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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1920)
♦ X I H KA NTH PANS, JOSEPHINE COUN TY, OREGON. SATURDAY, SKITEMBER 4, 1900. WHO! JC VI MBKR 8067. I I J Mta. Mai-Hwesttey Cabin. l*mU<l<*nt Io Prevent I’.T|wtration of Owt- ■ rag« <n> Civilization ■ lxindon, Hept. 4. — Mrs. Tereoce PRESIDENT VEECK, OF NATION MacHweeney has pent a cablegram to AIR, CHARGES THAT GAME President Wilson in behalf of her EOT ON HQI UtE husband, asking the president to "use his Influence with the English government to prevent a’ perpetration of an outrage on civilization." She dc larea her husband Is dying Mayor MacHweeney waa apparently weaker this morning. , I Mllw'aukee, Sept. 4.—-The direct A PP KU, MADE TO DISTKHT AT. ATR INTAKE VALVE FAILED TO charge that Will H. Hays, chairman CMISE ON < RANH DIVE AND TORNJ5Y TO STOP PRACTICE of the republican national commit .ASCENT IMPOSSIBLE IN THE YARDS» HUGE SUM BET ON PHILADELPHIA VESSEL BEING TOWED TO PORT » llrqiuMiAn tUltude tee, had "deliberately perpetrated a falsehood under oath" at Chicago in denying statements regarding the campaign quota list, was made today by Governor Cox, in an address at the state fair grounds here today. Ihwtniyer and lUtth-hip Standing by Milwaukee. Sept. 4.—'Invading aa Underwater Craft Taken to ixindon, Sept. 4.—The condition Wisconsin on the second day of his Delaware Breakwater ■ >f lx>rd Mayor Mui-Hwconey tonight is western tour, Governor Cox today described as critical. He was in the continued his pounding of the ro I last stage of weakness. He la unable publican campaign contributions und Marion. Hept. 4. Determination to Chicago, Sept. 5. President Wil Philadelphia, Sept. 4.—The sub the discussion of the league of na- 'to talk but Is conscious. Chicago, Sept. 4.—Railroad execu guard against "clamor, ,insincerity, I liam Veeck of the Chicago Nationals, marine S-5 went to the bottom of the tives here today announced that they tions. and abuse" In his campaign tor the Issued a statement today saying he Atlantic off Cape Henlopen because had appealed to District Attorney presidency waa expressed by Henator was advised last Tuesday, prior to a the large air Intake valve failed to Clyne to stop ap “organized cam F. W. Streets is spen^ng the day Harding today in a talk to the Ma game with Philadelphia, that it was dose when the submarine made a paign of sabotage" by railroad looking in after business matters rine Band which serenaded his resi "fixed" for Philadelphia to win. He crash dive. There were 30 officers strikers. “Enginers are being stolen Medford dence during a visit her« on recrult- ma<l« public copies of six telegram« and men aboard. This was revealed tfr and Mrs. Thomas Mee and almost nightly and turned loose to Ing duty. The nomlntw said he felt from Detroit. Cleveland.and Chicago today in an official report by the run wild through the yards, and It his duty to be tolerant of those, prior to the game, all reporting the commander of the destroyer Beaver, Eugene Mee, of Applegate, are stop Thursday night an entire train waa ping at the Oxford for a' couple of who differ with him and not to drag! same fixed and that thousands of which is stanuing by. The battle stolen." railroad chiefs charge. attention of the people "into theI dollars was being wagered on Phila ship Ohio hi towing the submarine to days. New York, Sept 4. — The acute Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Paget, of Port mire " housing ahortagu faced by many delphia. Alexander was offered 1500 the Delaware breakwater. land, were at the Oxford today. Mr. SCHUDE INDICTED FOR The Beaver’s report discloses that cities in the United States today bonus if he won the game. But Phil DEFRAUDING GOVERNMENT Paget is advance m4n for the Chau brought from the Guaranty Trust adelphia won. 3-0. Baseball writers it was largely through the work of tauqua. Company a description by its foreign were authorized to conduct an inves the Imprisoned men under the direc M B. Lyon, a mining man of Se Chicago. Sept. 4.—Theodore Shude trade bureau of hot* Great Britain tigation. Veeck saying he would tion of Lieutenant Commander Chas. attle, who has been in the Takilma a German, was indicted today by a drive any found guilty out of base Cooke Jr., that they were saved and ijondon, Hept. 4. The British and was meeting a similar situation. district for several weeks, left this federal grand jury, charged with de American athletic meet at the "The program of the British min ball, "even if he had to shatter the that It was their own desperate ef monling for San Francisco. frauding the government by collect forts, not the telephone buoy, which Queen's Club today, with Olympic istry of health—complete rohouaing Cub’s team." ing back pay while using the name of attracted the attention of the rescu •tars of each nation contesting, ended in three years Is about one year be Lieutenant Arthur Kincaid. III AZ FOLLOWERS BEGIN ing ships. * in a tie. five events going to America hind and is costing more than double Automobile* Crash— REVOLUTION IN MEXICO and five to England the original estimates," said the re Two automobiles, the Maxwell port. roadster driven by C. O. Mack, and a Eiialiion Show Attracts— Mexico City. Sept. 3.—Revolution "Local authorities in England are new Studebaker driven by J. F. The fashion'show last night after left In charge of the work unless Burke, collided this afternoon at the the band concert in front of the new ary activity by followers of Felix they fall to show results, In which Intersection of Sixth and H streets. Hub store In the office formerly oc Diaz have been begun in the vicinity case the business Is turned over to Mr. Mack was turning and Mr. Burke cupied by Mrs. Jennie Moss, brought of Misatlanta. in the state of Vera the office of works. did not see him In time to go forth many ladies who wished to see Cruz, according to press dispatches. "What Is keeping hack housing at around him. The front fender, on what the fall styles and. Many I the present Mme is the fact that the Studebaker and the bumper were men were also there to see the MANY NEW STUDENTS Budapest. Sept 4.—“I as a schol I WILL ENTER U. OF O. i there are not wnodgh skilled men to badly bent aa was the rear fender on styles that would be proper for the ar regret deeply the refusal of the Frank M. Huyler of Gronts Pass, do even a quarter of the work want the Maxwell, The Maxwell was car- feminine apparel. A large number University of Oregon, Eugene, United States to accept the mandat» for .4 second fool of water from ed The trades unions will not allow rled for quite a distance before the of suits were shown but some which Sept 4.—'Approximately 326 new over Constantinople because the three springs tributary to Rogue the number to be increased from the cars conid be stopped. were to have been exhibited did not learned world lost a unique chane» River, for Irrigating 20 acres. Wood outside ----- ♦— arrive in time for the display owing students have been accepted for en to have an American library in Tur rollment in the University of Oregon "The government is using a sort Bag Two llurk»— en and concrete box dnms screened to the lateness of train No. 16 carry- up to September 1, according to key which would have brought out pipe outlets and about 100 feet of of indirect compulsion 'by prohibi A hunting party composed of W. express. Carleton Spencer, registrar, while the the still hidden treasures of medie pipe line will be Installed by January ting "luxury and unessential build- S. Maxwell, Tom Maxwell. George credentials of approximately 25 have val Turkish literature, the Koran , Ing." so that if a man will not buld Pease, Otis Billlck, Dr. E. J. Blllick, Band Concert Pleased— 1st next, at a coot of $550. been refused. A large number of commentaries and Arabian philoso W. L. Montgomery and A. J Wal-I cottages he is not allowed to build Byron Mason and Steve Jewell 'A large number of Grants Pass phy," said Professor Ignatius Gold ters, trustees of Takilma have asked »"Ylhing. brought two bucks back to the city people were out last night to hear those accepted for the coming year ziher. famous orientalist who has for a permit to appropriate 50 second There are housing bond cam- after a two day hunting trip in the the concert at railroad park. Under are coming to the university from just celebrated his 70th birthday. other coast institutions. feet of water from Althouse creek | Pal*n" al1 over tho country. In lx>n- Grave Creek vicinity. Director Hlggenbothain the band has The studio where Goldziher receiv don, aubscriptiona to the six per cent improved rapidly as evidenced by the and Its tributaries, tributary to the ed the correspondent of the Associ bonds are coming In at the rate of Ted Cramer will arrive in the in rcased audiences at the concerts. Department Called Out— Illinois river, for placer mining use. ated Press Is in Itself a complete Two mines are to be served. No de about 100,000 pounds a day. While I morning from Portland for a visit The competition of the Southern Pa- The fire department was called library of oriental science. tails of construction are given except i the local governments are issuing 6 here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. dfic trains last night proved some out this afternoon to put oct a grass "Either old Turkey must be re per cent bonds, • the British „ govern- -------------- —- — u.v.u a T. , P. vramvr. Cramer. ine He wii wilt return to what of a distraction to a number fire near thd C. 4 O. C. railroad established or else the nationalists that the main ditches will be two I- of the listeners. miles long,that there will be a sys ment charges 7 per cent. Borrowing Portland Monday night. bridge. The fire threatened the must totally modernize it which - tem of canals, and that construction In the ordinary way for housing j i bridge but the arrival of the depart would be a pity.” continued Profes will bo commenced as soon aa the schemes not finanoed by bonds is us ment saved the structure from any sor Goldziher. "The Turks are the ually 7 per cent.” possible damage. most honest people of the East. permit Is granted. When a’ Turk pledges his word, you Edward Coeson of Kerby,waa giv the application has been returned for Bridge Being Repaired— can rely upon it, which is hardly en permission to appropriate .1 sec completion. The bridge across the river on the case with their neighbors. But ond foot of water from the Chapman Robert B, Price of Medfc'd, for .5 South Sixth street is being repaired when they come into touch with creek tributary to Illinois river, for second foot of wrter from an un today. The railing was smashed sev western clvilj^tion they get spoiled. domestic use. Ho Intends to lay 900 named spring and gluch for irriga eral weeks ago when the negro "A Turk generally picks up th» feet of pipe at a cost of approximate ting 50 acres and for domestic use. A Grants Pass is^apparently "up in Parls, Sept 4.—The Harvard re chauffeur of I. F. Peck, lost control style of the Parisian boulevards but ly $300. concrete dam with wasteway. con of his car. is out of sympathy with the culture D. R Morrieon of Kerby, for .13 crete headgate and main ditch will tho air.’ Yesterday eight local peo construction groap, made up of some of the West. .And they must not second foot of water from Jimmy ba constructed beginning October ple made flights in the airplane with 40 young student architects and en Mee Are Improving— Tdeut. Ayres. Others are signing up gineers of the advanced grades at abandon their national customs, It creek, tributary to Illinois river, for first; estimated cost 11000. for trips and a few have announced Harvard university, have left for Joe Hayden and Pat Bohen, who was one of the tricks used by the frrlgatlon 10 acree. A log and a The city of Glendale been granted their intention of making a trip toj I their posts in the Argonne and were hurt Thursday night on the Germans to delude the Turkish na- brush darn, wood headgate and main a permit by State Engineer Percy A. Medford, Jack Murphy was one yes- ■ Meuse regions to carry on their work highway, are reported able to be out tion by the false hopes of a mock- ditch will cost •100. Cupper to appropriate 1 second foot terday who went to Medford and re- of reconstruction in the devastated on the hospital lawn today. The civiltxation dangled before their Frances Nell of Williams, for .18 of water from Mill creek for munici turned via the air route. His co- areas. men were returning from Klamath eyes. The streifgth and value of the second foot of waste water from a pal supply Construction to be com- workers at the roundhouse would M. Ogier, minister of the liberated Falls in a light truck and were Turkish people is in their racial pe dlteh emptying Into Applegate river, menced by March 1, 1921, will in- not believe that he was going so th» regions, received the group on its re forced off the road by a heavier culiarities, in their simplicity, hon for irrigating 14.5 acres. A main elude a concrete dam and a pipe plane circled around the building on cent arrival here, and assured them truck and slight injuries sustained. esty. poetical ability and one of the ditch will be constructed at a cost of line 1.17 miles long; total cost OR the way out and a message was the fullest facilities of the French They were taken to the Good Samar greatest blessings of these rational timated»al $8,650. • 100. 4 dropped by Mr. Murphy to the men I government in carrying on their itan hospital where they ware given greatest bleedings of America’s con Robert’ B. Price of Medford, for below stating that he was on his way I work. Five members of the mission medical treatment. Roy Orville Boughman, box 197, trol over Turkey would have been Grants Pass, for .13 second foot of .73 second foot of water from an un south. From all accounts he enjoyed I were assigned to Rheims. Two of the preservation of these rational water from the middle branch of named spring and gluch tributary to himself Immensly, even when he had them are to work under the direction Fight Is Rumored— qualities." Bull creek, tributary to Applegate Cottonwood creek, for Irrigating 50 the lieutenant do a few stunts. Reports and rumors from well de of M. Deneu, architect of the cathe river, for irrigating 10 acres. A acres and domestic use. A concrete Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cornell will dral. in designing plans for the res fined source« bring news of a "cut NEW RECORD SET IN RACK rock and brush dam and timber head dam 3 feet high and 15 feet long, make a trip to Medford in the plane toration of the famous basilica. Oth- ting scrane” in Leland Thursday BY MAN O’ WAR’ TN NEW YOR1Ç with wasteway, concrete headgate, as soon as they can make their plans ers are taking part in the gradual night. Local officers have been un- gate will cost $300. Hownrd Dunlap of Kerby, for .25 main ditch and canals will be con- I. A. Robie also has announced his restoration of the old city back to able to locate any of the alleged par- New York, Sept. 4.—'Man O War, second foot of water from the oast structed, beginning October 1, oost Intention of making the trip to the its pre-war aspect. ticlpants of the melee which is des champion three year old colt, made fork of Illinois river for Irrigating estimated at $1000. IJeutenant Rear creek metropolis. At Sulppe four of the Harvard cribed as a general free for all. It a new world’s record In the mile and M. J. Anderson, 728 Clinton St . Ayres will atend the air circus at group ate under the direction of M. is reported that a number of local five furlong race today, at Belmont 20 acres. A brush and rock dam. wood hendgate and main ditch will Portland, for permission to construct Medford Monday and will probably Lavigne, government architect, in the men were at Iceland and secured too Park, when he won the realisation a reservoir in the channel of south take a passenger with him on that construction of standardized pro much of the well known Leland stakes. He ran the distance In 2 cost $200. Ben Brophy of Eagle Point, for 3 fork of Coquille river, to store trip. He announces that he will visional house« of four and five brand of “moonshine." The party Is minutes 44 1-5 seconds. second feet of water from the north 18,700 feet of water. The dam will partlcpate In the events of the day rooms. At Romme-Py four others said to have broken np after one fork of Big Butte creek, for irriga bo of concrete and masonry. 100 foet and if the parachutes arrive, that [ are drawing plans for the courthouse man had been slashed to pieces and RABE RUTH SCORES 40TH ting 240 acres. A concrete dam 3 high, 400 feet long at the top and 72 have been ordered, he will make a i and school. Others are engaged in another had minor cuts. All doctors HOME Rl’N OF THE SEASON foet high, 40 feet long at the top and feet at the bottom. Jump from one of the plbnes. planning a modern system of gas. and hospitals in the vicinity have Same applicant for 75 second feet 35 feet nt the bottom, with wasteway Flights will be continued here to-i water and electricity for Somme-Py. been queried but no authentic news Boston, Sept. 4.—Babe Ruth water from Coquille river and Co night and tomorrow T-ast night af-j 'At Clermont-em-Arvonne a group caa be found. It is alleged that the knocked out bls 45th home run In a over tho top, a concrete headgate, main dlt«h 3 miles long, and canals, quille Power Plant reservoir above ter dark tho piano cov’d be heard ' of 1 • of the W-rvard men pre en- injured mm were taken to some three inning play off game with Bos will cost $4000. for power, manufacturing and light-1 buzzing around above the city. The gsedd in the work of reconstruction.! house as It was undesirable that news ton today. Nb • • ; ■ * - ct nich.ta ■ ... ’Irat exhibi-i which is carried on here at a vast of the affair should leak out. The William B. Walch of Wollen, has Ing nnrposes. A pipe line 1.25 mllo<J- 'rri wcr the applied for a permit to appropriate long nnd a tunnel 1.64 miles long tion of night flying that Grants Pass extent, as this was the center of sheriff’s office 1« working on the case »PORTIAND MARKETS the water of spring tributary to Yan will convey the water. Total cost oflhss yet witnessed. Peoo’e mak'ng I greatest destruction during the re- and further developments may be ex- kee creek, for Irrigation nnd domestic the reservoir and plant of estimated the trip by night say that the view I "oil of the Germans after their de- pected if any foundation Is found for Portland. Sept. 4.—All markets I use. Details were not furnished and at $750,000 can not be surpassed. are steady and unchanged. 'the story. feat on the Marne. » A