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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1920)
FAGX two Ft»R SALE dtatiy buggy, <>52 North room table Phone 49-J. street. GRANTS PASS OAILV COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A. K. Voorhles. New Satins Pub. and Propr. itered at poatofflce, Granta Paas. Ora., as second class mail matter DINING ROOM TABLE for Call at S03 North 7th St dress s vi ix I XN, X ’ i» lining . ixtix DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year..... $6.00 By mail or carrier, per month.. .50 OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively •niltied to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or *11 otherwise credited in this 101 and 105 North 6th paper and also the 1 oö *1 news puh- llahod herein. All rights of republication of spe- •tai dispatches here:J are also re- •erred eti. The assessment roll and record 1XM! SALE Tennessee White Win of the District are on file in the of ter Barley and Gray Winter Oats TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. IICII. fice of the Secretary in the Court for fall seeding. River Ranks .♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•»♦♦♦e House at Grants Pass, for the in Farms. Rd. 2. Grants Pass 68tf ♦ spection of all persons interested. • OREGON WEATHER FOR SALE 10 acres river bottom. ♦ Signed XVII j FORD XLLEN. with house. Close in. Irrigated ♦ Weather f<* the Wee* Secretary. On hard surfaced road E D. Pacific Coast Elates: Gener ♦ ♦ Grants Pass. Oregon, September Roberts, 215 B street. «9 ally fair; moderate tempera ♦ . 1. 1920. 9-11-41 ♦ 4- ture FOR SA1AC A small Emerson ♦ square piano; no reasonable offer NEW TOPAT Tonight and Wednesday fair. ♦ refused 314 South Fifth St. 69 ♦ Gentle westerly winds. INSURANCE—Fire, automobile, life, ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦a* accident and health. T. M. Stott, 308 North Sixth St. 62tf I on times our motto TWELVE LIVES HUE LOST FOR SALE--25-35 automatic rifle, price right. Address No 1983 care Courier. 63tf I AND "FAIR PLAY — ¡THAT'S HOW WE MAKE THE! BU5INES^ PAY (Continued from Page One) NEW FORD— Who wants my new NOTICE OF MELTING OF BOARD E D Ford coming this week. OF EQUALIZATION OF THE 69 Roberts. 215 B street. GRANTS PASS IRRIGATION DIS WANTED—Men for unskilled labor TRICT. Wages 60c per hour. See man ager at Oregon Gas & Electric. 513 G street. 6Stf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors constituting a Board of Equalization for The FOR SALE—160 acres 3 miles from station, 30 acres cleared, subir Grants Pass Irrigation District will rigated land. $20 per acre. «0 meet on Tuesday. October 5th. at acres 4 miles out. 10 acres cleared the hour of 10 o’clock a m.. for the $20 j>er acre 160 acre* close in. purpose of equalizing the assessment lots of timber and wood. $10 per as levied upon the lands within said acre. S. J. Taylor. District, and will continue in session from dav to day as long as may be RTSPURI TC 1919 one necessary for proper equalization of pneumatic General cord tires. the said assessments. The Board Willard batteries, truck in will meet in the office of the Dis condition and lots of extras, trict in the County Court House. quick sale $850 cash. Byrd Grants Pass. Oregon, and will pub leigh. Iceland. Ore. licly examine the assessment roll 9 UNFURNISHED rooms with use of for the purpose of correcting errors kitchen for rent. Near high in assessments, and it shall be the school Inquire Sil North XI nth duty of all persons interested to ap street. pear at the time and place appolnt- FOR SXIK 1919 Harley Davidson motorcycle mid sidecar. electric •model, perfect condition. Will •ell sidecar separately or trade Call at for cows or real estate 73 S60 North Seventh St WANTED Ilo.'’s secoud limbi Id ' cle. Must be in good condition Xddress No 2'147 cure Courier Chicago. Sept. 7 X grand Jury Investigation was ordered today In the rrimlmd court of charges that gamblers attempted to fix the «'hl eago-PhlladcIphla National league game for Philadelphia to win on August 31st Grand Forks. N. D . Sept. 7. Go, , ernor Cox opened his campaign In North Dakota here early todai with’ his mess:, e on th< league of na lions mid other paranoi mt Issue» IIARDINIi XX ll.l. BE,.IN His CAMP XIGN |N ST. P XI I Marion. Sept 7 Senator Hard ing left here on a special triiln for St. Paul where tomorrow he will deliver the first speech of cam paign outside of Ohio B. L. GALBRAITH—Real Estate. In surance. and plate glass liability least four more bodies are in the 609X4 G street, phone 28. 40tf ruins of the Houston WANTED—>A woman or girl tor sev Salem, Sept. 7,—The state fire eral weeks to hetp Mrs Butts at marshal's office will Immediately in- Protected Cove Orchards. Murphy. vestigate the Klamath Falls fire to «8 ascertain if the building was ade- quately provided with fire escapes, WANTED- Dishwasher at Josephine it was announced here today. hotel. 67tf sale. <19 7-1U1OM HOUSE and entire house hold furnishings for sote Wed nesday. Sep* ' “• 1 o’clock XI rs I. Williams '13 North Seventh street « Ml SXT1X ADVERTISING RATIOS Csplay apace, per Inch .................. 30c Local-personal column. p«r line....10c Baaders, per lin«................................. 5c dining Third HU fit» tfiber Folks say we re always on time and that fair play Is our bus iness reputation. It must strike you that that's a pretty good combination upon which to base an appeal for your patronage. We want you to investigate us and then employ B. S. DEDRICK bl« F Street Phone 30M-J GOOD HELP Is almost imiwMlhle to otdala and my Watch Repairing has grown to such proportion that I am aomiielled Io dlr ontlnue certain lines ot repairing XITKIt JULY l*T I will not be In a position to arcept for repair, any Jr»»liv or small work, but will make a specialty of Fine Watch Repairing and Diamond Setting BARNES, The Jeweler 150 Shades! Everv tube of Puroli Shaving Cream contains the •'inakin’s'' for about 150 cool. satisfying shaves. E.uh ¡Kit tide ol ci vain multiplies itself hundreds of times xx ith water. We waited years before we put out a “Purola** SI ■ y . m. We were not satisfied to put the •'i' ;• |,” i ■ • and guarantee on t< cord until we had a cream that represented a real improvement. Now. make this Ic-t! T ike a several days growth of beard tho • IxKistinyf of tough, vxiry Ixards, , i . ■.! i a j chor«o of I’urol.i Shaving Cream. Sixty r-mnds of lather ing and you'll have the face covereil with the cream iest, softest lather a man eonld want. It'll retain its creaminess without replacing until you'xe lx mover the face, and ¡leaves a comfortal le, exhilarating impression that lasts long after you shave. Gd a tut'.- st your drugg t . Tiv it tonwwrow, and it Purula Cream <! esn't du what w« >ay, the trial is on a* T hat's our fuarantM. <*••*« ascus p UROI a AIDS TO HEALTH AND BEAUH XI XX DEAD XIXE TIMES FINALl.X DEXDFOR XI.I. TIMI Houston. Texas. Sept. 7. Xfter coming to lite nine times In the last year after he had Iwen pronounced dead. XI L Graii’.erry. unknown e* ccpt in police records, died here yes terday and was offi tally pronoun dead by surgeons. He has been but buried a number of times PORTI.ANI» XI XlthETS Portland. Sept. 7 Cattle weak, choice st«crs $9.50 to $1'1 Ilogs steady, prime mixed $16..*>0 to $17 - 25. Sheep steady, prime iambs. $1» to $11. Eggs steady, buying prim Butter steady, cubes extras. GUARAXTEK : I I ... I... 'intrrd fogli«- tAorougli or h /■»,«< you ¡Hint mil be cheerfully refunded AB E l,tn*«'c-l and Guai *ntr<«l br die Bl UMAUER FRANK IA BOR A1 ORIES Home Grown Melons KEAI < «ill »nd M*r Visit Our Ladies’ Ready-to Wear Department J. Pardee Timmons &. Higgins t'ali and •«» Phone 321-1 Igeili» for the < leveland X’aUoaal Fire Iuuranee rompan, OCR PRICES THIS YEAR ARE MUCH LOWER. THEY WILL PLEASANTLY SURPRISE YOU WHEN YOU SEE WHAT YOI CAN Bl X I oil YOI R MONEY. our GOLDEN RILE BUYING POWER ENABLES US TO GIVE YOI RO< K BitTTOXI PRICES. Golden Rule Store STORE CLOSES AT • P. M. EXCEPT SATURDAYS AT »..‘Mi AUTO TOES Replace the shabby top with light, casyto-handh' weather proof one now. »mart looking, serviceable tops— perfect fitting anil improving the car’s looks—a wide choice in ma terials and colors. OUR PRICES LOWEST The queer sell ng battery U tlie one we like to see—for we quickly correal the trouble al Its soura e nt Ilia* minimum ex pense and send you on your way mi advertisement for THIS STATION. Hklllcal service anil inaaleat chM»ka iiuii.i- thia the POPU LAR BXTTERY STXTION. G. B. BERRY ADAMS firCTRIC and BATTfRY SHOP ExIde Service Station. 506 South Sixth Street The Importance RIGHT MOTOR Oil. < RE ISES THE LIFE OF YOI It CAR AND XDDS TO YOIR PERSONAL CONVENIENCE TOO. IT IS POOR ECONOMY TO ISE ANY BI T THE BUST OF OILS XND GREASE. OWN ERS OF HIGH CLASS CARS HAVE I OI ND OCT THE VALI ■ OI Ot It LI BRI! ANTS AND WILL NOXV I SE NO OTHER. X TRIAL XVILL ADD YOI TO OCR LONG LIST OF PA TRONS. WE WILL BE GLAD TO HELP PROLONG THE YOE It CAR. AGENT« FOR HUDSON' M CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY IRIKS AND REPS ON OUR NEXT DELIVERY let s send you a few bags of our extra fine feed. They won’t cost you any more than you are paying now. It will only take a few trials however to prove how much superior frt every way our feed Is. It cer tainly seems good to and for the horses or stock. And what Is good for them is good for you. H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE 1919 Chevrolet 1920 ( 'hevrolet 1 lodge Touring Overland, Model 90 JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Corner Third and G Street Phone 123 W. S. Maxwell & Co Second-Hand Bargains Grants Pass-Medford ■'LL—FINE SHAPE FORD TOURING FORD ROADSTER 7 PASSENGER 111 It K PHONE 317 5// Used Car Bargains C. L. Hobart Co. Interurban Autocar Co. Effective Aug. 5, 1920 LEAVE GRANTS PAM 7:no..a.„m. IS:80 a. m l:,M> p. m 4:.SO a. m. LEAVE MEDFORD 7;,Hi n. m. D: imi a. tn. 1:0« p- m- 4:341 p. m. Daily and Sunday Grant» Pas» Waiting Room • RON RON Nl ERE Phone 160