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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1920)
I"nI vt rxit f <>t Ore Librar rants VOL. X-, No. ititi. Courier » GliA.NTH I’ANH, J OH WH INK (XJUNTY, OREGON. HELD CAUSE OF LACK OF TROUT WHOLE NI MIIKR tortO. TO FIGHT REDS Wawhlngtori. Aug. 16 - Term* on I'lDIMMK. OF CALIFORNIA, ANTI-BOU4HKVIKI LKADKll which the Shipping Board fleet of MOUTH HI SHIA TOLD HE Ml TAKEN IOO MF.TER EVENT. over 1200 steel vessels are to be sold REFRAIN ATTACKS TIME 10 1-5 SFXklNDH to private Interests under tbe new merchant marine act were announc ed today by Chairman Ronson. Blds will be entertained, Chair man Benson said, at minimum prices of $160 per dead weight ton f >r coal I !’.irruera; 6170 f>r oil burners bull: Huntley H’d<k Timi lu«w» Are X<M ,on the Gr.-at LiF •►.. 1175 and |lkf First Three Places ipi u> American Isdrr Told by Iiloyd G.swgv That FAhirml—llnvuimruul. < 1«>-Ing tlw Government Will Not Give in ’.tr coal and’oil burners, respectively! Team <dvlng 17 Pointa in Single to Attom|>t to Dictate of Upper IUv«w Event to U. H. <rf over 10,000 tone LAW VIOLATIONS ARE FREOUERT Itig StretrlK* of Pavement Fbmlwl Away V* Rainstorm l';ir*i>i‘> All Traffic in the City ) Toledo. Aug 16.—Damage esti ENEMY' APPKOYI’HES TO WITHIN mated at $1,000.000 was done here A DOZEN MHAIS OF WARSAW today by a set ere rainstorm which LS LAST REPORT floated away great stretebes of city ) paring, flooded cellars a.nd paralyz ed traffic NEWSPAPER MAN DIF* AFTER FOOT IS AMPI TA TED TODAY SHIPS ARE SENT TO BALTIC Pendleton. Aug. 16.—W. C. E. <'miser and Desgroyrw Are Ordered Pruitt, publicity agent of the round to Hail to Russian Waters to up. and one of the best known news Protect Property papermen of the northwest, died early today following the atnpntatton Ixtndon, Aug. 16.—-Lloyd George of his loft foot which was injured Gold Hettch, Ore , .Aug 16 Antwerp. Aug. 16. -Chariea W. Ing commercial fishing beyond tide Paddock, of the Ja»s Angeles Athle announced In the house of commons yesterday when his shotgun was ac water, and lax law enforcement are tic Club, won the final 100 meter today that the government bad made cidently discharged. responsible for th»» prueent depletion event, bis time being 10 4-5 seconds. of stealh<«<l and salmon angling on The American hurdlers, running it clear to General Wranget. the anti-! the Rogue river, acoordlng to testi first, second, third and sixth In a bolshevik leader in south Russia that mony «Ivon before the Rogue river field of six in the final 400 meter If he further attacked the sov^t fish Investigating committee by F J. hurdles at tbe Olympic games here forces he must do so on his own re Huntley, a prominent fisherman of Imndon. Aug 16 American dele- lodV »cored 17 points for the United sponsibility. thia city. gate, who attended the recent meet Pr‘nk I'oon“*- <**“- Lloyd George in replying to the) --------- ) within a dozen miles of the capital ■> . of .» >i. Wholesale quantities ot steelheads Ing tn Paris the International " Athletic Club, winner of the event question in the house of commons to-) , ) on the northeast, it is indicated from slaughtered ... . . established a new world record of 54 and young salmon are Chamber of Commerce were enter-! New York, Aug. 16.—A tar-reach- Sun<Uy.8 offlcUi statement from day concerning labor’s ultimatum each seuaon by the seines ot the tatned yeeterday to a luncheon by ’M*,‘*,n<I» fl»t- ing reorganization of the Salvation Wobcow against war on Russia, declared that Army, designed to put it in a post-| Mkcteay <anuery al the mouth of the the Association of Rritish Chambers, Antwerp, Aug. 16 — All four Amer river, ho told the committee, and he of Commerce. any attempt to dictate the policy of tlon the better to meet the enlarged i Washington. Aug. 16—The armor ican entrants In the 100’meter Olym- advocated tbe abolition of all sein Fl Manville, member of 1>arl ' pic running event, qualified for the the government or parliament by in- demands that are everywhere being ed cruiser Pittsburg and a destroyer ing. dustrial action, struck at tbe root of made upon it since the war, has just i have been ordered to the Baltic sea ment. said that a return visit of Brit (¡Ila| tn the ssmi-flnals today. After entering the mouth of the Ish business men to tbe the democratic constitution of the been announced by the executive of- i to protect American interests there. I nlted T j le {(rut 0iree places In the 400 river, the salmon are pursued by States had t>een arranged country and would be resisted by all ficlals of the body here. The new era The vesweis are now at Cherbourg. for B'i- niel er hurdle* went to the Amerl- commercial fishermen tor more than | tutnn with a view of promoting the the foaces at the government's dis upon which the Salvationists are en France. 30 utiles, with the result, that very cooperation of the English-speaking ) cans. tering Involves not only a complete posal. lxshtonene, of Finland, won the tew of them reach the spawning people® redisposition of personnel, but also1 Warsaw, Aug. 16.—Fighting on ancient pentathton of the Olympic grounds in the upi>er portion ot the a red is tri ct ing of the entire country various points of the Warsaw front Albert J Hobson, who presided, In! games stream, he added As a remedy tor I tor the Army’s admlnistratrive pur- were reported in last night’s official proposing the health of the guests. I this situation, he suggested the com ) poses. said the war hffd demonstrated that i communication Radzymin, to ths mercial fishing area be limited to Remaining as head ot all the Sal- northeast of the <-a pi tai. is again in never again could the United States! tidewater ) ration Army forces in the United Polish hands after an all day fight. pretend that they were not concerned Violations of the commercial Halt I States ' is Commander Evangeline with European politics, tn such clr-l ing laws are both frequent and no I Booth, who has tendered 15 years of. cumstances It was moat desirable torious. the witness said In urging service here. She continues as com that representative men of business The three men held in the county manding officer of all the Army’s! rigid law enforcement as a means in the two countries should meet to, for restoring angling. Only one flslt discuss those things which were most jail for the past month have been forces tn the United States and Ha-) warden Is provided for the stream likely to lead to friction. Americans wall, but with enlarged authority! A fire starting on the Chris Peter- trying to get out for the past three by tho fish ami game commission, he 1 had convinced Englishmen of the delegated to her in recognition of) declared, and thia seaaon there was necessity of getting alongside of son place on North Tenth street days. They did not know' however, her successful Erection of the war-) burned down the 'Peterson barn and that they were doing it under the time efforts of the organization both ) no warden until two weeks them, and having done so they did Mr. Huntley was the first witness not intend to let go but intended to fanned by a brisk breeze spread rap watchful eyes of Sheriff I^ewis and at home and abroad The political campaign in Jone- idly. going in the direction of Tokay Deputy Uster. This morning the For administrative purpose® the phine couty is to open in a novel called by tho committee. He was fol know and understand Americans , Peterson place was va lowed by ,R. <’ Pugh and D. <P. Con 1 better. men were lined up and the cell in country has been divided into three manner. The republican county cen # cant but while trying to dry out some territories, an Eastern. Central. ner. both fishermen. The former tes L. 8. Gillette, president of I ,he i electric coils yesterday the fire spected. A couple of screws had Western, with headquarters res pec- traJ committee is arranging for a tified that commercial fishing was United States Chamber of Commerce, picnic to be held at Riverside park tursued up the Rogue river as far as said the Americans had come to ---- • spread to the brush behind the 1 been taken out of a patented table j tively ln 1New York. chicaKvl and San on Saturday afternoon. September house. It was put under control last and they were arranged In a way Francisco. Colonel William Peart, the Illinois river. tVtnner corrobor eotttrr to «ee how thpv could nlght an(J u tha( the that with a chain that came with . wko has long been chief secretary In | 4th, to which all republicans will be ated Huntley ae to seining, and also meet the want» of the allies in raw __ jjre wag completely out. _ ____ _____ _ ___ This after- them they made a very good jack-; the United States, will leave New I invited. It is proposed to gather at agreed with him that the commercial materials, increase production, im ' noon, however, the wind carried the screw. With the aid of a piece of York with a promotion to conunla- 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and a fishing area should l»e reduced prove exchange 5ind ln other ways. I fire to the barn and it came up so wood this was used against the cell) sioner and assume charge of the! program of entertanment will be pro "The second year the river was Ho added that 600,000 men repre rapidly.that it waa soon beyond con door. They succeeded in breaking! Army’s work in ths central territory. I vided by a committee appointed at o;>ened after having been closed by senting tho Intellect and enerjty of , ... the meeting of the central oommit- trol. There are several houses in the the screw but could not make an To New York as ranking officer . . ,. , . _ . . . statute, I think In 1610, or there- the United States believed that by ,y’ 8 2)°™' path bf the fire but a large number jmprvssion on the door. The ar- comes Commissioner Thomas Estill ** ” 1 48 about*, 1 worked on the selne for' mutual help and by correlated effort 8composed of J essrs. E. E. nt men are fighting the blaze and it ran gement was very ingenious hut a-h0 heretofore has directed the Sal- “ Macleay. together with 24 others." they would be able to travel far bn , an vsw. mwxaaawavaaaa un urs and Is believed that they will be in no courthouse officials had a. good| vatlonist activities for the <—1 anc Huntley testified in purl to the com- the same road with the Rritish peo danger. The fire department is help- , laugh at the expense of the inmates I Western half of the country from, Mcsdames Lindsay, Sharpe and Ml- mittee. after stating that he had been ple. hills. The hour for gathering wiU i Ing to get the fire under control. of the Jail. ) Chicago. The commanding officer) educated at the Oregon Agricultural be 1 o'clock, and the afternoon will for the new Western territory will be •inin iAHAAiiTimi • college and had followed fishing on _ , , , . . | be given over to the program with 1 Colonel Adam Gifford, formerly in . . , .. . . tho Rogue river all his life: llAlJ ArCllP ATlllkl A . ... . r- . a basket dinner served at 5 o clock. charge of the work in New Eng and, .. . , , . , . "We used this seine at the pocket me real fishing area. "At this point 1 . ,, . .. . ,,, It is expected that the program will whose promotion to the rank of Lieu- , . . _ , . , . just almve the jaws and at tlmos In the river Is blocked by a bar. and the , . _ . . . Include music, and a couple of speak- I tenant Commissioner will take effect < _ - ... _ , cluding tho Jaws and extending out deepest point on tho riffles la today ... ., , !ers from outside. The committee is with his assumption of his new post. ... to tho first line of bronkers," he con about 16 inches. This point is nar-j to meet tomorrow afternoon to make tinued. "This seine was from 250 to row, not over 20 feet wide, and from preliminary plans for the affair. . New York, Aug. 16.—The federal 300 fathoms or from 1500 to Isoo In It arrf shallow rifles from time to prohibition enforcement agents were length, fished forty (feet deep and time. ordered today to bring John J. Me- 1 part of their constitution. Wherever) Aug. 16. — More organ- St. Txiuls. had a mesh, I think, four or four and Mr. Huntley further informed the ’MAX HIT IN HEAD AND Draw, manager of the New York I1 HAl 1 this plan Is carried out, the recom one-half Inches. In dragging or pull committee that in hla opinion com- fzed activity by bar associations in SKI LL FRACTURED IN GAME Giants to the United States district ) ing in the seine we brought In sal morcal fishing should be abolished the selection of fit candidates for mendation is made that the corpora-) tions be entrusted with complete su-| attorney’s office for questioning con-' mon. perch, suckers, steelheads, at Grants Pass, explaining that it judicial offices is urged by the com- pervlslon of the activities of all prac-1 cerning the report credited to him j New York, Aug. 16.—Ray Chap carp, flounders, shad and other fish., prevented tho salmon and steelheads mittee on professional ethies and tiring attorneys and of those who during the Slavin investigation that man, of the Cleveland Americans, We pulled them In In grent quanti from reaching their spawning was hit in the head by a pitched ball ties. The net took everything In Its grounds in the upper Rogue river. < grievances tn a report preparod for follow the profession without first ) he had purchased liquor at the in a game with New York today, and Lambs Club. presentation at the annual conven having met the prescribed tests. path. During tho season we pulled ) his skull fractured. Surgeons at the He expressed the opinion that the The report suggests that the lack tion of the American Rar Association in steelheads by tho thousands hospital said an immediate operation fishing season should open April 10 of proper tests as to character of ap "We had boon Instructed to throw) and continue open until October 1 hero, August 25-27. will be necessary. plicants for admission to the bar “ is | Tn the opinion of the committee back the steelheads, which was done, or 15. an” appointive judiciary, with a pre I the cause of many unworthy men) but all tho smaller fish, Including Commercial trolling is now permit liminary endorsement of candidates | slipping in." tho steelheads, had boon beaten and COX DEMI* HE HAS EMISSARY' ted at the Jaws of the river by the by the bar is the ideal manner to Many points as to ethical practice hammered by tho salmon, and most TRYING TO DHFEAT SUFFRAGE iflsh and game commission, and he secure a uniformly efficient bench." have been raised during the year, of them wore dead when pulled onto condemned the practice as unfair to according to the report, and the cotn- The report also emphasizes the the bank. Thnt season we com-1 Raleigh, N. C., Aug. 16.—Go ver the gill natters and also expressed need for thorough cooperation of ) mittee, in turn. R states, has sought monced using tho seine about July 1. nor Cox In a telegram so suffrags tho opinion that It deterred the sal members of the judiciary and the to obtain comprehensive information Resignations Dublin. Aug. 16. — and used It dally rweept fJutoAy until mon end steelheads from coming up bar. for the purpose of maintaining as to the ethical observances in. from the ranks of the Royal Irish headquarters today emphatically de August 25. The 25 men during 20) nied reports that he had sent a "pri tho stream. high professional standards In legal courts throngJiput the United States ¡Constabulary continue to increase days caught 3750 salmon, receiving I The Jaw.v of tho river are only 65 and tho disciplinary practices In- and are now about 200 a month. Re vate emissary" here to work against practice. 50 cents each, or 1300 per man. feet in width, and <••• witness told voked. for Itre.-vchos of professional|orults to take the places of the men the ratification of file federal suf Questionnaires seeking suggos- "I have not worked on tho seine) I who quit are now mostly men from frage amendment by the North Caro tho committee thnt he had counted rtlons as to how this cooperation conduct. since the year mentioned, but bevel England, ex-service men and others lina legislature. as majiy as 10 boats at. one time at One of tho recommendations em might bo accomplished best have fished on the river each season, ex-1 attracted by the pay of 3 pounds. 10 tho mouth and that they were so bodied in the report Is that the com been sent o«it to approximately 1.500 coptlng In IRIN. when I was In the] army, and hnvo personal knowledge close together that a person could members of the Judiciary throughout mittee be centralized to allow the 'shillings a week. Formerly the men REBELLION IN IXAVER CALI* of tho fnct that this seine slnco then walk across on them irom bank to the United States, during the past holding of conferences at stated I came from the Irish family class. FORNIA IS SETTLED year, acoordlng to the report, which timm in order to act on Important Part of the resignations are attribu- has been used each year, Including) bank. , table to the constant dread in which questions which arise. has been made public Fac.h boat had from one to three by tho local the full of 1919 Mexico City, Aus, 16.—-That the The members of tho committee are the police are now forced to live in "A dead line should he fixed ap-' line« and tho fishermen catch as (high committee in charge of arrange- rebellion ot Governor Esteban Cantu I anxious apprehension of attack. Henry W. Jessup, of New York: men ts. as '3o enlmon a day. which they sell proximately at tho point whore the The recruits from across the Chan of Lower California’, against the pro Tn reply. U states, rocommonda- Thoma's (Patterson. of Pittsburg; Gold 'Reach Packing company Is lo to tho canneries at nn avern re of 13 cated, about three miles from tho each, said the witness. He suggested tlon has been made that the bars James D. Shearer, of Minneapolis; nel and soldiers specially detached visional government has been settled mouth of the river,’’ said Huntley In the abolition of all trolling at the in the Various localities be Incorpo- Hugh Henry IRrown, Tonopah. Nev.; for police duty are nicknamed the was officially confirmed today, ac cording to local newspapers. rated, with t-he Canon of Ethics as a ftn<1 Henry J. Carter, of New Orleans. "Rlack-nnd-Tane." ■ advocating a reduction of the com- month of tho river. MEN MEET AMERICANS 111 dflLVftllUn ANN m j