Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1920)
PERSONAL MEMB FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Financing the Men Who Are Behind the Nation’s Business F you are numbered among those who are proposing to do bigger and broader I things in this day of Reconstruction you surely will want to avail yourself of the splendid advantage of this bank which has the resources of the Federal Reserve System with gold reserves of $2.200,000,- 000 behind it. Come in and talk it over with us. First National Bank of Southern Oregon Thermoid Tires HINTS MORE PER TIRE BI T LBS PER MILK ASK I S WHY TH EV Ml ST MARK GOOD— OR WE WILL Rogue River Hardware Co. the WiNCff£5T£A « tor . School Books Supplies C. H. DEMARAY Druggist Mr. and Mrs Al. F.. Hunt and Miss Eugenia, were visitor» In llrauls Paas yesterday. Hop Insurance. T. M. Stoll. 70 C H Wylie Is spending a few days tn Gold Hill attending to business mattar«. Attorney O. S. Brown. of Glendals. is in the city for the September term of court. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rodolf and family of Kingman. Arit , are in the city tor a few days. Mrs J. R. Gunning has returned to her home at Klamath Fall» after a visit In the city with relatives. H. O. Siskron. of Holland, spent a few days in the city, stopping at tbe Oxford. John Dailey, of Panther Bar. was a business visitor In the city yester day. to Wayne Wimer has returned Grants Pass tor a tew days fyorn Ga- sells. He Is registered at the Ox LOQ h L l.ii'viiMsl to AA ««I— A marriage lieeuse has tievii is sued to William John Schmits and Miss Ida Alice Kraus. both of Mor lln. Wonderful Values For the Money In Nev/ Fall Coats, Dresses and Skirts mr$. Hellie Hea$ I toy al Ardi VI hmhi »— Regular convocation of Reames Chapter. No. 88. R. A. M will be held Wednesday evening. Septe mber «8 8. F. M Iluy 1er. Il P. Should Aotlf) County Agent— The county agent states Dial a number ot the Farm Bureau mem* hers are complaining because they have not I msmi receiving their copies of the Farm Bureau News. If they will hand in their names to the county agent, he will see that thelt names are placed on the list Women'* X«»i»ei«tlon M’Vting—— The regular business and social meeting of the Women's Association of Bethany Presbyterian church will ford. be held Wednesday afternoon at Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. F B. S‘30 nt the home of Mrs Ilestiil. of Selma, spent Monday Iti-tbe city 888 Washington boulevard A full visiting with friends attendance Is urged Austin Wilson, of Applegate, was a local visitor yesterday looking af Carriers Want««!— ter business matters Roys or girls with wheels wanted, H. E. Haefner has returned from one route now open Bonus paid for Pow ers where he spent several weeks Apply Courier office long service In the woods for the forest service, i Mrs. W. H. Dana and daughter. Miss Iris, went to Ashland this Party Get» D«w-r— A partv composed of Luther Wy morning to spend a few days visiting att. B D. Cutler and Walter tleagle with friends. Automobile insurance, collision brought in three deer as the result and property damage T. M. Stott.70 of a two-dav hunt near Cavs Camp Mis« Vivian Isham returned this The three went to Holcomb's Defeat, Staback. Wash., five miles this side of the camp morning from where she spent several weeks at They saw a number of d«w«r but the the Y. W. C. A. conference which woods are too dry to get very good 1 shots. The bucks were all four-! was held there. E E. Smith and family, who have pointers. been visiting at the M. E. Hunt ranch at Ferrydale have left for Cal DiMt|>|H>int««l in Air Cirrus— ifornia points Mr. Smith expects to Ix>cal people who made the trip return to Oregon later to make his to Medford yesterday to witness the i air circus state that they were great-1 home. W. L. Zimmerman, third trick ly disappointed in the exhibition ! operator at the Southern Pacific sta- They expected to see a large amount tlon. left this morning for Salem He of aerial stunts, but except for a! was called to the northern city be- parachute drop, the stunts were not cause of the serious illness of his forthcoming. All the thousands of mother. people from all over the valley saw Miss Maree Edwards left Sunday were straight flights and a few for for San Francisco for a several mations Five planes were in the weeks' visit. During her absence. air at one time. Many local people Miss Edwards' place at the Southern received circulars advertising the af- Pacific will he taken by XV. E Mc- fair and say that they were led to Bride. expect a few stunts. The only sav- J. Dixon and J. L. Dixon, of Aus- (ng feature of the day according to C Wilshire. of a tralia. and A C. “" those -------- who —--------------------------- the Am- San stayed over, was * — Francisco, were Grants Pass visitors erican I region datum at the Natator- yesterday while on a tour into Can- last night. This Is ada. They will travel <by water frotn been a great success Canada to San Francisco on their return. MI mm AVolke’s Studio Open»— wife Frances W. Burnham and Miss Alma Wolke will resume her and Philip N. Westcott, are spending classes In piano and harmony Sep a week on the Rogue getting some tember lath. For the benefit of of the wonderful steelhead fishing those contemplating studying with they had heard D. A. G. Collie-Mac- her it Is suggested that arrange Neill tell them about. They spent ments be made immediately as avail several weeks on the upper Rogue able time Is limited. High school before coming here North Studio 708 credits given 78 Fifth street Phone 208-L. Saw Klamath Fall» Fir e | A party of five local young men AuUi Is Snuvdicd— were present when the Houston ho-, The automobile belonging to Tom tel at Klamath Falls burned and Bilderback. of Merlin, was I badly took a number of lives Ralph Bob- smashed yesterday morning on zien. Joseph Harper. Michael Byrd. Smith Hill In an encounter with a" George Winters and C. Kienle had large truck The truck and the oth- been at Crater latke, making the re er car were i coming up the other side turn by way of Klamath Falls. They of Smith Hill Mr Rllderback had camped three blocks from the states that the truck pulled out to hotel and saw the fire from the one side to let the other car past but start. They say that the fire depart- that when he was within a few feet meat did not get to the scene of the of the truck it started back at full blaze until quite awhile after the speed, smashing his car badly. The alarm had been turned in. occupants of the truck said they would stop this morning at Merlin and fix the car as their truck was a “traveling garage“ This morn ing, however, they failed to appear and when Mr Rllderback went back to their camping place they had left. The sheriff’s office has been notified and some action will probably be taken to find the truck. IN Ol R EHTIM ATKIN At the slim of Ye Jolly Uttle Tailor we are going tai wlunw» a great Jmrtagv ut over* coatte during the coining winter Mwwum. Many re- turned soltller. wore out their military «-onta last U infer and will tie in the mark*« for new gar ment«. We hate a «pknuUd «'uHtmtitm of exclu* idre fnlirtcw. Order« pUrasI now for delivery at your voti'»«tienee. GEO 8. CALHOUN Isxal dealer nearly si »tee» years H XX E VOI R Fall Suit and Overcoat MADE TO MKASl ItE 111 Hart, Schaffner & Marx AT Peerless Clothing Co Shoes for the Family SCHOOL SHOES FOR ROYS IMi GlltlJi, OE HTXNDXRD QI ALITI THAT WILL WK AK IMI GIX E S ATISF At TION. pricer w w to o«.««» WANTED! BORN More Hop PicKers For Burdic and Knox Ranch Paying 2c Per Pound Picking Baskets Furnished Free Transportation From City Bus Leaving Temple Market at 6:30 a. m. Daily For further information call at Temple Market nr see A. F.Knox "DAVIS—To Mr. an Mr» Claud L. Davis of Grants Pass, Tuesday. September 7, a daughter. School Supplies PENCIL TABLETS INK TABLETS PEN HOLDERS PENS FOI’NTAIN PENS ERASERS SPELLING TABLETS <8>MI'OSITION BOOKS NOTE BOOKS DRAWING PAPER THEME PAPER PALMER PAPER CRAVOLAS EX’ERSI! A HP PE NCI IS CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Rooks How Parents Can Encourage Saving If to every iw». rx’ni”«! by )(mr »bollili add aoveaty.flve <enU. you<! greatly «mcouHMto him to save, c~ < >!*••»» *n arco h nt for hint HOW at the ■l<e>e|>liiiio County Hank. • 4 interest paid on savings Account.« J osephine C ounty B ank G rants P ass .O regon i