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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1920)
(braids VOL X., No. -JWI. Dniln Courier GRANTS PASH. JOSEPH INK COUNTY, OREGON. TVEAOAY, SEPTEMBEB 7. IMO. ft JAMES T. NEWTON CHARLES 80ESCHENSTEIN ASKED 10 CALL Bi THE LEAGUE POLMH-LITHIANIAN IMffl’l TE IS HOTEL HOI.STON IN KI.AMATH TAKEN VP BY LEAGUE OF I tl.lX BURNS U2D INNI . NATIONS I’ANTH IXM4E UOVI» llll'll 4X OF INHtTI.ANIi ANSAIIX FIVE PEU CENT MEANIBE MOORE TELLS SENATORS THAT H'ITSHWIS SOI BEST OSES OBTAINABLE Heath IJ»t Will Be Increased to 1H Is Belief—Fire Occurred Yester day Morning who after A warning that a financial quar years of faithful eervice, tendered antine will be plaoed upon Oregon President Wilson hie resignation •nd great Injury done to the busl- oommlaolonor of patents. agricultural Intereets nest and through the enactment of the pro po«ed 5 i»er cent Interest rate law if a vigorous campaign of education Is not carried on against this meas ure was given the business men ot Josephine county this afternoon by Lloyd Riches, secretary of the Ore gon Atate Editorial association, and I liampion Winn BAX.IMMI by Hi* knockout of Hilly Miste in Third . a well known newspaper man of the Round Yesterday slate, Mr Riches Is making a speaking tour ot the state against this measure and appeared before a Benton Harbor. Mich., Sept 7.— gathering at the Granta Paas Cham Jack Dempsey received 155,000 for ber of Commerce at 4 o'clock this battering Billy Mlske to defeat tn afternoon Ham H. Baker, caahler the third round of their bout here yesterday, according to a statement of the Josephine County Bank, act of receipts made public by his pro ed as chairman. moter. The total attendance was “The proposed 5 per cent Interest 11.200. The receipts were 2124,000. rate law la one of the most vicious Miake received 125,000. measures ever aimed at the business ■ nd economic stability of any state 1n the Union.” said Mr. Riches. "It I Is a constitutional amendment which would change the present Interest ' rate laws, reducing the legal rate I from 6 per cent to 4 per cent and the maximum contract rate from in per cent to 5 per cent and specifical ly providing that the contract rate of laindon. Sept. 7.-—-Terence Maa- 5 per cent shall be Inclusive of any Sweney, Ix>rd Mayor of Cork, who •nd all brokerage and commissions has been on a hunger strike since Mr Riches also rallied attention August 12 in Brixton prison, ts re- to the menace of the non-partisan ported appreciably weaker thls league in Oregon He said he had morning. Investigated the league's activities In the state and placed a conservative A. J. Price is visiting here with estimate of the present membership his brother, W J Maalker Mr. in the state at 10,000 and told spe Price’s home Is 1n The Dalles, He cific facts of Investigation to bear is very complimentary on the South out his estimate. ern Oregon climate. Ix>ndon, Sept. 7. The league of nations is considering the Polish government'« appeal In the Pollsh- Mthunian dispute. Unlaae an im provement occurs In the situation l*o la nd will be compelled to declare war on^Jthuania. the appeal states The communication declared an un provoked attack had been made on Polish troops by Lithuanian forces BRAZIL WILL TRY TO r Rio de Janeiro, Sept. 7—-Both fed eral and municipal governments are about to take action to relieve the shortage of houses here. In the chamber of deputies a bill I m been introduced providing tor a spe* a! bend Issue of 2 0,000.000 f r 'I'« construction ot fc u*«s for aurk'ng families. In the, municipal court'll a measure was presented providing that all wor'-srs’ houses built In the next two year* be free from the usual municipa' taxes The fedfa. bill proposes the con- »trictlon, under the municipal ad- . «In't trat o vf 20.0 >• houses In various districts of the capital wher ever nationally or municipally own ed ground Is available. It is intend ed that the houses shall be sold to heads of working families, payment being spread over a period of 20 years. In addition, the bill provides for the construction of two huge apartment houses, for families and for bachelors, respectively, with com mon kitchens and other communal Installations, the rent being placed at a very low figure. J. Roger Brunswick and Miss A. Brunswick, of San Francisco, stop ped at the Josephine last night while making a trip north by auto. Kerrassounde, Anatolia. Turkey, Sept. " Osman Agha. the newly designated governor of Kerras- •ounde. Is probably the most feared man on the north coast of Anatolia, When the nationalists selected Os- man Agha to improes Greeks, Ar- menlans. Jews and Turks alike into Mustapha Kemal's army, they .took into their camp a man who would have 'been a terrible menace In op position ranks and who is merciless in executing the orders of the An gora government. Osman Agha has been for years the self-constituted boss of Kerrns- eounde. In office or out of office he is master of the local situation Until recently he was onjy mayor of the little city. .But no provincial governor could give the old bandit chief orders. In fact he always man aged to unseat all provincial offi cials. He transcended vails, metro politans and bishops. Turk*. Greeks, Armenians «nd ^lews fear him alike, but had to oibey his or ders. He took over property 'which ho wanted without legal right and threw anyone Into prison who ques tloned hie authority. Osman )Agha wan even a self-con- stltuted regulator of women’s fash ions. He hated the high-heeled ■hoes and short skirts which Moslem women boplod from their French sisters. Consequently he Issued an edict that no Mohammedan woman should wear a heel more than one Inch high and that their dras««* should come to the ankle. Then he Immediately sent word to all shoemakers and dressmakers they would be Jailed if they executed orders In violation of his edict. He dried up Kerraasounde methods as direct as those of the late Carrie Nation, Without warn- ing he went to all the liquor shops and poured all the spirits Into the street. It was being sold in viola- tlon of Mohammedan teachings. Be ing a Turk of the old school and a total abstainer himself, he offered no explanation whatever to the wine merchants, who dared not question his authority. Immoral women became too con- Conse- splcuous in Kerrassounde. quently he ordered that the heads of all such women he shaved. Many of the women left the town, Those which remained disappeared from time to time and many of their bodies were washed up by the sea. Osman Agha embodies all the tyr annies which Turkish officials exer cised over the Christians tn iPontus. the Black BBK coast of Anatolia, where Greeks have predominated in the chief cities for many centuries. The Greeks of iPontus are buoyed up by the hope that they may soon be protected against Turkish oppres sion, but they dare not show their Joy at tha, prospect of deliverance. Until many of the Turkish officials responsible. Jw massacres and de portations shall have been punished there will be no peace and security foe the Christians in Pontus Klamath Falls, sept 7—The char Charles Boeachenstein of Ed red bodies ot 10 persons have been villa, III., reprecsnt* hla state < recovered from the ruins of the Democratic national committee. Houston hotel which burned early yesterday morning. Two other un recognizable bodies were found in the ruins ot the Heiderick apart ments. bringing the known death list to 12. It is estimated that at Chicago, Sept. 7.—The senatorial committee investigating the cam paign expenditures. Is not seeking the best evidence to prove Gover nor Cox’s charges against the re publican party. Edmund H. Moore, of Youngstown, the governor*« personal I representatives, told the eommittea I today. Moore told Senator Kenyon there (Coatlnued on pace 2.) were men better able to tell of the republican plans than either he or Mr. Cox and asked why Colonel Wil Xrwailant Sli<e>t* Self After School liam Boyce Thompson, of New York, chairman of the republican ways and Girl at San Bruno Is Killed— means committee, and the “sixty Girl Was Only 11 men of the paid organization" were not ailed. Governor Cox has no evidence In San Francisco. Sept. 7.—Thelma support of his charges outside of Jack Casey and Jack Maloney, the Ixe, an 11-year-old school girl, was what Moore brought to Chicago with to men Injured in a fight at Leland last shot and killed on her way him. the witness said, unfolding Tuesday night are reported in no school in San Bruno, a suburb to- massive brief case and taking out a danger unless complications set in. day. and later Thomas Nelson, a stack of papers. The injured men were found Batur- carpenter, who was suspected of the day night in a house on I street crime, was surrounded by a police I Elks Will Give Barbecue— where they had been brought after posse at a nearby roadhouse and the trouble. Elks lodge No. 1168 will give a According to statement« of Cjmey captured after he had put two bul barbecue Sunday. September 12, and Maloney to the sheriff. Gene lets into his own head. Inflecting ap which promises to be a big afair. A little rivalry between a ball team Reed, of Iceland, is alleged to have parently a fatal wound. composed of Medford members of been responsible for their injuries, The girl died in the arms of the the Elks lodge and Grants Paas They were all at the Maloney mine three miles from Leland and the principal of the school, who was Í members will be one of the features of the day. All Elks from Granta men say they had been drinking a summoned by several children. Following the shooting of the girl, Pass intending to be present at th« little. It can not be learned why the fight started, but in the melee Casey Nelson is said by the police to have affair must notify C. A. Liuch be was literally cut to piece« and Ma attempted to hold up Marshall Wad- fore a week from Thursday, as to loney was cut tn several places tn del, a mechanic, who resisted him the size of their party. Every mem the back and neck. They would not and then guided the police to Nel- ber of the order sojourning within the jurisdiction of Lodge No. 1168 la give many particulars as they say son's hiding place. | Invited to attend with the members that several others were there whom of his household. Efforts will be they do not wish to bring into the made to furnish automobile trans matter. portation for all those without cars Sheriff Lewis talked to 'Reed Sun of their own. Those without car» day and got a few more of the de must give their names to Mr. Linch. tails from him. Reed denies that he There will be an initiation and big was the person who cut either Casey meeting Thursday night at Medford or Maloney. He says that Wednes to make further plans for the occa day morning, he and his wife went sion. back to the mine where they dressed Rome. Sept, 7.—Marked earth- the wounds of the two men after quakes were reported at 6 o'clock they had been all night without at this morning from points in Tus- F. D. Clark returned to hia horn* tention. cany. Casualties resulted from the at Albany this morning after a visit quake the reports stated, Aid has I in Grants Pass with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Clark. been sent to the affected district. An American Rhapsody Brunstrup In th* Ran Francisco Chronic!* Rome. Sept. 7.—The spirit of un- Middle Ages provided some ot the rest has penetrated since the war staunchest soldiers in Europe. The even to such old world and out of the Sardinians have always considered way place« as the Island of Sardina. their island the Cinderella’ of Unit Among these picturesque peasants, ed Italy. They say that they have many of whom cannot read or write, been alternately neglected and taken though they are often people of dig advantage of by the central govern nified manners and strong character, ment. education has been disregard I public opinion is diffused by word ot ed. the malarious state of the coun mouth and a strong party has arisen try has been ignored, few roads or lately whose motto is “Sardina railways have been provided in or alone" who think that the Island, der to develop its resources, while which is the second largest in the government money has never been Mediterranean would be more pros forthcoming for its needs. perous if it governed itself and had- The peasants of Sardinia declare little or nothing to do with Italy. that thia is the moment when Sar- In ancient days Sardina was one d1na might start on the road to re of the great graneries of the world, generation and reconstruction, mor supplying first Carthage and later al, commercial and economic but if it Rome with immense quantities of is. as of old, abandoned to apathy grain. Now a large proportion of and want of initiative ruin is certain. the island is uncultivated and about A deep spirit of discontent and irri one-fifth is covered with forests, tation is prevalent. The Saradinians chiefly consisting of holm-oaks and call themselves “the Irish of the cork trees. The most valuable ex Mediterranean" and a large party la ports however, are from the mines being formed of those who desire to of lead, zinc, antimony, copper, sil work out their own salvation and at ver. lignite and anthracite, which if least for a certain time to be entire only thoroughly developed would be ly Independent of the mother coun a source of great riched. try, which they ac-use of having The Sardinians are a splendid treated them more like the typical fighting race and not only during stepmother. They ask to be allow the late world conflict but through ed to take their destiny in their own out the Napoleonic wars and the hand«.