Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1920)
V Tl »»DAY. MEPTEMPI II 7, iw.’O. GRANT» P.AJ4H DA H. Y <XH H Kh Classified Advertising FOR HALF WANTED Carpenter work any- where Price suits you and me. A <ld re»» No. 2003 care Courier «V WANTED Wicker baby buggy, lu good condition. Phone 276-R 72 OOOD select building lumber at the lowest wholewale prives Josephine H»ll 111 XT Lumber Co., Inquire nights Jose phine hotel. Mlf H»II BENI' 2 rooms and sleeping porch, for light housekeeping. ’.Hl HALF, Chima UMIOU dlld'id Close lo high school. Inquire at hay «29 per ton f o b Grunt» Courier office No. 1989. 64tf Paa*. Illverbanka K.iriUK K5tr TO RENT Fifth Street. Call al 712 N 68 FOR 3ALE Fimi ciana u»ed pipe, all siate one 10 ii. p. Case port- alile, strani new «375. Ona 12 h. p. Il usarli Tractor, steam, «450. Russali Tractor. E T McKINHTRV,60» G St., phone Uno 20 h p 13 R; general real eetate business. steani, « On« 25 h p Cue» Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen Tractor, steani, «1600. One draw eral farming snw. wllh 2 aaws. (»0 One 4 h p glia angine, «100. on» 6 h p. IvOHT Two amali »uw gas engine «I mille each (600. All «Una of en- IX1HT Holl of blankets wrapped In tarpauI In, near Havage Rapids gin»* and bollerà, Bolting, p'illoya OREGON «5 reward If left at Courier office. and generai supplir» 69 MAi’HINKRY CO.. Eugsna. Ore 6» room FOR HALE Alfalfa buy and grain 1/iHT Gunny sack containing tour hay In carload lota Jesse L. heavy coats Finder please notify Richardson. Central Point, Ore J. Pardee. 70 gon. 72 I j OST A 30 x 3*4 auto tire and rim Foil HALE New Ihidgu dellvAy. between Hayes hill and Kerby. Price right. Fashion Garage 6» Finder will please address P. O. Box 85, Kerby, Ore , and re elve FOR HA1JC Paars for canning Price suitable reward. 66tf reasonable. Bring your hoste» »24 «9 South Fifth Hl IX»8T California license »TRAINED HONEY for sale at 10c 295275. Finder please and 1SH«, while It lasts at J. Courier office O. Baird's apiary on the Jeff Lind say farm war Murphy. Bring M>HT (5 hill between t’nlon Market and Horning's Shack If the party your bucketa. 76 known to have picked It up will 400 HEAD OF HHEEP Mostly return It to the Union Market, a Shropshire, will sell lot or In »mall reward w|ll be paid 67tf 71 bunches. Winetrout Bros. POSITION CALLS FOR ABILITY Englishman Chosen to fairs In Jerusalem Given a Hard Administer Af. Has Been Task The office of governor of Jerusalem, once »((«pled by Pontius Pilate. Is now held by Col Ronald Htorrs, n grnduate of t'nrnbrld.-e university and sori of th» dean of Rochester college. England. Ills tusk Is one ro tear the ndmlnlr tratlve ability of any man. Jerusalem la n city of disunions, where what ever tnuy come of the future, for the moment Zionists and Arabs are passionately divided, and to steer a Jiiat path between them and Indue» them to Join him on that path Is thank less work. It la to Hint taste however, that he chiefly devote« himself. Twice a week he lias meeting» of his favorite pre- JcHiwalem society, where French. Ital ians. British Americana, rablds. Zion- 1*1», leader« commercial men of »tnnd- trig and other» who are In any way prominent In the life of the city are brought together and In the cotirse of debate led to see that they have In common a single cltls*n«hlp. Ills motto »» governor 1» “unify and he friend* “ Colonel Ktorr« na« one of the prime movers In the c«tnhl’-hment of an In diqiendent Arab kfnedom lie Is thir ty eight year« old Hammermlll Bond Ixjtter Heads and Envelopes at the Courier office ATTORNEYH H. G. D NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practices In all State and Federal Courts First National Bank Bldg Paul’s Electric Store MICKIE SAYS dosò Kiwtu ert -tu' -rvux -ru' vMuoes Atra NA HEAD IM TUCSt MECE COLVkAM« AQL ATMtRTlStMO- 30 UCtP "TU’ PAPCQ. CB. 3t> KAAKE. \ GOOD FEUXR.a OF 3A4EXA-SC.ÍMCSM good etwees ok euri -ruv-ÌKt good feixwesekheM xtaol AVI' 3M' «JE.A3OM 3MSM AbMÇWTÆE vacÆcox. rr pfXNe-nAÇkA' m ' ejcxcHtWAAre'. VETERINARY SURGEON Ament’s Auto Repair and Machine Shop TIME CARD Effective Nov. 14, 1919 Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays P.M. U O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice Leave Grants Pass............ 1 P.M limited to diseases of eye. ear. nose Arrive Waters Creek...........2 and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours I Leave Waters Creek ......... 2:30 P.M. P.M. 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. Arrive Grants Pass............. 4 For Information regarding freight Phones, office 62; residence 359-J and passenger rates call at the office 8 LOUGHRIDGE, M l> Physician of the company, Lundburg building, and surgeon. City or country calls or telephone ISl attended day or night. Phones Re» 369; Office, 182; 6th and II Physician E. J. BIIJJCK. M. D TIIK »1AMON» BRAND. A and surgeon, office Schallhorn | -Z’TAL a X. l.adlre! l.atlltMi! Aik Ask year ywnr Urnnlii ft* /jX < hl-chcujor« IHamond Hran’l/A) block, phone 5 4-j; residence, 1001 I’llla !u «< 4 ind Wold »Mieti with Pl ie Ril^xia. Ivawnrldge, phone 54-L. Take no ..«her. Huy »fiour i»rw9viM. A«k r rcin.riika.TF.B* IHAMtK» lt«ANI> Ill.lAÏxU W. F. RUTH ER FORD Manus' years k nown M Desi, Safest. Always Rellabte raputlcs It gets your attirent WlDIYORKiUSTSEVLRYWMiRE Office over Barnes’ jewelry sfore Off! <• hours 9 30-1 2: 1:30-4. M.r»i W STEXRN’S M. D Phy alelan and surgeon X ray equip ment, dental X-ray. < ifflce. «onte Temple Bldg. Phones tica 21-Jt residence 21-L. PHYHICIANH CHICHESTER S PILLS DENTIN TS « C. M 4CY. D M I». Flrst-clasi deiitUuy 10» 'e 8 oil, 81. A moderate priced Baking Powder of greatest merit. Honestly made. The Lord Needed No Help. Ttw hi Hoiifheni fninily, •‘fimminy’* of tie tyjw* tkhv mm *- HMNiirHtl l»> two who«- ► 4»r\h'i-H îmd bei'n by h«*r ploypr that b*r condition wan «mb tbnt wn I hiiih <llntr ojMratlon wa* n<*« D«».nry. Mnrnniv ! r» *|fnl I t but (Ì4‘etin<*<l Ihoir M*rvk’p in the fol lowing : ‘'I' m Je»»f ¡ im nroch obliged to you g**n*ilrwn T kin 1 •* f*ut < f <le <lonh Litwrt b. dono mn«h- up hl* mind to mil me h<» n»*. I reckon he kin trmiMlttte me wiihout no a* -1*t h n<e.” Honestly sold. Economical in every way. Every particle is full of actual leavening value. A full money’s worth. You save ............ time _ when vhen you use it Calumet is all baking powder. It begins to raise bak ings the instant they ------------- *XL are put " £ into the oven. You don’t have to keep peeping’’ to see if bakings ba are aU lght. _ You ______ know the ...ev ’ are. Calu met is sure— never tails. That’s economy. And true economy—in cost -in use—in time» Life. Life 1» a grettt deni Ilk» n ball gaim- wlil( l> 1» never over until the Inst hi fling 1» 'played und the great umpire «ny«. “Out " Amt by good batting and flelding (right thmklog ami temperate llvlntr» the game may po»»ltdv go Into extra Innings. What kind of a game are you playing, 11 «even Inning affair or <tn overtime contest»—Arkansaw Thomas Cwt. One trial will prove it and show you in results why millions of shiewd. thrift; nousewives prefer Calumet to ail other brar.da. The unfailing strength of Calumet X larantees perfect results. Not only saves our—sugar eggs, eta,—but saves Baking Powder. You use only a teaspoonful- you use two teaspoonfuls or more of most other brands. Calumet contains only such .r.gredients as have been approved officially by the U. S. Food Authorities. UNIVERSITY • OREGON• ■ maintained by the ntnte in order that the young peo ple of Oregon mny receive, without root, the benefits of a liberal education. YOU SAVE MATEHiALS IT iS USED WITH Highest Quality Highest Awards The Usiver.ity includes the Colle)e of Lrtemturv, Science and the Arts, the Graduate School, the School of Phyi-' wal Education, and the profeaaional' Schools of Lav. Median»(at Portland:. Architecture. Commerce. Journalism. Education «nd M uik . High atandarda of acholarahip are made poaaible by an able faculty, veil equipped laboratories and a library of nearly 100.000 volume». Supervised athletics are encouraged and every attention given the health students. ■nJ . With a heiahiened eonlidenee Sained Uy <l>. reeent eapreeei.n of puhlie eupporl. the I'oiverally la now entering upon nn ere of large development and »»tended oaofnlneaa. For a catalogue or for any information, address: 1HE HFGI.STKAR vvraily »I Or» When you buy a pound of Calumet you get a full pound—16 oz. Some high priced baking powders are now being put on the market in 12-oz. cans instead of a pound. Be sure you are getting a pound when you want it No short weights with Calumet. K«»vnv. livra»,. Chicago. Wednesday. — AT— The California and Oregon 1 Coast Railroad Company DR. R. J. UE3TUL, Veterinarian. ' Residence 838 Washington boule ! va rd. phone 398-R. SAVES THREE WAYS Competent Mechanics and Prompt Service WANTDU— More pickers wanted moved, packed, shipped and stored I Free transportation to and from Office phone 124-Y. the Christie hop yards, bus Reales GRANTS PASS-MEDFORD TRUCK. Service car an» were all valla from Claus Schmidt's corner each Phone 333-J. 85 morning at 6:30. 65tf Welding of all kind* PIANO INSTRUCTION WANTEIF Dozen or more young Day phone ll.T-J—Night 2.T2-R Rhode Island Reds or Plymouth MRS. JAMES M. POWWR8, Instruc- j Rocks. L. A. Robertson, 306 tor on piano; studio over Barnes’ West G street. 63 Jewelry; open 9 to 5 dally, except j I Tuesday and Wednesday. Phone —, « ,.r . j w -------— CALUMET BAKING POWDER E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney Practices In al! courts First National Rank Building Wiring 265-j. Solovnon’e Tsmple. It 1« brdtiwed today Try many aa win's that th»- i ild Te-vmiisnt dcscrip- tlon of Holomon’» li-trrph’ wu» written by the Jew* after their return from ’he captivity, with the ttvrnorv of 1 lie row' sj.lemlors of Babylon fresh In their mind«, «ny» Anatrutlier Mnekay, writing In the Atlantic Monthly ft I» possible that the actual temple wan a «liuple place of worship. If It hail »•<■> n otherwise It 1« hardly po-vl Ide that on romaine of It would be visible today, seeing that the Iws pica of E'zypt, wt.leh are »0 much old er, remain. In «sur cane», almost trito. W. OOLVIG, U’orney-at-la w. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. O 3. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. MIHt’ELLANEOl H FOR HALE Fancy Berkshire* < lone Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. ly related to the (6500 boar und tlANKERS UFE COMPANY. Des C. A. -"DLEIt. Attorney-at-law. M the (3900 sow recently sold at Moines. Iowa Idatrlet agent. My •‘■□ic sirile. Grants Pass, Ore. public auction In the east. River ron C. Gaston. Grants Paas. Ore GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law Banks Farms. 66tf Over (7.500,000 In force In Ore referee In bankruptcy. Masonic gon . 95tf HOCHE FOR SALE—Furnished or Temple. Phone 135-J. unfurnished, beautifully situated, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS — Ther JAMES T. 0HI.NNOCK Lawyer 6 rooms, bath, pantry and attic. mopylae lodge No.,50, meets every First National Bank Building Garage, wood shed and chicken second and fourth Tuesday even No. 64 7 yard. Huy from owner ing. Visitors Invited 09tf A. C. HOUGH—I.awyer. Tttffg Bldg. Practlga In all courts North Second street 7 7 ALBANY NURSERIES. Inc.—’’The V. A C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In FOR HALE 8 good horses, 6 good old reliable." Treee of quality. Al state and federal courts. Office wagon», hay press, all kinds of bany Oregon. F. E. Jordan, spe over Nations! Drug Store farming Implements, balled alfal cial agent, Granta Pane. Ore. 37tf —V fa and grain hay, and rolled bar PRACTICAL ROOFING- Asphalt ' ley. Reagor ranch, phone 201-X, Medford, Ore. 70 « and gravel paper and composition, roofing. Ie»ky tanka repaired, .30 ACRES FOR HALE Improved cheat». Repairs a sneofalty. Four-; 3H mile* trout Grant* runs, lu teen years experience. L. J. Otis, i ELECTRIC Fruitdale. 8*4 acre* grapes, fam 740 North 10th St., Granta Pasa, j HI Pl’Ll ES ily orchard, well fenced. E. C Ore Phone 211-Y. 69 j ANI. Underwood. Rd. 4, phono 6O3-F-4. APPLIANCES 70 FOR PLUMBING, concrete, sidewalk AT ing. phone 333-Y. 89 TENT FOR SALE 10x12. go d as ANY ONE KNOWING the where- , new. See It at the Battery Shop. about« of Robert Blaine, will thye Stewart IMsbrow. 72 please notify his sister. Miss May I PHONE 203 SOUTH. PLUMS AND PRUNES. 4c per lb; Blaine, 215 Moore St . Jackson. | SIXTH ST. will deliver In 100-lh. lots. Order Michigan, care Mrs. John Hunt. 69 I before drying »«»son. Otto Hen- TA.\i rtcaon, Rd. 2, box 24. Phone 602-F-21. 68 SOONER TAXI Phone 262-R tor Jitney Luke or Cutler Calls an Foil SALE 100 tons of alfalfa liny. awered anywhere, anytime noti First cutting. «20 per ton Warren D. Mae, Applegate. Ore. 72 PALACE TAXI -Phone 22-.I Tom Wind. 03tf MASTRI» WANTED Second hand 5 or 6-ln> h DRAYAGE ANI» TRANSFER centrifugal pump In good condi THE WORLD MOVER; so do we tion. Isaac Beet. 38tf Hunch Bros Transfer Co. Phone| 349. WANTED—-MIII workers and tally man. See Goetz nights, Josephine f . G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. hotel. 53tf Safes. pianos and furniture PAGE TIBER OLD PAL PETE This is a P. S. to the letter I wrote you on the buzzing Lirsited. Kid, for a fact, I’m hitting 13 on making up Camel advertisements. And I’ll say it right here! Porter, give us the lights! Just skimmed another swell Camel fact I Stop this: Guess I’ve smoked a million Camels! Pete, they never tired my taste yet!!!! And, old socks, put Camels to the test! Then you’ll wise up that Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty after taste nor unpleasant ogaretty odor! That’s some smoke news. I’ll say, when you been trying to fuss the “straight” brands! And, old shoe, you ought to know, they gave you a lacing! What makes a dent on my disposition is that while Camels are the mildest cigarette and the mellowest cigarette any man can buy they’ve ¿of aW the "body” you ever heard tell of! Why Pete, I got as many new selling ideas about Camels as there are hairs on a purr-kitty’s tail 1 Drop your old lamps down here,—how’s that for blazing the joy Camels pass out 1 Me for more of ’em