliowin on Cora A. Smith. Mathematics I been changed. Mr. Horning claimed the next few weeks on mining bus- his desk, and being a boost, des- eS Minnie E. Vlgus, History. I the wheels a« his. Two boys were MAPS OUT SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS iness. • publicity: “Last February a man Grace Green, Literature, Art, found who are said to have taken the from the east came to enjoy our v > m- Nora Anderson, Sciences. bicycles and changed them about so drous climate. He tarried a » i!a. Jessie A. Mordoff, Spelling, Uen- | that they could not be recognized But being humanly curious he v va manship, Physical Training. but had forgotten to take the basket dered if there surely wasn’t an ca East School off the front of Mr. Pittenger’s wheel. imore glorious place to live thr in Nellie H. Woodward, Principal, The case will be up to the juvenile ; the Rogue River valley. So u he «th Grade. court. A number of instances of packed and started South. He a* Williams, 5th-6th ¡ Blanche I). petty thievery by young boys have e4 ¡bound to find out and so he ■ been reported during the summer. Grades. every nook and cranny of the se ->-al Ora L. Perry, 4th-5th Grades. W. S. Carpenter, crop specialist of ; states of California, even acros the Josophine >P. Gebers, 4th Grade. BABE Iti TH KNOCKS OCT O. A. C. is here and will be on the border of Tia Juana, Arizona, Colo Elva M. Prescott, 3d Grade. ITITI HOME RIN ol SE\SOX corn seed selection field tour Fri rado. Utah. Nevada. Wyoming, ,n- Margaret Sage, 2nd-3d Gradty day. September 10th, to assist the tana, Idaho. Washington and f of Uta O. Waters. 2nd-1st Grades. Clereland, Sept. 9.— Ruth knocked farmers in determining the best ears Oregon. He is now back in ‘It’ Alice M. Pool. 1st Grade. out hla 47th homer In the first game to select for.seed for the state corn Climate' and swears he is golr i to Riverside School In tho Now York-Cleveland series show. Saturday, September 11th. ‘buy’ now and be absolutely ran- Kathryn Ryan, Principal, f>th hero today. Mr. Carpenttr and the county agent tented. He has seen for hlmsel nd Grade. will tour the Illinois valley, at which knows that right here is the grt * -■»«it Elsie Neave, oth-frth Grades. time a number of the farmers will be climate in the country and offer he (Continued on pa«" 2.1 visited and the matter of corn seed best opportunities for the purs of selection discussed with the farm health, happiness and prosperity ers of that section. The following is the tentative schedule for Friday. <x>x SAYS INVESTIGATION 4 4 Take this program with you on the COMMITTEE HAS EVUM'NCM Flume, Sept. 9—Gabriele ♦ ♦ --------- ♦ 4 today proclaimed ♦ D'Xnnunlo Leave Grants Pass courthouse, S 4- ♦ Helena. Mont., Sept. 9. — C >n- a Wnshington, Sent. 9.- Forecasta ♦ Flume an Independent state. m. 4- vincing evidence was given t’>e ♦ D'Annunzio declared he had » 'or the production of the country’s L. WcMgnii, tins worn out e yiilee i nutoniotille- In the sc'vo evil Arrive K. M. C. Neill. 8:30 a. m. 4- senate Investigating commit V 4 private news from 4 irlndpal .crops, estimated from the yenrs he Ims leen ■‘pnlli(lndlitf;,‘ for the American Automobile n-<<>”lniion. !♦ 4 received Arrive J. H. Robinson. 9:15 a. ni. ♦ yesterday at Chicago. Cover shown In re ready to lenvv Witslilruton on n nip which will ninp out a sy- etu 4 Pgrls which furred him to de 4 'nndltlon on September 1st. w-r Arrive C. F. ïxivelace. 10:15 a m. 4 Cox declared in an address h 4 of li gliun's connecting the country's niitlonnl parks. In the photograph, 4 nnorn'Tii today by the department clare Flame IndC ’ endent today Arriver River Banks 11 a. ra. 4 4- today, in support "of his Pi 4 freui left to r -l > ■■ • s T Mxi’e - ductor nntlonnl purk service; Mr. ♦ • .• r!? 'lturc. Sprint wheat. 237,- Arrive Granta Paas, lunch, 12:30 ♦ burg charges that "quotas” - ’- ♦ 4 __that he could not wait until Western'd) Held lepn i iitutive of thv A. A A.I Judge John Burton Payne, 'OO.hon bushels, condition 74 1 per 4 September 1 ¡.th n* he % had tn- Arrive J. B. Noble. 1:30 p. m. ♦ lotted for 51 cities toward > ■nt. normal; corn 3,131.000,000 b i- ••eeiiUiiy of tie Intel IfiiN; ml A. G. C.itclielder of tile A. A. A. Arrive J. B. Taindsay, 3 p. m. 4 tended. ♦ republican fund. 4 ♦ .shels, condition 88.4 percent norma). 4 Arrive Ross Crow, 4 p. m. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»* 4 COÏ SAID TO HAVE UNDERSTATED CUTTING CASE INVESTIGATED I